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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1891)
Ill ALBANY. OIIEGON IT. I MY. MAY 1, 1891. NO SOT .fiV'.'UI r.T' il J3;ca(l;ilbin I'lrr, Sli, -DEALER IK t nuucil .Tleutn, SJieeuiwarc-f Vt'KetuliJcH, Kp'cf Tea, Lie., wiylliliijr that 18 Itopl In xcii fciul irrocr? ore. UhjbeM joid for in t'ruKx Itiicro, Wotter, PRiMG WAGONS. Ov I hi i; jlbany fid V J Hi. u a k w Manufacturer fHCISES CSISr A!iD SAVj lACHINERY IRC'! rKO.JTS 9 ALL Ki7D3 OF KZAV IKt) LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AMD BRASS j( CAST1KCS. I attontinn .isld o nairlns ll tnaehinor. its Made on Short Notice 'ii Highest of all in LeaTening Power.- IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iMo, A, ,r c. u - ,i t , . - rt FFSs. 0 cn tho Pacific Co,ct, ami Compriw al! the. Wto I OSMSR Leading Stylc-3 cf f " HvlJV ?' & 'K-vLy;v 1 ntftira pmr9.9 mntr .... rifefD .. .... ir.' !.i'-Pi:iN!.: v. a';on -; i'l; !:;:-; aMj del'.vkuv ui.i.ivucy V.'A(-:cXX, (iNK-llOli.SE tusiiiL'gs v.'Aco?;f.,o;i:.ijoi:sK IH'X yXIE Vi'AC-ONS, ETC. Ii'M'i:.!. Pay .'11. IVrrifs ,".:iTix DKHCUiP'JlON" TO CVLI. Ul'ON ok cokkktoxd wirn u. W8 OuTantoa Cur VLiinlc3 tie Eest, Gur Prinss t;!:a Last Quality CeBsi'Jcroil. S;:eciai Catalogues ami Pilou List Mailed Fres ra ipplkation1 jTH IS WI2ALTH ! I -t.cwr.4 C. WEST'S Xctrvc ar.d Rrnin Trtatmvi't tdfliwciricfor H.vnttiria, Iizui'H8, C'luvul , Nervous Niitiriilia, Il-jiuUftio, N.tvouh l cueil by llio hmi nf alt nlml or tobacco, us, Mi-nt:il Kt'iirfHrtton, H"U. I'.iun of the ultlnjc in intimity ami lumlinu to ml wry, lefth, in?inaturo old ne, biiironnowii l'nx i,oauH.'il by ovcr-i'xt'rtWm nt tfm brain jontwiii' one niontb'n trtatniont, jjl a box M for $5, Hunt by mall prepaid on ruedpt o rVRAXTKR SIX IJOXKS TO CURE AXY h each nnkr rot-flvoil by u fur iix Ihxc, ed with .', wo will wini tli inr-lnscr our arantee U nfnutl the mono; II tho trtst not efft'tt a euro, t: u-ir.'.nl'-o iHsUctl only imniiiii, Druibt, n-lo a-utit, Albany, Or. ANY NURSERIES HAVE OX HAND ator.r nurBpry m vho CorvalHH roail. ono-hnll pm tovn. ns ttt'O r. of fruil fall kinds as osn be fciind any- 0 tho eniirit. If yon conieniplnte (troes It wl'.l pay you to fpt our Id (;et our pi ice. C iituH'Ut'G fife. 1 II VHAH BROWNELX. ar'sr a iicoi NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND f y 1 in swer c r , OREGON, 0. Bfivia a 89 vu.. ALBANY, OrEGON. (itVK I S 510KE, P. If. Trench ki?vij:rai:ro.ul uu'it-. loiv crtim ciieese just rceiaved at Corr-"f1 Meyers, Have you pcn tVe rnil r sui'B T Drink has. j jst rccjivcd ? Thoy sre nl- . Groat rpilarrtinn in!n"i fiirni.;Iim cods 1 V Rent toy. best hunt .Mid ulioe mckeiliD cit7f clrte tlofrs north of Democrat ollic. Wnin'rir, 50a a ifZ"n. ir.crui; 'Z for men Mr Kiai?, j'lst euft of Democrat office. Will & Staik havejtit reuoived a lave and elegant stock r.f lilverware, watches, eto. never betore tfiualU'l in this city. K W Acliinu h Cn ha-.dle me Portland cttr.'int wnlla fr nerrtt rv lota. rheflO walla can o ftirui'livd at half t:.o cost of any other and ar far Ruprior. Krihteu up yeur old ruliljprs and nld bhocfr and makethprn look ha pno as ni-w with Worn s A?m Watoriroo i'tlish. !jnr sale at S3iiuiol E Young's. tv5Pvfe:1 rrm. Pi AMY $ j M V'i'ai Wf3T3T!;i but cures - ? FJOTHINQ ELSE. M KM IM ! 1 1 W'Ii?n I flftail'.ei & Irving, 1 IXEUAL DIRECTORS I Embalmi.ip; Dona Scieutil pLTZ BROS,, Propriotnrs. llfiill llnpof ments of nil kind I cool piece, complfltly pro- tented: and always fmyi. IKY TO liOAN In fnwll and Irie amounts, from six months to t, on frooi Albany and i.uin hi e-iHv wau 011 or mi:rvn raon, First St., Albany, Or. ELPS, Job Printer, j3t.St.Elc;r' Albany i ft UTPH I" 3 6IAYH.H f-Mitri-'t t:rtWVl tho lendinrr rmelv IO, Tho only bu:o remcoyfor I uruscrlU! ftanrl foci 1 j oiiir t fare In nvnmmeuding rvuHsCHEMCiTfl to ail cutit'ri'r. A. J. ti K. 31. I J.. F.(ATril. Il.U (join KrlflClBUJ hTlSAUO A CI NICK, A?ml 1 ! Pcoiiiy Wanted, ,.' or poultry, alivo or ilieiwfd '.Vtllainiitm Kicking Company'! DISEASES OF IVctiliar to tluirSux, an t not T"pe Ptnnaiicntlv ccr'.il lib"u( Ctittln:.', liuniinfr r I)! I irinjf. A cru cily iiiiilccs ;unl a uunnm tc d i itrt Ii; c vry no. 110 i.ialu-r h-n" b: f Tatuli' u. This t at;iicnt. i'or S'.rit-m v. of tir Ilf-xtH' lb Z hi est known t iMcdicro It tid coiiipU-U'U rinov.i tho t-ti kla t; w it'.iou anii or !';'.pi lo l lie paiuMT: . . f- ft . . tiiliur to tluirSux, an t not 1 -roper I o luri, il.eiiiiliiitf nil th;v 'lelicato lollniiilHn nr.d Wetik- li tli 'V wiiulu shriiiK h'oiii (ii-cii.Him: to their ttiiti ,v pliy-b i:.n, )i.riii:incnllv vure.1 in ltK letlun wsijt cer l-.noA ji to .'.itHicino t uhtc, ijv nr i.xiirM "New SKtim of rroiiitn 'tit." It u jmeii:iti.8 beueiiito-urn ary raiiKa:)tl mkes we .k nienitronLp nu'i poihihle, tt ia awavH tivitl 10 icr pert) nnu lotiMiltalhiii ami hpceial;ii. Hut (hose liu cmiiot i.ohm11v call, filiouiil write, fl:ilii.K'Uieir fanefullv. Mtilieine Ben, bv mail or es,n'-F, ncnloil. (rue from exposure, to at! parti of tho I'iiU: i'oat-t , A'wiii. A. Koxell, M. IX t Tniii I l-.iicr.nrj-. BNirllitml. rt'Cn. Corner Lirct ai.d i'ir o uticet p,;ovtr:i'oiuami ANY WEAK MAN Who In mffcriag, either In his minu or body, (rum tho injurious or weakening effects of his own tipioraat follies, abuna and esctwea can bo quickly ami wxtuar nentLycuml. papers free ((jpaled) r J e l :i Third ft tf. OOIC. Portland, Or. Tliia nhl TVvlnr hns had 30 venm' icxijcricnce In curing rriatf!, Ulootl, Ktr- oniiH nnl HLin TUflrflFC. Write to-lluV. Reliable Remedies aent privately to any address. HS C3Y OF MILLIONS CH, 7JCY BKCKI CTOP IT KOW, SOON IT WIIL DC TOO UATC Iidvo tc"n troubled many vcarswi'.h disease cf the kidneys acd have tried ninny dii'lcrcnt remedies and hav Rotiyiit 11 id from ditferent physiciar witinut relief. Altout the ff.thuf Apri' 1 wan Rinlcrinfr f'rem a vltv viok-nt rti.ick that almost nrcstrnted me ia etch a manner tuat I brut over, atduwu it was a! most impossible for t:ie p al tiie, or I t put ou my clvthc.-f, w!ie .;t?:'l iTovitience scm nr. Jieuiey, milh ukkco.n kiuxi:y ti;a, to my hotel. 1 innneJtatvly cum;::enced usiiie l!;i- tea. It had nn almost miraculous effect, anil to the aston ishrjt'U of nil the Kiiesls at the hotel, in a few days.I am bapp to state, that I was n new man. - wil recommend the lea to til afjictedi h:- I have Lllii. C, A. TUPPER, I'rorictor Occidental Hc-tcl. tuiuta Hjsa. Cal. -11,-1 'o All. I W.-,t'rf raic ;omi:n KILE i; Una a 'large nnd complete line 0I1 goods, dolls, doll Imjjiies.ltojV wagons, , vo ocipedos andmnnyotlier rootla which s;o1 to make up a coniplcte nesortment, lieeidca a complete line of lamps of j every description. China crockery, fancy tlecoraieu ware, uiasawaiv, mrn v-na, plush gootls. each as alhum?, toilet eets, autograph books, scrap hook.!, children's A 15 C picture hooks, and all goods t!iat arc carried in a llazanr t;tore, including Roger T.ros. 1S47 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the puhlic in par ticular to the Golden Kule prize imking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, which gives" t lie hust of satis faction, as is attested hy the hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced hy the (h)ldcM Tinlo T.azaar. Kaeh paeknge of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape ol a line piece 01 glass ware. le sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Jiazaur, si you will lie sure to find what yon, and will be shown over the store r.nd be treated kindly bv mv clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jri.ii s GaADv.oiti- The Kaii haven Herald says: "A year aco a huslitlof corn would buy two rounds of sujjar; now it will buy ten pounds, anJ all on account of the McKinley bill." The Herald thus boasts of the blessed bcau ;ies of the McKinley hill. All other republi can pr.peis do likewise. Can It be that these papers are unconscious of the fact t'aat they are cx'olling the nencfiis of a system which they have been denouncing for years-free tiade? If to t lie McKinley bill is due the cred it of enabling the farmer to buy sugar fo cheap why would it not be good policy to pass an other tariff hill treating other n:cessat lei of life in the same way, such as wcol, woo!en gco-Js, coal, lumber, salt, jute sacks, binding t :ne etc, etc. Yrs, tf McKinlcv is tj be praistd for giving us cheap sugar by putting that article under the laws of 'free trade", I then be should give us more of it. Hat is there a republican organ iu the country thai has lhe candor ar.J courage to ask for free binding twine, jue, woolen goods etc? No; and whj? Simply because sugar is a southern product and these proieciionista did not care a pin for the interests of the sou'ri; in fact, they wanted to punish the south for voting the democratic ticket. T.WUXIRAPfnc NEWS An Old I'irrr. Koseul-ei;, Apiil 30. The memberi of the Ruse! .urg Board nfTrade to attend the presi dent .1 reception at I'orthnd will take along as their Kest Jonathin oodruir, an old pio neer of lhi state, ilho pbved the inn ,!-um rorps in the campai.n of General William lknry Harrison at Lvansvi'.ie, Ind, in lk'4'i. lie is haic aud hearty- His fife U in tune an;!, ooiwitlislancling his years and the acci'.niuhtion of Oregon mos, can playVan koc Doodle" in a way to attract the attention of even a mcucy making Amtiican. The old patiiot wants to look upon the descendent of General William Henry Harrison, whorr he assisted in electing president of this great countrj more than fifty years ogi. One of Tin tii l iinahi. Chicago, Apiil 3d A can" of 'Vreen gooJs" inJkrswho hnveltecn fleecinc the unwary hy professing to sell them counterfeit money, r.hich really was pickaxes of lirown P,er, iiss oecn C crating in Ihe west Icr some lime. A lew days ago one of them, named Tyler, Was cleverly napped by a lioitofiice in spector in dbguise. Today J 11 Thomas, nuas Moore, who is said 10 be llii leader of the gang and the cleverest ' green goods" man in the country, was arrested in ' the United Stiles Marshal's office. He boldly entered the office to arrange bail for his pal, when un fortunately for him, he was recognized by a citizen whom he hah recently swindled out of $35 in New York. He was held in SS'joo bail Notice to I'.irtsiEr.s. '.Vantwl at once rtliickrns. ducks, ccese. turkeys, dried frn lo. tmttpr. r-L'srs. and til Kimm 01 inrni .,-...l..r.o f wl.i,.!, r Will I!1V thp hii?h- iFt price in casli or iti cxi-liniigtior good". K. W. .SlMi'sos, Alb.'i.iy, Urcgoa The increase of our fort ign imports would mean not alone loss to our domestic industries and of lal or to our working men, but to our interna! anJ interstate commerce. Senator Dulph. And the Oregonlm boasts that the McKIn ley bill increastd imports for the first six months after its passage about twenty million dollars over the cortetponding six months of the previous year. Anything to hush up the discontent breaking out all over the countty against high taxes. I; may be that Mr President HaHson does not netd to take an encyclopedia along with him in his swing around the circle so that he ma use it in preparing his speaches to the dear people, but one thing is suie: he should either have a copy of the taiiff laws of 1SS3 and 1S90 wiihhim, or he should have n litt'e Washington hatchet. State Senator Myers, of Linn county, return ed from Albany yesterday. He will icmain h the city a few days before leaving on his eastern trip Oicqoniau StllllH'.S VITAUZKR in wl.rt a nerd fm Oo.itip.V.iuu, Loss ( App"tie, His- zirePH, M'd 11 s; iip!.ont of Dyii'-pi . I rice 10 uud 73 centi. pc-r buttst1- We iicure ojjm'hi trmms Ti 1 w ::.::.' t": Vin.fON. Tift hi'st matt oi II. o in ti e city tt C1.111 ad i.ji WHY WILL YOU toui when Shih h's Curu will givo iniiiii'iliate. relief. Vriee 10 cent?, 50 coutt and $1. I'ushay ii Mason, acntH. At the corner i f llruftdulhin and 1st street ouwitl liril C 'i "'nidi aUvnys, in Ike lead in thu itiuury bujiuiss. TlicCoui Bnj Hilt. Marsiifielu, April 30. At a meeting of the directors of rhe Coos Hay. Koscburg 4 Lastern railroad last night. J W Bennett was elected vice-president' vice V V Burnett, re signed, and the officers were authorized to . sign mortgage and negotiate to raise funds, K A Graham, general manager of the road furnishes the Oregonian with the following inloiniation concerning the line: The work Is now progrcsting very satisfactory owing to Ihe fettled weather. The company has floated $2, 500,000 in 6 per cent, thrry year gold Don Is cecureu ny a uceu ol llust lo the l armei's Loan & Trust Company, of New voik, vim cm in a iiui. Eugene, April 30. By a letter received fiom the Tacoma Mining & Milling Company, which is developing the mines an Blue river, t is learred that a representative has started east to purchase the machinery for working their ore. Samples of the ore have been brought out at rtgul.r intcivals all winter, and ispeciallo during the last few weeks. The company has row gone so far that it is satis fied 10 put in a mill, w bice will be e'ene at once. lentil Ufa Pioneer Wiminli. iiiLi.siJOKO,Or. , April 30.-j.Mrt Thomas Stewart, sr , died here vesterday morning and will be buried tomorrow. Mrs Stewart, who was.wn'l known and greatly respected in this t'uwn, was the first ladv resident of liilisboro, having arrived here with her husband in June, 1S47. H;r daoghtcr, Mrs E J Roberts, of Llarrisburg, now litre 13 attend the funeral, was the lirst white child born In Hillebom. The Tela) Sale. Pendleton, April 30. 1 h- sale of resci-vatir-n lanns was completed today. During its progress $79,941.65 lias been paid to re ceiver McClelland, this amount includes improvements, and is something over one third of the total purchase price, which is in the neighborhood of$23o,coo Annie Firinin, with the ?irmiu -Jai:k Dra- nial'. L' the Inly who crj.ttttd tile m t :..i. ... Tir.ii r .n:.. puib in .ti'.ie.v ."iHwei. ill i vi.jiiua grei,t drains, ' The.r.oiv Mogduleue." A new line ef window shade, from 50 j. ntst S1.50 each complete. t Saiuni l K Ynuii.-. .1 .1 f'mnmtiii:. A::rnl r m a t 4;;ii- Jirii iiLji n li i Shoes. FIKST-CLftSS coaos, PiGascLaUa : : Fricss. BhiintierK'x Block. .A. completn lme fS on tss Fvirmshiugs o -A. X. L . -SrS Albany, Oregon. -G.-L. B LAC KM AN,- LEADING DRUGGIST A sn-e cum for til.' whisky fir l.ivlni;st.)ii's ArlidoU' fi.r run will cure any cans of the li...wr nbit in trn to thirty lv", f'";" tl.ii " odi run ilriuk.Tto tho ilrnVtkaril. The An'!i!",'i c n I o (tiven in 1 eup il!V witlii'u! th In o-.i ii-.l ;.'C of thn persn'i takir v P.. Tin- ' l.::it uilt :mt iiijtuv tin' he.iltn in n:iy ;'. i.i:f.ic'nrcd l.v t!io l.iviintston iiemieil C'J , IVviItl.-i, O.-rt-or1 i.r rroni .1 A Curn:' ii".. fh' r.ii.t Aihany. F0!l Bi'SPEl'SIA Mid . iver t'i" vnn lv.m. ft l.rillto ii,,r;tnten lilt PVfT of Shilnhjs Yitali7.T. It never f 'ohay h Mason, acouts. 1st. t.'aj.t, l.ottle etirp. WHOOPIMf (VJL'int and immedi'.tlv relieved by Shilnh's CROUP, Rruni hitv. Cure. SLEUt'LKS.I Nl'ill I S 11 by that ternidu eou;:h. .hi! lieini dy fur y. u. ii.le ir.i'.erjble .h' .Cure is the Kor I inif lack, or MiirWt. n'o S111I0I1 Piiniu! I'lio-ttr. Pi in-, 25oiit. ALBANT DRUGS, MEDIGif.ES STA1 ESiillSTllPf u wH in wr. In lf J;M rs ll hi wi w a t-i OEBGON- It you want tho liest ami most durable funii turf that is manufactu" SiSaaed in the city go to THOMAS BRINK'S CATARRH CURKI), heilthfard w,et s'Cil'l,by .shit. n' C'.Hirh Remedy Price .Ml cent. N .sal Ir.p'eti r f' Ko sha) -i Mason, ogel.l". HIILOH'S COUCH m.d Con-nmptinD Our is so'd by usnti airiri'a'.tAe. It euros cctim npiiii''. l-'m-lmy A; Mason, nei.t, Wrti'.KETO CTstTiikm. When wanting so ornn or rdai a call 0:1 K t. iu - von em cb-t trcm a .'ust class Kxelten.eiil Runs hiith in Alb-'ny st Koihi-v d Ma som'h dnta " ' " rt','in Builder, evervlidv is r.sirii it for ( i.tnrih "f the Stoniueh, Dyirfpnio C'ii.lil' thn nnd Ini pn'e l b" .'.. Tr i- 'l till your frieaos annul it s. it must I Om 'Swini-k.-ful nitriti. when a I pak wil of 1. A S.I INJKC-rOR !' with each ho. tin fShii"h CManh R.ti.idy. Price CO eonti. Kr.h it Mason, gjents Roaiideks Wanted, fur table anil 0110 .ooiu.. inquire at Di-.miii-iiat oilict;. For reid Cfrls msde sp.tiiilly fn- ntallioi . cail or Knnpp, I'.irrt 11 A l7o.. at corner of First and F.llaworth ttnetr. Albany. Or. Jurt srriied a full drenv, -ni-n'ii nr-d l"v .iiiiipM.u'u, wlreti wilt prtce. lire of ladies, ehil n i.-ot m er.r .1. C V' bo sold at bottom yrenetl Tiinxy Wnlt-rs The wafers are a sure and s ifc 1 clfl. for a klndsnf female troublei. ar.. v'!1 remoi all obstrucilom to the inoin 1 period no mutter what the cause. Ti s are ji 11 what evcrv woman neco , at . can be lsed with safety. For sale t til Llvlnr tone Chemical' Co., also fron I' sole ent, J A dimming, druggls', Bi. bcrgb.ick, A Ibnrv, Oregon. IMoiiey lo l.nitii. We have plenty of v oney to loan on n-al cst ite securlti. on two to five years time. Call on lis at oi-r office, opposite th t evcre Iioum-. Blrkiiabt A :r.Rvr.Y. K' rdlng Photoptraphera A auy 'rennn. V have bought all them gativi 1 made by , V Onrk anil W H Groi.i ..nod up to Nov ir.i. mKll. Dunlicatra can be lind from h.m'nnle of os at reduced latos. Wo have -i. .k.1,1 (too neeatirei made by oar- Milvc., from which duplicates can be had at tl:nia:es. Wo carry the on y full line of . I tl.i. st.ts and do enlargi d work at lowcit rstes for first class work. We shall be pleased to see yon at our Htndio in Froman block, noxiuoor v ...r... j. W. f. Ked kei f the best assortment of faucy gncds to towr. .Itellabte aud Atwios the name. Prnr.drctn'e pdls arc the oldest, safest end best hi od puuti..! still purgative known. Piiey are purely vi..-etb!e, therefore harm hs. ar a! ft the snuteaud always orrdnee thn same iflVct. 'IthiT puritativea reiiuiie incruused (iu'ts rnd Hnaily cease aot 111 nlto..:ot!ier. A'iru of one 01 two of UritKitreth's pills tnken etrh right is a peg -trvecuie for ctoivtipntioi., headache snd all bill, its iliiorder. If you cant lake them plain ges them tunr coated. The (INLY pliii-o in the ty where Kast prn tickets can l.i pureha, is of W. L. JiMer, at tho Southern l'aeiliu Co. ticket ef'.ice SUH.OH'SCUKE will immediately re lievt' Criiup.WhiiOpini! L'ouh and Bronchitis. Fo.llay ei Maimi; ainu. SHII.OHS CATARRH REMEDY a poMtivo eaue fur Vt;irih, lliphtheriu and Csnker-Mouth. Fi.shuy & Mason, aRCt.ts. WILL YOU SI" IT PR with Dyspepsia and Ltvr Cuinpiaint? Slnloh's Yitanaer ia guanluteed lo euie y.u. The Democrat witl r l-.ane a sewing nmehiee 01 any make desir.-ri, exnpt cirerr two. foriomeosk rruh voodaid partcsah; or will cnnsidi r other prupi s:tii ns by any one dexirinu a new mchino. 4tt.i ny Market. Wheal 81:0 8 prlD. FttljiS-Inf Hay 10,00 to 18.00, Pntntoei. 0 eta pef bnahclr Boef on foot, 2J4 to 8c A ,-iploa- 60 conta per bu, Pork- Bj.(o r' I" ilrcsaod. Raeons hams, lie shoulders "0 atdes.Oo ..nrd lOoperlh. Flour 4.'i" pnr bbl. ilblekena S.U0 ne' d"' Mill Feed bran. 14.00 per ton shorts', 18. nilddllnm, 20. Ohor- WI. I if ii il 1 . 4 :iany. urceci..