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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1888)
Albany Market Wheat-72 Oats lie Butter 25 it per lb. Ki?R 25c Hay -9,00. Potatotu 5 ot. per bu-4Uf)l. Boef on foot. 8!$i ..pplei 10 oantt por bu. Porn o.'io per 1' iresxed. BlIMl-'ll Ui 1 shoulders, Un. si 1 h In. -jar.l I.i i o ir lb. ptr li')t. ulokem -3 (i t per d'.. IM b'ai 1 brail, lt.O'tpir ton; sa irtt, lii. iailliln;la2. G. L. BLAOTAN, .Successor to E. W. Lanfdou. DEALEREIN DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. FOUND. Just the place to get m-it things cheap auJ nice, in the latest art,Maf hook, trij otls, thermometers, banuarroda wul )i:t mark or crowns painted to order. Nice oil paintings on band, just the nicest tinny you cmltl sa lect for apretieut. Call and ate foi renin elf a Mrs. B. by man Fit door cast of Young's old stand, i FuK SALE BY FOSHA.Y A MAON FOSKAY & MASON, -rDLnui akv utaii Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prieas witi F poatageauaau. ALniNV, OKEGOK. Jos. Webber Announce to his patrons And friends that he is now located in his in the Ko la av & Mason Block, and with able workmen Jl attend to his customers at as reasonable cet as ao other shop. At he h:a t'iree at h -rooms ru mcgli'i .- tare wil be waiting fjr ths. HOW TO CO EAST. Xsb Eait via Muat Shasta Route. Nice climatj and aaauery at all times of the! year See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Ojdvn, Salt Lake, Denver, rinest second-clus cars made are run daily. Buy your tickets of me and save your fare to Portland. I am the only parson in Albany that can sell yoi -ticket from Albauy direct to any point .the United Statos. Call on me for rates, 'j V. L. Jkstkk. Ageut S. r. 0, K. I aim Shop. Houso and Carriage Painters, 'Decorators and Papar Hangers Piano Varnishing. -AH w.trk guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor to Henry Suenens.) Linn unty Bank, COWAN'. IULSTOX & CO., bucceMor to Cowan Jt Cusick.) ALBANY - - - OREGON TRANS ACTS a general bankitu; budneat. DKVMMt l-ll OilVPrSoa New York. San Fran is:oail PjrlUn l, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appioved securltj. HKCG1VE deposit subjeet to check. B. S. I'ihh, tc.$ O. U. Mjjkks Tioxt H. J. MiSTiionx, Pras. 8. Fahaak, Pro. The Oregon Lantl Company Or;anliel f. thispurfKn- cifbuylnor anil aellingr reil tsutfl, K.Ivor. Urn -be Wtltvnm Valley In all of the k'-ilittif ii.'w-.). iH),n of tho Uniteil St ltd, K:nl'tyinK iwirii ftxout4 i' mroi noiiis iL'L'Ker n me vvulam ett Valley, siul h mo amenta in all the principal tiwiii at JUrion, Polk, l.fnn, Uonton, tfaokamu and vtmnlll oountl"4 ut aid in liHMtuiir unmiir rants. OH.''n the Tate Uiiildin; una d.or ot of Stew art &ox', HODSOJf A DICKINSON, Mana?en. DR. C. U. CHAMBERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon rofflce corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON, BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART & SOX'S. foshav & ham Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. a si lemlid stock of BPlush Goods, Toilet Oases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., uor feurrusecl in tli a Valley. aizasj.'V.-.ari-a.-: V7 I'm jolly and fat, though 1 needn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of l.air, but from shoulders to knees yon can sea I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I juke and I chitf; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our augur cured meat,makes you feel 80 content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and yon couldn't get read though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin w.s in pull at your Dose or tread on your toes. If you're fut or your'e lean, if yout'e pleasant or me&n, just give W. & T. a Bhow to sell you lilit low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish yon were fit to enjoy more of that For the fvclins's i'Dtni nee and you'll el.ow your good &u8e by buying grocerie,pro visions and crcckery of W fi T MM Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. FHANCIS PFEI.FFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEUTIONERY, " We are now prepared to Mil at wiol sale, always fresh and pure at PortUnd prleas to dealers. Welso keop a full line of finta and Tropical Fruits, I CIGARS AND TOBACCOS nifrO huftlrtnoolTer 51 Mtisrtion In tb. cure of QonorrhtF. .od UlCft. I pretcrlbtltui) feel sate In recommend. Ing It to .11 nuffere rt. A. J. STOXF.B. H.D., Oceihir, III. PRICE, 91.00. Sold br Druffllta. r.hay A MaMB, WholeIe A(eati, m r TO ft DATS.V WM Btflwaffc El ariMir bribe lollnuetnlcaieg. Conrad Meyer, ' -PROPKlrJTra OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalhin and First Sts., DEALER IN Canoed Frail, Canned Meats, Ulassware, Qaeensware, Dried Frail, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sugar, Spices, Codec. Tea, Ete Ete., In fact everything that Is kept In a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY. OREGON Tiie Leading Cash Dry Goods House of HI ban ' x,- HVY CM-HENDERSONACO'stj . recuiving my MP stock nnd I can give my cuatcDic-xi Itttntar gains than ever as ofl'ered in Allany. Our stock is complete and 1 propose to kffp 1 it cp to theft standard, thall add all the now novelties as fast ss they are in the market. Would call eeptcial attention to the following lines Press Goods,Pluslies,Vclvcls,IIosicry Jcrsics, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 11 Ian hi Is, lio and Shoes. All Iifck is a tboioughin(pccticD of stock. Donniir.F TUKFN IN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. n raiv- - Mail orders piouptlyattendeJ to. II W I. READ, JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer oiCigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C-gan, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschauu and Briar Plpes,and a ' line of Smokers' Armies, Also doaler -, OALTPORNIA. AND 'if ' :