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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1888)
Daily Democrat Ri'lay Evering.DecembBr 21,1888 SYlTtSS A NBTHtfU, EJIton and PubUahera. Published arory day In tb week. Sundtys eiceptod.) Entered at the Post UlUoe at Albany, Or an seooud-class mall matter. LOCAL RECORD. Often the Rkasox This matter of liking or disliking different kind of weath er U considerably a matter of education. It is remarkably well Illustrated in an ex change : "A lady and gentleman recently met on the street and passed the lime of day. The day was warm and showery and the lady remarked upon the pleasantness of the weather. The gentleman who thought quite otherwise replied, 'Oh, in deed I How is that ? 'O I You know this warm weather with rain makes the salmon run,' was the reply. 'I see it makes all the difference how we look at this replied the gentleman as he passed on. Ihe explana tion is simple. The gentleman is a pho tographer and is best suited weather, while the lady is a wife. Kni'Iiiton-Joiiksom. At the home of the bride's father, Mr. Major Johnson, near Peor.a, Oregon, Dec. 19, i838, by Rey. II. Gould, Mr. Lewis Knighton and Miss Emma Johnson, both of Linn county, Ore gon, were united In marriage. Half past eleven o'clock was the hour for the wed ding and when we arrived a little before that time we found that friends had arrived and were still coming which they continued for tome time, until the house was about as full as It could comfortably be. If such affairs are to be repeated many limes in that home there will have to be a special addition put to the house to contain the company. Things are not always on time but at about twelve o'clock friends were all in and all ready and the twain were made one flesh. Soon after, dinner was an nounced and 6uch a dinner. It was not much like dieting for smallpox, so I judge the alarm did not reach there. There were oysters, turkey, chicken, pudding, pie, cakes and cakes and cakes. We were urged to cat until if we had tried to com ply tully we should have been there yet unless some kind friend had gathered us up and borne us gently away. Boon after dinner Mr. Knighton with his bride took nis departure They go to Salem for a visit among friends, expecting to return in time for the Chrismas tree at Peoria, after which they take up their residence at juonroe. 11 G. with clear fisherman's A Close CaLL. Here is the kind of show we just missed being afTictcd with, the troup may be here yet, though : "The Lillian Drew Comedy Co. performed in U. S. hall in this city last Thursday and Fri day evenings. The music was very good but the performance was of the snide order. A very good sized audience greet ed tnem tnenrst nicnt, but they disgusted everybody so that the crowd the second night was very slim." Jacksonville cor. Asnianu necora. A Joke. This morning a roughly d reused man went into a well known Al Dany merchant s store and asked to see some cheap shoes. Several pairs were handed him, which he began handling, re marking at the time: "I want them for the young man at the pest house. I just came from" "Get out of here," cried the startled merchant, and he got. It was all a joke, and even Phil, appreciates it now. How Paid. A great manv people won der how Moody is paid. The 7 digram says : "It isaquestion which few can ant. wer, because the reverend gentleman re fuses absolutely to talk on matters with representatives of the press. "The Lord leaos me, Me teeas me and tie c atlies me." Baid he, when questioned upon the subject, "and He will give meall the money 1 want, and at any time." One of the committee taid to a reporter : "We are not going to pay him a cent He never takes pay for his work. He will not permit a collection to be taken up from his audience. How ever, his expenses are paid by us, and we iiucnu 10 present mm wun a purse when ne leaves, probably coo. But he won' use the money for himself. He has num erous charitable institutions which he con stantly feeds, besides a boys' and girls' scneoi in nit native iew Hampshire vil 'age. As Iowa Letter. A private letter from Frank P. Nlchells, who at one time resided in this city, but who now lives in Iowa, says that the corn crop (the principal crop of that State) was short this year, av eraging about 28 bushels per acre and sells for 18 cents per bushel.' How would an Oregon farmer who sells the wheat raised from one acre for from $14 to $16 like to raise corn and sell it for $5 per acre ? He says they have had a very'dry and warm fall to far. HOME AND ABKOAD Dates, figa, etc., at Pfeiffer 's. Holiday goods at French's. The shortest day of the year. A Bargains io eilyerware at French's. Fresh ohestniltut Francis Pieiffer'a. The mad continues on First street. Prof. Samwell'a trained animals are here. The cars for -Salem's stroet car Hoe have arrived. Low prices prevail at the ''Corner Jewel ry tore. - . . . , j- MrF M Jack, Brownsville liysry man, is in the city. Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot aadshoe repairing. The best confectionary 10 the eity at Fran cis PfeiQer'a. Judge Whitney is apaudiug the winter at San Joae, Cal. An abstract title company baa been incor porated in Salem. ' v E L Power went to Halsey yostordiy to remain over Sunday. Gold and silver watches. Big bargains in them at French's. A big battle is going on in Chicago be tween big and little pills. Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves and sells tbem the cheapest. E D Hamilton baa been appointed Poat- maslor at Philomath.' y Call and aee those Early ' Breakfast stoves and ranges at W C Tweed ale's. . ! For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the Willamette Packing Co's store. . Mrs V B Winn, of this city, bas been in Ashland this week visiting fiteads. Two large bears were killed near Sublimity in Marion county the brat of tbe week You will save money by getting your plumbing and job work done at laecdales, RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE, The following resolutions of condolence were passed by McPherson Post, No. 5, G. A. R., on the 30th, Inst. , Headquarters McPherson Post. No. 5, ) u n k department of Oregon. J Whereas, The Supreme Commander of the Grand Army above has, by a gen eral order, under date of Dec. 7th, 1888, called our esteemed comrade, I. M Adair, to the Grand Army above to serve until the trump shall summon all the comrades to join our deceased comrade there. There fore be It Resolved. That in h At,th nl r-m,.i. Adair our Post has tustalnrH an lrr.rv.i. loss,and that hit sorrowing wife and daught er claim our heartfelt sympathies, and to we eitend the condolence of this j Resolved, That these resolutions h. .or.,,1 upon the minutes of this Post, and that a copy thereof, nnder the seal of the furnished to the family of the deceased comrade and to each of'the city papers for publication. 1 r Albany, Dec. 20th, 1888. A. B. Woodin, N. T. Moore, D. L. Crossem. them Post. CHRISTMAS ! Don't Throw Your Money Away buying silly little toys and gawgawt. Come around to our place of business and get something that will be of utility, both use ful and ornamental. Look over this list and it may help you to make up your mind what you want. FOR LADIES. The very best grade of Shears and Scis sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons of all kinds,Cail Bells,Baby Carriages, Wring ers, fancy sets of Flat Irons, Kitchen Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc. TOR GENTLEMEN. Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and Brushes, the finest Pocket Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Guns, Skates, etc. FOR BOYS, Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes, etc. Thanks. Headquarters McPherson Post, No. 5, ) i uiicm 01 uregon, li. A. K. J Atan adjourned meeting of the post held at their hall on Dec. 20th. the follow! resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of the post are due and are hereby tendered to Miss Bertha "no Messrs. T.J.Overman and Geo. r ish for the active nnrtc i Coll VanCleve, of Yaquina City, was in rama,-ine Confederate Spy." To Misses STEWART & SOX. Lebanon. We are informed that Mr Staver, of the enterprising firm of Staver & Walker, hardware merchants of Port land, has presented the Methodist church of Lebanon with a fine cco-nound bell. Last week S. O. Wallace', who lives about tnree miles north of town, while chopping woou, nao tne misfortune to cut off the second toe of theleft fool On last Tues day a party of men went up to Mealey's, in the mountains, ostensibly to look after the wagon road business. On Thursday R n Drin ana n. j joiner, surveyors, wltn their assislants, went to the same locality. Of course they keep their own counsel, but it is believed some surprising things will be developed in the near future. Express- Albany yesterday with bis pookeis full of sulphur. If you want a tender chicken be aure and Ketone of those new atyle roasters at W C Tweedale'a. A fearful row is reported lrom Silverlon over a dog. Tim Davenport is one of the principal aetata. Lucien Heath, the first secreta-y of state of Oregon, died at Sa'iU Cruz Wednesday. Finetd;'.p'y of Christmas presents in the city, is to ue found at fraaob s "ins lorotr Jewelry atore.' Prices low. The R R agent at Lebanon sava that the recent accident there in which Wm U Wat- kins had two ribs broken, was bis own fauM The voters of Ashland will, to-morrow, take an informal vole on the question wbeth er domestio anim. Is shall be allowed to iun at large A Stinit, a real estate man well -known l'J neiie and Amelia SenHorc tnr t iwieu on yie occasion. To Messrs. Blod gett, Phillips, Crossen, Dorris and Tvler o. F;0. K G. The Juvenile bS, and all others who assisted in making the 7 "uttcss, ano to the audi ence for the liberal patronage bestowed. Jresoived, rhat a copy of these resoultions be furnished the city papers for publication. ssy order ot the post. Albany, Dec. 20th, 1888. , S. W. Reece, f Tabler, Commander. Adjutant. COMING! COMING! Prof. Samwell'a celebrated carnival of novelties, which attracted immense crowds every day for three weeks in Portland at Cort's theatre, will show in the Albany Opera House on Saturday, evening, Dec. 22nd, and give a matinee in the afternoon. 1 his show has the finest and best trained animals in the world. The three famous ponies, the smallest of which is 21 inches high : the great Blondin monkey : the schools of trained dogs and trained goat, separately and combined perform such tricks as to excite profoundest admiration and wonder. Particular attention is called to Frank, the blind pony, and his marvel ous tricks, and Charley, the praying dog, wno prays ter an ; tne leaping grey hounds, which, for long distance jumping, beat the world. Tickets, 25 cents ; reserv ed seats,: 50 cents, for sale at Blackman's, Prices for matinee, 2 5 cents and 10 cents for children. Remember the date. Died Mrs. H. Brink dlH t h- near Eola Wednesday, Dec. 19, at the age of 70 years. She was the mother of Wil- Dnn, a iormer resident of Albany. selling at Cost. Until after the holi. days all my stock of felt hats and bonnet.. Northern Oregon, is lying at death's door Mby hoods, plushes, fancy feathers, etc. -Ashland tsec- 1 -i-- u cany. 10a M. Brush. . . H.. ulihiihii s new oricK. It Will Be a Treat. The concert to be given for the benefit of the Presbyter ian church next Tuesday evening will be one of the finest entertainments of the season. Two trios particularly are said to be very fine, one consisting of Mrs. Lang- don, Mrs. Chamberlain and Rev. Prichard and the other of Mrs. Chamberlain and Messrs. Prichard and Lee. After the con cert refreshments will be served for 10 cents, and a social time generally be had. Admission 25 cents. . A Fruit Farm Several weeks ago two brothers named Tryon, arrived in Albany from near Kansas City, and, liking the Country, one of them returned for their famines and effects, arriving here yester day, and in the meantime the other re maining here a few days ago purchased theCrowder place, consisting of 126 acres of Dr. Amos, paying $4700 for it, includ ing machinery and a team. Their effects, I consisting of furniture, a horse, cow, etc., were Drougnt to tnis city from Kansas City in 9 days by freight. They will de vote their time to fruit culture, "for which the Crowder place is well adapted. Not so Inflated A gentleman now In the city has a farm in Kansas, six mile from Kansas City. A couple years ago h e was offered $250 an acre for it, and another farm a little nearer the city sold for $500 an acre. Now the biggest offer he can get tor nis place fs $193 an acre. The Doom, you see, has lost its inflation. CA Big Head. Mr Striker, representing the famous Stetson hat, has been in the city, L. E. Blain giving him a good order for this leading hat. We have generally thought we had a young man here with the largest well proportioned head in the United States; but Mr. Striker says his house has a regular customer In a school teacher in Iowa who wears a y hat, while ours is. only an bfc. Expecting Him. Mr. C. H. Luderman, of Albany, has leased the store now occu pied by J. D. Fountain, and will put In, he says, the largest and finest stock of boots and shoes ever opened in the state south of Albany. Mr. Luderman has been in the shoe business many years, and after look ing over the field was satisfied that an ex clusive boot and shoe, well stocked, well managed will pay- here. He will arrive here with his family sometime in Februorv. and wi'l be ready for business about the first of March Ashland Tidings. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first- class tea and warranted to give satisfac tion. The Two and Only Cases To-day is James East's critical time in the develop ment of the small pox with which he is af- nicted, and he is said to be hanging by a thread. If he passes to-morrow he will stand a chance of recovering. Dutch Henry is said to be doing well with the chances in favor of his coming out all right. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany is a girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's. We cannot imagine a finer Christmas pres ent. By all means at least call and see it. Clothino A large and complete 11 n gents' clothing and furnishing goods at .v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he will sell during the coming week tor $2.50. Some One Cried Fire. About mid night last night a cry of fire was heard on First Street, uttered in a startlingly loud manner. Fortunately it transpired to be only a chimney burning out at Mrs. East's; "ui it made a big blaze tor a tew moments. "Hanged by the neck nntil you are dead" has gone out of date in New York. A me tropolitan Judge in pronouncing the death sentence aays instead : "Touched by an electno wire in the most vital part of your anatomy until sensation ceases. Baby carriage at Stewart k Sox's. with lang fever at Meilford. ord. Wm Pfeiffer, postal agent on the Narrow Gauge from Portland to Airlie, is in the city spending the holidays, the guest of his pa - enta. There la soon to be a conference between Astoria and Salem In reference to the pro posed railroad to run from tbe former city to Albany. Oar bachelor friend of the Lebanon Ex- vress is getting desperate, and this week tranticly ones; "Unly one more weott 01 leap year.'' A letter received to-day by Rer Irvine. from tbe Warm Springs Agoncy, announces the serious illness of Rev T J Wilson, with gastno fever. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, eto. Francis Pfeiffer can dobetter than anywhere elso. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary . Prof Samwell's carnival of novehties Satur day afternoon and evening will be a treat for people interested m trained animals, isy al n cans go aud taae your children . Prof. Samwell with his trained animals to morrow afternoon and evening at the Opera House, ny all means go and take tbe young sters. It will only cost 2d cents. A farmer writes to a Portland paper that he will iurnish Chinese pheasants alive for $-'0 a pair. Lmn county ought to be able to beat that, iney are wanted in Montana. Miss Bertha Adair, daughter of I. M. Adair, recently deceased, is organizo7. class in music We understand tbe is well qualified and deserving of a good patronage. A dealer in holiday goods tells the Demo crat that his trade so far this week has been considerably ahead of last year for the cor responding days. That shows we havo some sensible people. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner Jewelrv Store" and see his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices,which will be found very low. Thos H Hicks, the business manager nt thk SUtinirm. at Portland, and a writer on it. M M Barnett, have just been indicted at that city for libel, the victim oeing a laoy. boarding bonse keeper. Mr Fmriarick Bruckman. who reoentlv purchased the Hocbstedler residence in this city, yesterday, purchased through Burkhart & Kecney the Isaac Holman farm in Ben -ton county, consisting of 262 acres, for which he paid 5,000. Mr, E W Lanadon. of Albany with her .;;nT rfnliohted those who attended the ladies'bazaar at the Congregational churoh last night. Mrs Langdon hss an excellent voice whioh ia under perfect training, Salem Journal. ASiice Christmas Present -FOR YOTJR GENTLEMAN FRIENDS Wonld be a box of Julius Joseph's fine home manufactured cigar orose of his fine meerschaum pipes. sTCall audjsee his fine stock of . .... .SMOKEKS ARTICLES, F. i. m HI 1 wit -DEALER IN- A Montetih &Sei tenbach having" their IMMENSE STOCK of Gen Call early before 'the stock is bro Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES NEAR THEaPOSTOFFlCE, ALBANY.&OR. GREAT decided to close out their Albany business offer eralMerchandise for sale without reserve at COST ken.