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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1888)
Albany Market. Wkeat-72K BuUer i5 1 u r Hi. Efifrs-23t Hay -9,0(1. PoiHtoa -vi m iwr lvithl. Beef fin f . :' ..,"plex 41 cent pir nu. Pons ij' i J inr l' ittHsn.t. Lin 1 1 - i i i 1 ' 3 i. 1 1 i1 I , 1 1 1. ii I . ;1 1. Lrl-li- . !. Mrtlr 1.: i. rthh'i I'M -1 ! iir I 1 1 ill r?9 i - i-i'i I t.l I ir c in in I t i i PjK SALE BY FOSHAY MA?ON FOSKAY & MASON, TIOUTiALl AND R1TAU Draggi.sis and Booksellers, AifftMitMJb: Jolrt If, Ai.iHii'M publications, ft'hiou w Hdi - i: .t'jr' 77:091 with Hew and Second Hand Store Owin to me increased tiomauds of, our business we have h-een couipallel to move Into a larger store anil we can no v be found n-,xt door to S, K, Youn, wiieri wo will be pleased to see our prtrons. II you coed any stoves, f irnlture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, plcturns, fruit (ars, ticnks, books, roller skates, "mHIos, saws, plart93, eto 1 and a laousind dif fereut nd use articles you ca n it do better his sidi of San Fraaciioo than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany. Or. Jos. Webber Announced to his patronx ind friends that he is now located iu his uer shoo in the Fo h ay & Ma3on Block and with able workmen H attend to his customers at us reasonable ceasauy other Bhop. At he has three aih-rocms runnicg) n - there wtl be waitin far h'ths. HOW TO GO EAST. Gj Eut via Mount Sliatta Haute. Nice climate and scenery at all times of theyear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Oden, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-class cars made are run daily. Buv your tickets of me and save your fare to Portland. I em the only person in Albany that can sell you a ticket from Albany direct to any poiut in the United States. Call on me for rates. , V. U JKSTEK. Aaent S. P. 0, K. I aim Sliup- House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Siieessir to Henry Suesens.)' unty Bank, ' COWAN'. RALSTON & CO., MK-oeMort to Cowan & Ciulck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking biulncu. SHUvV-si 1 II l.lVKrSou Ndr York, Sa.i Fran U?'iail l'.rtU'i'l, Oivjjon. LOAN MO.i'EVtm apniofcd socurtty. KKl KIVK deposit subject t) check. II. J. Mivnionx, Vr:. a. Fai;l 'm Frj.. U. 8 1'wr, 8 c " 'J II. -M a Ttoas The'.h'cgon Lanil Company Or--niz tlunurp no ofbuvinir and Bellinir reil eUM, Ail v r .he Will vntte Valley In all of the h'xdtii! iiiv,'4.i;ni ot the l'nile.1 State;. Employ iny histcrii a,'itiU tt airti-t tiotnc stH-kar to 1 110 v niaui etto V.illov. mnl h nn a en H in all the iirinciiKil lot n ( Miri-m, I'.ilk, l.inn, llt'titon, Clit-kamas atul lammll count to to anl in lHUtin? Unruiimut. Olfi tin fate U'lililirijf one iloor t of art &,& -x', H0D3ON A UICKINSOS, ManaTcis. DR. C. U. CHAM3ERLIN, HomeopatMc Physician and Surgeon WHce corner of Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON, BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWAKT & SOX'S. FOSHll Mason, Holiday Goods. Santa Class Headquarters. -cir-rj'"" a l leiidiil stock of "Plush Goods, Toilet Cases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor f-urpassad ia lha Valley. I'm jolly and fat, though 1 needn't say that ; tor a glance at my size and u look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of l.air, but from shoulders to knees you can sea I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaG'; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll tip and confess what yon never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured ineat,makeR you feel so content with the mcney spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get iuhiI though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin wan in pull at your nose or tread on your tots. If you're fit or youi'e lean, if youi'o pleasant or menn, just give W. & T. a show to sell you liuht low, jou will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish you were fat to eijoy more of that For the ft linj;'s i'nmense and you'll Low your good h'tge by buying groceries, pro visinnM and crockery ot W 6 T Wallace k Thoiiipsow's Fat Man, . Plinu Block, Albany, Or. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. ivnd Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEUTIONERY, We are bow prepared to Mil at winli. sale, always fresh and pure at Porthnd pries to dealers. We also keep a full iiuo of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, I CIGARS AND TOBACCO:-. IBIgCS has iilven univer sal satisfaction In tba cure of (ionorrhepa and Gleet. 1 prescribe Hand feel saf o In recommend lug It to all nufTcrers. Bl.J.NT(-fcK, M.D., Decatur. III. rnicE. si.oo. Sold bT UrMHlit. Foshay A Slrfaon. ITtaolraalr A sen it. SScm la B JQmmatd ni Ml C-i urdMiybruw Conrad Meyer. PROPKHT"3 Of- STAR BAKERY, Cnraer Broaialbin ana First Sts., DEALER IN Cuuneil Fraits, Gla-txnare. Dried Fraits Tobacco, Sonar, Coflee. Etc,, Cain net Meats), Qneennvrare, Vea;etables), Clgr, Spires, Tea, Etc., In fact everything that Is kept in a Ren ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. W , F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Ufa HUi;C.M. II EN DERSON&CO's" . r.)J)iviii my fall stock nnil I can give my ciibluDitis leterbar gains than over was offered in Albany. Our stock is complete Bnd 1 prnprfe to krep it up to tlestandard, fIiU add all the new novelties as fast as they are in the market. Would call tpptcial attention to the following lines Dress Goods,riiislics,Yehels,IIosiery Jersics, Gents' Furnishing Go (His, lUankets, lioots and Shoos. All lank is a;ihoiougliiDtptctinn of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptlyJattendcJ to. W .F. HEAD, r rr?r yvjp'tte.yiwwm mm- i r '2f2iJt JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer olCigars AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST j ::, Plug annSniokiiiR Tobaccos, Meerscbauid and Brjsr Pipes, Wand lineofSmoksra' Ar.ales, Also dealer i- OALTPORNIA AND TiO?I31'j 1 ; .' .