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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1888)
Daily Democrat Thuislay EvBning.DecembBr 20,1888 lYlTtSft t NUTTIVU, Editors auu Publishers. Published evory day In the wrote BumUys excepted.) Entered at the Pont Olttce at Albany, Or an Moond-claiw mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : j)ollvflre(l by oari per week , .. fly mail, per your. By mAil, per month 60 RATES FOR WEEKLY : One yr, In tdranco One year, t end of year JJJ Six months, in advance l,w LOCAL RECORD. Mean Si-iiuted. Really Isn't It mean for one section of a big State like Oregon to be everlastingly picking at another sec tion on serious matters. Joking is all right, but when It comes to the condition of sea ports it is a different tiling. Oregon should h. hnlit r wether, one port as well as another. Though the "Republic" and ii i.,.n nt the Pacific" were wrecked at the Columbia bar wc don't want to swimp the whole river. The Pioneer says : "The managers of the Oregon Development Company, have at last began to act as though they understood the kind of a har bor they have at Yaquina, and as a result have obtained a steamer just the right size for that dangerous port. The new steam er, which will be placed on the rout imme diately, is the "Santa Maria," a small wood en vessel about the size of the "Alliance," which plys between here and Gray's har hor. The "Santa Maria" wan built at San Francisco in 1884, and registers 2V) tons. Her dimensions are. length, 142 feet, beam 31 feet, depth of hold 13 feet, liy watching her chance she can undoubtedly enter the harbor in safety whenever business will justify her doing so." Wc will show the Columbia river people in time a harbor at Yaquina that will do all that is claimed for it. The recent wreck was not caused by the bar at all. The size of the "Santa Maria" has nothing to do with the harbor, It was hired because it was the only boat available. Just Elected Geo. A, Hartman, a Democrat, has been declared by the Su preme Court (o have been elected County Clerk of Umatilla county over John II. Young, though Young had a plurality on the oflicial vote. Judge Strahan delivered the following opinion, which Is sound : The elective franchise is a sacred political right which the law seeks to guard and protect and not to destroy. All laws for the government of elections were design ed to enable the elector to signify his will by his ballot and to give that will proper force and efficacy. Our institutions rest upon the fundamental Idea of a free ballot, nd It would never be safe to say that the means designed by law to secure the right hould be used as the most effective wcai on far lis destruction. In passlnir on the questions submitted in this case the court has not felt justified in adopting any narrow or merely technical rule. The right involv ed is too important to be dealt with in that spirit. 1 he yoters all used paper furnished by the Secretary of State for that purpose and were therefore within the letter of the statute. 1 hey were qualified electors, and no fraud was alleged or shown. The court is asked to disfranchise them on the sole ground that the paper was tinted and had been furnished by the Secretary of State one year prior to this election and this was a remnant left over. There was enough to answer the purpose of the second elec uon, ana we are unable to find any law prohibiting its use." Slausson-Irvine Wedding. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 19, at the resi denceof Uon. R. A. Irvine, Mr. Allen B Slausson, associate editor of the Oregom'an, and Miss Mary A. Irvine, one of Linn county's life long residents and among the valley's most accomplished young ladies, were united in marriage. Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D.. performing the ceremony, in the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends. After a very Impressive cere mony a bountiful repast was spread and the evening was spent in extending hearty congratulations and good will to the happy couple, who have left for Portland, across the river from which, in East Portland, will be their future home. A Project. Capt. Willard Young has presented a report to the board of engi neers at Portland, the principal feature of which is the building of a nor:h mid tide jetty at Yaquina bay, extending fns tat north head along and behind the reef for a distance of 2300 feet, leaving an entrance width of about 1000 feet. The project also proposes to raise the south jetty to full high water mark, which by his estimates will require 20,000 tons of stone. The width of the entrance proposed, that of 1000 feet fulfills two essential conditions, namely, it corresponds fairly to Interior widths near me moutn and it gives reasonable facility to vessels seeking entrance. It is not, how ever, expected that the ship channel, be tween me jetties, will be wider than the interior channel, which is about too feet. Of the several projects presented, the board decided that this is the most practicable. and accordingly reported in favor of its adoption. The estimated cost of this new jetty is $91,500. Preparatory work has al ready been started on this new iettv. Near 'y $250,000 has already been spent on the south jetty. Notwithstanding the sneers from some Columbia river papers, Yaquina is bound to become a good harbor, and that is me irouoie witn mem. Axotiii'.r Point While Marion coun ty's assessment Is less than Albany by a million dollars it's total tax to be raised is about $15,000 more, hence its rate is much in excess of ours being about 20 mills. Of course this will not make much difference with men who cheat the State and county in the amount of their assessment, as a great many there do, but to those who are not favored it is a great Injustice, There is something decidedly rotten in Marion county's assessment, and we only mention it because it is a public matter and affects everybody. The General Experience The Prineville News says : "If you desire to become perfectly innocent of any and all knowledge of the workings of any railroad company, and of the O. P. especially, you must have a long talk with one of the di rectors, or other officials connected with the road in question." Moony, Both Salem and Astoria claim that Moody will be at those places; but we ire informed that he will not go to either place. He has to be in San Francisco on January 6, so that, leaving here on the 4th it will just give him time to make the con nection. Don't Lie. A gentleman from the country afler being in Albany went heme and told that he counted forty yellow flags here. They must have been all express there are only one up In the city. Died At Sodavllle, Or., on Saturday, Dec. 13th, iSSS, Ursual, daughter of Mr. F. Healy. Consumption was the cause of her death. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before Jan. 2. Mr. Jacks, traveling secretary of the Y. M. C. A., was in the city this morning and In company with Prof. Lee called at the Democrat office. Mr, Jacks has been visiting the colleges of the state making arrangements for the appear- of Rev. Moody in Albany on January 2 which day will be deyoted to the students of Oregon. The opera house has been en, gaged and everybody will be admitted students only being given reserved seats. air. jacks stated tnat there would be dele gates here from Willamette university, pruuuuiy sevemy-nve, me stale university, Forest Grove, agricultural college at Cor vallis. Philomath, Monmouth and New- berg, probably one liur ilred fifty in ail all of whom will be e itcrtained by our citizens, wnetner Kev. Moody will be here on the 3d or not is not settled on pos itively, but he probably will, nor is the pro- grain arranged yet. , Wheat.- -There are about ico.ooobush- els of wheat in the Albany Farmers' com pany's warehouses awaiting shipment; but instead of keeping on the up grade wncai is going uown. it nas otten been wondered why sales wers so slow when 78 cents was oeing paid. Selling at Cost. Until after the holi days all my stock of felt hats and bonnets baby hoods, plushes, faucv feathers, etc. Special sale, call early. Ida M. Brush first door -ast Strahan's new brick. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co s. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first class tea and warranted to give satisfac tion. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany Is girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's. We cannot Imagine a finer Christmas ores ent. By ail means at least call and see it, HOME AND ABKOAD Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer 'a. Holiday goods at Frenoh'ii. Baby carriage at Stewart & SoxV. Bargain in silyerware at French's. Fresh chestnutiat Francis Peiffer's. Low prices prevail at the ''Corner Jewel - rystore.'' Go to P, J. Laportes for your boot andjshoe repairiug. The bast confectioaary ia the city at Fran ois Pfeilfer's Dr. Avery, the bustling dentist, of Cor- yallis, is in owo. Stebbins, the great singer, will be in Al- baay with Moody. Gold and silver watches. Big bantams in them at French's, Crawford's masquerade has been postponed to some future day. Mr Elmer Hamiltoo. of Oakville, has been doing the oity to-day. Tweedale carries the boss heatiog stoves and sells them the cheapest. Call and see those Early Breakfast stoves and ranges at W C Tweedale'a. For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the Willamette Packing Cos store. It will cost Salem 120,000 to get Mr Kay's woolen mill there. Can it raise it. Mr M Loosberry and Miss Eula Skiuworth were married at Coryalhs yesterday. Articles incorporating the Eugene Citv street railway have beeu filed at balem. You will save money by settint? your plumbing and job work done at Tweedale'a, Rev C II Mattoon is now residing at In dependence, where he is getting up a church tustoiy. Him. Jeff Meyers, the lumber magnate of th 1 Upper Santiam, was in the city yesterday. Harry Woodin, of Portland, is in the city pendiug the holidays with bis parents and mends. Mr Baker, of Middle Bridge, broke a lee a few days aso by falling with a feDce some stones. Mr. William Ushorne, of Eugene was taken with a stroke of paralysis the first of the week, If you want a tender chicken be sure and get one of those new style roasters at W C 1 weedale's. Tne divin-z outfit used at the Bay in ex tniiug the Yaqaina Bay, was taken to Sin Francisco to-day. Dutch Henry was moved last night from the caliboose to a little structure near the Jewish cemetery. Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to be tound at Franco a "ine corner Jewelry otore. Jrtces low. Games Fisher and Martha I risncr were married at Salem Sunday on a license obtain ed Deo. 31st, 1887. Wonder why the long delay. That trono that was to be here to-nicht, we understand has about run on to a sand spit. It makes little difference to Albany people. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc. Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere else, Ketnember this in getting your holiday confectionary. Mr James Powell, the handsome Assistaut Cashier of the First National Bank, arnyed home from an extensive trip to the Sound country last evening. We understand a Mr Knighton and the oldest daughter of Mayor Johnson were married at Peoria yesterday ; but have not received tne particulars. Prof Samwell'a carnival of novelities Satur day afternoon and evening will be a treat for people interested m trained animals, uy ai means go and take your children. We are infoimed that after all our New Year's eclipse will not bo a total one at AI bany, but it promises to be a pretty sight and no smoked glaaa will be needed if thu tog continues. Mr Merrill informs os that about 809,000 feet of his logs, have been floated down the Calipooia as far as Crawfordsville; The prospects are good for the whole lot of logs reaching Albany tins winter. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner Jewelry More and see his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices,which will be lound very low. The Portland Business College, A, Armstrong, Principal, is one of the pleasant- est institutions the Democrat has business relations with, and it is as reliable and busi ness like in its treatment of pupil?, we under stand. Tangent What farmers need most from the lewis lature is the repeal of all laws made for the benefit of lawyers and the sporting fra ternity, who roam over our fields oulllni down fences and letting stock into crops. rsor are ttiey very particular if they bag a stray chicken or two if they happen to stray too far from the'r roost. As the holidays draw near feminine minds are turned for ways and means to supply the loved ones with suitable pres ents. The days of costly gifts donating quite as often the givers pride of money or forced obligation as friendship or love are iappny over. 1 he question of the money alue of a gift should never be taken Into consideration, and there are many little presents of trilling value in themselves which pre highly prized because of the love and care which are bound up In them. The public school at this nlace will close ! me law term next rrluay, T. J. Beard, son of John and Mary Beard, of this place left the first of the week after a short visit, for his home in W. T. By the way Tom has been absent for eleven years luun, as luif.uiur as ever. W. Walker, of Forset Grove Is visiting relatives in and around Tangent. Clothing A large and complete 11 n gents' clothing and furnishing goods at v. B. McIIwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he wil' sell during the coming week for $2.50. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro Dedication. The Baptists of Indepen dence will dedicate their new church edi lice on Sunday, February 3rd,i8S9. From Inent brethren from abroad are expected to be present and take part in the services. Brethren from other churches and friends generally are cordially Invited to attend if possible. It is expected to protract the meeting for several days. CHRISTMAS ! Don't Throw Your Money Away buying silly little toys and gawgaws. Come around to our place of business and get something that will be of utility, both use ful and ornamental. Look over this list and It may help you to make up your mind what tou want, FOR LADIES, The" very best grade of Shears and Scis sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons of all kinds.Cail Bells, Baby Carriages,Wring ers, fancy sets of Fiat Irons, Kitchen Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and Brjshes, the finest Pocket Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, Revolvers, Gun-, Skates, etc. Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes, etc. STEWART & SOX. A Democrat man has been through Mr. Julius Gradwohl's finely equipped store, and is able to report one of the finest stocks in the Northwest, probably none better in the State. He is carrying a very superior stock of crockery ware, having the latest patterns in the market. In toys and children's nlav things generally the variety carried is as tonishing, everything almost from a tin whiotle up. His stock of Roger Bros, silver plated ware is a good one and in plush goods he keeps a large stock of toilet sets and al bums. Whst yon eanuot find at Mr ;rl- wohl'a for the holidays is hardly worth get- nog. Letter List. Following is the list of letters renuinlnir In the Port Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Dec, 20, 1883 Persons oiling for these letters must give th data on which they were advertised : Bums. Michel r1m,p Rm w Colemsn, Louis Cameron, Mrs Addle rnuoiir, jonn Lake, Tom , B 8 Murphey, John M.ttoin, A R Robinson. Kranic loung, c W Grageon, Ludwiff: It. THOMPSON, P.M. COMING! COMING! Prof. Samwell's celebrated carnival of novelties, which attracted Immense crowds every day for three weeks in Portland at Cort's theatre, will show in the Albany Opera House on Saturday, evening, Dec. 22nd, and give a matinee in the afternoon. This show has the finest and best trained animals in the world. The three famous ponies, the smallest of which is 21 inches high ; the great Blondin monkey ; the schools of trained dogs and trained goat, separately and combined perform such tricks as to excite profoundest admiration and wonder. Particular attention is called to Frank, the blind pony, and his marvel ous tricks, and Charley, the praying dog, who prays for all ; the leaping grey hounds, which, for long distance jumping, beat the world. Tickets, 25 cents ; reserv ed seats, 50 cents, for sale at Blackman's, f rices lor matinee, 25 cents and 10 cents for children. Remember the date. ASice Christmas Present -FOR YOUR-- GENTLEMAN F31END Wonld be a box of Julius Joseph's fins home manufactured cigars or one of his fine meerschaum pipes. JJ-Call and'see his fine stock of SMOKERS ARTICLES. L BENTON -DEALER IN- Big Travel. So large is the travel on the Southern Pacific that theie Is a prob ability it will take two trains within a year to do the business of the road. The pros pect for a big immigration to Oregon was never better than now, and places that ex pect to get some of the benefits should be up and stirring. Nursery. J. F. Backensto Is the ac credited agentof Vancouver Nursery, Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at An"w, Oregon. Dr. M. H, Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices ; and warranted to give satisfaction. Better and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES'! NEAR THE.POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.&OR. SALE. out their Albany business offer for sale without reserve at COST