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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1888)
AaA a.'aaii.ii 'li"" " Albany MarkM. Wheat-71 Oats 25c Butter-2S its par lb. Errs-25c Hay -9,00. Potatoea-.5 ots lir b'nlwl. Beef on foot.SK pples 4') cents pur bu. foric-6!o par U .resssd. Bu i n - it in U 'a ). s' i il I ir, Ui. si In Hi T. ir i -I " i if l'. Vlo'i' l.i '" bill. Tilelcarts-l ) pjr '! .. Till b'iJl-bra, U.Olpar ton s'nrts, 11. mil I'M S',i'2. onor -.VIA.- Soutliern Paoiao Company's Line. TUK JIT. SS 1ST! KOl'TE. Tim. between Albany anfsaa Francisco. 35 hours oauporxia mra ikaiss Between Portland1 anil " Francisco, Sooth North too p a I Leave Portland Arrive I 10:15 A a SIS ru Leave Alb my Leave :5 A M 1 Arrivo San Francis Leave I 7:00 P a loiai. PASslsosa traim PAU.T except Sunday). awm a ii I Leave Portland Arrive 3:45 P a f flo r a I LVa Albany Leave 11;85 A a fcWP M Xrriv. Emrene Leave 9:00 a a tocat rwnin trains daili, bxckpt susdat. S.-20 p a s:opa 12:59 ra 1:36 r a Leave Albany Arrivo Lebaiun Leave Albany Arrive Lebanon Arrivo I 0:30 A a Leave 5:45a a Arrive I 2:45 p a Leave S:UUpa PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TlirovigU. Tickets To all points SOUTH -A-ISTD EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. Tourist Steeping Oars F.r Accommoil alio -.1 sccond-tlnas bcm, altae!ic.l Kv;ire Trams. Weal -Me 1'lvl.Hou. BETVTEEY WrilW AM. foaVAlLW. tsais daim (! aim lay.) 1-11 a a I Lcavo Portland Arrive I :J P a TiL a Arrive Crv.ll.s Leave I 1:30 a axmiM waih daiit (exejp'. Sunday. f5l)raLei're Portland Arrive I J:00 a a oo p u Tr.i-o M..i,.villo Leave I 5,.., A a ., .,i nni-vallla connect with trains ol Ores in PaciS.0 Railroad For lull information,lln rates, nuns, etc., Jlmtir Viit i. r. - k' ifi YAQUINA ROUTE. Dragon Pacifio Railroad, - aton Development Company's Steam ship Line 225 MILES SHDilTfi... 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other routs. First-olass turougr, panaeuK freiBht line from Portland and all points lathe Willamette Valley to and from ban Francisco, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hoait," The S, Bent- The "Three Sisters" are In service for both passenger and fretitbt traUio be tween Corvallis and Portland e-nd Inter mediate points, leaving Company r wharf Corvallis, and Messrs. Hulman & Co s wharf, Nos. 209 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week as follow . NORTH HOUND. Leave (MrvallH, Hon lays, Wednesdays and M davsat. a. in. Albmy. U:3I a. m. Arrives at 8a em Leave Salem Tuesdat, Thursday and batur Jav aid a. m. Arrive at Portland 3:30 p. m. SOUTU 110U.NU. o o I'm jolly and fat, thouh 1 needn't say that ; for a glance at r,iy.i,iz:i nrl it look in my eyes, and yon plainly can see there's no llina upon me. I'm a little bit shorl both 01 breath and of liair, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I smile aod I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness "lies, so I'll up and confass what yon never could guess. A Rood thing to eat Is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as OHr sugar eured meat.makes you feel 80 content with the money spent that you're bound to feel ylad ; and you oouldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give V. & T. a bliow to sell you right low, you will feel nh .thrill nf con tentment until you'll to enjoy more of that immense and you'll sense by buying visions and of AV & T W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Mban, wish tou were fat For the feeling's slow your good groceries, pro crockery Wallace & Thompson's Rat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. Fine hohsss. We have just brought from a)te Oregon, a lot of fine work horses fci we will Bell on term3 to suit the time Among them are soma promiNing youu driveia trocn Oneco, Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also Some choio heavy a ares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a horse will do well to look tleai over. We wiil take pleasure in shtiw to all intending purchasers. ..... w . IVnJnuA.T. lllri Frid Leave ronianu auaj, - Jay.ata m. Arrive at Sale... 7:15 p. u.. Le.,e BaleiB ruosuay, inursuj j - Arrive at CorvallUat 3;30 p. m. Boats make close connection at Alban erith trains of the Oregon Paaiflu Kailroad TIMB S JllgPULB. (eX';oit Siinilays.) I.eive Albany, 1M) P. a, .Leave Yaunlna. S.45 A,a. Leave C.irllu, 1:10 P. a. I Leave Corvallis.lO:. A.a. Arrive Vsiiuina, 5:30 P. a. Arrive Albany, 11.10 A. a .. or Alhanv anil tj. it ty. trains ..- - - Corvallis. The above trains connect at Vanuin with the Oregon Dove opiueiii. ;orupiny' Linn of Wuwmships between t aiinlnu ana tAn r ruu. NAIblXU DATES SJK IMKftl. FaoM SAX KHAXcimo. rKou vami ixa ,. ..... .j.u W...I n..rt. i-ih Willarae'.lo a'ioy, innra, wvw. . ; ---- Valley, Moll. Deo. 17tll M in. Doc. Jlth AillaiUMtio vaiicy. on"' l',-u Tlio Company corves the rlghtj to ehaiiKS smiiuo, u.ties wununi. wd. N. 11. Passengers from Portland and nr:ll ir..ll..., H f tllfllfS fllOSe V IIIHIIID'AD vianuv 7 ouue!ti?n with tho trains ot the aquina route at A.,i,i,iv or Corvallis, and il des tined Ui Sm Kraneisoo should arrange to arrivo ar. Y iiiiua the evening before t'ale of sail uis Tallman, Or. f Jrto b datslH a rjiaruietil not vam ffjLM C4DN BtrtMHTte " El lirdonljby tho 1 Cnni Chsmicil Co. m vuwiiuuu,au Jr Trd Big G hMgiven univer sal satisfaction In tho cure of Oonorrhoeft and Ulcet. I prescribe It and feci safe In recommend ing It to All sufferers. i. J. STONER, M.D., Decitur, III. PRICE. Sl.OO. Sold by Druggists. Fosbny A Mafion, WtaoleMile Aarntu, Jos. Webber a a kia nftfmne inrl friends that aUUUUUU. w ...a . he is now locaten in nis new n"i "i " -shay & Mason Block and with able workmen .:n .a l.ia .n.lnmara at aa raaBOnialile nrices as aov other shop. A ha has three i-ro m run nm i nn u ,it . I f if li. C. J.DILL0I& CO., DEALERS IS LUMBER, FLOORIMC, RUSTIC, ETC, General Job Work, Dressing awl Sawing Lumber. Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. t Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring, Factory at foot of Lyon Street. , rnni ri .. my Ml stock end I can Rive my customers helterbsr ' gains than ever was offered in Albany Onr stock is complele and Iprrprvo.o kr,P it rp .,, tbej.lsndan), .hall add all tho new novelties as fast as they are in the market. Would call esptcial attention to the following lines Dress Goods,Plushcs,Vclvcts,IIosierj' Jersies, dents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boots ami Shoes. All.Iank is a tboroufchMiiErection of slock. PR0DUCE1TAKENI IN EXCHANCE FOR C00DS. HOW, TO GO EAST. Go Kast via Mount Shasta Koute. Nice . , L .11 - .kA'vaar climnto anil s"uory au an iim-a moj. Sco Mount Shasta, Sacramento, 0,;ilcn, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-class cars I made are run daily. Buy your tickets o me , t . 1 ,l.....l T a.n ana eave your iaiu xuin.i... . : All .. .I... nnn aall vnti K omy persou in aiuan, m.... d.. -ticket from Albany direct to any point in ,L.- 1T..:.A.1 lc,.i l'..l!lnn ma fnr rAtes. tllU KJ lllbo, "in.". V. L. JBSTKII, . Agent S. 1'. 'eight Uatrs nltruys ids Kerln( J Stuart, Frelirht and Tiraet it il. A'buiv, or to O II tlasirell, Jr., O. r. in a.t Or.x in Development Uo Wt MontKomery tra.i.i4.,Cil. . , . A. il. F. an l P. Airont, Oreio'i PwilJ K tt Co. O irvalln ,!aisicn4rr aii.l First xXatioaal Bank President Ties President Cashier.. ...... Aa'tOashitr.. OF ALU AN , OKEliUN. L. FL'NN . 8. E, YOUNG ' ,.UKO. E. CI1AMBHKLAIN JAS. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A OENERALbanking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subjeat to eheck. SIOHT EICHANOB and telPirapble transfer, sol New Yerk, San Francieco, Chicago and Pol COLLECT10NS MADE on favorable terms. DiaiCTOAJ. ..aaaaaaBaaa m J, . Yoms,; Oio. E 1 Blais, l- ru"".l Witisa E Tcsastt, 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successors to Henry'Suoseui.) Lfon "eunty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., 'Successors to Cowan & Cualck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAWS1GH1 DRAFTS on New York, 8au Fran Isco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOrlBY oa approved security. RECEIVI deposits subjeat to eheck. COLLTICTIONS sntriuteii to,u will recs vs'promo 'eation.; New and Second Hand Store Owing to ine Increawd demands of our business we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S. E, Young, whors we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tlnwaro, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit lars, titnks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, pianos, etc and a thousand dif ferent nd use articles you otn do bettor Lis sldi of San Franc! ioo than you can dnttllhusona purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. ilMJK SALfej BY FOSHAY MASON FOSHAY & MASON, Vl'n.lfc.Utl AND MrAlfa- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alcteu's publications, which we sell at publisher's prioas wiU postagoaojsa. ALBANY, OKEUUX. Mail orders promptly attended to. W T. READ, iirii iTiiTi iir1niiiimiffriiiTiiirf JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer olCigars -AND SEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Ck:, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, nd a to . Bline of Smokers' Artsles, Also dealer J OALTFORNIA AND 1 , f .' 1 t1