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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1888)
Daily Democrat Tlursiay Evening,DBDBmb8r 13,1888 SYlTfcS A HVTrtSti, Editors Mid 1'ublUhon. PuhlUbwl evory day In the wruk, Sundxys excepted.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES": Dultvorod by c-uriar wr week fly limit, wr year. M m Uy uiii., ur nun'-li M , RATES FOR WEEKLY : One year, in advance . One year, at end of yoar Mix inontliH, In auvaiiiw . .. .11 . 6.00 .$2.00 .. 2.50 . 1.00 Entered at t!i3 FjsC OiUoat Albany, Or at not!ond-elas3 mail matter. LOCAL ukcord. Jack. One John Jack is to givo a slow ia tho city to-niaht. -A'c'yo not hicu in vited, anil ho will probably not see Jack and his three associates ting and danco ; but on account of his extensive travels and his bav ins lwn 1'ore in 1877 we give the following about his very extonsivo trips : "Shortly after leaving hero they visited Victoria and San Francisco. Leaving the latter city they continued on a tour of the world. They visited the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, Australia. India, Burmah, tho Strait Settle ments, Siam, China and Japan. Returning by tho China sea they looked in at Ceylon, gazed once more upon the wonders of Hin doostan, crossed tho Arabian sand, entering the Hod soa, visiting Kgypt, travolled the lower Kile, passed over the Holy Lands, visited Greece, Sicily, Italy. Franca and Great Britain, returning to New York. Bitiriiir Prospect. Mr. S. G. Elliott who was at one time connected with lien . Holi day in the early enterprise that resulted in the building of the 0. & C. I!. 11. and who for sone time made his home in this city ia visiting Portland after a four years residence in the Ejst. Of Orccon he says : "The future of this State is destined to ba very great. The timo is not far distant when there will be a big boom here, and the op portunity afforded for those to realize for tunes who aro able to get a foothold in prop erty of one kind or another Eastern capital ists aro turning their attention hero to a greater exent than ia generally realized. Thore wilt be large investments of money made here by them in the near futuse, and ia the wake of these will follow great activ ity in all lines. Oregon wilt grow rapidly in tho next two yean. A Prompt Co. A few weeks ago Mr Burr M. Sloan insured with Mr. Oscar Marshall, agent, in the Bankers Mutual Re lief Association, home office at Portland' Through an accident be crippled one of his hands for several days. On Dec. 10 he received a check for $15 in full of his claim. This is a safe, reliable, home company, and parties wanting a policy in a prompt com pany should insure with Mr. Marshall In this company. Accidunts are liable to happen any day. Mdd We growl shout our muddy streets Read the following from a Salom paper : "On an awning post in f rot of Henry liars' watch shop last eveniog were hung up two large overshoes, covered with mud and bear ing this device, $10,000 reward for the lost, strayed, or stolon man, woman or child to lit these shoes supposed to have been drowned, stuck or ditched while trying to make the passage across Commercial street.' The application of the joke lies in looking at the condition of Commercial street." A Credulous Youth The prize fight arranged for this afternoon between Dutch Henry and a well known gentlemen at the fairgrounds did not come off, on account of poor weather It Is said. Dutch Henry we understand is thoroughly trained,having been Induced to live on rare meat covered with pepper, rubbing himself with salt sacks, striking sand bags.boxlng with heavy weights until he Is well bruised up and walking several miles a day. Funeral Services The funeral of Mr Samuel Althouse this afternoon was large ly attended. Rev. S. G. Irvine preached the sermon and Rev. Prichard conducted the singing. The remains of this worthy citizen, who leaves behind him a good record for manly conduct, were laid to rest In the city cemetery amidst the regrets of the entire community. Mail Agent. Mr. Canterberry, Judge Strahan's uncle, who has been in the city for some time, has been appointed mail agent on the Oregon Pacific. A good se lection. A Novelty. A novelty in Albany Is a girl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Grndwohl's. We cannot Imagine a finer Christmas pres ent. By all means at least call and ice it. A Riim'le ok Excitement It was 1:30 o'clock, when, amidst a scarcity of items, the sharp report of a revolver rang out on the air, less than a block from the office of this Indlspenslble family newspaper. And again another shot followed with alacrity. With 576 other people a Democrat man hastened to the coi ner of Ferry and Sec ond Street where an increasing confusion was reigning supreme, and a telegraph pole man was cryIng"shoot the other man, don't shoot me, hit the man with the revol ver." Here's the story : James Allen, a cook on the Oregon Pacific after quitting work on the road came to this city and for a week has been gloriously ginned u, last evening wallowing in the gutters. lie waj taken to the calilioose, where he slept. rrevious Jto the lime mentioned Marshal Hayes took hiin his dinner. Allen made an excuse to go to an out building, and the Marshal wen! inside of the caliboosc ; but returning to the door saw Allen fleeing around the corner of the engine house, l'ollwing him he fired two shots in order to frighten him, and the telegraph man claimed one of them whizzed close to his head. Allen was stopped at the corner of Ferry and Third Streets and taken hack to the caliboosc, where lie will probably re main for livu days. The affair caused" con siderable excitement for a few moments. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before Ciiook County. There is said to be only four inohes of snow on the summit of the Cascades, and travelers are crossing without any interruption Fred Zsiber and his surveying ciew left for Portland on Tues day. They will probably he with us again next spring. .. . "Iid you ever see such de lightful weather," is a question heard oa the streets every day. .. .It was rumored that Mr. Moore intended resiguing as postmaster, but such is not the ease. So far as thtffeel ingof this community is concerned ho needs not resign, for his efficiency is generally known and appreciated. . . .It is on the rec ords that a strong efinrt is gciug to bo made to divide Crook county at the next meeting of tho legislature, Mitchell to be the county sett of the new one. This is to he dooe by taking the northeastern part of Crook, aud also borrowing a slice from Grant, and one from Gilliam Wo are barely elf-support- ing so far as agricultural products are con cerned, aud can not think of competing with other places in this particular. . ..Of the now residences lately built iu our town, Nowsom town, our suburb, claimssomeof tho neatest. A Gooo Adv.- -Following is the adver tisement, which the Sdem Board of Trade has been running in nearly a thousand ag ricultural and family papers through the East: "Come to the land of the big led apple, pears, prunes, etc., where the climate is so mild grass remains green during all the year. The U. S. census report shows Oregon to be the healthiest State in the Union. Rich lands cheap. Send stamps for an illustrated pamphlet to Board of Trade, Salem, Or." The citv is already receiving a ereat benefit from It. An eftort like this is about the only one that will benefit our city very materially. A Law Suit. Yesterday the case of Curran Si Monteith against Hunter, was tried before Judge Blackburn. It was one of some interest. Several weeks ago the plaintiffs allege that Mr. Hunter made a verbal arrangement with them to sell some land belonging to him, for which they were to receive a commission. The land was told, as the readers of the Democrat will remember. Mr. Hunter refused to pay the commission and Curran or Monteith sued him for $4 to. After hearing the case a verdict was rendered In favor of the plaintiffs for $350. It'is understood that the case will be appealed. A Joke. Wm. Wright,familiarly known as the Jersey Lily, was in the city yester day and to-day. A good joke is told on Billy, which happened at Mehama a few evenings ago, while attending a dance. He and another fellow's girl were taking a promenade, and the evening being very dark, they tumbled headlong into a ditch of mud and water. Billy couldn't swim, but with the assistance of the young lady he was rescued from a watery grave. Cor vallis Times. Came Herb Instead. Mr. Macey, of Lebanon, who has had the smallpox, was hired to disinfect the house in which Mr. Gus Thompson died of the smallpox near Sodaville recently. This he did. He was offered a good price to go to the mountains for several weeks in order to be on the safe ; but not wanting to do this he came to Albany this morning, and was here during forenoon. We understand, though, that tic went south on tne noon train. Married. Mr. F. A. Douty, of Inde pendence and Miss Julia Lee, of Junction City, daughter of Mrs. C. O. Lee, of this city, were marnea in junction yesterday We extend congratulations. New raisens, currents, citron, lemons and oranges received at Wallace & Thompson a. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro HOME AND ABIIOAO Whoat baa dropped a cent. Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer'i. Holiday goods at French Baby carriages at Stewart & Sox's. Jlitrga'ma in silverware at Fronch '. Fresh chestuutat Frauuis Pfdilfur's, Stato Suporiutuodcnt McElrov was in the oity to-day. Mr. Jas. Powell left to-dav on a trin to the Sound. Low pi iocs prevail at the "Corner Jewel ry stare." Go to P. J. Laportes fjryour boot smi'shoe repairing. , The best cou foctiuuarv in the citv at Fran cis I'feiiFer s Judge Burnett, of Corvallis has been in the city to-day. Gold and silver watches. lila bargains in them at French's, Tweedale carries the bona hcatinir stovis arid sells them the cheapest. rrcall corn meal. .'1 csnta iter noun.l at Blodgett's Mil!. Try it. Kileaalmr W. T., a to have a new thrca story hotel 100x120 feet. Call and see thoso Karlv Bieikfast stoves aud range at W C 1'weedalo't. While skatius at Itahca. N Y. vei-UrJev two young men wore drowned For holidav candies, nuts, etc.. eall at the Willamotte Packing Co 'a storo. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Browuoll Sianard. You will save money bv getting vour plumbing aud job work done at Tweedale's, If you want a tender chicken be sure and got one of those now stylo roasters at W C 1 weedsle ', W W Crawfoid's dancing class will not open to-morrow evening owiug to uuavoid- uie Clrcumstauces. As a result of the Bradeo Underwood do. bate at Silverton a big religious revival is taarng place there. CC Cherry came over from Tacorna this noon. Cherry k I'arkes will be ready to movo in a few weeks. Mrs Martin Pavne is DreDared to take first-class boarders at her re3ideuco opposite tho Congregational Church, Finest display of Christmas Dresents in the city, is to be found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store." Prices low. Col, George Woodford, the great temper ance revivalist is now' iu British Columbia. lie may possibly do the yalley. Subscriptions for the leading periodicals re ceived by F L Kenton. Orders forwarded promptly. Price lists furnished free. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc. Francis Pfoilfer can do better than anywhere else. Kemember this ia getting your holiday confectionary. Someone wants West Virginia to be called Kanawa. Please do not. Give it an Ameri can name. Anythiug buthorrid Iadiannames tor states and cities. John B Slater, formerly of Lebanon, has been re-elected county judge of Colville county. W T, by 65 majority. Mr Slater also runs a newspaper. Mrs Townsend md children left this morn ing for their new home in Portland. They, as well as Mr T, take with them the good wishes of the whole community. Aftor a long fight the Salvation army at l ebuiama, ar, nas won a victory. Tney have othained permission to parade the streets, and parties molosting them will be arrested. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F.M. French's, "The Corner joweiry score and see bis stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices, which will be found very low. Dr Egbert, of Walla Walla, claims to have absolutely cured three hundred eases of ca tarrh, and says there is no use of throwing away mosey on quack nostrums. There should be more local phyioians to make a speciality of this disease. - Mr J B Rinehart has a large collection of curiosities secured from a friend, in Alaska. It comprises specimens of useful implements and odd contrivances that would require an Alaskan to explain. There are several hun dred pieces in the collection which Mr. Rhinehart intends to arraage in an attractive term subject to inspection by any who may be interested. Eugene liegieler. Of onr railroad the Coquille Htarld sajs: "The Aston and Willamette Valley rail road will have a two-fold benefitting result. Ia the first place it will deorease the distance to the sea and produce a lively competition ; and in the second place it will cause Port land to improve the Columbia and Willam ette rivers." The Unfortunate Steamer. Yesterday an effort was made to pump the water from the steamer, but with poor success, though It might be possible to do It at low tide. It was ascertained that there were at least two small holes in the bottom. The boat now lies with Its bow digging in the sand, its stern rising upwards, and was together this morning owing to a calm night. Whether it will go to pieces or not it is said depends on the weather. Divers have been sent for, and it is thought that if the weather is not too severe something can be dune j but with heavy winds and the sea beating over it continually it Is lia able to go to pieces at any moment. That is the way it losks this evening. Our Exi'eriknce. TheCorvallis Times devotes nearly a column to D. C. Presley, a journalistic gentleman who was in that city a few days ago. We had almost ex amy tne same experience; but didn t con sider it worth an item, though "Bob" makes a very good one tut of it. Tangen t. Rev. J. C. McFarlond is conducting a pro tracted motting at this place and we hope there will be much good done. Meeting every evening. We think that it would bo a good thine for all of us to read tho third chapter of James. There is 50,000 bushels of w heat remaining in the warehouse at this place. One vactnt home in Tangent . There is to be ono entertainment here on Christinas eve given by the Sunday School and the public. Tho best tire iu winter is mado up of ex ercise, and tho poorest of whiskey. He that keeps war m on liquor is like a man who pulls his house to pieces to feed the lire place. There hs been a gang of aboriginals in this yicinty begging. They say they arc from Mexico Clothin; A l.irgc and complete li n gents' clothir.g and furnishing goods at -v. B. Mcllwain's. In the elothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he will sell during the coming week for J.50. Superior. That is the name of the stove at G. VV. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Hotel Arrivals, Masqrerade Ball. At the opera house Friday evening, Dec 31, under the man agement of W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford & Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the masqueraders as well as of all present. If you rare fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra. Tickets, $1.50. Boot's and Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwain's and see the ladles' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. Skates A full line of new skates just re - eeived at Stewart & Sox's. Just the things for Chrismas presents for the boys. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first class tea and warranted to give satisfaction. Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. T. Monteith's. at S. E. Yoiinr' nld store. Goods at your own price. Must oe soiu. J. P. Wallace. Phvsioian And Rnnunn Al. bany, Or ' Letter List. Following Is the list of lettoni nmlnin.P ln, Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Doe. 13, 18S8. Persons calling-for these letter must give the date on which they were advertised : Anderson, R B A Inert, Wlillam (-2) Ilartlett, Urs Ilarrett Jlrrryhlll, M J Cnnn.r. II.itu lvi.h- Colljns, Hairy Daley, W M imnffan, James Ktnbre, OH Hardraan, MlnSE Jones, Jas W Kinrer, Henry Low, Slin Lizzie Mack in, Mary (2) McFaddcn. Tho. B (2) Powell, Fred Mser, John Rattary, Cathatlne Knyder, Mrs Ellen Van Hoosen, alias Elcla Willis, Geo B Watton, John Wentworth, Unas A Zeller, alias Annie (2) Zeller, Leo. R. THOMPSON, P, M. Revere House. W I Ilolman, city, J Ford, O V R R ; R hi Montgomery and wife, Summit; W II Kay, Mich; J Bur nett. J Dale, Corvnllis; F'llaas, Salem; G II May hew, A F Meigs, S F: II C Dubois, Salem ; V Hunter, J Hunter, Albany ; W A Rice, Bustletown; W L Kotze, Dubuque, Iowa; S Schmcer, Portland; E Zeiss and family, city. St. Charles. C H Sevall and wife, C II Fulweiler, S F ; Mr and Mrs John Jack, AnnieFirmin.A FJack.W R IIolmes,John Jack Company ; J Jacobs, W II Ilartlett, Corvallis ; H'R Schultz.R Schultz.Omaha, Neb ; II G Stanley,Portland ; G K Smith, D Streeter, E Miller, Biggs, Cat ; E 1) Moycr.J II Waters,Brownsville ; O Smith, Nat Adv Serv, N Y ; James Elkins, Pen dleton. Russ House. B F Bodwell, Lebanon ; J F McGhee, S F ; G Bosquctt J T H Goddard, Mill Citv ; S M Demiston, city ; T L Rice ; J McKinnon ; J H Nichols, D B Brown, W L Sargent, Corvallis ; S L Rycraft.J C Rycraft, Alsea ; W Sims, Mill City ; W J Wilson, W McKsy, Rock Creek j D B Deakins ; G Albon, Port ; G Watson ; W H Rue ; W J Stewart ; C Foster, Miss Z J Hausman, Brownsville; I W Roop. Badies. The finest line of baby carri ages In the Valley just received at Stewart & Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carriages. FOUND. Just the place to get Xmas things cheap and nico.ii the latest art, leaf "hooks, tripods, thermometers, banner rods and hat marks or crowns painted to order. Nice oil paintings on hand, just the nicest thing you could Sd lect for a present. Call and see for yourself at Mrs. B. Hymam's First door east of Young's old stand. F. L. BENTON -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices (and warranted to give satisfaction.) Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive for all the leading NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY, OR. SALE. out their Albany business offer for sale without reserve at COST