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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
B-mV1HHJWl 'X!,i)m4toti "Jfel JtZ 3 '". H- It i! M i j ! 1 t v, i 4 F r.x - m ' WEEKLY COAST MAIL MARSHFIELD, OREGON KatMc la the Fostofi'ice atN Xmhf ield us Second C)t3 Matter., COO&pAY PUBLISHING CO., P. C, LEVAR, F. X. HOFER, Editors and Managers. i TELEPHONE, MAIN 451. DAILY: By mail, for advance payment Only, 30 cents a month; 4 months for 5:.oo. When not paid In advance the price Is 50 cents per month, straight, issued every morning except Monday. WEEKLY Issued Every Saturday. vanceStisoa Year, 5i. Terms: In Ad- 00 Six Months A CLEAN CANDIDATE JohnS. Coko, Jr, the Republican candidate for joint senator is ouo of the cleanest young men of whom Coop county can bsast. Though burn In Tei neseec, he has lived in Ccos 34 years and the county can well afford to feel prond of him apd to honor him by the bestowal of tho office for which he is a candidate. Of bis ability there is no question. Ho Is one of Coos Say's leading attorneys, and holds a high pi aco in tho confidence and regard of tho commnnity. Ilia integrity fa un questionable, and his iorce of char&clci is such as to bear him through any trying situation in which he may find himself. In demeanor, ho iB quiet and gentle manly, pleasant and 'courteous to all. B&atI ia the Oregon $mato chambar. he tint'oor In ery war tu tLi . ci4ti$ J .'tfryj.1 Mm tl.irr, a.l " u& t wto rvttt for him wiM ccr have cauo to if ot It. Mr. (lis' opponent, A. . Sberwoud, ii a getitfemsn whole charccter and abiiiiy t!, M.ti. has nc wiih to dltpar nje, but wtitrri.- advantage there mt) ba oh t'Hhtr eoon. u certainly nit i: his favor. 'i:. he m probably entitled to his party vot. Wis is not entitled to anythin;; further, and the JUil can conceive of no reason why anyone not already a hopeless Democrat should think of becoming one tl is year. THE DEMO JP..VTIC PROGRAM Onr Democratic Iriendseeem to rea l!rO that th;ir only chanco for oven rnodera'o success in Coos county thie year Met in eti'rln;; up dissension nnd distrust in th'j Republicans rauk. Therefore they aro trying to irritate whatever bruises may have been made heforo or at tho Republican convention until they become open eorei. liout!iHs!,o:Ul beware of taking any stock m thfj rort or thing. ' There b not a man on the Republican tiokot who can not bo heartily euppoited by avery voter of the arty. There is not a men whoso record ie not credita ble to him. This can not be eald of tho Democratic tluket, but the Mail baa no desire to s'ing any mud in this cam paign. True, tho Chamberlain Demo cratic club has shown a disposition to open a campaign of pergonal abuse and mud aliniiiV, but it ie hoped that tho Republicans will not find it nvct ary to reply in kind. If they do, i&tue mighty iqteretin reading may ba tho result. ' T1.0 Republican tiekut isa clean ore from top to bottow, and no RppnWJean S wJH.hnvs the e'Ubtot exruso for rriJL- v-' .holding his llHarty-eopport 'from any si!?prly uonm e.v ... yfn '. at aaBuunrmnif at -.' ; 'JSfeif'l ' . . .' A'rJL'&HOULP HKQ1STER Vwf'ttlV i' - l . h,tv,j I,. 'wrToiw.-. . ' ..V -kenublleaBS .abeuld eee that 'all i in iinw " ' ! i " ' ' - - - voters of,that faith ro realeretL. One oMlie pints on vrlitch tliVJ&Sw&ratB . ... .. . . :.."!. w-iLijfiL rO UUUltlK lonn apevinr own in tc registration of the largest possible per comosra of their voters, depending on the ap.xlhy of Ke publican to give them apd vantage In this respect. Thla la p?rJct!y legitimate, and tho same laud News of Now Chwnn Forts Bom bardod London, April 30 Tho Tientsin cor respondent of Kuclera wires that tho Japaneto bombarded the forta at New Chwnuz Monday. f No Confirmation St. Petersourg, April 23 No confir mation has been received of tho report oi NcvrChwaDg bombardment. Fighting on tho Yulu St Petersburg. Apr. tSO-Ofllcial ds patches received tonight from army headquarter) aro believed to rclato to fighting on the Yaln rivor with tho Jap aneee, who are making a inoveuont to cross that stream. Attempt to Destroy Battle ship Croaetadt, Apr. 29 It la stated that Skrldloff to tho Ftont St. Petersburg, April 27 Skridloff Irft for the fronl tolliv. An imnKnsJ rjuj wjicl8rd ,:9 ,Crrtnns runny . icttl:. 'ikonB und tprtnkifrg biail with holy vator. Crossod With Loss Ef. Pctc'rebdrg. Apr. 27 Omdaldom " . . . 1 ihtifcmtca that the attempt ct thu Japan - ec to crow tho Yaln at tix or ceven prints resulted ia failure all bat ocr, amithftwes accomplished only with sivereloss. There Is no confirmation cf the report pf tho bombardment of Won sin. Japs In Manchuria Petersburg, April. 27-Siberian St. CHARGES AGAINST OFFICERS Drink and Incapacity Alleged Waehineton, Apr, 28 F.W. Jon op, eecond officer of the the transport Sher man in a letter to tho division superin tendant of the service allcgoa that tho disasters to tho government transports have been due todrunkoness among tho mm aad officers, lack of discipline, and i!nerl incapacity. There have been seven transports nshoro in tho past twelve months In eastern waters. 0 Nothing Done to the Fulton L. W. Shaw Informs tho Mail that the latJt report from tho uteam etihocuer Knltor, lying on the beach at Port Orord, is that io ie in tlio tamo condition In -which iho he lalufor ome (Ime. The Dispatch Iich boon thero, wit.h tho intvntlon of taking out the Kulton'e load of lumber, ao pre liminary to another attf mpt to get her nfl'tha leach. but the. sea has been too j rough and nothing could be done. ablo purpose should animate lha .ltc publicans. .. ., t . . .... ...i.i.. n. u t A vjtor who doesn't register or ? , to tho polls doojhla patty no good, lilt failure count the sama as A voto for the opposition. Tho DomocrtUa should be allowed no r.dvrtiitKo lu tnts way. the War an unknowu man attempted (0 destroy tho battleship Alexander Third by. plac ing a bomb in tho engineers room, ami committed suicide when discovered. Was Vladivostok Squadron Toklo, Apr. 2 Tho Goyo Mara was suuk by vossola of tho Ilueslan "Vladivos tok squadron. .Russian Warships at Won. san London, Apr. 25 Tho Contral Nowa Toklo correspondent this aftornoou itatos tnat after sinking tho Goyo Mam, three Russian cruisers stood in to the harbor of Wonean, whilo a largo Rus sian warship steamed towards tho har bor. When tho dispatch was filed the warships had not yet reached tho road stead, 0 papers stato that two hundred Japaneto havo reached Manchuria in disguise, for thcpnrpnscof ilcstroyinc tho railroad Chiusmieu dirco-ertd tampering wit! li raili luvo tn handed. Russians off Ccnsan London, Apr. 26 Tho St James Gazette , coneepondont wires that rcveral vessels, 1 , believed to bt RuiMans. were njtiln ( eKbtcd off Geneon todar. The correspondent reports that thu Minister of Marino of Jjpan has aboii- (B iVi tho ttratcgical zono In tho Kit channol which lends from tho Pacific 10 the inland ecb. It is prosumoJ that the mtne3 hare been removed, us tho south ern coiets of tho Kingdom arc now re girded as eafo. OREGON SHORT LINE WREGK Salt Lake, Utah, Apr. 28 Tho West bound Oregon Short Lino passenger train was wrocked near Topaz, Idaho, this rnornlug. Tbo engino, baggage car and two coaches went into tho ditch. None were seriously injured, Tho acci' dent waB cauBed by a broken flange. Washouts north of Ogdcn will temporar ily tio up the eyttem.' ANOTHER NEW COAL VAIN DISCOVERED II. Sencstackon hna a crew of anrvoy ors nt work laying out acreage property on the old limmorman ranch, nt rrult vale, which fronts on Catching ilougli, While at work there thoy discovered n fine vain of coal tvhlch from all indica tions will face ui) about 0 feet. Tho cosl is of good quality, eo far as can ho judged by appearances nnd is as good n prospect us any on Coos Hay. Tho new find ia uhoiit '100 feet from deeu water on C:tchihtr cloiiuh, Mr. Sngjtncken, will havo tho vein ex ploited far onouch to give adequalo knowledge tifi to its condition. Mr. Sengetarheu will have coal ex perts to examine tho conditions and mnv tlo fomiithini! in tho wav of de veloping for bee in tho lecal market soon,, . - ' 'u - AGREEMENT WITH SMITE FE faay Hiivo Strang Bearing ort tho Coast Road A Into San 1'raacWqo dispatch injtw K H. Ilarrl'mau and liy 1 Klploy, piosldenls, respectively, of tho Southern iMclilo Company and the Atchison, To poka 1 Santa Fo ltailroml Company, have, bccoMImk to the Call, entered ! to au aureeinont Ihe purpose of which Is to tuiuro a division of tho tralllo here after orglnatlng Irom thu Coast territory In Nothorn California, Under tho niircomcnt, tho Santa l'o, It Ik elated, focmo an wjunl interest' with tho Southern Pacific In tho California Northwestern Hallway and thu North Shore Rallro.d, which it is said, hnvo lately pajted uudor tho Southern IMclilo control, llorealtorltisraldtheSanto 1-e, will havo a volco in nil matters prolnlulng to tho ojctonslon or construction of now railroads In Northern California. 1 - ' liitfatril. ' - "This picture," until tho hull catlnc nn exquisite ninrlno view, "lu valued nt $50,000." "irmr1 rctnurkel tho HtnckhroUer, tticrc'a a lot of wnter in It. lan't tr.orer-Cn.thollc tnntlanl nnd Tlimw Professional Cards -Viix'w w-n-"1! ri p wfc m' itJ. T.tMcCormac M.D. Physlclnn und Stirgeon Kldoretlo Ilulldlng, Phono 1031 MAUSIIFIKLD :: ORKfiON Wm. Horsfal M D. Ilollnnd Uulldlng, Phono'.031 MARSHF1KLU ; ;ORK(10N Dr. Havdon Ulllce opposite Union furnlttiro htoro lioura. 10 to 12 and 2 to T Special nttcntlon imld to dlseawof Skin I'rlnary nnd l)Jgetivo Orgnns. U. S. Peticlon Kxunilncr. Phone. 303 MARSIIFIKLD, :: CKIMOS iHMW 50,000.00 Gash Given Away to Users of r LION COFFEE We are Roinjr to be more liberal than ever In 190-1 to users of IAon Coffee, Not only will tho Lion-Hcnds, cut from tho packages, be yood, as heretofore, for tho valuable premiums wo have always jriven our customers, but , n "f In Addlf im t a the Regular Free Premiums tho aamo Mon-Hoada will cntitlo you to estimates In our $50,000.00 Grand Prlxp Content, which will make some of our patrons rich men nnd women. You can send In ns many estimates as desired i nero will wa The first contest will bo on tho July -1th attendance at the St. lout World's Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to bo cast Nov. 8, 190-1. $sto,ooo,o will bo distributed in each of theso contests, rnnklnff li nnn An nn !,.. . orwl. n mnkl till mnri. Intnroctlnty In flllllltlnn tO IllIB UmOUtlt. WO Will BlVO tt (VUVIVV WU ... .,., ...U, Brand hrst rnm Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) , 0- to one r vote in either contest:. W& WORLD'S FAIR WXiKi will bo ttia total Jul 4th attendance nt tlio Rt- Lotilt ttt.1,1'. Unlr7. At (!hlrnun. Jul .1. IKO. Ilia ntlondntico will 2!fl '11 1. 1'or ncnrcut correct otllrantes ro.ulveO In WooUon hnlco Com pany's otllcfl, Toledo, Ohio, on or le'oro Juno W)th, 1WI. wo will Klvo flrst prltofortho naarott correct eitltnato, eecond prlte to tlio next neareit, etc., etc., nt follow: 1 First rrlzo .,...' $2,000.00 1 Second Prize 1,000.00 2 Prizes JOOO.OO caoh 1,000.00 O Prizes 200.00 " 1,000.00 lO Prizes 100.00 " , 1,000.00 ao prizes oo.oo " 1,000.00 OO Prizes 20.00 " , 1,000.00 20O Prizes 10.00 " ...h 2,000.00 1000 Prizes 0,00 " ,,.,.. 0,000.00 2180 PUIZEB, TOTAL, 920,000.00 4279 Distributed to the ft urocers' uierxs (sea nanicuiars in liub uuitcu osbs; mRing n s' luismviw"'!"'" COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN WOOLSON tFlCE CO., K. st. Straw, IM. D. PhyMcInu anil Huvoou. 8pooli) nttonllon ulvou lo iHwiiaoH of tho Ky, Knr, Noho ami 'I luoiit, Otlleo in HeiisMnelton Smith JJhlg, MAll8lltfHU.l) t t OHKOpN n. H. Walter, D. D. f. Uontul Surmum ami Moclmnlcnl DontiHt Olllco NnRlmiK BwIUIIhk, A 81, I'llUllO 1WI. . MAHSllFJUM): OltKOON w A. Toye DohtlBt Ehlorcrio nutlilliiRi MAH8IIFIKI1U Phono -IM OlUsCON '.! J. M. Upton Attounry at Law Marsh field Oregon MoKnlght & Sosbrook Lawykhs Upstairs Ucunett & Wnltcr Ulock Marsh field Oregon E. L. c. FarHn ATTOUNUY AT LAW Ofilce Locklmfl's Iliiilding Phone 791 Marsh field Orci;on J. W. Bcnnott attounby and'.i.or at Law Marsh Peld Oregon Coko & Coko Attorneys at Iaw Marsh field Oregon TWO GREAT CONTESTS ,U .U..KU ,, UW.. U4W.W . .. . v . v . ....ft , . to the one o? 55 CONTEST 2 ISO PRIZES, PRIZES Piibllo-aggre&ating: $45,000.00 in Addition ;UtflgamM " jSS fstfF LION COFFEE (CONTEST DEF) W. U. Doti;ln9 ' ' COMMteMONltK ' V Mirhlieia Oregon L1 iiia Business Cards KTffSS iiiiiuHii1 wsn 1 nwwriiiiiiririnT I t KAUFMAN A CO '. Make a Hptmlalty of Ileal Estnto lirOkoragc, Offlcei. Marshlhild over SonKstaoron'i Drilif Store. North lloiid, Blmpioit Ulock, t Eric Wold -Smvoyor iill Civil Engliieor-i IHauco Hoto! MAIlHimtSM) it ORKOON llomtttttd m) Tlmbir Loon. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Amsteln & Hlbhnrd. Props All laundry work guiuivntopd firat-clasi. All whito labor.) Foot of R Htreflt, Marshflehl, Or Haynes & Chance Express at.d delivery to auv part of tho ulty on short uotlm Mrt.... nl.ti,iA ,1, ti elrin LV'llll.t illtVllT.I Ull IIIU .lkt.. F HAGGLSTEIN-I General lllacksiiiithing and repair work. HorseshoeiiiR and woodwork, lirst jt, Marsh field, Oregon WILLIAM HASKELL All kinds of Harness ami Saddlery work promptly executed. .' .. . Opposite I. O. O, I?. hall' Marshficld Oregon ri -. ., who Is nvnrcnt correct on both contents, nnd thus your cBtimntca navo iwo opportunltlecofwlnnluKftblycnsh prize. .v q Printed blanks to V vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es JHB timatc is recorded. DrmrNTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will bo tho lotl Popular Voto f ait tor President (votes fnr nil candldAU- cnmljinod nt tlio election November H, 1VH In I'jOO clocilon, 13,05'J.C51 pcoplo voted lor i'i ej.ldunt. 1'or myret cor. rcct OJitlmnte received In WooUon Hptco Ot.'n, cfllev Toledo, O,, on or Iwloro Nov. S, 1 Wl, wo will slvo Art prlro ior tlnJnenroit cor rect etlmto, iecond pruo to thenoxt neurct,otc.,fclc. n (ollowil 1 rirstPrlzo , 'J'SRPSS 1 Hooona Prize P"",92 2 Prlzeo JBOO.OO eh . iOpo.po O prizes 200.00 ,.,.,1,000.00 io iTizes- ioo.oo J'SSS-SR 20 prizes- no.oo ..., 'S28'2R 00 Prizes- 20.00 ; i'SRR'E0, 20O Prizes- lO.pO 8'Snnnn 1000 Prizes OiOO " ,,,,,., u.OOQ.OO TOTAL, rmovmtMWMM 120,000.00 4279 ia whioh we shall civ $6,000 EVERY PACKAGE OF TOLEDO, OHIO. I ' 'x7;r ,a . 1 , ;m 'H."--- ,-. ' y.ti-i . v, -M4XSjH U JlSiiHMiltrtUbIHlUlr-MM. 1A: 'i ' A & f'lr i,--l i' ".--V4fcjrui3M.''' SSattRTZL . . ' -'' xm r , yir ir'i kr ".- .vJuii:''rr -, r ,. .. . .:.. a ;,. -- -j:', ;Jk -rr--T' , - - . MMM, M