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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1903)
' M.v 19" nf i vf',. fc J J ) H W,Jff' -naa wjiiw'i " " .'', ft ,'0 pMMIMiWI &r,joK ", . .- .a . .V VOL XXII. -. MARSHFIELD, CQOS COUNT:YOREGON Feb.21. 190?. NO. 8 t , . . ' ' - r Taf -., I I ,i , ' - J A7IW -Mk B' Istiv aim H ssr ' UK Vf Si fH ' . , i - -. , : m i ii ii rrm i i i 1 1 ' ' " . EIGHT BELOW ZERO I Blizzard Over the East Continues pedal to the Mall. Cleveland, Ohio, Full 10: Tlio cold, continues, ami tlio temperature is bo-1 low zero hero. Ilopbrte indicate as low I as eight dejtrooa in tlio' itoViri belt. I 'From all tdlroctlons conio ropotti of laCetlng, GREAT WLSTERN R. R, ; ;. ,T0 EXTEND ITS LINES 0h(cKO, III., Fob. iO At a apcclal moetlng hero (oday the atockholdera of tho Chicago Great 'Wuetorn Hollroad voted to incrcaio the cnpltnl ntock of the company from 130,000,000 to (M,000,000. Fart of tho now Mock wl bo excbanRf d , for tlio common clock of tho Mason City fc Foit Dodflo rood, which waa aecurcd hit yonr, t Tho compAny alio propoeea to cotn plfto extonilona Into Blonx Cdy nd Oinaha, thua k'vI"K tho rend throueh linos to Ht. I'nul and MinnoApolla, Chi cak'o, OnialiA and Slnux City. v I . .. BAHALION OF TROOPS . FOR PHILIPPINE SERVICE Detroit, Mich', Fob, 17: Tho ltt bAt. talioo And, band of tho Fourteenth in fAntry Icavo Fort jlVayno toduy for San- I'rancleco whonco thoy will dnll on tho transport Logan for the rhilippincaj iW. ilifaMi illil',; IMUMBUHHEllXZlMEBUKlMIIMIllESQilMStlHIIIESU SHOE N buyiiiK Mined DON'T got plucked. If you buy a 18.50 or ! MO fibon it n otoro whoro tl to B Bhoea nro sold you do Vut p'-iicked nearly ovory tlmo. : , : : Cntlsfnctory- bIioob for Winter shoea that pleftso tbo noonloHlioM In which tho abapo will hold won't "tfjuuBh" out, or enjr In it littlu while. ::::::: : : ; Shooa that hold out bernuso they're rightly nultt-not n aklmp any where, liiHldo or out Til AT'S tho Wnllc-Ovor Shoo . : : : 7a ' a " "7 J,U8t 1m ,,K,,t or WALK-j couldn't iwcrluiitiugly OVER nr ii new nnlr. Why pay $5 nnd fO for lot-woll-enough-nlono al.wa Tom, Dick mid llnrry ninkeo that hnvo boon fnlatai on n g SHOE I,,.,., i.ffnrtn.. nnlilli' w 111 M'nro.H V II IW.IU "" h !- ...... . nor in abupe for tho !Bt ton yonra. I OUTFITTERS. & H mm ES & mHffltaMBaBMmiIBHld POWDER MAGAZINE EXPLODES Three Soldiers Killed Seven Hurt i pedal to the Mill. New York. Fob 10 : A' ponder tnK- nzino exploded t Fort l.fnyelto Ihlf afternoon. Three eoldlcrs wtro killed and tevtn Injured. Tho rool of -the fort wai blown to fragrAnta, nnd Now York bay wbj icatlrod)vor wltlid,ohrif. Doctora woro aumrnoned from llita c!t7. I X, K NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HOLD BIO MEETING Colurnbua, 0., Feb. 10: About 2,- OCO Knlclita of I'ytlilns are Attending .j10 atman moutltiir of tho lourt"ontlt district, which bjjm loliy. Tllb'prh' clplo odlcera of tho atAtonro Attendance, Includlnt; 1'Ait Hupromo Olnnwllor Wulttr B.' ltlchlo of Mmn, Fad Chuncol- jor 1 yt iiu0wood of Marietta, nnd firand Koopar of RocxJda nnd S-nl, VV UcAttyof Toledo. Tho viiltora were ,'orniBlIy widcornoJ. In tho brd of Tra'de AitlUorlnm by Govenor Nneh, nfter which tho me'inbora went into aoiaion behind cloaod doors. J CIRCUIT JUDGE SELECTED Washington. Feb. 10 Solicitor Gen ornl Kd wards line beon,a,elrcUHl by Frca luent Jtooauvell to succeed Day as utr cult JudK when tho lattor takes the nliico of JudRo Slilrns ou tbo Buprctno bench; ' ,m TALK In thu Hhank, or gut elmbbylooklng' wro,1R no ,nIt,l Rround-or wo i preach Money-Unck Bhoos ,ood S C.IIUIIL'O inOUnltV jynno.wi a- m never leu MATSON FURNISHERS YOUNGER TO START . : WILD WEST) feuffalb Bill to Have-a 4 ft J"' Rivals , Opeclal to th MjII. ' IJeo'a Buinmlt, io. Feb 18. Cole Younger announced today '-that be would atArt a 'CJlo Yunger'a wild wetft alio w next aprlng. Itli boiioyed that ho can n.nke arraugomeula It!l the Minnerota board 4 pardons 'on the undorttnndlng that ho will not' appear personally. i i HANGMAN'S HARVEST J IN MISSISSIPPI Jnckaon, Mies,, Feb. 10-Thla la truly hangroau'i day in Mlisiatlppl, thcro be !ng no feVcr than flvo men sentenced U. pay tlio death penalty In varloui parti of (ho stalo today. Tlie'dondemned men 'are A)cxanller Smith, colored, In-Fvnrl UlVer county; Joe Campbell, colored, In Yaion county; Antonio Dukea, Wblto, Iti Copiah county; Tom Swor, white, in Smith county; ard limnnucl yaker, colored, lu Bunflover county. This ia tho largest numbvr of executions ever Mimtiilait Inr nnn llntf In M lnfll.itnnl. r r RED STAR LINE' ' ' '" SEfiVICE 'TO BOSTON Antwerp, Fob. 10-Tbe Red Star Line Inaugurated today a direct forlnlgb'tly i i . ecrvico between Antwerp and Boston. This tervico la In addition to tho Bervlce roccntly itartod by the aamo lineibe- tween 11 os ton and Liverpool. i .i- THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK'S ' VERY GOOD FRIENDS s Dlscuealng tho situation in Macedonia, tho Orogorilan recites eoruo historical facta which abow whoro-roste tho ro aponalbllity (or tho proeont situation: For inoro than four montlla from March 3 to July 13, 1878 Macedonia was a frco province of independent Uulgnrla in virtuo of the treaty of San Stofauo, dictated by tho victorious Hub elan army at tho Ratca of Constantino ple, TboKusslan pooplo wished to tee aUnulgarln, including Macedonia, frjo from opnVcseion, nnd nuder' tho tttntH of San Stofano tho UulgnrlnnB frOnV t) 0 Dnnubo to tho Aegean wero cot free. England, under lloaconsflold, intorfear od; Austria joinod hands with England; and tho'Weaty of BorlW placed tho Bul garians of Enalern Itumollft and Mace donia onco more undor tho Turkish yoke. Ituscla liberated Macedonia, Oreto nail Armenia, but England and Austria re turned thorn to subjection. It was tho blackest pago of Ueaconefleld's career, nnd coat him his losa of ofhco to Glad stone hi 1870, who was notulow to point out to England that Ueaconsflold'a pol icy had thruBt llboratod Mecodonia back- again undor tho iron hool of tho Turki, Iter Otinonrt; Comiiicxion. "Is bIio a brunette?" "A brtjnottql JV.hy, sho's so lnrU her fnthpr lma'to'tunf tho light on in the parlor to fltn. hex In tho bvonjnge." Vrlncotoii 'Xker, ..... ( 1 I EXCURSION STEAMER ' Srecked i'$ ; Harrow Escape for Her Passengers ' i ' t f ffMcUt to the Mall. Ps ducah, III. Teb 18 The steamer a- Oily enrorite. for New Orleans i .with aafardlgraa excnralon became un M. ' controltnble in a blizzard today and swashed Into a derrick boat austAlninird LaeHoua dtmnse. Thescc sho llnattd out nnto therircrin annlffioSt sinking con ' dition. Men with boats wlth-Hi'mcalty gfit'llhos'to hor, when eho wad warped aalioro wbero she ia now tied. ' yORST 1 1 STORM IN YEARS What Residents on Pacific Coast Are.EscapIng V i, - Tlio whole country with tho excep tion of the Faclflc alone has been Buf fering thla week from a storm the tov erlty o! which can not bo realized by the "naUveof thla. favored sect lop. A late Chicago dispatch eayn: Tlio wholo country from the Atlantic 0 .aat to tho weitorn slope of tba Rocky. ' Mountains ia Buffering (roth the coldest waathor known ia Fobruary (or yeara. The snow storm which swept over the Rooky Mountain Etatea baa' trAveled- east And south until it covers the whole' region na far as New York on tho eatt and tbo Gulf States on the south. lleginning in Wyoming and Utah, t a. whore cxtrcmo cold and decponow havei (jajucd groat loss, of livestock on thej rAngc, the storm extenaeagrAiju un til Kansas ia nndc a foot of anow and has temperature below zero. Oklahoma h,as had snow ip ta1;o tbo plflco of rain, and Texas baa now a (oot deep, In the far North wosfo. near the boundary of North Dakota and Canada, Williston la tho coldost place in the United States, with ho temperature 12 deg below zoro, and tbo thermometer registers from 20 to SO below all through the Middle West. Tho anow reached Now York last night, when four inches had fallen, following close upon a aleot storm which had al-l moit atoppod traffic. , Tho WeAthor Dureau.prodicta golos, anow and cxtremo cold for thn wholo Atlantic Coast. The ,eano conditions prevail all along tho lakes, Tho Bouth ia just escaping from flooda duo to heavy rnjn, which extend from Loulsylllo Bou,theaBt to Georgia, only to fall into tho grip of tho bittojjeat storm of the Winter. Trains nnd telegraph lines nro demoralized all through tho Wost, nnd in many cities street-cars run only with groat difficulty. MAJOR . GENERALS. .. NAMED Washiflgton, Fob. 18-Tho President .today eent to tho Senate nominations to b'o MnjorGonornloI the army of Ilreck rldgo, Ludington nd Wado, AL ARE Garididates Courage ' ' (JEER GETS TWO MORE VOTItSs. Plat Salary Bill Passes Taxing Corporations Defeated--" ""; Widows .,fc-Jbe Relieved l-io."- , i , . mmmmmmm Special to the Mali. Bafem, Feb.-lS Mr. Fulton la more confident thad over of qacceia, Ez'.Gov ernorQesr'a friends are jubilant over bis senatorial prWpecta and Jonathan 'Bourno 'wears the same calm, tcreno smile. Col. Mizuma baa not yet opon ed bls-Tbeadquartera. Ta joint ball6t todaV waa featureless but for the fact that Bailey, of thtt Mult. nomAh'delegAtiont changed from G. II. WillUms to Geer just after the roll had been'flnlsho 1. - ' Ex-Govoruor Geer "agAln received' tho "votea'df nine Mnlta&nAh county men who cast their initial bAllot for; him yesterdliy. Paulsen, the Clackamas county Kepubllcan who yesterday aban doned the Clatsop county candidate, balloted (or Geer again today. Senator Johnston, of Eastorn Oregon, was pres ent at the session today. Tbia gavo Geer two votes more than bo rccolved yesterday. Tbo corridors were crowdod today but there was no speech making or anythiug the ordinary (ontho entertainment i I i Water (p()Wer driyes r, y MAlNlTS MANUFACTORIES Plenty Of Good Vater Fower's In Oregtn Awaiting Development ft j ' A recent report of the U. 8. geological survey aays:, "Of the 1,700,000 horeo Dower ceneratod bv water in the wholo United 8tatos,aa reported in tho census .i mnA J-s iiwnnn n n..l irt nm 1 ui ivuu, uii iw.uv- i , w,,' cont of tho total amount,' ia produced in Maine; and while there has been a etoadv decline since 18S0 in the number ot water wheela tn ubo in that etato, owing to tho tendency to install larse wheels, tho actual amount o: power Senoratod has boon more than doubled uring tbo last twenty y'oars. "This great power b uiiiiziu uy nearly 4 1,500 milla. of which lumber, pc dill papor and pulp, nud cotton milla nru by tar mo mosi numerous. s'Tbo factors which make tho water powers of Main so yaluablo are their t. .. ,i i great number nnd size every watershed ii tho state is n water producer-nod their constancy, occaBlonod by tbo croat volume and the streams. Ine doubt lareolv duo forests nnu to tue invoramo climatic conditions," In this connection this fact Is; recalled that WoBlern Oregon Isalep finely Blt uated in tho way bi fine natural water powers nnd favorable nllmatic condi tions for de vol oping largo end numer ous manufacturing inuustriOH here. ThesQConditiqns nro nlready oUructlng tho attention of capitalist nnd ,Bomo large power plnuts nro., now in courso ol conbtruction. Among tho more uor Steadiness Ol HOW Ol I n- thU nrnnII. Thnu. nnnlivmnn. . tothowida extent ofi, l, in,inn ,i i,nnA, ni ' CONFIDENT K&jjlng-'up,i rV " " ', ONE COMING FR3M FULTON & i Houses-Harris Bill a i of spectators, i ;,., ,kVibw Tho bill placing tha stale officers upon" a flat salary, Introduced in iho hotuo j by Kay, waa passed, last night wltbjbat , . Itwo 'dieeritlng voteal Bllyea and Eockhj ' It nllowt (hoSecretwyofaUteand'a'aU teasurer, oiah j5.000fc year, AtqrneyG lejnrj oral 3.000, chief JLctlce of tho supreme' court tu30, assocl ate juetlcoa $1,000. , The bill will nbt Uecomo effective until . 1C05. .. , The tLurla bill providing a'nntoTfagppi -rate of asEesen-etit nnd taxation of . cx.-fiX'.': press, telegraph, telephone And toll, roadcorhpanloiJ'fAiled ol passage, but . there it Fomo hopes that n similar bill may pais. ' Tha committee on reeolntlona this morning reported (Avorably H. C. R. No. 3 by Judd, ilrectingtho Wnys and Mdina commltte'b to Intert in tho Ap propriation bill ah alloVance of 11000 each for therollelof the'widowa of the threb ' gusTd'a milrdered at the atato frjeon'outbrealc laat June. By vote ot 25 to 12 the reloTnflbn was adopted. table of tbeso mat bo mentioned that now well under way on the Clackamas river, which' will develop 10,000 horao power at low water.'aud will supply electric power for city, and' suburban railway lines in' TortlAnd and- vicinity. Those eitend to Canemali, above Oregon City, ajid t'6 Greshim.and .other points east of Portlnndj making a total trackage of about 60mltSK Borne com parativo idea of tho rnnnnltudo of (bis plant may be galned'itou the fact that the falls of tho WiUammetto river, at Oregon City- at extreme low water generates but 7000 horsepower. Another vnry Urgd plant ia boing put, in on. .tho . Rogtto river at Tolo JacltBon county,.' to supply pQwer,JotCj to towns, tuinea and mills in that' vicinity. vTh power of . ' . . . iti.i. rivers nre nttiizea 10 aorao wieut ns Uasubtirtr nnd Wlnchoator. and both "will doubllefa'bo largely Improved at- no dimnnt date , "" Numoibua other placos . throughout the Rtate are usiug in n greater or less icKioo thia bountiful forco supplied by nature, yet muging trom wnnt uas 4 " . win cro been ncbleved lb Mnino, tho groat in- li...vlil fii.fiA la hnralu In Ita lnflnflnn I hero n8 yot In other" ataten largo water nori or plants utilizing tho force of inoun'ain Btreams nro supplying olec trlc power lor mills, factories and Btreet ntr liu js more than 100 miea away. nil ll.ija mum . .uy ....,wm huh;. WUim tho proce8a (0r manufacturing i H w nlr iB n UUq u,ther pcrf0ctod. mankind. RoBeburg Rovlaw. r,ioss i I asserted sagely, "la duo to our accurate judgment of human na- ture.'V ,rJM- -. h- .1. , 1, j, dn wuo.nmaya, Anil." rotoiteu'xiic V .. . i.iu'I 1 Biii'h nmvnr nlsnts limv nlfiO bo utilized lattor factor is Iio! lin fnrn n ,,n,,m nrn bnintr nhnliml . I iu nm uiuuuiM mbvd itnu uuuvMka v. rx W carries tl.lngttolCJarcrocs. "to IWinac cumtc judgment ofjlB'-BrpoWjjn-Llfo. jV'.S,'..; . Vr.'.r..S V flf 4 ) V ': j t -"-' M-i.JBJIXlU aat'-B- 'Irtnuuf,