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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1902)
', f. J . L mm. i A mt. !" r .Jn- .1 -a. , s. ;;t ' tV ..'-: r t m 1" -I 5, j I ..I i 1 TiiAliJKK LANI). AOT JUNE fl. 1878.-- mji'ioefor publication. Uulluil Stales Land Ofllce, Ilotnburtc Or. v . i . . . My ,() 'WW Notice In lieroby given tlmt'ln conipll. niCo mIIIi tho iirnvllloni of tho not of ConurPM of J lino a, 1H7H, entitled "An Ml fortlio Halo of timber landa In tlm lb'?. "California, Oregon, Nevada, und Washington Territory," na extended to nil tliu Public I.nutt Btntoi by net of August I, I8U2. EDWARD (J. FLANAGAN, of Mnrhluld, eoun'y of Ooo, Hlafo of Oregon, haa llda iluy lllud In thla olllco his nnoru ntnlemput No. 1 in. fortlio jmtcliivio of thu HWM of Section No. 12 u Tow iiAliip No. 2d 8. Rango No. 1 1 W ntid will offer proof tcahow that tholand (ought Is uiorti valiiMhlo for lln timber or ufono than for agricultural purpose, and to i rnliiMifh hlg cliilril to mild laml before W. U. Douglas, U. 8, Uoininlrilonurfor Oregon nt MnrriifUld, Origon. on Fri day, tlio lot ilny of Aucunt, JUfti Ho name bh (wltnefie Oeori-o W. Bealo, V. 1', Murnhv, Annie II. Flana gan nnd Illnnubu K. Hhot t, a(l of Mnreh llclil, Oregon. Any And itll purrone claiming advom ly tlio nbovo-4luecrlbml land nrn rcquuil nl to tlio their ulatuu in this olllro on or beforo raid htdnyor Anguet. 1002, ?'!! J.T. BUI DUES, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Btntea Land Ofllco Roteburg, Or, May If), 10O2. Notico la hereby given that In compli ance with tlio provlrionn of tlm net of Congress of Junu'l, 1878, untitled "An uct (or tho crtlu of timber laml In tlio Ktnteanf California, Oregon, Nevada, mid WnrdilnHtonTeiritory," na extend id to nil thu I'libllc lniid Stntis by net of Augul I, IMC', WILLIAM T. MURPHY, l Marehflold, county of Cooi, ntnlo of Oregon, Las ttiU dny filed In ihh ofllcu 'ill kMorn statement No. 2'30. for tho purchase ol tlio Norlbcnit quarter of Fectlon No. II InTowiiBhln No. 20 8, Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof to chow that tho Innd nought la tnoro valuable for ltd timber or mono tlmn for ngrlrulmrnl purponrn, nnd to oMtibllidi liUdnlinio rnii laml Iw'oro w. u. DouuhtH. U. H. Cbuiinlpaloiior for Oro con nt Mnrfhflold, Oregon, no Wednes day, the :Ulth day of July, 1DJJ. Ho inunt-a no n'itueea: Alvln Bhdth, Jejjao Kinftli. Uraruo llenlo, K, (I. Flan i;ai of Mnrfblleld, Orcton. Any and nil ptirfona oiniuiln(t ndvorro y thu uhovo dercrlbed landannirequeat' ed to lllo tlinlr claline In Ibli olllco on or hoforo tM :illlh day of .Inly, 1002. G.2S J.T.UUlDGV.n, Iteclatcr. I i.c .lONli'iu CioiT. A Gorianii Clirintinti nilHsluifiry who Iihii worked for many jenrn niunuc tlio MoliamimxlniiH wijh; "Iloncnty compelrt (tvoiy cfliidld Htudeul to ucKuowledKO that tin' old view formerly entcrtnlned In Uhrlhtinii clrclea eoucernlii? Molintn nittdnulam.necordliiK to which tlio tench luga of the Brent Arnlilnn prophet nrc luitlilm; but devll'H doctrlnea nud dox nwK, la nlioKPtlier lucoirect. In rtnllly, MohntntiiiKlnnlKin Ih uotblni; but n rn tlonullstle typo of ChrlHtlnnlty In tho form, of n moat uufortuunto Htnto ro )llon. The tlmcH nro prmt when hcoUI liij; nbout tho Moulein creed hh tho pro duction of the dovll will Hiitlafy, und tlio HtrusKlu (walnut IfIiiiii on thuao pitmlbwi hi u fallnjfu. l'rnctlcnlly nil of tho mlHHlon lltornturo thnt Jn tho hIx teonth, wvuntecntli and clithtventli cen turloH, wiih written ntiulimt Mohnm luediinltm lit umoIcuh." ' Tempernttiro f Koreata, For many yenrn tho Swiss Kovcm went ImH been mnUliiK obHorvntlonfl throueli ltn forestry atntlons on tho teiniiernturo of tho nlr, of tho treeannd tho noil In the foreata. Tlican obstrva tlons bIiow that tho tompcrnturo in tho forcato la nlwnyn below tho tempern ttlfo outside. Tho tompcrnturo nlso vnrloa nccordliiB to tho treea compos loir tho foreuta. A beech forest Ib nlwnys cooler tlinn it foreBt of lurch. Ah to tho trunltH of tlio trees, they nro nlwnya cooler thnn (he Hurroundlnu nlr. UcKurdlut; tho temperature, of tho soil, it Ih found thnt In tho forest tho tompcrnturo is invuri hbly below thnt of tho nlr. butsldo tho JnrcBt tho soil la nlwnys winner tlmn tho nlr in uummcr nud colder In win ter. . . ' q'lio uauni 'flitnsr. ' "NVnsn't that nn odd thing for tho julntstcr to Bny Just na vo wcro lenv-. JiikV nsUed tho Chicago bridegroom of bin bride. "I don't think I noticed whnt ho enld." replied tho bride, "What wns uv' . .. ' Ho Invited uh to como ngni". 1 "Qb, thnt vna junp' 6'Wlnnry polite. tiesH. Ho tiiwnyH does Jiy ninrryinj."- Detroit FrQQ Fress. TIMIIIilt LAND ACT, JUnS fl, 1678. . NOTIOK FOIl I'UHLIOATION. United Stntei LnnJ Office, HoHobnrtr. Or. ' Muy Id, 101)2. Notico t horfliy ulvon thnt In compli nncu wllli tlio provlMnn of tho net of Con tiroiBof .Iniio II, 1878 untitled "An net for tlio fiilo of Umber lutnln in tbo HIhIuh of 'Oulifornfii, Oif'nn, Novitiln mid Wnth ilinrlon Ttirrllory," na extended to all tho runup billion by net ol August 4, 18')'' ANNIK 11. I'LANAOAN, of Mnrilifluli). roil ii I v ol Coon. Hlnln nf Oreenn. linHllilmlnv nli-i! In tlilnilllpii Imr I in worn (ilBtement No. 'JIU, for tlip pur. ' fclinio of tho NWI-1 of Kfollon No. Ill In ' IToutiolilp No, 'id , Kongo No. II W. und 'will offer proof to ahow thnt tho land ' oniit in tnoro vnliinwo tor 118 tlrnboror atonu tlmn for ftKrlcultuml pit rpoeca, and to vBtnblleh her clnlrn to raid land before W. U. Uounlnfl, U. H. CommivHionor for Oregon, nt Mnrahfltld Oreuon, on Friday, tbo lrt day of AuKiiat, 1002. Hho nnmen nawitnonca: tlooro W, DcbIpA W. I'. Mutphy, B. 0. Flanaan, Mid Ulariciio K. Short all of Marabflcld. Oregon. Any and all porennn clalmlni; advoren ly tlionbovnjleecril)i'd' cd to filo tliolr clulniR in thli olllro on or boforoaald lrtiluy of Auituit, UKW. 5'J1 J.T. UllI IKJKS KoKlhtor. TI.MIIKII LAND, ACT JUNE i5, 1878.- NOTIOK'FOK rUHLIOATlON. United Statou Iind Olllco, Hoinbunt, Or. May M, 1002, Notico la hereby elvon thnt In compli ance wltii tho proviRlona of tho act of Conureta of Juno IJ, 1H78, entitled "An act for tho aalo of tlmbur lands In tint Htatra of Onllfornln, Orcfton, Nevada and Washington Territory," ua extended to all tho l'ubllc Land Btntca by act of August 4, 1802, WILLIAMS. NOHMAN, of KmobtUK, county of Donnlni. Htnlc of Orecon, has thin day filed In this dtllco hi a worn atntctnont No. 2 120, for the purchato of tho NW1-I of foectiou No. 2i in TrtwnaMp No. 25, KanRO No. 10 W. and will offor proof tothow that tho laud aouKht ia more valuable for itn timber or atono than for agricultural puriwaea, and to raUnbliah his elalm to raid laud hoforo tho KoglBtor nnd Kicolver of thla office at Horehuri;, Ore. on Tueidny, tho 2(1 day of Aiiuum, 1102. Ho natnot i vrilneHtca: William L. .Dyeim-or, Joseph N. Weathorby, IMIjah II, Otey, and Julius Johnson, all of Koiu bur. Oregon. Anv and nil rcrrona claminc adversely tho abovo-dercrlbed'lnnda nro requested to lllu ttiulr clalinn in tills omen on or iK-foto eald 20 day of Aucuat. 1002. G-2l.p J. T. JJRHXUiS, IleRlatcr. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK .'1, 1878. NOTICE FOIl I'UHLIOATION. Uhtted States Land Olllco. Iloicbiinr. Or. May 11,1002. Notlro ia hereby kIvcii that in compli ance with tho provlrioua of tho act of CoiiRretM of Juno II, 1878, entitled "An net for tho rata of timber lauds in tho Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," us extend, ed tfr.lltlio Public Laud States by act of August 4. 1602, i WILLIAM L. nySINtlEIt, I of Rotolmrg, county of Douulan.KtalnoI Oregon, 1ms thin day filed in this olllcn hi nwom Htatoinent No. 2127, fortlio' purchase of tho NKl-l of Hectlon iso. i.i in Township No. 25, HanRO No. 10, W and will offer proof to nlmw that tho land Komjlit ia uiom valuablnfor lln timber or atono than forngrlcnltural purpoion nnd teeatabliidi Ills ,lalm to Mid land bc foro thu Heglalor nnd Kvcelvoi ef this olllro at Ko'eburg, Orcnon. on Tuetday, tho 20 doy of Augual, 1002. Ho namcB an witnntaea: Joseph N, Woatherbv. William S. Norman, Elijah IE Otey, Julius Johritonnllof lloeuburg, Orcj-oif. , , , , Any nud nil porEons clnlmlnR ndvorpo ly tho nbovo-derorlbed landa mo .to quceted tofllo their elnima in tblsoflUe on or bororu nald 20 dny of Auguat, 1002 C-21 p J. T. URIDHKa, Iteglalcr. TIMM5B LAND, ACT JUNE!! 1873- NOTICE FOIl l'UMLICATION. United States Land Ofllco Rofeburp. Or., May Otlt. 1002. xr..iti ! imnOiv nlvnii tlint In coinnll- anco with tho provlelonH of tho act ol Congrepa of Juno a, 1878, entitled "An act for tho f1o of timber lands in the Btntos of Cnlliornjn, ureRon, inovhub, aim Wnahingtou Territory," ns extended tr oll tho l'ubllo Lund States by net ol Au0,t 'eu&f: It. JONES, t , of Marehflehl, county of Coo', State of Oieuon, lias thla day filod In this oilko his aworn atatonient No, 2380, for the iturrlmio of thn Sl-2 of N Wl-4, BWl-lof NEl-4 anurswi'-ioibwi-joiRccuou ;u 22 biTownnhip No. 20S ltnngoNo. 11 W, and will oltor proof to show that tho land ...... I., lu mni-o vnlliullllt fnr ilH tttllbftr or atono than for agricultural purpaeca, anil 10 ciinoiiBii ma ihumu w pi ,hm buforo W. U. Douglnp, U. 8. Commls sloner for Oregon nt Marehflold, Oregon, on KiUurdoy,. tho 20 day of July, 1002, llnnnmnuim wtllinfPOA! W. A. l'llllll. of Fftlrvlo1, Oregon;? Fj It. Taylor, pi j"lrviow, Oregon; M.J. YHflou,oI tMt i i view, Oregon W. 1$ Andcrion. of MnrMiflttld, ()rvon. , f Ahy ond nil pertona-ilnlrnltiK adrflrit ly tho iinou-dopcrfl-i'd Imida ftroreiUj)ilt t'd to II lo their clulina ai thla offlco on or Ixforo eald 10 day of July, 1002. C-J7 p J. T. llItUiOBH, lU-Klnier. - TIMHElt LAND, ACTJUNE S, 1878 NOI'JOE FOJt rUlLICATION. United States Land Ofilco, Iloeeburir, Or, May 0th, 1002. Notico is hereby given that in compli nnco with tho prAyiaions of tho act of Congrern of JnnoH, J878, entitled "An net for tho mm of timber lauds In tho Htnb's of Cnltfornln, Oegon, Nevada, and WuriiljictonTiirrltory," an oxtunded to nil tho- Public Land States by act of August 3, J802. - ISRAEL LANDO, of Marohflcld, county of Coos, Btnto of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllco his aworn ntnetnout No,2302. for thopur oharo of tlm 81-2 8W1W A.NEM HWL4 of gcctlon No K in Townaliip No 2fl S RaiiKoNo. 11 v",-nd will offer pi oof to chow thnt tho land tpupJt in 'in oro valua hlo for its timber ora'tone than for agri cultural purponb, ancMo t-ttablleh bis claim to ftoid Japd beforo W.'U. Douglan, U. 8. Cotnmisrioner'for Oregon at Marh field, Oregon, on Monday, tho 28 day of July, 1002. lie names as nitneatos: James Hut clicton, J. J. Kronholm, Jr., Emeraon Ferry, Alvin Smith, uli of Marehficld, Oregon. Any and all porpons claiming adverse ly tlio nbove-describod landa aro reqnott ed to Hlo their claims In thin olilco on or Wforo eald 2K dav of Jnlv. J002, &-17p J.T. RKf DOES, Reglater. -rgj TIMBER 7.AND, AQTJUNE 3, 1678- NOTICE FOR PU0LI CATION. United Slates Land Ollice, Roaeburg, Or. May 0, 1002. Notico is lioroby given that in compli ance with tho provieiona of tho act of Contrreaj of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho ralo of timber lands in tho Stated of Californln, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Wnahlogton Territory," as extend ed to nil tho I'nbllo Land btatoa by act of Augur.t-I.1MI2. CLAYBOURN A.MOORE, of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this of flco his sworn BtBtemont Np,3301, for tho pntchaio ol tho SE1-4 of Section No. 20 In Township No. 2d S, Range No. II V. nnd will offer tiroM toriiow that the land Bought is moro valuabHj for its timber or atono than for ngrlcnUaral purnotce. nnd to establish lit claiin to nald land ho fore W. U. DoubIbb, U. D. Commleilonor for Oregon at Marahtleld, Oregon, on Monday, tho 2H day of July, lu02. iiu names ns witnesses: John J. Kroiiholm, Jr., Jnmos Hntcheson, Alvln Smith, JeBdoA.Smlthllof Mnrehfield, uregnu. Any and nil perrons claiming advorcc ly tlio above-described landa aro request ed to filo their claim" in this ofllco on or beforo enid 28 day of July. 100J. G-17. J. T. BRIDGES, Rtgiatcr. TIM ilElt LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOIL PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Ofllco, Roaeburg, Or. MayO. 1002, Kntlnn 'a lmrn llV chVn Hint in COinilll- nnco with tho tho provisions of tjioncl ol Congrojflof Juno 3, 1SJ8, entitled "An net for tho salo of timber landa in tho Ktnteaof CnlWomln, Oregon, rsovannanu Wnehlngton Territory' as ex-onded to nil tin Public Uud States by Act of August 4, 1802, BENJAMIN C. ANDERSON, of VUalla, county of Tulnro, Stato of California, has this day filed in thU olllco liiu sworn etntoment No. 2370, for tho 'nurcbaso of tho SKl-4 of Sec tion No. 0 In TownBblp No. 2tl S, l!n.i.,n Kn W. Mil will fi(Tnr nroof to bIiow thnt tho land sought Is moro valu able tor lis uinucr or eionu man ior ug rlnnllnral nHrnftuM. nnd In nstnlillah hiS claim to raid laud be! oro tho Register ami JC crivor oi una oiuco oi uoaoourg, Oregon on Weduosday, tho 2Q day of U(!USI, 1UUU HouameanswitnceEcs; Charles Thorn, if Rosebnrg. Oregon; Harry Thomas, of lloseburg, Oregon; Ernest Dingley of VIhuIiii. California: Albert J. Camnuoll. of Roseburg. Oregon. Any una all persons claiming iivcrfio ly tho above-described lands nro roquoat cd to filo their claims en ibis olllco on or befoio Bald 20 day ol August, aJS. 017 p J.T. BRIDGES, Register. J a ia .laaai TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION, United Blatos Land Ofllco. Roefcburg, Or. May 0, 1002. Notico ia hereby given that in compli nnco with tbo provloions of tbo not of Congress of Juno 3, 1876, entitled "An act for tho snlo of timber lands in tho Mates ol California, Orefion, Nevada nud Wnsblugton Torritorv," as extended to ,li thn Publio Land StatOB by not ot Aujuat 4, 18J2, EMMA NOBLE, of MnrBhflold, county of Coos, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in thla ofllco his aworn elatoment No. 2H70. for tho purchnaoof tho SWl-lof NWt-4, Wl-3 of 6W1-J See 25, 8EM of SEJ-4 of gec ton No. 20 hi Townahlb Kb 23 S, Rango' Ko, 18 W, and will effer, prool to'sbow Ijiat tho land sought in more Valuable for Its timber and none thnn for ftgricub turittl pnrpog, and tocatabllshhts claim to said land Jrcloro W, U. Douglas, U. 8. Cominlsloier for Oregon nt Marehficld, Orccoi', on 'JVeedoy, thu 22 day of July, 1002. He nnmrs as wltnctfea; Frank Bo w ron.uf Lake, Oregon; Nellie Kowron, of Lalio, Oregon; Nnnry Noble, of Marah- floiu, Oregon ; V. li. JNouie, ol Martti field, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho nhove-dcpcrfbed landsare rcqucrt cd to filo tliolr claims in this ofllco on or beforo 22 days of Jnlv, 1002. 5-17 J.T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nitcd States Land Office, JRoacburs, Or May 8th 1002, Notico ia hereby given that in compli ance with tho ptovlHlou of tlio act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tlioxnloof limber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington lerntory," na extend ed to all tlio Public Land States by act of August 4, 1802, JOHN WALL, of Marehflold, county of Coob, etato of Oregon, has this ilny filed in ''thla office ills sworn statement No. 2300, for the purrhaaoof tho 81-2S Wl-4, S Wl-4 8E1-4 bee 27 nnd NW1-4 NEl-4 of Section No. 3J In TownnhlpNo, 20S RangeNo. 11 W. and will offer proof-to ahow that tho land sought is moro valuable for its timber or atono thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Orogon at Marehflold, Oregon on Satur day, tho 0th day of- Jnly. 1002 IlonamosaawitnesEos: UttoKcrouco, of Marahllcld, Oregon; James 11. Wall, of Marabflcld. .Oregon: Jame-4 Wal, of Marahfleld, Oregon; F. R. Taylor of Falrview, Oregou. Any nnd ail persons claiming adverc-o-ly tho above-described lands am request ed to flta their claims in this ofllce on or beforo eaid 20 day of July, 1002. 5-17 J. T. Bnitxjcs, Register. TIMBER LAND, -CjT JUNE., 1878 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United S'atcs Land Office, Rosoburg Or. May 8th, 1W)2. Notice la heroby given that In compli anco with tlio provisions of tho act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbo ralo cf timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," ascxtended to all thn Pdblio Laud States, by net of Auguet 4, 1802. ROMUALD C. CORDES, of Mnreh'tield, county of Coos, State of Oregon, baa this day filed in thla ofllco his Hworu statement No. 2102, for tho purchnto of tlio 8EM of Section No. 7 In Township No 20 S Rango No. ll W, and will offer proof to show that the land eoogbt U moro valuable for its tlm bur or Mono than for agricultural pur poses, nnd to establish Ids claim to said Idnd befoio W. U. Douglas, U. S. Com missioner for Orecon at Maraliflold Ore gon, on Fridny, 25 day of July, 1002. Ho namea as witnesses: John Pierce, Ben Schuyler. Emmet Pierco and O. E, Smith all of Marahfleld, Oregon. Any nud all persons claiming advereo ly tho aboo described lands nro request ed to file their claims in thin ofllco on or beforo eaid 20 day of July. 1002. 5-17 J.T. BRIDOES, Rcglr.tor. TIMBER LAND AQT JUKE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllco, Rosoborg, Or. May 8, 1002. Notico ia hereby given that in compli ance) with tho provisions ot thn act of Conuroea of Juno 3, 1878. entitled "An net for tho anlo of timber lands in tho States ofJCalifornla, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," ns extonded to all tho Publio Land States by act of August 4, 1802, HARRY SIMONS, of Marahfleld, county of Coos, atnte ol Oregon, has thla day filed in this ofllco bis aworn Htatement No,2103for tho pur choso of thn SW1-1 of Section No. 20 in Township No. -20 S Range No. 11 W, nnd will offor proof to chow thnt tho Innd sought ia moro valuable for its timber or Btono thnn fpr agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his claim to Bald land beforo W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commis sioner for Oregon at Marehflold, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 20 day of July, 1002. Ho namea us witnosecs: F. R. Taylor, of Falrview, Oregon, W. A. Flinn ol Falrviow, Oregon, W. II, Morgan of Marehflold, Orogon, F, A, Raker, of Marahfleld, Orogon. Any nud nil poreona claiming ndverso ly tho nbove-deecrbed landa nro request ed to filo their claims In this ofllco on or beforo eald 20 day of July, 1002. 5-17 J. T BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND, AOT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. United Statos Land Office, Rosoburg.Or, May 8 1002, Notico is horoby given tbut in compli nnco with tho provisions of tho act of Congresa of Juno S, 1878, entitled "An et for tho 'salo of timber landa 'in tho Stateu of California, Oregon, Nevftda, and Washington Territory," as extended lo all the Public Laud Slates by 'act at Augnst4, 1802, 't " , WILLIAM I IJONEBRAKE, ' of Marahfidd, county of Coos, State of Oregrn. has this day filed in thla office bis aworn Matsmcnt No,2i03 for the pur chase of tho SE1-4 of Section No. 22 In Township No. 2US, Raiise' No. 11 W and will offer I proof fo nhow that th land sought ia moro valuable for lis tlm-'-brr pr atono than for agricultural -put--botc. and to establish bis claim to 'fluid -land beforo W. U. Dougla, U. 8 Com minloobr for Oregon nt Marehflold Ore uofi, rn Friday, Iho i'Odny ol Jolv, lp02. Ho namea an witiec: William IS Couklin, John J. ICroniiolm, Jr., f "iIk Hinlth, J.M. Hulchceon,allo( Muritkld, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming advene- ly tlio abovo-dercribed lands ate request ed to Jilo their claims in thin office on or before said 25 day of July, 1002" 6-17p J.T. URIDGE3, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE p. 1873 NOrJCEFOR PUBLICATION. !.. United States Land Office Roeohurfr'Or. May 8, 1502. . Notice is hereby gtVon Hint in compli fftico with thA pre vicious of thu act of Cmgress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act of for the pain of Urn cor land in tliu States of California, Oregon, NevaJn, nnd Washington Territory," na extend ed to nil the Public Land States by cc; of Auguet, 1002. JOHN J. KRONUOLM, Jr., of lifnreliflolil, county of Coop, etato ol Oregon, ban this day filed in tbia oflic'f hie aworn statement No. 2404 for tho pnr-r chase of tho BW'1-4 ol Section Ko. 23 IiO Township iCo. 20 S Ranee No. 1) W, and" will offer prool to p'iow that tho land Fought ia moro valuable for its Umber or' etonu than for agricultural purpose?, and to establish hia claim to said land be fore W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commiseionor for Oregon at Marahfleld Oregon, on Friday, tho 25 day of July, 1002. He names an witnesses: W. I Conk lln, J. M. Hutchceon, Frank Smith, William Bonebrcke, all of Marahfleld, Oregon. Any and all persona claimlngadverff ly tho aboTe-dcecribed land are request ed to file their blaimtn this office on or before eald 25 day of tihly. 1002. 5-17 J.T. BRIDGES, Register. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Roeebursr, Or. MayO, 1002. Notice is hereby xlven that In compli- ance with tho provisions ot the actofCon grcas of Juno 3, 1678, entitled ''An act for tho ralo ot timber lands In tho States of California, Orpzon,NYvada, andWasli"-" ington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August '4, 1802,- ERNEST X. DINGLEY. S of Viaalia, County of Tulare, Stain of" Callforn'a, has this day filed in this cflice his Bworu statement No. 2374, for tho purchaFO of the Lots No. 3, 4, 5, being', SW1-4 NE1-1 of Section No. 0, in Town-4 ship No. 20, Rango No. 10 W audwill offer proof to show that the land sought in more valuable for itn timber or 810110' than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to eaid land beforo the Register and Receiver of this office at Roaeburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, thn 2Q dav of August, 1002. ' , He name: as witneeres: CharicaThom. Harry Thomas, Albert J. Campbell of KoRuburg, Oregon, B. C. Anderson, cf Vitalla, California. Any and all persons claiming adverse-;' ly thonbovo described landa nr5 request ed to file their claima in this ofllcu on or beforo said i0 day of August, 10D2, G-17 p J, T. BRIDQES, Register. TIMBER LAND, AOT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oflico,Rosoburg, Or, May 0,1002. - Notice Ib heroby given that in com pllauco with tho provisions of the act o( Congress of Juno 3, 1B78, entjitlcUj'Aul act for the sale of timber lands in tho' states of California, Oregon, NeyadiT.and. Washington Territory," as extended to all thu Public Land Stato by act of Au gust 4, 1802, ' . . WINFIELD O. BICKEORD, of Marshfleld, county of Coos, state o No. 27, in Townahip Nd: 20 B,t Rango., lo, 11 west, anil will ouor prool to f how thnt tho land sought ia moro valuable, for its tiqabor or etono than tor agricul-, tur&l purposes, and to establish his' claim to said laud beforo W. 'U. Dougt, laa, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marahfleld, Oreuon, on .Tuesday, tho 22J dav of July. 1002. - Ho names ob wltnoeeea: F, R. Tay lor, AI, J. Wilson, of Falrview, Oregon,' W. II. Morgan, M. D. Cutllp, of Mnrjh flold, Oreuon, n , Any and all' perrons claiming ndvers. ly the nbove-desoribed landa ai e requeat od to file their claims in this office on or before said 22d day of'Jnly, 1002, "'" 517 J , T. BRIDGES, Register ' oreguu, lias una uay uieu in tnin om-a hia eworn statement No. 23B0,' for th mircluvEo of tho Northecat 1-1 of Section. r