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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1902)
sjp. vTvJsrtjwjifc.itjersirJ,. ;.,-... .fi l4(fcfV.,, V. I' '.I r OFFICIAL FIGURES ON COOS COUNTY n t.1.1. nt..ui!i.. r..ui..U...A. rurnisns riBiaiuy oumcmwi uuju . Than has Been Estimated "" Gallier's Margiit Safe. Tbo official count o! the Coo couuty Vole was going on last evening ted the following official figures wore obtained by phone from the county clerk office. Furnish 1006, Chamberlain 780, Hun raker 115, Ryan 177, Glller 1024, Lawrence 914. Wolcott 8S3, Haxard 1034. Harlocker 1112, Stanley 769. - TENMILE ITEMS Stephen Johnson arrived in town lueedayayeujng, on his way toCoqullle with iVballol boxes, accompanied by if Dr. Weolsey. There will be a celebration on the Fonrthot July at theTenmlle opera houeejjtfn which all are lavl'ed to par ticipate, and everything la free. Chester Lawrence of May went to Tenmile Tneeday to put up a boiler and an engine for a cheese-plant on theCel man estate. At sftneetlng held at Lake Creamery Sunday it was decided sot to (operate that iBitltation this summer as a num. ber of Bottlers witbeld their product and the creamcryman had absented himself for good tte previous day. SI. D. Cutlip, of touth Coos river, had business In town Wedneeday. T. C. Nowlln, the Coos river farmer was in town Wednesday. He reports every one anxiously waiting for weather which will allow the putting in of crops. The three cent fares promised By Pres ident Harriman went Into eflectSundayJ June l,n all the S. P. lines in Oregon.) 1 The diver dies without air to rbreathe. The consumptive dies without lungs to breathe the air, or of luugs rendered incapable of breathing by disease. The blood as it flows in and out of the lungs indicates the consumptive's pro gress. As the lungs grow weaker less oxygen is inhaled and the blood chances from scarlet to pur- f-lple. Oxygen is the life of the 7 blood as the blood is the life of the body. The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery upon weak 'lungs in to strengthen them, to en able the full oxygenauon oi me blood, arrest the progress of dis ease, and heal the inflamed tis sues. Lung diseases, nave ueen and are being cured by "Golden Medical Discovery." in Cases where deep-seated cougb, frequent Hemor rhage, emaciation, weak ness, anu nignt- sweats -have all pointed to a fatal termination uy con- -sue imption. "Some yon ago I was almost a help less victim of that ..dread diieae con sumption," write Mr. Chaa. Press, V. M., of Sitka. White Co.. Ind. I was confined to my room for several months ; my friends and neighbors had given up all hope of my recovery, until one day a friend adviied me to take Dr. I'icrce's Golden Medical DIkov cry, and jailer I had Uken the contents of the second bottle I began to improve. After taking six botUe I was, I honestly believe, delivered from the grave and entirely cured. I am now a strong and hearty man.' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities. . , .- - - r- ... V . J ?M-r ' V" ' UNDER A THOUSAND Chamberlain's ! Majo "' ity Cut Down FURNISH DOES NOT CONCEDE HIS DEFEAT Rest of Ticket and Legislature Rcqublicnu Direct Leg islation Carries Safely Salem, Juno 4 -The latest figure on governor In the election show that Chamberlain has carried the state by about 1000, with five bunch grass coun ilea to hear firora. These five, counties' gaveuGeora plurality in 18DS of 530 votes, but it is not expected that Fur nisfi will more than carry them even. The rest of the etato tlckat is elected by a large plurality. Famish does'not yet concede that be is defeated. Chamberlain claims the election by 1O0O to 1 500 plurality. Both Kepablican congressmen are elected and legislature is Republican in both housua. The direct legislative amendmont carried by a large majority. WRECK OF MISSING STEAMER FOUND Rangoon, India) Jane 4 The wreck of the missing steamer Camorta has been found, proviag beyond doubt that sixty-live passengers and ninety of the crew were all lost. It it believed that the Camorta weat down .during the cyclone of May 0th. Portland, Jnne 4. Tbo Republican state chairman aaya the returns so far give Furnish 73 msjority outside of Multnomah with five counties yet to bear from. Multnomah gives Chamber lain probably COO majority. The Demo carts say the Republicans figures are erroneous. The Half Century Mark. On Wednesday night sixty of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson's, friends gathered at the Johnson home to do honor tot ho 60th biitbday of Mr Johnson. A joy oas time was had and it was a genuino surprise mingled ,with the greatest pleasuru that a botrof friends could ex. prrs. The fvrniog waa spent In all kinds of eociuln ides invrrpriuil with music and delicious refreshments served in the proper time. This eyent will long be remembered by theJobhson family whose friends are legion in'Cooa county. Capt. Norman Nelson, and his wife sailed up frcm the life saving station Wednesday aud did come shopping, returning in the afternoon. W. W. Gage, the logger, was in town Wednesday. lie Has about finished work at bis Reaver Hill camp and will soon transfer operations to John brandy's land. Wm, Saunders, otmpjreClty.jjas doing. business in town' Wednesday, Miss Zoo Wilson, ofBumner, is gMlst ing her sister, Mies Eva, at her dress making rooms. P', - ' Hjsff i sV ,t . Pv ill 'A SS'- fA 7MV.SYf.f7'l "jjjy m. u. vrv Wh 1 SAWYER'S EXCELtlOn BRAND QUm&SuMm fmnd SHckwrm Warrta WsUrrr. Mad to stand lr1 work and itwinwit"r, J-J '.,4t: Hrt. U tvnr dmlr n1 tiava Uwsn.Med lor rata) cu. a. I, IMilM s4 rstitM t. i K,a.iwiin a aoi, Ms arr., STRIKE IS OMPLETB MORE MEN JOIN ' THE IDLE MINERS No Violence so Far President Roosevelt Asked to Take a Hand Wllkesbarre. June 4-MToday I think I can say that our strike is practically complete," said President Mitchell this morning, "additional firemen, engineers and pump men having joined ou forces. Local operators say the pumps were' working and they have no fear of floods, They claim to havo competent men to take the strikers places. Union nun rontlnun to arrive at various plnren. throughout the nuthrttcltfl region, hut thus fur uo violence hai bern ed. I fuir York, June -1 'ri'dt Unot x tell has been ajlted to iop thp rortl strike Jiy business, inea of thfs clt. Formal ction wss tuktm -this afier non at a meetlnit of thu NVw Yik Poard -of Trade mid Trnnt-jo tatjon, jSret of rerolntiniiN v"o adopted iii(iing the presldt-nt 10 In vestigate tnt situation CdacatoTuar 'BowaU.WIiit Cuscamt. Candy Cnthartlc, euro constipation forever IOe.360, KC.O O tll.dnjsRWtiir!ufldiooner. Meeting Called The Chamber of Commerce has been rqnea ed to call a mretlng of tlioclti xens of Marshfleld to be held in the Firemen's hall Monduy evening, at 8. o'clock, for the purpoeo of discussing the feasibility and desirability oi establish ing a hospital in Marthfield. All citizens are cordially Invited to attend Jas. II. Flakaoak, Fres. CH ICAGO TRUCKMEN'S STRIKE SETTLED ChlcaKO, June -1 This aflurnoon the department store niansgers and a com unllee of Jiivuis iuet fur m couleieuce and settled the strike of the drivers on a basis of an increase of (1 in wagetf and no diecrimination against uplon. tica JL JBkakes ehort road. AX JL jLud lk light loads. QRA$ sWood for everything that runs ou wheels. Selsl Cvarysvher. ir arrAXOAKD an. oo. ,v, RAIN m TifXTfTfw i"j fw ifVf a . . t aw -snummi k. M m 11 t II V II 1 1 CL Ik v 4S7 Hr LE ;gqos Bay Wholesale Lipr 8, IlKADqUAUTtiUM F.Olt 1 C1RADK UQUOltH OHOIOK WINKB ' AND' llKAMDlKrl. . 11 1(1 II PUKK LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER pamily Order? Solicited. iHOLK AQKNT FOR THE ,.OKI.K 1IKATKI) Ranier Beer. Fitmlly orders for l'ot, pints, mil s a .. i i .. ii. .. ... tituirtit, delivered by thoenso. Robert Marsden. mu A Ulti. r?GliablG I'M 1' 11111, p r Pin f J&Cf Cf. D LJwcLIIiXV'lJ C. II. MERCIIANTgI2MI lit i-oiHtiUitly mldiilg to its mock uf (l'iH'rnl Mt'rilntn Jic', iilrt'iuly tint lirgo.t In Mnrhlluld AVhfO you buy ntthu Mill Storo you know the goods are first clnss'iuid the prino is uU'right.' ' All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail, lis visit DR. JORDAN'S amurl MUSEUM OF ANATOI iHiiiMniT.,uiriii Tkilj, lartw aHss)Ssi MSWssiiaiM i stuiuMt M asf bsutM4 1 WWM. I II ! r rS if k M.I bU4UM M Ik C lul. )4 fttlx. M. JORBAH-DlirAStl OF MIN SIVraHI.IM IkWMHklr tfSotcSlsd'i dw lyuus MI IS hi ilMHtsni ' Ti hud j f H(nct sssWH- i mi ,. ii"r."i qwi wma r4ksl nl rilaa. IrlMar s4 ruiaMi vf vt. jstasa-i Htui su. i I mi stukads. J ' ' CosMtuatas ri s4 ttoUDrrtrtf. Trwkssst pf , imiiui m b.. aan?)kior .r , ' aiABSili,Bt. MAiiao raaa. a iuu . biM.I L'tllM-nUsu ' ' u M. JW0AN . MIMI sSamtsi;s,f. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWPAPfcMi ANVWHCR8 AT A4YTlnUI v CaM m mi WiUtt JE.C.DAKK'S adyertisikg agency a sj o merciunK- kxcbhmks) SAN FRANCISCe, CAL. ! ... ,, THE STEAMER ARCATA. Jl. C XJ!LOX, ilmtei . 'ill .tlHlir llcKulnr Tria -UKTWKltN- , COOS BAY AND SAN FKANCISCO, -OAKKYINU- PA88ENGER8 AND FREIGHT -LOWEST RATES. Oreicon Coal ft Navigation Co,, rroprlelots. F.8.DOW, Aitent, Marihflold, Orron, H.O. CO. Agent, Kmplre City, Orison. CENTRAL HOTEL (tamer f Front ami A MrrrU, MAlUillFIRLI), OHKtJON, JONHSNVDBK, till I : Proprietor ritlilS WKI.IKNOWN ANDKAVOKI IK J IIOTKL has lust brcnentlirlrrcnilrtUml refurtilUicil Ihiougltout and Itngtlnoprn n ire (tubllc for rMironaice. . .New tmii ami (prlng itMitrrssi-k tir iri accd In almost evcty tlrrninc room ul IS I Hiiisc and ftHllxr irouble not rt):iM i Uvi lm) to ptii cirrylhini; In lirtclu unlrr. TMMt. IVviitl Miirl UMlltiR, wr trk, 1j-" Ivuiiii, put wvtk 4c.o SokIoM'I ,..- ?s l' nnd Coiimiodious ' Stcanishlj) ALIANC HARDWIOK, Master Makes tcguUr trips Utxccn Sin Francisco and I'otlUml vU llumbolpiand Coos lUy, calllni; at above potts wch way, Tlio ALMAXOK Is Urst (lni4 piuseiiKer bout, mid Iihh hII thu modern con veiiluliotii v mill ih ono of thu fiiHtost Kluniuurs of her oIhms. For Freight mid Passenger Uajes or Sailing Dates, Apply to . SENGSTACKEN, Agent, M VRSHPIEIvD, Oregon GEE FEE. DKALKIt lf QKOCKKIKH, K11K8II 1-'I10IT8, VKQETA ItLKH 1'ItO VI810NH, l-'LOUK KKBI), BTO., OK THK I1KBT Q1AL1TY. PHIOKfl, KRABUNAULU P 11 OSS IS N OYSTKItfl KVKUVDAY. '; : : : A Street, . Murshfielc, Ore ,'ijt ;l II' M V WV " Jvf, .Tt vt "l ' SLi M. .!. .. 4 t J 1a iii y i . -w V-f! t'.t ' 1 ' V4,' fmPijti .! v