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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1902)
i SATl'ltDAY, FKH. uny Published 12 very Saturday by the Mail Co. SUttJCh'lPTION ItATlfe ' Owe ) ear, t . v.tpt). MX month lilt MOfttto I. CO $,0 wilt Whnrjt! hrn notMtd In minutcc 1 A bonier i-a biismul and c:.u elaiui ro p. . : .. in any horn.-.: patty. 11 expoMtre is a public boon, and Ins punishment a necessity for the countiwa geud. Globe Democrat. Lord Salisbury's ou the Uoer war is latge'y a warning to watch out for Ireland. At the end of n long career Salisbuiy ooks upon Intend as the -UritMi veak point .Globe nwii;oct.i . It looks wry much r if tlje contfiJ in ll. J s: lie i-iiutj w. I he bt-eeii ' ve.nvt fleer tV e election. nu Hon. f-o. 12. Chatnuie'.hiM, wf 1ViiJih i... heGovtrio .h'i- .1! - D.111. '.What a lot of tr.ou''o and de by wpuld be saved il patne Na ture uttd oue of earthquakes, go frequent iu that neighborhood, to split the istlnnus!" Shciidau fJuu. ''Ifa poor beggar defies arrcs?, we read him a lecture on the sac:ednrs ot the la'.v. If a rail road preside .r does it, he looks around for applause. A'nrcliy is the jinui , in Irh places or low.'' irvOvgO'i: 1:1 JHpALNEWS Wnihiiigton, Feb. 1H Senator Wel lington, of Maryland, who 1 . Ixei )iaftiially iHtraclzd by tlio HejuiblU eans iine? hN ufortuiiate Interview reganlinjj tin lnihg of I'nIdciu Me Xinley, iiunl a sen-alidnal addre.-H in lh? 8eimV' to lay. Iljattaeke-J the gorpriuiirnt jioliel and liujierittli'm. He aid that Cuba been freed laeaue of a doire to 10b hur under tin cloak of military nile, and he conijiared the lIIJjIrif htrug jflo for iiiili'iviiilciii'tf with that of hU American forefaihoru. HugnvounHtiiitoil irnirc to Admiral rX'liloy, ami duelarml that iuxtend of re fttdvinj,' duo credit for bin Ietory at tJnnUftgo I10 wan limot on all hides in of fioial el re I ex in an attempt to besmirch lib character and dutruct from bin courajC. llodonoiineed the euiicent.-ado eamiis in the 1'hilijmliiett and wanted to know if the I'lilted Klnles should here niter bt kuown a Uutclwr W'oyler the jfC0llll. lie raid that when Proxideut Kiught , Jill? vote for tliu treaty ot 1'arid he had 'htm his jirouiiiio Hint tlieio , would be ilo jmrniiineht occuii'atlOii of the I'hlllji- "iJiiie?. znr1 n Heme. Switzerland. Fob. 1.8 - Tin pro jkwoiI Swiss was uiiido public today unil is e Idontly aimed at Ameri can good. Tlu tax on Hue hIiocs Is raised from 0110 hundred inul thirty tti om hundred titiil M'vonty-uve franco jut two bundled jinunds, while the rata on Kuropiun r;oc rrMliw tnichnugvtl. The tn in pnvenod meat !.s lucre? ed une huujred jkt cent and there 1 1 :i similar increase on Imvu anil h..i, while the rale on agricultural nurhin ory l nilvnucwl thtrty-thrco per cent. Fnlcm. Or.. .Vli. H Clml V. It. Knight, tho well-known 0;,gn kttor- noy. wa fonu I loud in UN iwm t tin? llotol ft t tv thin moniinjf. Momlayrt.'inigKt vS oVIock ho ro tlrwltoh: n ... ou the nocoml tlwr of the hotel In ai'jwront p. ! or.lth. ft'hwt ronml thi luorniutf ho n i-it-ting lit m elmir loaning hncit aenfut the wall, I i loft leg ennviMl over h s right koee, witii folded letter in liN hand. lie had eildt'iiliy rend the letter, as III eye jjl.itw vere laid off to one side. inndall ajiimnintly indicated thut he ,,n,, f"w wloop i cvnteuydatiou of mew.Yeei neuuincnis or iih itaucliter. I'ortia, by whom the letter wm writteu. 1'arN. Fib. IS.-Kiulle Uubet, I'ren ident of the French llejnibllc, comjileted lhe Ilrt hair of his term of nfllce today, lutving a'stuucil the reins of governtnent Feb. IS, lSt3 for n term of id.x years. '1 he President wa.s reiulndi-d of the unniverynry by the receijit of numerous nie.-Nae.s of coiigratulation.lmth by mail and wire, lie will be .sixty-four yean old in December and is iu Uieenjna'iit of .'deudld health. New York, Feb. 15. There iiromlnes to be a gathering ot notable Deinncratrt about the banquet board at the (lerm ania Clobhons.. in Itr.Niklyn tonight. The occasion is a dinner of the Hrook 1 VII Democratic elub in riniiiiieiiirrnllioi if the birth of Samuel J. Tihleii. Prom liieut among thoo'e who have acceited iinitatioiu to address the gathering are lliiurke Coekran. former (inventor I'.tt tiou of reiinsylvauia, Congressmen lie ArillOIld of .Ml,(inrl iui:l ! I ri v nf Vireln!:i mid Kdwanl N. Shcianl, late Tainany candidate for Mayor of (i renter New Vork WoKCster. Mass.. Feb. IS.- A lively interest is displayed in the debate be tween repre-'ontatlves'iif Holy Cross and Drown unhersities. which takes nlace tonight. Holy (.'rosi has elected to import thealllrmatlvrtand Drown the negative side of the iiiitlun: ileolvil, That the jirevut jmli-y of the Uritisli government with regard to the war in .South Africa deserves the full mipimrt of I'ariiJini'iit and jusipie. The following are ti net a- judges; I're- i.IenKJ.SUiriley Hall or Clark Cnlver-lly. lVoIeir Art hur tj. Lewi of the Wi rcester llfgli School ami I'rofi-i-or Arthur (J' W'elwter of Clark I'lilver-lty. W'nbingtoii. Feb. 1.1 It I fully ex pected by both Dcmoernts and Hejiubli cans Iu the Seual.i thai the Philippine firllT bill will be paed next week, Delude mi the men -ure lias uo-.v been 1 uuiiiug a week. On Monday the treaty for the jiurchane of the DauUli Wot Inillas will bocoiM I rrcod iu executive kimxI.iii. Tuesday and W'edues lay Kfwions will be devobd entirely to the Phllippinex tariff bill, and It is exited that the Dual vote v.ill be taken on Thiirsdji. As Koou as the tariff bill is out of tin v.ay, the Irrigation bill will be taken up. The Hou-e will pahKtlie war revenuo reduction bill nest week, the vote prola bly Ijoiiift taken Wednesday. Chicago. Feb. 1.1- Hilly Wiwt, the Ta i.'ioiih iiifulHtiol, died here thU morning. Tneoma, Feb. 1.1 Instriicilons from V'H'.tuiigton are to the 1 fltect that the niijuerniis North werleru forest nwortra will heleafter be t-triugontly policed by luHjieclorri the year round In jirevvul timber cut lidg and lb-s. 'I he wuter shedK of rivers will nbo be ju'otecl.-'I. DeniluR, !i'. M Feb. 15.- Tlie . new Dlsliee-SouthWiHtiitn railroad between Doming mid, Dp.ugla.s wan jiraolliyilly completed ami liiudu ruibly tor tralllc- iHlnv. Tie iipw mail opens up coinuiil teatlnu bv illVi'd lino with some or the tujt ino'duelng mining e mi"1, l' wnrlil. 'lhe titilllo br eMiected to iv 1 11 !,. mi. 1 .n 1 mitiii- lii ill 1 1 i'ltv. final 1 which place the product r tin mliics prohibition movement hiijuMhul us a io will ho taken to tho end, to I'll Pino mid suit of the cuinoullon celled t(inwiiililc wmthhy wnyof the Santa Fo. ami by1 arc Ihto today ami a fiiiiiimluii iiutiliiHt tlio Southern Paclue to California. .tliCMlooii will ho luiiuguuited similar I l.i Hint tvnirnil III Ks7. I lit IllinU'llllltl St. Louis, Mo.. Feb. ll.-! . M. Ilaiilv tmliiv tLsstmsi 1 tin' duties if lreneral sup- cilutendoiit nf tilt Ml-.wiul Pacini' null .way mill Its lrned ojiernted lliiea In 1 Missouri. Kaunas, .Nebraska ami Colorado Mr tlanly -ucceed II. C, Chirk, who recently rv dotted. AnuaHils, Mil.. Feb. lo.--T!te team ? the New ork KeneerV club eaiue to AmmjiollH today to rn."s ewonls with tlnM-iM-Jl frncir-ef t l-e Fnlted StKles NuvmI Aca.bni). The New Yolk lea m evullsof Lampion Hnlng. Viinait V M. Filxhugli Townseud. atiit MnrnlmM I.-.. .. ... Ml.. 1... ..,l... ....' .1 veiiinviMii. 1 lie itit'murin m iiiv -., team are F.S. Wltirii.J.P. Unuirti. H. tcniiM nre rrsrurdcil a tin nn-xf 'tlllfiil In the foil try a id much hit lis ur.ti- Ife.'teil in the riWUlt of the inttclt. " , Snot Fe. N. M.. Feb. IS. -Tl-. I.rft route ni New A ex Co for uirnl mull ni New Mexico for inrnl mull , delivery was jmt Into operation hlny. It embiaeesa strljiof territory . t Min ing 21 iHii.ire miles. The c .Tier nTWW a pop'.ilutinli of iIJHT.suU , idilirf III ISO house. Havana, Feb. 1 a. IMv.ii feiu ?eax iiko tmlay thut the ilir.itisl Imtllediip Maine was blown up mid sunk In 1 1 u -ana harbor. The .:unher;ry wa ob served by the display of hiilf-mumcd ling ou pubic buildings ami the holding of special nieiiiiirint ion Ice j in .'vcal of tlie churches. Haclue. Wis., Feb. 15. A notable ath letic tournament Is iu irogre here to day under the niifiilccs of the W iscon Hin htate Y. M. C. A. and as a feature of the annual cniivertiiiii of the organiza tion. Toaiiis from li''riHit ohkosh. Milwaukee. XI rln.tte. Wa'iv.u, Ashland and other leadug cities ef the state are i'l t.ll- -t...v ... . "j The young ! lining for the iw.t mid nine MV..IIir tint i-.illli. finite 1 III' VOIIIKf I it'iletM luue been la tra meet tor many weeks t ofMHitMiIl)'' lecul'i!1 i- cxtucted ii tilt outcome. The pi. gram of e- r in cludeti the fallowing: ltuuuiiig high Jump, fory-y.ird dadi. Jiole viiuP, nhot put an d witiitu race. The prize is 11 costly hil! liauioT embteuiatiu of the .state cliauiiloiiHbli, otlered by W. A. Ktiirlfweiitlier of'ee. i 1 Astoria. Feb. 1.1 :'e of i! heaviest gales or tlib' . n' 1 rni'lnv,' I l.miiy ships are though' 1 in aire tli' .No daine lrt v. 1. ' 11 r.-jMitleil til grave dNa-ter P fe.ind. nremcrhuven. Feb. 1 ailed for America ttday .e Ilenrv the Kion on Prinz Wilhelm. The lli'j-liu impers comment on 1'iliice llcnryV deiarlure iu jubilant tones. They take the ground that lhe leceut mistiuder t iti.lltig h:m been cleared awav and the Pilnce'rt '-'t will cement the frieinNliIi between (iermany nn. I tj I'nited State. New Yolk. Feb. 15 Itear-Admlral I'vaiis formally took coiiimaud- of 1 1 1 feiir war hliljn detailed to v.clci.ue Prince llniry thLs moruidg. Tlie Siu::dn.ii will not rU'Km down the bay to welcome the Piince. Admit nl Hvmis will take it tUg and griet the Prince at the iiiiarr.iitiiie slut Ion. ofler. wards taUlmr the Pt luce on ImaM ami , carrying liim up tlie hariior. M"siig the I lUUil Males iOUiniroli, lo tlie llolienxail lern. Pun Finnclsen, Feb. 17 A a ! .ie Iimr nt nlubt Annie AiiIt-oi. n .-., ::! !i irl i n.piiiei a a (luni"-tie ot 3! W..- leny m reel, '.vhs Med and polu'ii 1 tal ly uouinleil byu ini-ked o.t:l w.ei made lilt i- ;.. is till at ! C.letgo. Feb. 17 " Mivor II irrUin to-! ilayl .iiihI an order irililMtliur lsxim' , hiroie liiiOigiilllX"'! (lulu, ' oiuii It itrtpeu iiirm. i.uiy isiniiy leiwiu nv This prueliru'ly cI-ikmi iliiHii thi Dglit- a Inane of One Minute Coujdi Cuw Immly. At I ig giinii'. the only oigani''d c'nb ilil.wieon evpfiiill) it mny I misled imblvu-..herolio-.'ijgoxliliiitiouumittlten in- iy.Heil Cros;. Diul- Mine .mil Scngtl.ukM.' 11. ft... iiv.iliiuli .1 I ... . ttt.l...!.. Jl..l. 5 int.- i-ai iiiiti' nn. ix i niiiiriif i inn. - ... Salem. Or.. Feb. 17 fiiorire (imiliHulo ot near 'I m nor was killed Sunday morn ing iy belli'' Ktrucu by the pay oar of the wuitliKii PiteiUf, which through Sil ai. paused I New Yoi':. FTib. 17-PullKt .leililiw is eoiiilncii to I js bed lodny with totMilltis grip which UiiiMlum to develoj) into 1 .'I illllllllll'.. .Jeiriieieuiight cold after Loving a b.ulai the W.lliwii.-iniig theatre hat unlay ult'i.. Port Townseiul, Wab., Feb. 17 Tho h':ivv ftoruw are doing gieat daiungo in tho Htraitsi n Kun .Iiuiii Do b'nea. . The Htoriii 1 plibiiuiiiaiial. HIvcm aro out :f, their hftiil:n, brblgo.1 aro can led away ami farnls arc liiiuuhi'ted. TEXAS PROHIBITIONISTS fI0I.Il A CONVENTION Wmhi. Texas. Fob. IS Ki-foitiI of the n 1 ii inirKis, N i tmuriuiuto a movement In IiaM' IUI CliVII II IIP'U 11 fill Ilium n 1 aiiii'liiluii'iit I'Ci-hlt iiinv :h-iiic'.iiiil llu Itoititlinu of lnln:,leuiih til t'o Ht.ilt tMmunmtww A VVpRTtiY "."cmothlt r. SUCCESSOR. r'ovv U nil or Sun ' Alt Dol Ux iiie.lnnurl'.TAUkii lijr llw im ot r!eo, ml k.i-, Inlntn ami ai'-i In ! 1 f-rm. 'Jheirpoitmiv ; Uk 1 11 ni 1 ' i.Mtti Mining ll iw tort e r ofiPn f ' . y Tlio l"J' ' 'i! "l! llirtt w thi In , , ..., ...... ,l--.. ... "" """ p" ,,u' "" "' '"T" """ nttpMiruo4 clwnHT.u caHwn iiwh tlir dhtoie. An old nt iMticnct jmo ililmirr ,n ' (or mny jrtira made ft clow tlutljr Nh4 Uplchiliy ttlltie liniimrtiief rATAKHII. tun m , -f-,i,i n ivntmeni hkh Imm l.iiil.fnfv .. , , , MtM ,.lu-.i - i..n h..a.4ui. n. t'ATAkKil, li) ittntmlnj Hi nur, Hop pmK lh Wchfjr. and cuook aH Ool.uewn ikMi. It to tllronht iramiy ItmMii i xtn.- ilttat ndufl'hy ttni'liM Mt .ffUti( itt. 'Ifc' wteJrrful rented r m knenn .i SNll'l.l,,s Ihv CiCAKAS'UKt) CVIAKKH tt'KK 1 snd ' fll t llw rlrrmly Ion prior 01, nw ti'!ir, rnch i-kng couulnlnK Inirrrwtt nnd ' rHtnnl mrdlcin lunVmil for n full inonili' irntiitM-nt ml evrrjtlilng nruvt Mry Iu IU p- fcit uv. NITPI.UH - HlbriMilr pfrf CATAKRf I ( L' H V. ttt mnile nml H now irconlil ,u il r or'i-o nml (WMHitc cwtt (ot ibat Hnno)ln( j mxl itiHtoi dlwuw It turn nil InlUmnu 1 tlon nml itetaitctilly unit to Abo won ' .Wt felly qiikk te t. 1km: HAVt I.VKKor COLD jlnlh Ill'-M). I CAI'AKUII wltrti wrKHXtnl i.ftm k-.-iJt to fONf MP 1 1 N-'sSt'lTLICV t. W.W . I II sV I.I'.., III . )(u u )0n wc It ai oner, ll to mi orillinwy ir lfl lmt , !,,,, i.,,iB,rin Hiikli to w ..,. ,.,,..ull,i Will Mllr. eite vry t itl) Sitimtiti-eil to iiiir ('AI'AKUll In Mny fixtti ir H-t- il iivd AccortllitK tu lln (IhivIih liu.h AiuMtipany aicli ck.ifi. F'jjn t tk-kty Uit wixl for li .it mxe, nit writr full ntlcuUit iu tu )txir uomlliliwi. nml )im utllrecit tjwiil nitvlM from the (lluotcrcr of llilt MnnltfHl cmril trMfillni; oor chm without rati to )mi j li')oiid llK-riulir tk- of "SNl'ITLKV tin "(JCAItANTItl'.DCAI.Mwtll ( L . SrHt ifejioi.t to any wMicm u thcSUiili! Mit.M iw uiiutu on ' drrrt tVpt. IV657. I ' MI'SNV. aj3i Mini I'mL'Jclplill. i uf im Diilnr. Ail V.S' Ik Oll.l'-S A ajji Ma'kot Mrt, JEFFORDS AN!) FITPATRICK'S THIRD SUJGGINC MATCH Alleutown. Pa . Feb. IS Whni irom Ises to be r. hard slugging match Is the bout Mchcdiiled to be pulled off before a local club toiilght Wtweeu Jim .leffouls, theC.:lirori!l'tn, and .Inn I'ltr.patriek, t!te Olenn henvywelght. The db twice is twenty lotuiiK It will be the thir' mretlng of thtw iiirn, .Jeffords Inning won Imlh of the preio!H llglits, Child Worth Million! "My cMil It worth million ti mc." my Mm Mary llird. of HaiiuUiig:. Pa., "Jill would Iwve Inst hf by croup liel I Not imwImMa! n l4tW of One Minute Cough Cure," One . MitiMltf CoiKh ('ion !. urc tiHti Uk cough ' roup nml thront nml Im ; iron' !. AiihIho ' llll.alw Infit HllfM Mil. , fl 11. 1ft itl.lttAuttutAK 'I IlM ."''' !''- ' '"'' "'"" "(l "" Imi' "'' " '"i wiwhi ihm I'Jwum.icy. lOA'lCOALOPERA'IORJ ASSOCIATION AHiliTS Des JIolui'H. In., Feb. IS InipintaiiL romilLi aru attached to the meeting of tho Iowa Con! Opcrntni ' usHociatlou In kmIoii buhiml closed (!env. at tho Kill: wood today. The pin jiomi of the mOetlng Is lodetermliiv v. hat jioil(iou tli opera-toi-ii will take, when the mluei'H jirexeul it miw hct next mouth, It Is tlio gun eral beliel liiat an liicieiii-ebr from ti to IU centri w ill bullemaiuU'il by tlie minora. Coos Bay WooWir tipoi1 .'() IIF.ADlJUAUTIJUH FOl 11 Id It (1KAI" U(IM)UK CllOlCli Wii .'.. AND PPItiv IIUAKtUKK. UiADIMi BRANDS OF IJOTTMil) nEliR UJl.i: Ai!' NT POH Till". (Tl I-. I'.UA'IPU Mill Family nulrrt for l.'niw, inU and (juiuu.delneri'il by thecaae, Robed Marsden. vbmv ww',' THE STEAMJft ARCATA. Vi'fil ."ilalte CleshT , ,' 'I rljiw t t -IIKTWKKS- COOS BAY AND SAN VK A. CISCO, .-CJAltllYlNd- PA8SENGERS AND FREIGHT -LOWEST RATES. C Cojt St t Mk-tipp Co., I rldoiu. F.. ", rlnncBii M' '. Mst'shfifhl ompn. V, il,, Empire City. H 8 JsiT s'jfr s'-CAJf ! ;is! nml ( MHiiorliotis ' ill ,i E, 1L H, HAIvDWlUK, Master Mi1' i i u'.ir iiiH ix'lwecn Si oul I'oilliind lu limn ' 'lul'i eo IV. y, ciillinjt o .1 . , '.tit i h Any. 'I be A I I.I A ('F is ,t llrt-t c1 .- ' ue tsiitl, mill Iiiih iil mii re ' .iiivenli'iK'U.H I' . I'M if till) flUtCKt ."M III. I)' . lilHH. H H H h h li KttfT h H tl&r li h gy- HBJI- HI l'or lreif;lit nt'i' l'tt.s.senp,er K.'its or Snil'm"; Dates, Apply to . SENGS TA C KEh Agents AURSHia'HLD, brcgon HiW r.w Hi Xi niNtt 'r rlonAtf Beer, i H