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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1902)
COAST pmiu'Mwwinuuu-xvx OL XXIV Cream of the Puli'islieil livery Day in Annapolis, Feb. US - i'llnco IJcitry n:il party arrived hem today. Tint party wot) driven from tin train to tliu parade ground, where tliu naval eitdctM were lined up. 'I ho I'rliici watched the boys go through their evolutions anil Momcd greatly Improved with tliu excellence of llmlr work, After thodrlll tliu Annapolis naval academy was visit!. I.0111I1111, Feb, 2H- Important cninuiuu h'RlloiiH lane recently pussfil In'tu cm Canada ami tin- llrltUh government with refoicttco to the Aliwku boundary lllMlUtO. ( Niimlii fjijil h)i IimiI ninth' nil Hut con to llii' I'liHt-il State poif-llde, nml wiMicti tliiil hitglnitil would (Kirt her present dciiiaiiito. "l Washington, Feb. SH-'llm Hftmto niianijtlct' on prlUlegcK ami oiiciiou iIrrIilfH"tlnit unman and Mrl.'iiirtn should le utiMitul. lUboliitlonc of fill- hiiic welt' pr Miitcd to tlio hcitatc mhii after tho iHnlti(. It In nx follows: "'Mint it Ih the jtulg ini'tit of the hi'iiato that tint Miintois (loin h'oiith Cnrolliin for thi'lr dlpo.dtTly Mutvior Nii'l 'Ingram tl'ilalloii of tint rules of tlir .Vimti during tin 01 en lit- h on of the suiatcon Filuiiaiy 22d d nni' tlitM'u mho of the N'lintr, and tlu ill hey r ai'ii are huehy .o cenmiiid for tin l r i lif the iirl.llcics and dignity of till tHMiy, nml in in aim alter idc tuioiiiion or litis t rmittit It-it the older adjudging them in ci.iiteiupt of tln .Senate rhalt no longer be In foteonud rfftcl." U Angt'liv, Felt. 25 Tin CViititry Atlii'letlc clhhof tlilrt city his det'ldeil to make a hid of ..2l.lMI lor tint .lelTilc I'ity.tlminoiiM llghl, the r'iiti-jt to tal.e plan during the Flivdn cclelnatlon, .Ma. InI, 2d titnl Kd. Wanhli'gton, Krli. 27 -I'teiddciit pro letti Kryo of tllf Heiiale Ihlt iuntifK npiip'Hl-"-1 "imi noiiv for ordciln;; the n.iine-i of HenatorH Tilliiiiin and Me J.aurin of .South CarolliiH Mini Turner of UitHlilot'toii removed fioai loll, oel liHiklli the Mcn-tlnm apHul frmn the ill cImViii nf th" clitilr ami IiIn fnilure to !! llll'Mllllll' to Hilt M'lltlte. After inuLuiK IiIm apoh'j'y, Fro huIi milted tti the Heiinte a iiHjtittl from Till man in which lie intlutl Hint he iniht he licniil ell a ilietloli of the Iilju-it lirivilohv. Frye that Tlllnmn lie kIwii the iieoi'Hriary iiiiiiiiIiiioiim ciiiisimiI to he Jii'iinl Intt liiirrowH, or Mleliltaii ohjwt rd.Htatliij,' wiii forced to do m at thirt time. No htatement in ohtnlimhlc in coiiiicC' t Idii with tin' action of the. IJolitenuiil (iovcrnor of .South Carolina in withdraw Jii tliu limitation in tint I'awhleiit to iircHeiit u sword to .Major .lenkliH. It H inliinated liowci'i' that IVenldoiit Ito.." elt miulit Ignore the withdrawal an un worthy of notice. Washlugloii, Felt. 27-('omrcxH laid aside all hUHlnesri and devoted today to paying titling tribute to the nieinory of the late President McKiuley, Prince Jlenry hi'lug the gueat of honor. The sceiiit of the mcii'oinl exeiei-iw wiiii Hie Hall of Hepreseiitativen where I'utli hriilicliiH uHseiiilileil at 10 o'clock to IKtcii to elouout memorial iiildrc".eH. hlle memlieiriof CongreKH occupied the ll' of the hall the gallerleM were Jllled witli illploiuatH, JudgeHof Hie supreme coin t, olllcialHot the niniy and navy mid other pei'MiiiH who were fortuuato enough to ohtalu tickets of aduiirtsiou. Foremost among the dUtingiilshed vl"lloi'rt were I'rlnce Henry of i'liissin and lilrt unite, who occupied, together with President ItooMnelt and iiieiitliern ol hia cahiuet, a portion of (he galhry set aside from them. When Pnne.t Henry tin ltl tlio Hpeaker and the liou.-o .line as one mail iih the royal viltor came down Hut center J-de, mid hIiiiuI Iniieiiiis with tjio l'rlnce'fi arrival the I1. S. Marine hand struck up tlioderiiiuu uationai anthem. The oration, of the day wiih dellveied hyj.ieuretary of State liny. Other hriel' addresscH appropriate- in lite occasion were delivered hy Senator Fontl:er,(ieii eial (iroavonor and one or two other lliemhciH ofiCongress At the conclusion of tlio exercises, an fidjouiuinen for the day wan taken iih a further mark of renpl'ct to Hm memory 'of. President .Mcivliiioy. MARSHFIELD, OOOS OOUBTTY, OREGON, MAR.. 1, Week's News. (lie belly Cnasf Mail. -w Kiiiitn Itnhc. Cnl., Fob. 27 Tim Klrt llnptlsl I'liiirrli of t It Ih city, tliu fourth nhlc'-i church of Its denomination on (lie I'aclllc coitHt, today n tin to days' colchriitlnn of Itu golden Jubilee. Kitty u'lirn ago tint church was uigiiiii'.t'i!, tin' llrnt mo vice being held beneath u prowl ing mil: on the IIiiiImmi ranch, veu'ii utile from Mil city. The nunc dale alw" maikfd Hut organization of tliu Itaptixt Association or Callforniit. Only ono of tin orl(lnal members of tint con gregation Is now living and lie Ih ono of the central figures In the preccnt cole hratlon. I'hlladclpliia, Felt. 27- The Hjihhvlii Lonnnottve Work, the Inrjji'rtt rutnldMi mint of its I; I ml in the world, to.lavivlc- hrateil the wveiitU'tli aniilveifiiry of Um loiinnaiioii ny inn line .Mailman vt. Ilaliiv.ln. One of tin; Icnlure of the an niversary wim the coaipletion of the twenty tlioiiHaadth HnMicd ciiftliii liirn r1'! out hy tliu work-. Thin loci'injitlve U or Hie inofe modern hlj'h Hpecd piiNeii ner type ami wan hulll lor the I'lant ivn tcui. WiiMilnj-ton, Felt. 2d -Tito iiin'Mtlon of whether to punhdi Henatorrt Tillman mid Mci.aijrlu for their disgraceful procew! Inc. on Hie Hour of the senate viu taken ti thin moiuliiK hy Hie M'liato couiinit lee on privileKeMiind election. The ceiielUhioii not torspel the Kejia atoiH wart ileilnitely teuchi'il IhroiiRh a ronfereiico hetv.ten the Ittpnlilican and lU'iuiiciiitic leader. 'J lulr ptiiilxhiiii'tit will take the form of it vf(-or.iiiH resolution of ceiisiire cuiii lu'lllliK each to make a thoroiii'li(iioleiy to the senate. The House Wayri unit Mcaiw coiiiuilt tee leilay instrtietfil Cliiilininii i'nvne to repoit the Philippine tarilT hill iw amended witli Hie recommendation thai the House do not concur In the senate nmi-'idiuciit, mid to demand imiufuicitcc. Merlin. l'Vli.2d-o iiiu'iiiiflrnied minor in alloat Hint the Klnj of Surviu Iiiih liovii iiH-nuwiiiated. . Fun Frnncisco, i-'eh. 2i' One of the heiniest Ntiilliwest storuiM experienced In matiy yeaiMHiriick tlili city yiwter- 'day. Tlii wind attained a reat velocity. 1 . ... f.. .. I ..I. I.. .... I. lk.-f... niovmiK ! niiii'i mi ni'iir. ill J nun lteMM it itacluil U mill.-' mt hour. ShlpHilritK'd Hiolraiiclt'iM or hroUe their inooriii s at the i!eel, anil much iIriiiiiko rcMilted. A IMiIiib uimt iw caisl7.ed. Teli'ithonn mid electric IIkIiI wlrex were Mown down, awning, nhade tices ami fences were wrecked, and telegraphic communication with the outriidu world wan temporarily cut olT, New York. Feh. 2d -Another damp day faced the Prince HiIh morning. He remained aboard his yacht all the morning, mid derided to temporarily abandon hi' projected vMt to (ii ant's tomb. At noon Hie parly rounded up at filter ry'rf where the Prince wiih tlui guest ol honor at a banquet arranged hy leading business men and lluaucieiH. among the number being .1. Pierpmout Morgan William itockefeller, William K. Vauder hilt ami Abrinn S. Hewitt. If the weather permits the Prince will go tills ceiling to Arlon Hall to review the parade of the neriuan-Aineiican Hocietie.sof (Jreater New York, It will beu toiehllght parade and the partici pants will include all of (he (ierimui Hinging, gymnastic, Hharpsliootiug ami howling Hocletie.s of New York and vicinity. , , , Klahorate plans for Hio dinner in lion nor of Prince Henry to he tendered to the press or tint country hy the JJewYork StaatH-Zeltung at the Waldorf Astoria tills evening have been perfected. Lead ing newspaper men are to lie present from all parlH of the country. The toasln for the dinner me as fellows: "Welcome to Our Distinguished finest," Herman Kidder of the Now York Stauts-Zellung. Kespondcd to hy Prince Henry. "Hie F.niporor of fiennany and the President of tlio Pulled States," by WhltPlaw Keld,jiif tlio Now Yovk Tri bune. " i "Tlie PresH-f'O Tin That lUnd.i," -hy St. Clair McKolw-iy of tho Ilrooklyn Dally Kagle. "'Snxon IlloOil-WhafW'oOwo (o fier tunny in Literature, Art, Science and -A iw imwgnwJBtei-imjuiJwjBn Mtnile." hy Chnrlerf Kifior'yStnltlio'1 tl.o i'hlhidclphlii Vrw. "Inlornatioiial Amliv." Iiy Clmrlcfi Knapp of lite Htf louii ilepuhlic. ha-lllm! Feh. 2."--Jiii!m (Jr-orKo day h'C'di'd that .Mrn. AVlilllock ix III led to 6'"'i leward .uOTifii for tint to eii' rift mid ciinvictlon of tile murderer U'ailii mul Dalton. Wasliliij-toil, Feh. 2T)-Afler oIkIiI hotiiii tiiinultiioiM dclmto Monday ulnht the senate passed the J'lilllnriliiiH tin iff hill hy a vote of Id to :!(!. Tillman and MeJiauriii -.'.urc restorl to Hio senalc rollti luilny. ,, Vlenne. Feh. 22 Sorioui Btrike rlotn nrn ri-jwirli'il as In king I'laco at Moscow ami Karliolf. At KnrliniT, where ten HioiiMir;il work iiiXitteii art? Invohrd, troojM eharKOct the rJoti'M ami nimiy were 1:1 lrtl and jiijureil. At Morcow four men met tliclr death anil 57 cre wounded. At Karhulf Hireo were killed ami K Injured. MailrM, Kfli. 22- Tim lahor diHtur hnuef continue throughout Bpulu. The govenimeitt helieven tfint Hie crlala is over, hut the uilnl.UerH nr alarmed nt the thnatrt uiHile. that ir the wnrkau'ii'H ileinniiilri iirv not grautLHtey will never allow King AlfotiHo to he crowned. Port Towiwnd, Feh. 22-TJi'e IlrllWi whaling rein-oner Fawn Ms'nlmre on Catnlina, wiwt coast of Vailc-wvir. The crew wjw wived. New. York, Feh. 21-Hear-Admlral Koldey I). hvaijH, cpiuiiiander of the special sititdnni nml lioimry aid t" l'riuce Henry, lelt hlf llagship llllnoiH at '.i-!i Sunday iiiornlng in the Hie naval tug N'na to greet the Prleef. Tho Nina met the Kmnprirz WTIIn-lm beyond Fort Wudsworth. and Falling around to the starboard side of the liner the steam ed up the hay. Prince Henry nttlred in tho uniform of mi admiral of the (ierunin navy stood on tho bridge of the llner,Jti the naval tug drew near the steamship Prlnco Henry nml the admiral caught sight of each other and exchanged informal salutes. As the two vessels witli tho llotilla of tug and olliclai craft inouil past Fort Yiiulsttoi'tli tho llrl salute of 21 guim was (l'vil. Ab the llrst gun sounded the Prince advanced to the bridge and Muni at attention. As he plowed Hie Wg Amer ican ling Hunting oer Hie fortilications. he ral'd his cap to salute Hie ting and the staff was dipped. The (icrmau naval baud accompany ing Hie Prince played the Star Spangled Ilaiiuer. Washington. Feb. 21 Throughout tlio ciiy Hie Iluhl Kagle of America and the III tck Kagle or (icrmauy aro fraterniz ing. On tliestreeta crowds of Ameri cans aro cheering Hie Prince and Kaiser Wllhelm. The day broke clear mid beautiful and though It was known that the l'-iuceM train would not arrive betore ten o'clock, crowds began to form long before that, hour. r Immediately ntioit nrrlval nt iv ' White House Hie Prince and his part were conducted to Hie Fust room. Prince was then escorled alone to the Ulue parlor. Ins escort leaving him at the door. He had hardly eroded tho tliresliolil before President Hoosovelt who v:n WiUtlng for htm, .stopped - for ward and grasped him hy the hand, Tho greetlngiithat tuKsed worco' tlio most cordial nature. DIWtlUl'TION OK THE YACHT New York, Feb. 25 The Herman Km poror's new sailing yacht, tnicccHSfiilly launched today at Shooters lalaud, Is a splendid example of the skill ' of tho Ar.ioiican yncht builder. WTiilo (ho Kmpernr lliuself has given nimiy sug gesiions regnrdlng the lltting and out lit, the yacht was designed and Js to be entirely constructed by Americans and from American materials. Wlievi com pleted tho yacht will have cost about $175,000. She id to bo tho largest schoon er yacht alloat. her length over all being UH feet; on tho water lino lai feet; breadth of beam 27 feet; depth 18 feet (1 inches; draught 15 feet. Her masts, of Oregon pine, will be lir feet in height, and tho largest boom .so feet long, Her large breadth of beam given her as much deck man no tho finest steam yachts. Tiuvyucht will possess all tho palatial aml;ooniy con volt leueo.s of the most princely 'team yachts, whileiutho r A Tl V fl " j" a- MvMf HtMBaMm 1902. iTti!ieilmpinvl:i;;n rrnl mivniidiKO in dl'-peiisliii,' witli the vast amount of ma-) cninery, iiollerfl mm com ininkprH. Kflo will he rigfjeil iih a foriMind-aft ccliootier craft, ami will have tliu fol lowing rail.':: .Mnliiiufl mid forcnail forcHtaysuil. jih, mniu and aft nml (alT toilSllll. Illllll elllli n'lil fini.iill nnltii'irv "l;4'', halaon trysail, luiloon foretay- .suii, naiooii jiniopsaii, natty jiiitopsmi, r pinnaker fore and ntt tryHiitl. Tim keel Ih of trouili type, ami the deck i:i of the hetaelect cd white pine. In different pnrln of the hoiit hau' heen placed de ..IgHH henrliiK tin imperial coat of nrnm. 'i lie yacht wan deniKiiiil hy A. Can Smith nml Henry C. Hurley. The luillif ern are tlio Town- end ft 1'owney yhlp ImildniL' Company. Mtscli of tliu upper work of the yacht Ium liecii coiistriicted. After Hio niastfi have lieen stepped only the interior Mulshing will remain to he done. It will receive iln final flttiugs in Hermany prejiaiatory to going into coniiui-siiiii next itmmir. When Hie ceremony w.iri over ilu lunnprin. Wllheliu stopiied and He Ivii.i hauled around to the port sid. where Admiral Kvr.ns cud staff loardei' iii'P. Admiral Kvann r,'ni escorted forwan and in lliequarteM of Captain Kiditor marter of Hie Krouprinz MIheIm, In aild H:e Piince met. Tlio Prince came forward nml taking the hand or tliu naval ollicer shook it warmly. "I am very glad to roo you sir," 5aM Hid admiral. "Jlverylusly in the riiiteil ritnts Is waiting to welcome voti. U Is my pleasure sir informally greet you in lu behalf or tho t'nltfd Statea." "I thank you sir, mid through you the ijc-tplo of your country." replied the Prince. "1 am very to mi you hero on thiR splendid day. The Ktuperior Iiiih directed me to convey Ills compllmenti" to you Admiral, mid 1 do bo with very great pleasure." Hhcotcro Island. N. Y Feb. 25 In a drizzling rain nml in the presence of a brilliant assemblage of notables, Alice Koosevelt at KKl'.t this uiornliur launch ed and christened Kmporor William! echttfrner yacht, the 'Metimr". The nf fair was entirely successful nml wns un- iloiuiteiiiy tlie most nriiliani aiiair oi the kind that has ever taken place in th's country. Despite (no unfavorable weather con ditions, preparations for Hio launching had been going on, and the invited guests embarked early for Hie Island. President Koosevelt, Ills daughter, Prince Heiiryand their respective parties arrived In .Icrse'y City shortly after eight and hunted atel embarked tor the ship yards. BtSHHISin! to Q DaafnorKHisaaHBiMifaM.'asiaw Because the a 3 H a S3 EU H 8 23 33 Right ami the qiialillea the satisfactory kind, is tho reason why our now tpring slock will bo worthy your attention Tho stylos sro freshest from tlio lunding makers, ami tho qualities aro thoroughly dependable. Tortunuto pur ultase, at the right turn in tho market, niffccs tho values especially keen. :::::.:: St vt a a 1 a 1 S? a tt til The Spring Needs ' in all tho varicus linos will bo hpro shortly. Outfitting any moiib ber of the family Itoro is a pleasant and protltnhh matter, for prices aru along'''partiettlarly easy lines, ami you're certain to get eaiisfuutory anil reliable values. : : : : : : lapes THE LEADING ,4j,iipj,s(!i,y, .V H; ' sa sa 'ra ss m m w b ?a to sh te 6n 0 graa?tBTTlwMUMM3'a"aBggg KO 9. " V:'roordlnary nrerautionfl had been la- en to Insure their nafety. Altogether Hiero wcro nearly 3.CO0 norsoiKwhn Itml rccrlyetl Invitatloii8f litcliidiijg the foroiiHwt names In flnancp. literature, art nml the LiihIucfb nftd of flciai lire nf New York. Tlie number of persona on the Ilttlo island was limited. but there wns no limit to lite fightsepw occupying other poinlfl of vantage. Dot ting tlio wnterri for miles nrotind wpra craft or every description, from local ex? 'Iirsioti boats to ntrn-ot-war and forcieft "teami'M. Tim Htalen Island- Hlfore; scarcely J.rOCi jnnls dlstnnt. wan lincil for several miles with HiouoandH of .pectatow who fiitccetded in getting n giHMl Uw ut the launching eren If thev could Kit liear Hio siieecliefl, On Hm christening stand wns a tlis Hnguisiieil party, tho conspicuous figures 'it which were Admiral Prince Henry of Pni.tHf? and life Huite, President Roosfl" velta-id his cabinet nml Miss Alice Koose-elt. When all had taken their positions the he signal was given and Miss Koosevelt villi a silver mounted hatchet struck the rope holding tlio croft. The roe mrted cleanly and fe yacht fIIiI slowly Iowa Into the water. As tho graceful ve.wl began her brief oiirney, Mlw Koosevelt Bwontr aloft tlicT vim -bottle, which was wrapped in the icrmau and American colors, crashed it-ng.-.ins tlio 'aw nml uttered in English the christening words: "In tlio name of tlin Kmperor of Ger many I christen theo Meteor.' " Then as the yncht glided graccfulls; down the greased cradle, tho party oir the christening stand waved hats and" cheered, and the loat8 let looso their car splitting whistles. - AHer tho ceremonies luncheon was served on board the Hohenzollern, and if number of felicitous speeches were" made, tho speakers including Prince Henry, President Koosevelt, Admiral Kvans. Mayor Low and others. Shortly after :i o'clock tho Prince and his uito were lauded at tho Custoim house wharf r Kattery, and proceeded to the City Ilnlt. After a idiort greeting tho Prlnco wm escorted to the Aldermnulc chamber where ho was formally presented with the freedom ol tho city. Tito features arranged or this evening In Hie entertainment program is agahr perfornitinco at tho Metropolitan Opera" House, following a dinner of Mayor Low. Tlie performance will be tho nur brilliant, from a musical standpoint, ev er glvt ;i in America. r . Despite the fact that tho lowest pried for seats is ISO all were taken withih on hour after the salt) was opened mul if any.seats were to bo hail today they woiilU biing prices rnnglng in the huii- dre'r of dollars II Prices are g a 8 I s t 1 1 I I a s i 1 " . -. 1 i is E3 & Mafsori , .OUTFITTERS Jk" vt- v Sw m R4 m s?v kr m w" w &i ca la aar ji