Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1929)
J, oc Matti, il w— analysis op crop A King Among Herefords How to Raise Poultry August 1028- Wheat shipments ac CONDITIONS GIVRN counted for fiver fit) par cent of the By D r . L . P . L «G «ar, V S - St. L otus . M o . “ D r . LeG car is a «radu»ta o f the O ntario V e t e r in a r y C o lle g e , 1892. T h ir ty -s ix year» o f veterinary practice on diMaaea o f live stock and poultry. Em in en t aa- th o rity on poultry and atock raiatng. N a t io n a lly k n o w n p o u ltry b re e d e r. N o ted author and lactorer. (Continued from Page One) drouth, however, tin» caused u gen eral shortage of green feed and lisy in Oregon which is affecting the livestock industries udversely. The hay supply Is below average anil prices are already al a comparative ly high level. Shortage of feed Is Causing some reduction In herds I amt Hocks. Weather condition» 1 I live been favorable for the bur- i >, .ting of grain, bay ami fruit I crops. The potato crop has been seriously damaged on unlrrigulc«! hml by lack of moisture. Demand for dairy cows appears less active •I i ■> vear aqo Ian al s are being no de lo California buyer«-, i The pi ospt d i v e good npriculltiral lmdim* t>.«other wlllt uenerolly im proved oinploymvtl • millions In ( 'r e f on f tvor a r it ' 1 uylug pow er situation nhoi.l i year ago, but <>n the -»llier li u ■ a t «tuition In lumber Ineorie see.ns probable. 1 lie gross Income from farm produels w i’l pro’iablv b<- a. Inrue as Ins! vear and t ossihlv a LB e more. Money and -r • lit eomtltinns are re- or e:l f"'r In Pl od in ine-.l <u—tiers t|,e Foreign exoorls from total value. Automobile reglatra- tions during the first tl month» of the present year exceeded thoaa of the first hulf of 1928 by 7038. lie- tail sales and reul eslate transfer», like lumbering, »how les» optimis tic (remis. The Situation in Some Oregon ('.outilles are r.s follows: Dougins—Prospect for largest prune crop In years. Large portion contracted at prices ranging most ly 8 lo 10 cents. Mure Interest in egg prodaetioo with prospect of pad 'ng plant at Roseburg. Senti- men. among farmers mid business men good. Jackson Good weullier for finit h-.-vest. |t'"tle*.s pea--, e'pial 1928 the ultra-violet ray» can reach the fowls In sullicient measure to con tinue their good work. Chicks that get plenty of sunlight will not de velop rickets, and soft shell eggs will be rare among hens of whom the same thing is true. O rdin ary Sunlxht » V ita l Factor in Not the least of s ly reasons for so T a e Development of Chicken»— ardently sponsoring toe open trout C.v: I Ine prominent «Ir»» o» Amerio». «Bclmca: H a rtM I". Oranti W hat the W orshipped type house previously mentioned ui a. E xcdli nt den ami ami very C h .p ic i: Pacific lntern»tlonol. Herbert C h- i a<s«r, O r-yan. B lindly as a D iety, Science Droves this article is the untagouisin of high prices quoted fur fall and wln- owner end Ralph Freeman, herdsm 'n. To Be T ru ly Deserving ot Rever sunlight to unwelcome bacteria. I r varieties. Newton apple» six- .In Si ow; D'.'goe Fish lng well. Excdli ill feeling aim ’ lg ence. W . ' i the whining of the Grand Huy and (¡.— Here again we find Lie untra-v loiel farm ers ami businessmen, (nttsltl- Chxtu;h>>mhi|< caard at the 192b and Game I i luin.v nou Wild LU* rays responsible. They cun pene Pacific Int ••national, Herbert Exhibit (Iti ludina tnlnlsun- fish i : a*>lc real estate changing hands. trate many substances which will hatchery lu lull ot erstlo uI: Juuloi ChanCtor » • hi LI the belt traditions K h iin d b Good \iignsl grossing The ancients of many races wor not admit other light rays, b-l they of Hi? Chcrdler name. George Agricultural actlvittti.i In th • new we ’lie". '«• e 'd ro llin g alfalfa shipped the sun as a god. For cen cannot go thru ordinary winnow j . C. Penney Bell; • t'«l .L n t ,u • C! r i titer of Herbert, form iioi' t I. urge tonnage of grain hay. turies it has been used as a s> màoJ glass, con .equtuily , if it should he Hors» dhow • •fleriua er own ..nd operator of the nowueil G rain yields above average. Potato seven evening rud throe afternoon of purification, and even in Christ conic necessary to close up any part fail!' ' • tier« aril establishment ct ernn doing well. ian churches today we find our of Ice front well space ordinarily f - .i r !•.•> i'ti. wax known ec the program», fosturln t »peetii.uim "Grand o'a Man” of the livestock Six Horse Toum tim in '. «onh'H» children singing, "Let a Little Sun intended to be left open, use a glass f ane Grain yields heller lhan li'liiitr y hi the West. Hereford» each evening. T o 'il premlur » (<" shine In.” Until comparatively re substitute over a portion, and thin nvernge, Clover seed only fair. from the Chund’.er farm will be ex- the Exposition will agpre.XBte ft Kt, cently, however, it was not suspect white muslin or cheesecloth over | New alfalfa coming through dry 000.00. hibiteil i t tin« 19th Annual Pacific ed that there was a real basis, in the balance. This will admit the ul Tuesday. October 29th hid t>'«el Intornnticual Livestock Exposition, season well. Livestock h -ginning P ortland in A u g ist were larger lliiiu fact, for all this symbolistic rever tra violet rays and considerable pi-rtlccd. Oregon. October 28- designated ••Governor / Dny". (!"» to need hdter pn-ture. in J u ly of th is year and exceeded fresh air. ence for the sun. srnor Patterson of U*<g«n «’>“ November 2. Governor Baldridge of Idaho « . > ci Before going very far with inclos Auung tae outstandiag events Now, science tells Us that the ul antx'uucid for the 1929 Exposition to attend, ns cln<> do other (>»» tra-violet rays of the sun perform ing hen houses, however, it is well ■Tl u r- Pttre Bred Livestock Show; •m ors of st itea. The at least two very important services Io remember that the less hens are Dairy, Atm u:.eiur»rs‘ and Land Hon. 8. F. Tolmle. Prim • M n s'ei for humanity and for animal life, pampered, the better olT they will Product» Shows; Sheep Show; of British Columbia is at»«» • \ ect generally. Certain harmful germ be. Pity for fowls merely because American National Fox Show; Na «d to attend acciiupiinieo by s life cannot survive in the presence they are cold is pily misplaced. tional Wool Show; industrial Ex number of his staff. All leading transportation lines of these rays and certain chemical Cold, fresh air that has been puri position; Boys' and Girls* Club In this territory offer reduced loros processes necessary for proper fied by sunlight is always prefer Work Exhibits; O r « « Poultry physical development cannot pro able to the warm, stagnant air us and Pet Stock Show; Northwest to the Exposition. V a lu e s in S chool, W o r k and A fte rn o o n ceed without them. Perhaps the ually found in a closed house. Be most important service rendered in sides, it must never be forgotten this way is the aid given to the that the closer a house comes lo be growth of bony slructures inside ing inclosed on all sides, the more the body. This is particularly im it is excluding the indispensihle ele R e g u la r $12.50 to $15.00, Special $9,75 ments that only sunshine can pro portant to poultry raisers. Regular 1»).50 to $22.50 Special $16.50 We hear a lot about vitamines vide in full measure. It should also be remembered that there is less these days. N'o one seems to know- All the danrers are glad to hear of Francis Adams, who has been in just what they are, but quite a lot sunshine in winter than at any oth California for quite some time is the opening dunce in O’Kellys Hull is known about what they do and er time, so alf the more reason to- back greeting old friends once more. next Saturday night. Frank McCarrol was unfortunate that is the important thing. Of the taking the fullest possible advantage The Anderson Tamlly who have enough to fall and break his leg. been living in Hazel and Bill While’s four known vitamines, Vitamin D is of what is available. Finally, we must not overlook the Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Bailey home, have moved over to the An Buy where your Cash gets the Most the one needed to transform certain fact that, without sunshine, all of was called from Grants Pass to give d e rso n Aulo Camp. It is reporled mineral elements of food into bone aid to the injured. Hazel and Bill will return home and -eggshell. This important vita the food products so necessary for Mr. and Mrs. Bodkins are having a soon. mine is manufactured right in the bodily development and egg pro very pleasant visit from their riaugh Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Laws are tin- proud owners of a new car pur bodies of fowls by the direct action duction would be valueless if not ter, who lives hack east. Specialty Line of Custom Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott are the chased last Saturday afternoon. nonexistant. It is quite plain, of the violet rays in sunshine. The new saw mill is closed, mak therefore, that the value of plain, proud parents to a baby girl. The Redwoods Hotel Building (.rants Pass, Oregon This is one reason why I am al everyday sunshine is something young lady is called Barbara Lee ing repairs hut will be going full and weighed 9M i pounds. ways insisting on open front poul we cannot offord to take for grant swing again soon. The Sam Sandry family received try houses and plenty of range ed. It is a big, important subject .■1 f - ■■ 1 - on Tuesday that their friend space for fowls. Every possible and for that reason I shall be glad word Don Wilson, formerly a resident of means should be employed to ex to go further into it with any poul Hogue River and owner of O’Kellys pose their bodies to the helpful ac try raiser sufficiently interested to store, who resides in New York was tion of sunlight. Of course, this write me in care of this newspaper. stricken with appendicitis and very suddenly passed away last Friday does not mean that they may not morning. Gladys and Doris Sandry seek shade on extremely hot days. Omar Drury, Seattle aviator was visited the Wilsons this summer. Mr. Too much of anything is not good. killed in an airplane wreck at Cor Wilson had many friends in this city. Even in the shade, in some cases, vallis, Oregon, Saturday. The Love family are very cozy in their new home, having moved in last Thursday. Murial Hawk the 5th and Oth grade teacher was home sick, Wed nesday. A S Y O U R ED IT O R w e h ave assum ed certain obligation» Mrs. Sandry was a caller in Ash and responsibilities w hich w « are faith fu lly strivin g to d is land, last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Love received a telegram charge. W e ere in p erfect accord w ith the code, given be from her brother, Paul Weight, who low , w hich another editor penned to his readers. is attending O. A. C. that he Is re turning home Thursday on account In Fine C ondition and B elow W h o lesa le C ost “The first obligation, as I conceive it," said this editor, of sickness. The county nurse ha» been attend “is to give the news of the legitimate territory in which the ing school quite regularly of lule A lso a Good 1926 FO RD T O U R IN G newspaper is circulated. checking up on chicken pox cases. Sam Sandry is wearing a content ed grin after having the luck to get “'The second obligation is that of cleanliness. It should O N E D O D G E BR O S. R O A D ST E R w ith a nice deer on Wednesday morning. be morally clean, suited and appealing to the young as well Lee Grimmett is home ready to D elivery B ody— $50 start to schtool. He ha» been work as to the old. ing his fathers logging camp all summer. “The third obligation is that of courage. It should be Mrs. Percy Thomas is still in Calif 1927 W IL L Y S O V E R L A N D S E D A N fearless in the expression of righteousness, in the espous confined to a hospital. Friifids are all hoping for her speedy recovery. al of justice, in the defence of the weak. Ju st O verhauled Mark and Lorn Fryer from Ker by were business callers, here Wed “The fourth obligeât ion is the obligation of consistency. nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock and Knowing the position of a newspaper today, one ought to daughter Dolly are leaving Rogue he able to tell its position of yesterday and where it will River to live and make their home on a ranch at Takilma. The high stand tomorrow. school regrets very much to lose Dolly. M edford, O regon “The fifth obligation is to furnish intelligent comments Old Fire H all Gladys and Doris Sandry were on the items of news which have an important hearing on callers in Grants Pass, Tuesday, Grant Matthews and partner, Mr. public opinion or public morals. Heck have the quarts mill near Bogue River bridge almost ready to “The sixth obligation is to help protect the community start operations. Live Oak Grange will meet next from imposition, from fraud, from danger. Monday evening. Many active grangers are having fine meetings of “The seventh obligation is leadership. late. Mr. John Dole of Exits Creek has urchased Sutherlands place and H E N R Y B R O S. . “The eighth obligation is service. It serves as a com as taken possession. Sutherlands munity advisor the source of first aid, the benevolent phil have moved in the store building owned by Mrs. Myers. anthropist, the uplifter, the civic booster, the big brother, Mr. and Mrs. Long has moved of the neighborhood. from Grants Pass to our fair city. The two boys are attending school. Helen Wilson, formerly Helen ,‘As the ninth obligation, I would place ideals above all Pitman was visiting her parents last things.” CIRCUS, MENAGERIE DOG and PONY SHOW Sunday. Let A Little Sunshine In Our FIRST Month’s Anniversary SaU* News Items From Rogue River D R E i S i SE S Sale: The 4th & 5th Only The Marion Shop J, Oar Obligations To Our Community WTiippef Six Roadster Treichler Motor Co. COMING! SH O W A Fairyland for the Children Troupe of Performing Dogs and Monkeys, Clowns, Hear Our Band A* R eal Circus for th e K iddies and G row n U ps as W ell. Our show is giv en in a L arge T en t Gold Hill Monday October 9th D oors Open 7 :00 P . M . S h ow S ta rts 7: 30 p. m. S CHILDRENJTOJIAVK MY Salam. Or». — Tonag Ovaconiaas from «11 ovwr th« »tats will corns ker» Saturday, Saptsmbw M . D m last day of th» Orsgoa State Fair, a» guest» of th» »tat» fair h-xted. 8 pacta 1 rat»» wlU ha glvaa »chaal children and adult» oa the bus M m » «ad rail road« for th« day. S M alal entertalnmaala, sxhlblts •a d parades ars schsdalad for the psopla, and partleular stten- w lll ba paid to th» 4-H clnb We are striving to give this community a home town paper, which will measure up to a high standard when subjected to the test of these obligations. YOUR COUNTRY WEEKLY IS OF, BY AND FOR YOUR HOME COMMUNITY Central Point Star 4