Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Central Point star. (Gold Hill, Or.) 192?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1929)
THE CENTRAL POINT STAB LOCAL NEWH ITEMS Slover. w e ll know n pioneer o f the valley was held from the Federated church, Tuesday afternoon, Itev. Johnson o ffic ia tin g . There wus u Hliopping in Medford Mrs. (¡surge W rig h l wus shopping p rofusion o f b ea u tifu l flo ra l o ffe r ings and many friends oald th e ir In M edford, Wednesday. last respects to th is beloved woman. Shopping in C entral P oint Mr. L a ird of Agule wa» shopping in C e n trili P oint, Werineaduy. Honny (¡leaxon Married M ervln Gleason, popular local barber, on of Mr. and Airy. E. It. Gleason w ho was m arried some lim V is it at T ra il Mrs. Juiiiex C ornu ti »pent W ed ago to .Miss Clcmeuteena Vaughn of nesday v is itin g tie r fo lk s ut T r u ll. | M edford made pub lic th e ir m arriage F rid a y a fte r keeping It a secret fo r some lim e. ' News o f the m arriage Leaves fu r Eugene Mr». (',. L. W ilson left T hu railuy had leaked out and the young couple fo r Eugene Io visit her daughter, were forced to adm it th e ir secret m arriage. They w ill make H u ll Eraneia. hom e in C entral Point where the groom is associated w ith ills father Shopping in C ity W illia m Lusk and E u ri B a ldw in in the b arb e rin g business. T h e ir o f Beagle were shopping in to w n, m any friend» are o ffe rin g cong ra tu lations. Tuesday. S H ItO P S IIlH E BAMK fo r side, w ith o r w ith o u t papers. L. A. Salade Jr. C entral Point. Halade W ins Prizes I.. A. Salade Jr. had some fine Shropshire and B u m lio u ille l sheep on e x h ib it al the Jackson C ounty F a ir lid s year and won m any prizes. Hells P arro t In ihe Shropshire class lie wqii Al Hernianson sold u nice double Is , and 3rd prizes on r im 2 years yellow head p u rro t. Monday* to Mrs. ami over. 2nd on pen o f I lambs. E reil Jackson o f (¡old H ill. Champion ram a m i cham pion ewe. In the B u m bn iiille ts class he won V is it In C i,/ Is l on ram 2 years and over, ram Mr. and Mrs. Boy Guyer and c h ild lam b; ewe. 2 years and over, ewe ren o f M edford were vis ito rs at the home o f Mr. and Mrs Stough, Sun I day. Visiting Friends Mrs. O rv ille Shores and baby son o f Jacksonville were v is itin g frien ds and relatives in C entral Point Tues day. W eavers M in e To Itaneh Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weavet and son E arl and Mrs. Wagner are m oving to th e ir ranch at Sams V ulley th is week. V is it llcrm a n so n 's ■Mrs. L. W. Jacobs and daughter Barbara Lee o f K laniuth F alls were v is ilo rs al Hie home o f Al Herm an- sou Saturday. V is itin g al C entral Point Mrs. Jim Berger and daughter are v is itin g in C entral P oint fo r a few duys w h ile ttie ir men fo lks are on a h u n tin g trip . Move To T o w n b M r. anil Mrs. Ernest Beanies and fa m ily w ho have been liv in g at the O akleigh Farm ta r several years have moved in to tow n. F o rm e r Realtor Visits George (¡ox o f M edford w ho fo r m e rly wus engaged in Ihe real es tate business here was a business v is ito r in the c ily , Tuesday. V isit w ith Parents Mrs. C. W ard Davis and baby a r rive d in C entral Point F rid a y fo r a m onths v is it w ith Mrs. Davis* p a r ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bichardson. Ivan Skynnan, w ho has s|>ent his slim m er vacation al home le ft Sun day n ig ht fo r Eugene Io e nte r Ihe U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon school o f law. Attend State Fair Dorothy Jones and Dorothy Smith of the 4-H club attended the state fair at Salem as a result of their club work, at the Jackson county fair. i R eturn From C a lifo rn ia Mrs. Sanford Hiehurrison a rrive d home Wednesday from C a lifo rn ia . T he y have hern v is itin g frie n d s and relative s in Concord and Fresno fo r the past m onth. F uneral fo r Mrs. Slover Funeral la u d i, pen o f 4 lambs, Champion The Sophomore Class elected Ihe ewe and chum pion ram. , i fo llo w in g oflieers: j John C lark, President; A lv in Mup- Deltaas Have Guests l le, Vice P resident; Elizabeth South- Mrs. Nun Foster of Eldorado, w ell, Secretary; A lfre d T a y lo r, Kansas, Miss Emma D eiluas and O. treasurer. II. Ile llu a s o f O kloliom u and Jacob The Juniors have ns «/Hirers Hay D eiluas o f Cove, Oregon, visited at mond W ineland, president; E velyn the home o f M". John D elias* and Sm ith, vice president; B u lb Cash, fn inilv last week. T his is Hie first Secretary, Lola Hood, Treasurer. lim e since c h ild h o o d Hull the five T he-S cnior Class «dUrcrs are Mar b ro th e r* and sisters have been to- ion Castor, President; Poland Dav z c lh ir. The men fo lks spend most idson, S ecretary; lands Slraube, o f th e ir lim e fishing. Mrs. Nan Fos- T reasurer. ••r visited here tw o years ago w ith There are l i f t students registered her husband C lin to n Foster nos. at the H igh school Ib is year Ihe en i eeeaseil. ro llm e n t being la rg e r this year than I, lias been fo r several years. S chooi N ote J services fo r Mrs. Surah Response V< < :il Solo Ite e itatio n Voce I Solo B o h e rl Jones o the r feats o f s k ill put each one to V ivian Jones a test o f his a b ility . Mae F iche r I H onors w en, to Miss M arguerite M ild re d G regory Hornes and to Kenneth Be-be B e lre s lim e o ls o f ice c re a m , w a f w h ile Mr. Am ick was ihe recipient ers, and c i,lic e w e re served. of a hound o f great ren ow n .” • --------- Ji w e,,s Entertain for Teachers Mr. and Mrs. II. P Jew ett e nte r tained Wcdnesd «y evening Septem ber 25 in honor o f the In n hers and school Board o f the C - n tr i! I»,,in, Schools. In the e ntertainm ent of the evening the idea of a m rd ia v a ! tournam ent was c a rrie d out. T a r ge, shooting, jug gling , liltin g , and U P P E R CLA SSM EN E N T E R T A IN F R E S H M E N A N D P A R E N TS The U pper classmen o f Ihe Cen tra l P oint H igh school entertained the Freshman cjoys and the parents F rid a y n ig ld ♦ l i b a p a rty at the CLASHES E L E C T O F F IC E R S H igh school A u d ito riu m . It was in '1'lie Freshman class held a class itia tio n night and much fun was had m eeting and eleeied Ih e ir officers as at the expense o f the Freshman. fo llo w s : Some good stunts w ere put on and B oherl Jones. P re sid en t; Jack ev’eryhody had a good laugh. t h e program fo r Ihe evening was inrierson. Vice P re sid en t; Mura M ills, S ecretary; M ary June Beebe, as fo llo w s. T reasurer. The freshm an class Piano Solo....................... Mona Lew is Welcome Address ... M arion (taster have 35 members. G:i sts w ere Mr. and Mrs. H T. Pane« y. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth i *e- 1« ?.r. and Mrs I. C. (¡rim es. Mr. • ml Mrs, Bob K incaid, Mrs. C urrie 'fu n to o u . Margaret W illiam son , Mac B i'" ,a r am Mabel M oisen, Ethel Etch,her, Phoebe W olfe, Echo Sche* m in, Jean S tratton, Gladys *.u’ I, P e xte r A in ick, George Lowe and W ebster W ertz. WF ARE GOING TO GIVE AWAY $ 8 .0 0 C ash To Our Patrons Encb SATURDAY EVENING Until Further Notice ASK ABOUT IT! N ip <0, S ip 5 h n p Central Point, i ■ ■ « ■ w ■ ■ ri SERVICE STATION !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Oregon ■ ■ ■ m b b b u b b ÏOUNCI F E D E R A T E D CHURCHEH J. M. Johnson, Pastor. F E D E R A T E D CHURCH J. M. Johnson. Pastor J. M. Johnson, pastor recognizing , our debts Io others, i* Ihe s trik in g I title o f Ihe lesson fo r Ib is week. The scrip tu re s nrc found in Neh. 4.15-23; M urk I2.2H 34; Bom. 15:1-7; P hil. 2:1-18; Col. 3:12; 4:1; James 2:14-17. I.el us gel Ihe very most o f these studies. School open> al 9:45. Al 6:30 in the evening the young ' people's services open, and a ll young fo lks arc invite«!. bleu Is w o rth liv in g fo r is the subject fo r tlic devotional, services. S criptures are in P hil. 3:7-14; 4:8; Gal. 5:22-23; Consecration meeting. In Ihe m ornin g service Ihe pastor w ill preach on Ihe subject; o u r ob liga tion s Io O ur G overnm ent," A slud y o f the scrip tu re s. In the evening (lie subject w ill be: The im portance o f Ideals in Service. The evening sermon w ill be p re p a r ed ta r Ihe young people anil Hi y are especially invite d. A ll Ihe young people w h o have w on prizes and people w ho have won prizes and prem ium s at the county o r state fa ir o r school meet are in v ite d Io lie present and sit in a body. Good music w ill lie no im p o rta n t part o f these services. Come. Why Hide Your Light Under a Basket? I f you have Something to Sell A dver tize It. Don’t try to keep it a Secret. You have Competitors who will not be so 4 retiring. C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H Leaves fo r School FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4. i » 9 “ You a re W elcom e" I). E. Millard—Minister. Miss Eola Benson— Bible school Superintendent. B ible school at 10:00 A. M. w ith classes ta r a ll ages. Church services a* 11:00 A. II. A co rd ia l in v ita tio n to a ll. Sunday w ill lie B u lly day and a Inrgc attendance is anticipated. The n e w ly elected oflieers w ill be in charge. If you don’t think enough o f your business to boost it. You should not feel bad if it> is not a success. CHI R( II OF CHRIST • Point, Oregon Waat Pine Street C e n tra l f F a ith fu l Men in Charge Assembly— 10 00 o’clock A. M. A c o rd ia l welcome to a ll. A J 8/ W<7/Mig Use Your Odlest Established Newspaper to Serve You .'it all lines with the very best m eats the m arket affords. We do our own buying to conform to the local demand for good m eats as we know it from our long experience dealing wilh the local trade. The Central Point Star Our Newspaper is Not a Sideline But a Business NO PRODUCT TOO GOOD W ith Us FOR OUR CUSTOMERS Central Point Meat Market Central Point I. D. Lewis Oregon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I B B B B B B B B. B 'it . ■ ■ ■ ■_