Image provided by: Rogue River Valley Irrigation District; Medford, OR
About Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1911)
4 CENTRAL POINT HERALD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1911 I , May's Creek to Gold Hi!!. He says the Among Ihe Cfiurchcs. trip is worth the venture. A small PRESBYTERIAN bind of deer, pheasants, quail, silver Dr. E. Kinhgeisner made a trip t« Rev. J. P. Hearst Ph. 1)., pastor. Central Point last Tuesday to meet he gray squirrel an«l signs o f cougar were Sunday school, 10:00 a. *n.; preaching wife who has just returned from a visi: features o f interest. | service, 11:00 a. m., each Sunday, in Monday o f this week Mr. Henry at- at Portland. j A. O. U. W. hall, corner Second and tended a supervisors’ meeting at Jack Mrs. Mary F. Gage, with her hoi Pine streets. All are invited to attend sonville ami Wednesday and Thursday N 'iman, made a trip to Sams Valle.' these services. was also spent at Jacksonville, assist last Thursday, where they purchase* ing in the superintendent's office «lur METHODIST EPISCOPAL. >omp"stook turkeys from Mr. and Mrs ing the teachers* examination and (»re Rev. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. C. E. Jones. Sunday School 10:00 a. m., preaching paring «lata for future use, from the I r. Kirchgessner made a profession« court house records. N ext week he at 11:00; Junior League at 3:00 p. m., trip to Central Point ami Medford las I goes to Portland to attend the State • Epworth League «ievotional service 6:45 Friday and Saturday. ; Teachers' association and also a special | p. m.; preaching service 7:30, eachSun- fdblc Hock. It saves money for the breadwinners. Gives more nutri One o f the main topics which the meeting o f the school supervisors of uiay. Prayer meeting Thursday at ment, more musclemaking, health-helping qualities in the The Christmas Tree entertainment farmers of this part of the country i 7:30 (». m. I the state. daily bread for less cost than any other flour. t ilk about at the pres« id time is the leid in the school house Christmas Eve. Morning theme /or next Sun«lay: It gives satisfaction to the breadmakers. There are no ully sustained the reputation Table exceptionally g«><d weather. Hand painted gifts at the Pasadei a “ this One Thing I D o." (A New failures with the White Diamond Flour in the hands of a Miss Eva M. Hall, who has beet.! <ock has establish« I for making such I Sho i. 35136 Y ear’s sermon.) careful hovsewife or careful baker. Women famous for fetching the Central school Just below 1 If airs a success. Evening subject for next Sunday: Davis, the Dentist. Why? Because their good bread acknowledge their indebtedness to the Our people subscribed liberally, the Trail, stopper! at the Debenger Ga| “ Our L ife Book.” ( his work is right. 34 t f uniform quality of White Diamond Flour. Test it next bak rinch Thursday evening on her way to •ommittees in charge worked faithful- ing day. Mrs. R. L. W’ ilson, o f Beall lane, h ir home at Table R«>ck where she will y and the results they achieved won BAPTIST. The spent Tuesday evening in Medford the s tend the holiday vacation between »raise from all who attended. Rev. R. B. Shoun, pastor. muse was crowded by nearly all of our guest of the Greater Medford club. C iristmas and New Year. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.; morn •wn residents ami many from our Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Herring went to ing service at 11:00; evening service at School closed December 111th at. the , . », n*am . District, ..... kr 35, or where i Mo No. Miss teighboring school of Agate au«l vi- Medford Tuesday evening to attend a i 7:30 each Sunday. Prayermeeting at f a b e r & M c D o n a l d reception given by the G*eater Medford tirare Colby has taught a very success i m t v ' 7:30 Wednesday evening club. ______ ' f ,1 term of thr. «• moni ' Thu liUrar>’ P "r t » f *.he f,r1" E: a,n waK Morning subject for next Sunday: > n charge of Prof. Davis and the man- Huffed It Out. Mrs. William Jones and her daughter j ler in whjch it was carried out reflects “ The Old Year and the N ew .” The stories of the enibarrassment of (i ace came home from Prospect Iasi vitti credit on the Prof, and all those Evening subject for next Sunday: un sop hist oca led diners when faced* by Frill ay where they have been for sev» “ A Good Resolution.” -vho bad a pa*t in it. highly sophisticated menu cards are e al months. They have had charge of Annual business meeting and roll call Our good friend Santa Claus forgot endless and usually amusing. A man t ie Prospect Hotel. io one. He he had presents for yom g whose career had confined his Unowl of the church will be held Monday, Jan The Antioch school closed last Friday ( ind old. The audience carried h* ir.u 1 edge of tilings to eat to sn h standard uary 1, 1012, at 2:50 p. m. D «'ember 22ml, where Mi s Alberta I nough candy, nuts, raisins and orang« 8 i products as ham and eggs and pork C IIK Ii T IA N 1 I I I K i ll I and beaus found himself among a S uy. our pri.Kre»*ive young ,<h»ol j , , 8tofk . ror,fectionery «tore. I company who ordered intelligent!' W. Austin Crane, pastor. t «cher, has taught an entirely satik Mr. E. W Carlton has gone East to , from an extensive bill of fare. It eon Bible School, 9:45 a. m.; W. E. f ictory term of school. l /isit relatives in New Jersey. tallied so many classified dishes as i«» I Alexander, Supt; preaching 11:00 a. The Christmas tree and | r »gram ar make n fair sized book, the pages of Miss Eva Hall came down from h r m.; Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.; ringed by Miss Alberta Stacy at the | school in the Central district to spend j which he pawed aimlessly and in dis preaching 7:30 p. m. each Sunday. may. The waiter, who needed oifly Ids A itioch school house was an entire | the holidays with her parents. Morning subject for next Sunday: order t«» go to the Uitrhen. was stand s n’cess. Th -re was lots of nice pres- Miss Mae Nealon, who is attending ing at on«* side deferentially, with liis “ Launch Out in the Deep.” e ts given and the program, a very ; t’ie Agricultural College at Corvallis, is order slip and pen; il in hand Tin* <le This will be a special service for aged ft ic arrangement, was as follows: Carriages will call at the lay was uotheahle and irritating r»» persons. _ , . I home to spend the vacation SUNSET By tin- School Song the unskilled diner, and finally he homes o f all such before service and | OGDEN 8tSHASTA| Recitation Viola Chapman K" n B>’rurn ,n" k 1,1 thc Chr,stma* pointed blindly to the middle of a page take them back after service*. Leave ROUTES name with Mr. Cooper, at. Faber’s store Carl Bigham an<* *8 his brother and with Ills finger. Recitation or drop a card to the minister and car Song By the Primary ( ’lass : fam,|y* “ Give me some <»f that.” ho said. riage will call. Scene on a Railway ! Mrs. Lee Vincent entertained her The waiter looked over his shoulder Dialogue. Evening subject for next Sunday: and remarked: Ruth Grey niece, Miss Eva Middlebushcr, of Trail Récitât ion “ The Old and New Tim e.” “ That’s mayonnaise dressing, sir.” Recitation..........................Fred (Marke last week. Special music (). M. Garvin, choir “ I know it. I can read ” If The Mr. Patch last week shipped 75 nice L<u»g................. “ But,” apologetically, "what will yon I ader. Man in The Moon Was a Coon ■ fat turkeys to San Francisco. have It on. sir?" SCIENTIST. Recitation........ Harold ( »ray ! Table Ro« k can furnish the luxuries “ On a plate, you boneliead Do vor Trains will run daily, except Sunday, on the following schedule: Christian Science services are held feed your customers in t r o u g h s here?’ Recitation Victor Chapman |0 - |jfe aH wej| aH the necessaries. Leave Portland... . .7:20 a. m. Leave Tillamook........... 7:55 a. m. every Sunday morning at 11:00 in the Song, Swing My Baby By Little Girls —Chicago Post. Leave Hillsboro Mr. G. E. Walling, who recently pu - . .8:50 a. m. Leave Bay C ity .................. 8:15 a. m’ church edifice, on West Pine street Recitation, The Shepherd..........By Arrive Beach Points . . 1:20 p. m. Leave Beach P oin ts.. .9:00 a. m[ cMas« d the Mears orchard, has taken (west <*f S. P. depot). Sunday School Three Boys of the Primary Class Prayer In ?n East Indian Court. Arrive Bay City . .2:04 p. m. Arrive Hillsboro............155 p. m’ | p »ssession, and with his family is oc- Arrive Tillamook . . . .2:25 p. m. The noon hour struck, tolled by the at 9:45 A. M. All interested are cordi Arrive Portland.............4:10 p. Recitation..................Myrtle Chapman J c lpying the tine, cost ly and unique cot rail gong at the treasury door, and In ally invited to attend these services. Song, In the Land o f the Buffalo Through tickets on sale at city ticket office, Third and Washington Sts., | tage erected by Mr. Mears, the former a moment all things came f<> a stand or Fourth and Yamhill, to all points on the P. R. & N. Further particu . Mary, Martha and Norman Gage | Subject for next Sunday morning: ! o vner o f the property. still The Mohammedan lawyers, tin lars from the city ticket agent or agent Fourth and Yamhill Streets. Song, Mendle o’ins Spring Song “ Christian Science.” village Moslems loitering about tin Mary, Martha and Norman Gage j JOHN M SCOTT, court, even Mozuffer Khan with h - Y. M, C. A. I) aloguc. Mind Your Own Business] l!aJ Mix-Up. G e n e ra l P a s s e n g e r A g e n t, P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N guardian policeman, all reverently Regular service for men and boys at I istrumental Musi Cluudu Chapinan An Asll|an(1 editor, who was full of withdrew. A moment later they re 3:00 p. m. each Sunday. All men and Recitation.............. Mollie Thornborne appeared on th»» wide con rete vera ml i hard eitler, got a sale bill and a mar- boys are cordially invited to attend. 1 Christman Spirit« l!y Ten Girls j ^ The description ran as outside the window at my !<*ft. There they laid down their prayer mats and Miss Alberta Stacy has been teach- follows: >♦♦♦♦♦♦« standing first with devoutly Imwed iiiK a total nundier o f 07 pupils. She I William Smith, the eldest non o f Mr. beads and hands folded, they mtirmiir will lake the examination for a life ,in(j Mrs. Josiah Smith, was disposed ed the noon prayers of tin* prophet's diploma next spring. | ,,f puhlie auction to l.uey Anderson, religion; then knelt, still praying, and A Leap Year dance will be given at j on my farm one mile east o f here in made obeisan e. prostrating them Charlie Senter’s (former Prof. Harre 1 'he presence «»f about seventy guests, selves before Allah the merciful, the gan place) three and one-half miles j including the following, towit: 2 mules, compassionate. The reverence of their n»kKlh of Sams Valley postofflce, Mon 12 head o f cattle. Rev. Jackson tied devotion was |><»rf«u*t and wholly free day evening, January 1. The ladies the nuptial knot averaging 1250 pounds from the s«*lf conscious shamefaced will have charge of the hall and the i on the hoof. The beautiful home was ness that I should have felt, supposing that I. the magistrate, had suspended dance and will buy the tickets and pay ! tastefully decorated in 1 clam spide, 1 court to pray there In public.—Charles for the music, while the men are all | «ulky rake, 1 feed grinder, 1 set of Johnston in Atlantic. reque»ted J.o bring their fiait of the louble harness, nearly new; just before supper. The men will also be subject the ceremony was pronounced Mendels I f you want water fo r season o f 1912 The Russian Amsterdam. t«> a One o f ten cents each if caught in sohn's inspiring wedding march was St. Petersburg is one of the few any of the following unladylike acts softly rendered by one milch cow, one great cities which have been made and sign up within the next ten days. Smoking in the ball room, chewing gum Jersey cow, to be fresh next April car not born During his residence in Hol in lh«* bull room, walking across the rying a bunch o f flowers in her hand land Peter the Great was so Impressed Construction work will start as soon as floor alone or sitting in the room with .ind looking charming in a g«>wn made by Amsterdam, perched upon the wa ters, that he determiueil to abandon their legs crossed. In other words tin of light spring wagon, box of apples, 2000 acres is signed. m n must act more like ladies than rx sta«*ks o f hay, one grind stone Moscow and build a new capital which should have canals for streets. In his gentlemen and the ladies must act mousline de soie trimmed with about campaign against Sweden In 1702 In* Less than 1000 acres has been pledged more lik«* gentlemen than ladies. Mush- 100 bushels of spuds. noted on island situated in the mid will be furnished by the Debingcr Gap The groom is well known ami a pop stream of the Neva "Hero is my Rus to date. I f the’ 2000 acres is not secur orchestra. Everybody is invited to at ular young man and has always stoo< slan Amsterdam!” he ex«laim«*<l ami tend and have a good time. immediately began the building of a well among society circles <»f 12 Berk- ed by January 1 we will not attempt to Th « m ail hu« Inen ro n ip k tn l I.- h .I ìmk *h iri' w llil° bride '* »" ««'■ city there. The site was a marsh in summer and a frozen morass in win build the canal for at least another year. tip on thc west si«l«* to ilu* Opal Point •om* lished school teacher of a splendid ler. Tw o miserable huts were the Bridge across Kogue River at the Riv- j drove o f Boland Chinas. Pedigree if only buildings. The erection «>f the «¿rside Ranch. Bird Johnston. had charge desired. «•Itadel. a great fort In the shape of a Among the beautiful presents were I hexagon, with a tower 360 foot high. Unless you are a D E AD O N E have your name plac o f th«* work, and it is reported that he has done a good piece of work consider t .v«> sets »*f silverware, 1 spring harrow, | «>n iln* north bank o f the Neva was his ed with the following people who have signed for mg the conditions he hail to work tin- I wheelbarrow, 1 go-cart and other ar j first care. The cottage in which IVt« r «1er. Those who donated work for thc tides too numerous to mention. Thc lived while laying out the «ity still water: exists building of the road were: Ira ,1. bridal couple left yesterday for an ex- i |>«*dge, Bird Johnston, Fd. Foster, Dr. h titled trip. Terms, 12 months time U> T h e H o r r o r s o f T h ir s t . K. Kirehgessner. Elee Rainey, Periy responsible parties, others spot cash. Fred H. Hopkins S. F. Hathaway A. V. Carlson There is no horror Ilk«* the horror of Lunch will he served at th«* stable. At - | Foster an«l William Houston. thirst no physical suffering compara Osgcod & York C. M. Kidd Solomon Anderson Mrs. Smith will g«> to j ble to it A traveler over the desert The new bridge is a very beautifi 1 * r housekeeping in a cozy home on thc tn Egypt descrIbeR a man who had lost nleel strueture, and is sai«! t«> he thc F. T. Musty L. L. Love E. T. Neal corner o f Mill & Dr. R. L. Grandby, Ids way. wandered about for days I mgest bridge in Jackson county, as it Geo. Obenehain without water and finally came stag .»urtioneer. E. W. Brainerd W. B. Harris i « 910 feet total Icnglh, and is 18 f«et gering into his camp. The man’s eyes wide. lt is a 260 foot spati between thè Wm. Tethrow G. R. Wilkerson Wm. Mayfield were bloodshot, his lips swollen to Among Ihe Sthools. two malli oement pierà «>n each side o f twice their natural size; his t«>ngue, Ellsworth Altimus G. S. Elerly VV. G. Mayfield thè ri ver, nini is 20 feet above thè low I The schools of Supervisory District blue, parched and swollen, hung out w*»,‘r ">«rk II is «iliinlrd in a very ! No. 2 whioh I m ' khii September 4th bave «>f his mouth. To allow such a man to Julius Birkholz J. E. Hesselgrave 0. S. Welsher b jM tlfo l a m i a l o a rather h M orie n N b w * vm H m ì « h e Urini (ime. v | I drink water at will would la? like Frank Weston ' J. H. Grace E. E. Lange pi»,-e, a. Ut, r,' ve a, » larite Indimi b«t- |Vylon. Pro-ipert and Nye. 1 liose I h - (lumping cold water into n red hot It would kill him This I l e finish' al thè pomi of roekx, oliere ^jnninK laler in Ilo- «anie noni Ih. bave steam boil«*r Marie Lanje J. VV. Myqrs Edna Robnett thè liralue h bulli to thè land on (he ,|| been visited t » u è cxo pt Asbesti» man required to be hel«1 forcibly by four men In his eagerness to get at west «¡de. Some of thè "old tim e r," The last »chool» to he vìibted by thè 1). McKillop Jos. T. Williams VV. J. Garvin drinking water, while n fifth man al Ihal « e r e in thè haltte are «tilt livin^ sup» rvixor nere Sams Vnlley, Pankey, Itiwed a few drops to trickle down the her«* in thc val lev. Savage Creek, W«x>dville, Scott, VV throat of the sufferer at long Inter T. J. O’ Hara 0. Pankey M. D. Bowers Dr. I ’.mil Kirehgessner made a pro- mer and Creek. All o f these val». lie had to be cooled o ft little by Tyson Beall VV. E. Brayton f«* -sional trip t«> Mcilford last Wc«lnes schools continue throughout the winter. little, like an overheated Indler. day in his aulom«>bilc. Dr. Kirchgesa- The Scott school deserves special ner was thc first (a rson to cr«>ss thc mention for attendance, no pupil hav- T h e C o io r C u re . W e desire to give all water users first-class To cure smallpox was apparently a Thc old “ Thourough Brace” hack mg been tartly «luring the t« r n ami which was owned by the late J. I', seven «»f the thirteen enrolled have not 1 very simple matter hi the good old service next season but cannot unless we times John o f Gnddeston. court «l«x* Gag«' and left as a relic t«> his wife and missed a day. tor to Edward II . has recorded that have notice at once. A few school boards are planning t«> I family, was taken fr«*m thc she I w here he g«>t rht of the disease by the simple it has been standing f«»r several years. have a meeting with the teacher each expedient o f wrapping Ills patients In a few «lays before Thanksgiving amt month during thc winter. This plan red cloth “ la't scarlet red In* taken.” used as a means of conveyance for the was diacusacd ami recommended by the he says, "ami let him who is suffering family to thc Thanksgiving dance at sch« k > 1 boards' conventual at Medford smallpox l>e entirely wrapped In It or I did thus the Riverside Ranch. The «*l«l hack this fall. I f followed up it will (wove In some other red cloth when the sou o f the Illustrious king was shi(>(H'»l irto this valley by the very helpful. FRED N. CUMMINGS. Mgr. 10CU RIPttSBiTATIVt I government in the early part of the Mr. Henry has been traveling on of England suffered from smallpox p> s to be used a-« an ambulance during most of the time recently ami has t«x»k « are that all about his t*ed shouM thc Minto«* war t«> remove the dead amt ma«te some interesting "hikes,” one of be red. and lhit cure su«*ceeded very Loudoh Taller. wounded soldier* from the battle field», which was over the mountain frani j well I Deb'nger Gap Hems. \fter the war it was used as a stage • iach between Fort Klamath and Jack sonville for several years and later on ‘.he line between Redding, Cal., and toseburg, Oregon, Mr. Gage himself Iriving it most o f the time. The old Thorough Brace was finally ought in 1S83 by Mr. J. C. Gag«.*, who • wned it ever since, ami it i4» safe to ay that it has done more traveling and inning over rough roads than ary > her vehicle in the Rogue River valley. Breadwinners and Breadmakers Unite in the Praise of White Diamond Flour THE Q U ALITY STORE NEW LINE to TILLAMOOK via and <lcïfY Pacific Railway &NavigationCo Irrigation Notice. Rogue River Valley Canal Co. R. P. COWGILL.