Image provided by: Rogue River Valley Irrigation District; Medford, OR
About Central Point herald. (Central Point, Or.) 1906-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
The Courts. Real Estate. Etc. (Continued from 1st page.) GET M agru der-O rder approving semi-an nual account o f guardian. Estate o f Mary J. Dahack—John Da- hack appointed administrator. Estate o f S. B. Edsall—Claim o f Ada- line Smith for caring for deceased, dis allowed. Guardianship o f John Peninger—In ventory and appraisement filed. YOUR Groceries, Shoes, Hats and Clothing O ld Stand OF L. H A T F I E L D Married LATEST May 14, 19C6, by Rev. A. J. Armstrong, Gilbert E. Anderson and Maud M. Minear. A Still at the n d e r s o n - M i n e a r — On With a good assortment o f GROCERIES, FEED, FURNITURE, tains, Paints, Oils, and in fact everything most you want. CENTRAL POINT, OREGON j $ 1000. Mrs F. A. Spencer et ux to James Braden, 106 acres in sec. 6, tp. 37, 2 w, $40. Anna M. Owens e ta l to P. F. Young, land in tp. 36, 1 w, $1. Anna M. Owens et al to Clara M. Young, land in sec. 4, tp. 36, 1 w, $1. Anna M. Owens et al to Thus. F. Young, land in sec. 4, tp. 36, 1 w, $1. T. E. Nichols et al to P. F. Young, 197.95 acres in sec. 4. ,tp. 36,, 1 w, $1158.70. Josie Wilson et al to G. R. Tolly, lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, blk. 6, Park add. to Medford. $950. C. Vroman et ux to Emma G. Mc Donald, lot 16, blk. 28, Gold Hill, $350. Harry A. Lewis et ux to H. J. Dud ley, 160 acres in sec. 4, tp 34, 1 e, $1600. Henry G. Shearer to RoLa V. Shear er, lana in D- L Ç. 42, tp. 37, 1 w, $1. Rose S. Frisbee to E. K. Anderson, land in tp. 37, 1 w, $25. J. W. and H. M. Osborne to Angie E. W ilcox, lots 3 to 9, inclusive, and 10 feet o f s side lot 10, blk. 2. Woodville, $ 900 . Do Y o u JO N ES’ C A S H N eed STORE FURNITURE O R CARPETS ? See W e e k s & B a k e r i Sanderson & Sons 'heir Goods, are F 'irst-cla ss Plans and Specifications OREGON M E D F O R D E stim é e s givsn on work in all parts o f the valley -I-!-...’ - - j - —H -H —l-H - K - H - H -I-I-;- Contractors and Builders Furnished Is Your Horse Lame? “ I’M IT ! ” W . E. Price .i.4-X-d-H-d-d-H"l- H -;- l"!-l-i-l-i"l- !- l- l- H - l-I-l- H - i-d->H - i- H - l - H - !-!-X -4 -H -H - Phoenix, $ 125 . . . . Spot Cash and One Price . . . H + H W i - h H - l - H f l M I M 11 ; ax, 11J acres in Ashland, $10. Mary B. Griffin et ux to F. O. Gatt- 1 Geo. H. Howland et ux to Chas. P. winkle, 35 acres in D. L. C ' 49, tp. 38, True, lots 4 and 8, blk 2, Davis’ First 2 w., $2100. add to Medford, $250. M. O. Warner to L. Roach, lot 18, B. F. Carter et al to Charles G. Sea- T Myer add. to Ashtand, $100, J. man, land in sec 15, tp 36, 4 w, $650. Rachael L. Alford et ux to Charles B. F. Carter to Martha Seaman, land E. Cranfill, lots 2 and 10, blk. 2, Davis’ in sec 15, tp 36, 4 w, $7 First add. to Medford, $250. W. A. Carter et ux to C. R. Ritter, Hiram Tripp to I. J. Estes, property lot 12, blk 27, Gold Hill, $1. in blk. 2, Cottage Home add. to Med G. F. Schmidtlein et ux to Annie M. ford, $300. Stewart, blk 4, Fairview add to Med E. D. Briggs et ux to Henry Dahl- ford, $110. man, n j o f s ei and sef o f sei, sec. 33, G. W. Syron to F. K. Deuel, 12 acres tp, 40, 4 e, also lot 1 and sj o f net, sec. in Medford, $1309. 4, tp. 41, 4 e, $1500. Wrp. Wilson to Jacob Smith, 15 acres Geo. W. Roper et ux to Henry Dahl- in E. L. C 59, tp 37, 2 w, $3525. man, same as above, $10. I. M. Swett et ux to Emery Hunt, Albert C. Moore to Jesse Houck, 1} 1236.13 acres in tp 35, 1 w, $9135. acres land lying between secs. 9 and 16, A. S. Moyer et ux to Perry Stewart, tp. 39, 1 e, $1200. land in sec 30, tp 37, 1 w, $350. Gus and Srvan Walden to Geo. W. Wm. Gibbon to Gracei Hope Gibbon, Canning et al, lots 7 and 8, blk. E ., R. lots 3 and 4, blk 37, Central Point, $55. R. add. to Ashland, $10. Jacob Stone et ux to William Bruin, A rglee F. Green to F. J. Fryer, 5.56 land in D L C 64, tp 38, 1 w, $400. acres in J. J. F ryer’ s div. tu- Eagle ; William Bruin to Joseph S. Spitker, Point, $2000. same property as above, $375. Geo. Trask et ux to Mrs. Jennie E. Asher I. Sinks et ux to Wm. S. Cro Lee, part o f lots 6, 7 and 8, blk. 16, well, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk. 17, Beattv’ s We buy for cash and sell for cash, and at a very small profit. era Tims. E. Nichols et ux toGus Nichols, 1 o f seJ ()f nw i 8ec 31 tp 37 2 w, $200. n ver lots 1 and 2, sec. 20, tp. .'15 S. K. river c c Beekman et ux to Jeremiah 1 w., 60.20 acres, $2,000. Nunan, property in Pool and Klippel’ s Eugenia L. Atkinson to Edward Baer, add to Jacksonville, $110. lot 29, blk. K. R. R. add. to Ashland, John E. Day et ux to W E. Hutch- $ 200 . | ins, 1 acre in lot 6, Mingus’ subdiAision Silas J. Dav, adm., to Luke Ryan, i to Medford, $100. w. i lot-8 blK. 8 and nj lots & and 6, J. F. Hall to Carl J. Schmidt, right blk. 23, Jacksonville, $200. 1 o f way for ditch across land in sec 4, Chas. F. Dunford et ux to Luke Ry-1 ! tp 40, 2 w, $50. an, lot 2, blk. 26, Jacksonville. $150. Hugh Sanders to J. L. Bogue, 4.1 Scott Morris to E. B. Stowell, 10 acres in tp 36, 36, 3 w, $300.50. acres in sec. 8, tp. 35, 1 w., $450. Chas. G. Thumberg to G. W. Taylor, John Frailer et ux to Martha Pierson, 44 acres in D S C 37, tp 38, 2 w, $3000. land in D. L. C. No. 45, tp. 39, 1 e ., Lizzie Miller et ux to A. J. Cross et GLASSWARE. Wall Paper, Window Glass and Shades, Lace Cur STYLES, NOBBISH PATTERNS and LOWEST PRICES in GENTLEMEN’S WEARING APPAREL Orders taken for “ TAILOR MADE SUITS.” . Real Estate Transfers QUEENSWARE, add to Medford, $900. John S. Lacy et al to Anna S. Ste venson, 19.87 acres in sec 35, tp 37, 2 w, $1. W. B. Jackson et ux to L. B. Kent, land in Packard D L C, tp 37, 1 w, $300. Herbert E. Reed et ux to Geo. B. Ross, 35.80 acres, tp 37, 2 w, and 1-9 interest in 80 acres, tp 37, 3 w, $301X1. Martha M Cooksey to John M. Gib- 1 son, lot 5, Cooksey add to Central Point, $ 1 . J. E. Anderson et ux to Charles C. Johnson et ux, 109 acres in tp 38, 1 w, $7000. Ida Babcock et ux to Otto S. Lewis, w j o f nei, e j nwj sec 32, tp 33, 2 w, $ 1000 . Fred Whelpley to James and John MeClanahan, 1-10 interest to land in tp 33. 2 w, *150. Phoebe M Dekum to Willis Wright, trustee, property in Dekum’ s add to Gold Hill. $500. Anna S Stephenson to Gordon L Sher- merhorn, 19.87 acres in I) L C 79, sec 26, tp 37, 2 w, $U(X). Chas. M Dunean et ux to David P Myler, land in tp 37, 2 w, $3350. Charles I’ Pletcher to Geo F King et al. w j o f n w j, nj o f sw j sec 10, tp 34, 3 e, $2600. W L Cameron et ux to Esther J Cameron, deed o f correction to 160 acres in sec 24, tp 34, 1 e, $1. Fred R. Neil et ux to R. 1’ . Neil, 8.30 acres in D. L. C. 44, tp 38, 1 e, $10. ( ’ has. B. Gay et ux to E. A. Ford, lot 5, blk. 10, fen tra l Point, $lixxi. State o f Oregon to W. W. Christie, e j sec. 16, tp 34, 3 w, 320 acres, 7409. Minnie B. Bellinger et ux to H. L. Giikey, lot 1, blk SO, Medford, $90, j W L Cameron to E J Cameron, nej Rufus H. McKinney to J. F. Hughes sec 24, tp 34, 1 e. $1. et «I, “ Black O a k " vuartz claim in Esther J Cameron to Robt J Camer Sardine creek mining district, $500. J. G. Fulton to Edwin McCoy et al, on, 320 aeres in sec 24, tp .’54. 1 e, $1. A T l.undgren to Robt S Towne, “ Caldw ell" quartz claim in Applegate mining district, $1000. quartz claims in Applegate mining dis J. G. Fulton to Edwin C. McCoy et trict, $165. al, “ Klingensmith” quartz claim in Ap- Uriah Gorden et ux to Robt E Gor dlegate mining district, $475. don, 1-11 int to land in tp ¡18, 2 w. $5(Xi. J. G. Fullen to Edwin C. McCoy et Charles S Inglerock to Elira I\igh, al, “ McCoy,” quarta claim in Applygate lots 28 to 31, inclusive, blk n, R It add mining district, $800. to Ashland, $10. F. S. De W olfe et ux to G. M. Em ory, 135.72 acres in tp 38, 1 e, $1500. City o f Ashland to First Free Meth odist church o f Ashland, 760 sq. ft, o f Old Reliable Barber Shop land in R. R. add to Ashland, $1. GLENN OW EN, P rop . Josephine D. Crocker to R. I’ . Neil, land in blk. 4, Ashland, $1. State o f Oregon to Carl Stanley, nw( Slock Slwves dnJ o f n » è sec 86, tp 35, 1 e, $50. IliinJsomc Ndircuts Joseph Noyle to John A. Norling. part o f lots 10, 11 and 12. blk 26, Jack (Old Bo well Stami) sonville. $si*0. Joseph Voyle to John A. Norling, n j 1 CENTRAL POINT, OREGON STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS JACKSON COUNTY BANK * [E stablished 1888 . J, < *11 p i t . ' t l W. I. VAW TKR. P res . R ,1 AuitiNs, V ick -P res . ¡O lii H u rp ltlM . G. S. ONLY WHITE HELP EMPLOYED HOTEL PLEASANTS MOORE- S -n .o iv i. G. R LINDI .IT, C ashier L. L. J acobs , A sst . C ashier Under one Management for nearly Twenty Yea -*, Promptness, Courtesy and Conservatism is a par* o f our policy. MEDFORD. OREGON. DEALER in Central Point, Oregon Cigars. Tobaccos, CoRfectionerits and Scft Drinks ICE CREAM P. a RLORS IN C >NVECTI0N Post Office PuiUling Rates—$1.00 Up. Special by the Week S pecial A ttention P aid to T raveling M en + • ’entrai Point, Oregon •h H l 1 I 1 11 I 1 I ’H -I-H -H -I-H -I I I I I I H I I