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About Cannon Beach gazette. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1977-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 2016)
8A • April 22, 2016 | Cannon Beach Gazette | Coast Happenings Calendar YOUR GUIDE TO MUSIC, ART, COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL EVENTS ON THE NORTH COAST Friday, April 22 Sunday, April 24 HRAP on the Beach CBCC Book Club 6:45 a.m., in front of Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, www., free, all ages. Haystack Rock Aware- ness Program continues on the beach; evening program starts at 5:30 p.m. 10:45 a.m., Cannon Beach Com- munity Church, 132 E. Wash- ington St., Cannon Beach, www., free. The book selection for this month’s discussion will be “Fierce Convictions” by Karen Swallow Prior. The Daniel Bennett Group performs modern jazz fused with elements of American folk and experimental classical music. Texas Hold’em 7 p.m., American Legion, 1216 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2973, 21 and older. Cannon Beach Shreds 10 a.m., midtown parking lot, Cannon Beach, www.twelve-, free. Got shredding? Take your boxes or bags of documents to the Mid- town parking lot (to 2 p.m.) and they’ll do the shredding for you. Writing Workshop 1 p.m., Trails End Art Center, 656 A St., Gearhart, 503-717- 9458,, $30 to $35. Author Deb Vanasse will conduct a workshop on how to reveal character, engagement, tension and meaning. Writers should be prepared to write. Registration required at ja- Saturday, April 30 Earth Day Hike 1 p.m., Neahkahnie Mountain Trailhead parking, Manzani- ta, 503-368-3203, free, all ages. Experience the connection be- tween land and sea on this short hike to Devil’s Cauldron. Meet on the west side of Hwy. 101, north of milepost 40 and one mile south of Short Sands Beach. Northwest Author Series 2 p.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1391, www.can-, free. Noted Arab author Diana Abu-Jaber will lead a discussion about her books whose topics include mystery, biography and family themes. NAMI Meeting 2 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503- 738-6165, The National Alliance on Mental Ill- ness welcomes individuals and caregivers of anyone who suffers from a mental illness. Sunday, May 1 Culinary Skills SUBMITTED PHOTO Maggie & the Cats 6 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, www.cafesweet-, no cover, 21 and older. Maggie and the Cats play blues, funk and rhythm-n-blues. Earth Day Film 7 p.m., Cannon Beach History Center, 1387 S. Spruce St., Can- non Beach, www.twelvedayso-, free, all ages. The film “Behind the Emerald Cur- tain,” a story documenting the impact of herbicide spraying on logged lands in the mountains, will close the 12 Days of Earth Day activities. Texas Hold’em 7 p.m., American Legion, 1216 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2973, 21 and older. Cannon Beach American Le- gion offers a Texas Hold’em pok- er tournament every Friday. Saturday, April 23 Volunteer Day 10 a.m., Circle Creek Habitat Reserve, 32825 Rippet Road, Seaside, 503-738-9126, www. North Coast Land Conservancy seeks volunteers to help work on a trail clean up. Sign up required. Spring Fling 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, www.coaster-, $25 to $30. Jason Andrews, nationally acclaimed magician from “Masters of Il- lusion,” “America’s Got Talent,” “The Daily Show” and “Brain Games” returns to the Coaster Theatre for another amazing, high-energy performance. Monday, April 25 New York-based jazz group comes to Cannon Beach Diabetes Education 1:30 p.m., Providence Seaside Hospital, 725 S. Wahanna Road, Seaside, 503-717-7301, www., free. This pro- gram is for caregivers and any- one who suffers from diabetes. Registration required Daniel Bennett Group performs at history center Burgers & Jam 6 p.m., American Legion, 1216 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2973. Monday night at the legion is the place to be for good burgers and good music. The Cannon Beach His- tory Center & Museum hosts the Daniel Bennett Group on Friday, April 29, at 7 p.m. The group voted “Best New Jazz Group” in New York City Hot House Mag- azine makes just one stop in Oregon on their national tour in Cannon Beach. The museum offers a unique opportunity to lis- ten to The Daniel Bennett Group that has broken jazz barriers to create a sound that is called “synergistic” by NPR, “transcendent” by The New York Times, and “hypnotic” by Time Out New York. The Daniel Wednesday, April 27 Overeaters Anonymous 3:30 p.m., Seaside Public Li- brary, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-440-4390. OA groups seek recovery through the Twelve Steps program. Paul & Margo Dueber 5 p.m., The Bistro, 263 N. Hem- lock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-2661. Paul and Margo Due- ber perform original tunes, folk and Americana from the 70s and 80s. Thursday, April 28 Grow Your Business 2 p.m., CCC Seaside Campus, 1455 N. Roosevelt Drive, Sea- side, 503-338-2402, $20. Au- thor and storyteller Gideon For-mukwai will lead a busi- ness workshop to help business owners learn how to use basic storytelling strategies to grow their business. Registration rec- ommended. 503-436-2202, www.bill-, no cover. Floating Glass Balls plays bluegrass, Caribbean, folk, swing and country. 7 p.m., Bill’s Tavern, 188 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, Maggie & the Cats 6 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 Scholarship awardees perform in concert Scholarship recipients of the Friday Musical Club will be featured in concert on Sun- day, May 1, at 3 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church in As- toria. Scholarship recipients and their teachers include Fiona Bonn, Cannon Beach, studying clarinet with John Hammond; Andrew Con- rad, studying cello with Judy Woodward; Charity Fleck, studying voice with Barbara Poulshock; Julie Foss, study- ing violin with Angela Cal- vin-Pederson; J.J. Heacock, studying trombone with Bryce Peltier; Adam Morse, Cannon Beach, studying voice with Dr. Susan Buehler; Nicole Ramsdell, studying oboe with Kelly Larkins; and Megan Schlcher, studying Àute with Shelley Loring. There is no admission charge; however, a donation THE COASTER THEATRE PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS The Fourposter May 6-29, 2016 Tickets $20 or $15 Shows begin at 7:30 pm Sunday shows at 3:00 pm Sponsored by Becker Capital Management Tickets: 503-436-1242 or 108 N Hemlock St Cannon Beach, OR basket will be available. Stu- dents from Clatsop and Paci¿c County in grades 8-12 as well as Clatsop Comm. College students to age 21 may apply. For students interested in ap- plying to the scholarship pro- N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, www.cafesweet-, no cover, 21 and older. Daniel Bennett Concert Friday, April 29 Floating Glass Balls Bennett Group performs modernjazz, fused with elements of American folk and experimental classical music. Seating for this concert is limited. Friday, April 29 at 7 p.m. Tickets are avail- able through cbhistory. org, or by phone (503-436- 9301), or in person (1387 South Spruce St.) Tick- ets are $12 adults and $2 children, complimentary refreshments will be pro- vided. All proceeds will help fund upcoming events at the History Center; in- cluding future concerts, lectures, exhibits, and ¿eld trips. gram for fall, 2016, contact Dr. Susan Buehler, committee chair at vsbuehler@gmail. com or call 503-436-0378. Information will also be avail- able at area-wide schools at the beginning of the fall term. 7 p.m., Cannon Beach Histo- ry Center, 1387 S. Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301,, $2 to $12. 9 a.m., EVOO, 188 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436- 8555,, $449. This is a two-day, 12-hour commit- ment of cooking instruction and practice, with EVOO chefs and kitchen staff to upgrade participants’ culinary prowess. Students start at their skill level and the staff takes them to the level they want to go. Limited to eight students, preregistration encouraged. election of board members and officers. Paul & Margo Dueber 5 p.m., The Bistro, 263 N. Hem- lock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-2661. Auxiliary Meeting 6 p.m., American Legion Post 168, 1216 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. The Cannon Beach Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 168 meet the first Wednesday of the month. Thursday, May 5 Bereavement Support 2 p.m., Bob Chisholm Com- munity Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-338-6230, 18 and older. This group provides sup- port through journaling and discussion. Hosted by Lower Columbia Hospice. Winemaker’s Dinner 6 p.m., Stephanie Inn, 2740 S. Pacific St., Cannon Beach, 800- 633-3466, www.stephanieinn. com, $149, 21 and older. Exec- utive chef Aaron Dedard and Sokol Blosser Winery celebrate Oregon Wine Month with a salmon and wine pairing dinner. Reservations required. Floating Glass Balls Monday, May 2 Culinary Skills 9 a.m., EVOO, 188 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436- 8555,, $449. 7 p.m., Bill’s Tavern, 188 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2202, www.bill-, no cover. Friday, May 6 Burgers & Jam 6 p.m., American Legion, 1216 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2973. Tuesday, May 3 Writing Workshop 9 a.m., Tolovana Hall, 3779 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 541-215-4445, www.tolova-, $50. Jon Broderick, found of FisherPo- ets Gathering, offers a writer’s workshop on Tuesdays in May. Cost includes all classes or $12 drop-in. Spring Unveiling 9 a.m., participating galleries in Cannon Beach, www.cb- The annual Spring Unveiling art festival begins, featuring 15 galleries, dozens of artists unveiling new work, 30 chefs, music, wine, re- ceptions and demonstrations all weekend long. Maggie & the Cats 6 p.m., Sweet Basil’s Café, 271 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1539, www.cafesweet-, no cover, 21 and older. City Council Meeting 7 p.m., Cannon Beach City Hall, 163 E. Gower St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1581, The Can- non Beach City Council meets the first Tuesday of the month and a work session on the sec- ond Tuesday. Wednesday, May 4 Membership Meeting 10 a.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1391, www.can-, free. The library membership will have an IT’S A L M O S T TIM E! Your LifeC a re m em bership m a teria ls w ill be a rriving in your m a ilbox soon... Texas Hold’em 7 p.m., American Legion, 1216 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-2973, 21 and older. “The Fourposter” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre Play- house, 108 N. Hemlock St., Can- non Beach, 503-436-1242, www., $15 to $20, PG. “The Fourposter” is a three- act comedy chronicling the life of Michael and Agnes from their wedding in 1890 to them leaving their home in 1925. L ife Ca re O N LY 5 9 $ 00* Astoria-Warrenton ƌĂď͕^ĞĂĨŽŽĚΘtŝŶĞ&ĞƐƟǀĂů Sponsored by ƉƌŝůϮϮ͕ϮϯΘϮϰ͕ϮϬϭϲ HOURS + ADMISSION Friday: 4-9pm - $10 Saturday: 10-8pm - $10 Sunday: 11-4pm - $5 LOCATION Clatsop Co. Fairgrounds Astoria, Oregon LIMITED PARKING ^ŚƵƩůĞƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞĨƌŽŵ lodging or park & ride ůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ͘ΨϯͬƉĞƌƐŽŶ Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce ͽ (503) 325-6311 *Full year, per household. Membership covers dependents listed on your tax forms, living in your home. BECO M E A M EM BER. IT’S EAS Y . En ro llm en t o pen s M a y 1 a n d en d s Ju n e 30, 2016 C redit ca rds a ccepted. C a ll us toda y 503-861-5558 or stop by our office 2325 SE DOLPHIN AVENUE WARRENTON IN AN EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1