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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1892)
THE CONDON GLOBE. FRIDAY, APRIL S, 1892. NOTICE. Thysrhr ulwcrlpMon to th 0 four Intl. V), Invnrluhly (n mtvuru'd. No dnvlntlon from IM rill. Tlx .ihit will be t)id Ht the end of the time for vhlnh It 1 puin hiiIum lHrtbror dured mid ll ?r. A blue pariHl murk nround this nolle liwilCKti' that your atiliM-rlritlon Inn plrc(l, and If yon Sflith tlip)wrooiitiniidyoil hould rumlt the rao;tnt whiD GLOBOSITIES. Circuit court Monday. Dew. county convention Saturday. Bead all tbe business localt this week. L. W. Darling visited Lone Bock a day or two the flret of tbe week. Bead IlulBtead, Binehart 4 Co.'i new ad, and then make the rush. Geo. Knox and family moved Into the lie w Barker building thU week. Mri. H. M Hons came over from Lone Bock the first of the week and ia visiting her relative! in Condon. Bead carefully the advertisement in this Untie of Tbe Butte Creek Land, Live Jskkik and Lumber ConiDanv. ' Q. Schilling, Jos. Whyta and J. A. McMorrls were elected as delegates to the convention from Matney. The Olouk has several thousand blanks mortgage and warranty deeds, chattel mortgage, etc., for sale cheap. Billy Barr had a 12-ft addition built onto the east end of hia saloon building this week, making it much more conveni ent for his business. Gene Smith returned home the first of the week from lleppner, where be had been summoned as a witness during cir cuit court over there. Clerk Lucas and II. N. Frater have purchased two lots in the south end of town, on which they expect to erect a residence thereon soon. Hon. W. W. Btelwer and Jay P. Locaa were passengers Monday on Ed Nelson's "Cannonball." They were en route to attend the state convention at Portland. Deputy Sheriff Torn Johnson returned botne Tuesday from 8alem, where he took J. T. Murphy to place in the insane asylum, mention of whom we made last week.'' ' Our Contention letter reached us a lit tle too late this week. We just have time to state that "Uncle" Jerome Par sons and B. II. (jilliam were elected del egates to the convention. Last week the Condon Gvobm began iU second year's career. "The Globx is one of the rj,ifiett little sheets in East ern Oregon, and is a welcome visitor at this office. Moro Observer. Louder, boy! ifr.-ilarVrtad, of Marsh field, Coos county, who bad been visiting relatives at Mood Biver tbe last couple of weeks, arrived In our city Wednesday, and ex pects to spend the summer here with her sons. . ;. . ; ': Mrs. J. II. DowniriVas on the sick tint wic utn ui nit fcvb, firuuauiy mur ed by the sudden change of weather. Mary Maddock is recovering from a se vere case of dysentery, and Bert Young will alo soon be able to be out again. lleppner Gazette : Mr. J. P. Frazer, of Trailfork, Gilliam county, is expect ing to leave soon for tbe Weston coun try. Ilia friends here are under the im pression tlmt the attraction in that sec tion is more than ordinary, and may keep him there several daya, Mrs. 8. ki Maddock is making huge preparations this week to accommodate the large crowd of people wno will at tend circuit court next week. In addi tion to her already complete lodging ac commodations, she has just received one dozen more bed-springs and mattresses or this occasion. ' v The Globk'b magnificent "Universal" job press was kept buzzing several days this week grinding out a half-dozen dif ferent jobs. The Gloub is the only pa fice in Gilliam county having a job of fice in connection, and our prices and work compare favorably with those of the city. Try us and see. t We are informed Mr. Andrew Noel of Lone Bock wiii soon erect a large hotel at Condon. People are not afraid to in vest their money in a town that has as bright a future in store for it as Condon has. There is no doubt that Condon will be the largest and best town in the Inland Empire within five years. Thoo. Bledsoe, an old deaf gentleman living in Lost Valley, met with a serious accident the first of the week, by being kicked by a horse. He was unconscious for several hours, and being alone, made it doubly unfortunate for him. Dr. JSicklin went over and administered to bis needs, and he will probably be out again in a few days. Great interest has been manifested In the revival meetings at the Congrega tional church. Revs. Staver and Wise Are earnest and vigorous workers, and fliuua mtiiAt-a Mr'' Qnitn. Ill preach a sermon on temperance next rJunday evening, which will conclude the revival ut this place. E. W. Crane waa in town Tuesday, He haa not entirely recovered yet from a speH of sickness which kept him in bed several weeks. Hie son Johnnie had quite a mishap Monday, his pony run ning through a barbed wire fence with him, tearing his foot frightfully. The pony looks aa though several bales of Urbed wire bad been ehot through it, fit the' think it will live. J. B, Goff, Lone Bock's popular pout manter, druggist and .confectioner, paid our town a visit the latter part of last week, returning home Monday, lie says he has a good deal of fun with some of the people of Lone Bock, who think he la the Guide's correnpowlont from that place. One week they have him spot ted as "Cowboy," the next week some one else, and so on, Mr. Goff tells them he really feels flattered, because "Cow boy" writes so much better than he can. A rousing turnout of democrats assem bled at Downing' Rail " Saturday and elected the following five delegates to the county convention : W. L. Wilcox, D. B. Trimble, D. H. Brown, 8. S. Grider and Win, Campbell, John B. Clark was nominated for J. P., and II, C. Btrick iHiid for constable. A vote was then ta ken to determine who the people favored for president. It was "nip and tuck" between Dr. John Joseph Ilogan and our old (.-lend, Grover Cleveland, the lat ter finally coming out a vote or two ahead. The doctwrJJ.h;s made a very eloquent speech amid thunde of ap- plausQaJtitd the meeting adjourned. We are reliably informed that The Butte Creek Land, Live Stock & Lumber Company has a fine stock of 2130,000 feet of seasoned lumber on the yard at its mill six miles east of Fossil 20 miles from Condon. It has an excellent lot of seasoned rustic, flooring and ceiling, that is and has been under shelter all winter. They are selling at the usual prices, with ten per cent off for cash. The roads from Condon to this mill are good, and those needing lumber before the Lost Valley mills have a stock of seasoned lumber on hand, will no doubt be interested In knowhfg these facts. By no means send money out of the county for lumber, Circuit Court Docket. CKIM1KAL. State of Oregon va Grant Wade lar ceny of a steer. State of Oregon vs John Scott larceny from a dwelling. State of Oregon vs G. Rose larceny of a cow. LAW. ' O N Denny vs C D Sennctt. O N Denny vs Geo W Young. Jos Frlzzell vs T J Cartwright. J A Blakoly vs C I) Bennett et al. T J Kirk vs W J Kirkland. Geo Thomas vs Win Welch. II lleppner vs Wm Welch. E J Keeney vs Frank Lyons et al. D 8 Sprinkle vs E ilendrix. E ilendrix vs J E Frick. J W Smith vs John Sears. Mrs E A Watson vs John Putnam. Johnson Bros vs W L Wilcox. Cora Service vs E Ilendrix et al. Tacoma Grocery Co vs J E Smith et al. A Schilling & Co vs M V Harrison. Carrie Wilson vs F M Powers. . L W Darling vs Geo V Stephens. Alice Weaver vs D 8 Sprinkle et al. E Pincense vs Jno A Brown. J B Phillips vs Bobt Johnson et al. " eoj-.ty. Matter of assignment of D 8 Sprinkle. D S Sprinkle vs I It Dawson. L D Hoy et al vs J L Robinson. Matter of afcsigimient of J M Campbell. American Mortgnge Co va Chaa B Cochran foreclosure. American Mtg Co vs Ed D Huber foreclosure. American Mtg Co vs Chas LCason foreclosure. American Mtg Covs S V Cochran foreclosure. Matter of assignment of J A W Scog- gin. . Arlington Nat'l bank vs Clara D O' Brien et al confirmation. Hester A Merman vs John Morman divorce. Mary II Coflin vs Geo II Thomas confirmation. American Mtg Co vs John F Parrott confirmation. American Mtg Co vs Elijah D Parrott confirmation. Louella Hicklin vs Baillio Hicklin- divorce. L W Darling, ad'm estate of Jesse Spuryer, dee'd va G V Binehart et al. John Fortna vs Elizabeth Fortna di vorce. Belle C Varney va V E Chapman foreclosure. Northwest Fire & Marine Ins. Co vs E J Henderson et al foreclosure. .. ' o Arlington Antonatlona. The dance Tuesday night in the Ar mory hall was largely attended. Attorney A, A. Jay ne wasapaeenger on the west-bound train Tuesday. Miss Mamie Smith and her brothers Ed and Will left Sunday for school at Monmouth, after a week's vacation. The term of school at Castle Bock has closed, aud the teacher, Miss Carrie Wil son, has been engaged to teach a term in' Klickitat; Wash. Judge Bradshaw, Prosecuting Attor ney W. II. Wilson and wife and W. B. Ellis all came down from lleppner Sat urday and proceeded to The Dalles. We failed to get the names of all the dein. delegates, hence we will not give any of them. You'll see 'bout 8 of 'em out there Friday evening from here. : ''Pistols and colllus for two" was the order Sunday night. Fortunately the row ended with only language strong enough to cause the air to smell of brim stone, aud a few "Sullivan passes" which almost shattered tne atmosphere. Boys, beys, kiHS and smoke the pipe of peuee ogain. Fighting U not recom mended aa a ura cure for n sore "nosul orean." sii. i To the Public I I have decided to put my Condon prop erty on the market during court week. Thone wishing to buy lots can do so by applying to J. W. Blake, at Condon. J. A. Thomas. Aklinotok, April 6, D?i)2. ' Lone Rock Rumbling. Deputy Sheriff Anthony paid this de lightful burg a visit on Tuesday. , L. W. Darling this week sold his Lone Bock property to J. B. Goff, w ho expects to put it in good repair, and it will then be some credit to I X L street. Lots of mud, snow and cold, disagreea ble weather. Sheepmen are fearful of heavy losses- during lambing season. We hope kind Providence will happily disappoint them by sending sunshine and warmph upon us soon. J. B. Goff went to the county seat Fri day and returned home Monday accom panied by L W. Darling. Miss Nettie Robinson accompanied Mr. Darling to Gilliam's ca;Hai Tuesday, wber she will visit relatives a few days. Us democrats turned out in full force Saturday and amid great enthusiasm elected as delegates to the county con vention, Wm. Miller, J. B. Ralston and Morgan Ward, who at once began pre paring learned speeches to deliver to the dear people next Saturday. The Butter and Sweetmilk canyon road matter is now under the control of five of our citizens B. M. Johnson, Geo. Perry, B. G. Bobinson and others, who went out Monday and located the most feasible place to spend the $1000 in their hands for that purpose. The work will be pushed with all possible vigor until a first-class road is completed. - Cowboy. Mayville Muttering. Miss Mar' Ripfiey has been quite sick at her home in this place. Jesse South, of Scio, Linn county, has purchased the Pete Bilyeu place on Bee cher Flat, and will move thereon with his family as they can get here. The following democrats were elected to the county convention Saturday : B. W. Crane, Ira Carter, A. Greiner, J. W, Thornton, Chas. Lillie and J. M. Curl. Henry Cummings will move, to Con don as soon as he can get a house there. Henry is an excellent carpenter and flue builder, and never bunts in vain for a job. Miss Maggie Wilson began a 6-months term of school here Monday. She gave such excellent satisfaction during the six months just closed, that the direct ors concluded to keep her longer. Grain of all kinds .in this section looks better than ever before at this seaHon, and and our farmers are greatly encour aged in consequence. A larger acreage will be sown this year than ever before. Commissioner Edwards contemplates bilding a fine residence on his place near Mayville soon. A) McConnell will build a residence in Mayville as soon as be can get lumlier. ' He has rented his hotel to Mrs. Edelman of Beeeher Flat. Cob. Beecher Flat Flabs. Mrs. J. A. Henderson returned afew days ago from her sad journey, bringing back her little grand-son, Roy Blakely. A number of our people are "down" with the grip, but not seriously, bow- ever. Jd llennerson is still vcrv poorly with inflammatory rheumatism and is confined to his bed. Farmers are done seeding in this sec tion, and the way they are turning over the sod, is marvelous. Soon the native bunchgra88 will be a thing of the past. Pastures are being plowed up and rye sown for pasture. Wheat, oats and bar ley never looked better at this season of the year, and the prospect for another bounteful harvest is excellent. Now a word for our Glows : One year old, and of course its eye teeth have been cut; its critical period is past, and it doesn't have to take soothing syrup or castoria any more. It is now better than ever prepared to gulp down great slabs of wisdom for which the bright little paper has always been noted since its birth. Success to the Globe, and long may it live and prosper. It has done much good for the county, and we all appreciate it. I. A. Henderson and B. K. Searcy and wife visited' the Lone Rock grange re cently, and report that grange in a flour ishing condition. Also Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Edelman, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Searcy, I. A. Henderson and Hon. W. J. Ed wards attended the grange meeting at Condon on March 20th, and report that grange booming, and in a strong and ac tive condition. So is the Mayville grange. The Gilliam county, grange council will meet the 3d Monday in April, at their Butte creek grange hall. Politics over this way hasn't begun to roar very vigorously yet, but so far as we have heard, our people want to see Wil cox and Lucas re-elected. We are proud to state that our people of the Flat are intelligent enough to lay aside party prejudice wheu it comes to voting for county officers. They never vote a "straight" ticket if they think the can didate on the other side is the best man for the office, and we think this is but just and right. Let the best men win, regardless of polities! Granger. Last Call, Otntismsn, I positively mti -it have Jwhat Is due mi before April 10, '92, and request all who know themselves indebted to nie to call and settle at once, or ivhu, will have to oc aidM. , u. b. CLARK, vondon. Fossil Flashes. Frank Palmer left a few days ago for a couple of weeks sojourn ia the valley. Times are beginning to "pick up" a little, and assume more of a business like air than usual. Mrs. F. M. Judd went over on Tues day's stage to viwit her husband at Con don, returning next day, Stella Rhea returned home Monday from Portland. Her mother came up a few days before, and took charge of her hotel againthe Donaldson house. Miss Mamie Hoover of Fossil is visiting relatives in Portland this week, having gone to the metropolis the first of the week with her brother-in-law, W. W. Steiwer. ' Considerable enthusiasm was mani fested at the Dem. primaries here Satur day, and it is evident there will be a de termined struggle in the coming cam paign. L. Parker, A. C. Herndon, L. M. Rhodes, Win. Hoover, B.F.Nottand Thompnon Kcoggin were elected dele gates to the county convention. The bawbaii game Tuesday between the Antelope and Fossil nines, on the Fossil diamond, resulted in a complete victory for Fossil, the ecore standing 42 to 7. The Antelopers were simply "not in it." 'It was not necessary for our i.oys to play over eight Innings. Mike Dukek played in the place of L. Parker, who was sick and in bed. Flasueb. ' Pine Creek Carvings. Val Wheeler has about completed Fred Hale's new house on bis homestead on the John Day. Geo. Bow ley has a new potato dropper. He says be hasn't a patent on it, but will have soon. The Pine creek democrats met at the school bouse Saturday and elected John FitzGerald and Val Wheeler to the coun ty convention. School commenced here March 28th, with Miss Lolo Whiteomb as teacher. The school mam has to "board arqnnd," and it's amusing to see the old "bacha" get a "move on" washing the top of their kitchen tables with jack planes. Every move goes to show that they are willing to comply with their part of the contract. It also causes your correspon dent to ask a few impertinent questions, vix: ; '' ,." What is Will Lyle going to school for? Why does it take Chas. Huntley two days to deliver a load of wood at the school house and get his wagon back ! home? Also why does he wear his Sun day clothes while hauling wood? Why does Will Frickey want to rent the little cabin standing just across the road from the school house? What does Geo. Bowley want a 'tater dropper for anyway, when the season is so near over? Sam Wbller. BUSINESS LOCALS. Good hams at Downing, 12e per lb. "Uncle Tom' Ciibin," 25c, at Darling'. 1, 2, 3. -i, 5 and 6-gaL atone jam, L. W. D A Co. Genuine cider vinegar at Halstead, Rinehart & Co.'a. 1 Ml flour reduced from 6 to 5,25 caah, at J. H. Uowniug's. A flneof fine, fnnhionahle papcterie, fint-claisc. j n. uaiuug & io., lonuon. -We are Just hunting forrbronlc coughi to cure. "a B," for sale by 1). W. Darling 4 Co. Hounckeppeni, fry ome of the Liquid WaabLig Bluing, at Darling's, Condon. Fine map of Orvgon, folded for pocket uee, 50c each, at L, W. Darling & Co.'i. Your bird woald ainir better in new cage. Get one from L. V. Darling & Co. If you tee it In our advertiiemcnt you will find It in our store. Hultitead, Kinehart Co. Barrels, did yon aayf Yea, we have a few 5, 10 aud 50-gallon size. I.. W. D, & Co., Condon. Windows, doors and all kinds of builders' hard ware, at Huliitead, Kinehart & Co.'s, Condon. Chairs, tables, bureaus, bedsteuds, and wool and wire mattresses, at L. W. Darling & Co.'i. Toilet soups in endless variety, also the best laundry toap in the world, L. . Darling & Co. The 8. B. CoHirh Cure is simplv perfect Spend 50c with L. W. Darling, and you will be ready to sing. Something worth seeing and owning those splendid hanging lamps, now displayed by L. W. Darling 4 Co. Pure stralued honey "Old Oaken Bucket" brand. The finest in the market. HaUtend, Kinehart & Co. , The German-American Insurance Co., of New York, has extablishcd an office at Condon with U W. Darling as agent. The fact can no longer be concealed that you can get the nicxt goods for tbe least money, at J. H. Downing's store. Ak at I. W. Darling & Co,'t drug store for the 8. B. Headache cure, and you will be given tbe best headache medicine knovn. Ladies' shoes during court reduced from 2 to tVii, cash; and$0 boots reduced to5, warranted to equal any Buckingham & HecuL We carry a full stock of garden teed from the well-known and standard garden seed house of D. M. l'erry fc Co, llolstead, Rinehart & Co. The freshest, purest and best stock of drcscrip Hon medicines in the comitrv can be found at the drug store of U W. Darling & Co., Condon. The famous "Williams Barber Bar Shaving Soap" the best in tho world for the toilet am d for shaving. For sale by L. , Darling & Co. . Why lie bothered with a bnrnt-out. broken or warped tire back in your cook stove when you can buy one of those patent adjustable backs Ht Uwlstcad, Kiuehart 4c Co.'sto tit any size atovef The best place in the county to buy first-class goods at low prices, is at Downing's. Everybody says so; and "what everybody says must bis so." All the men and boys go there lor their clothing. Don.t forget the Oliver Chilled wheu you want a plow. They are the best in the market. We are the sole agents for Condon, and are selling them at Arlington prices. Halstead, Kinehart & Co. A man near Arlington recently heard a comic song which tickled htm nearly to death, and he is now in a critical condition. The title oi the song is, "We Purchase Goods to Cheap at Down ing's." . SutweripHons for all tho newspapers and mag azines in the I'nlted Stales and also the leading papers of the Old countries, received by llerberi rtaisteaa, al tne postouice. at publishers It will save you risk and trouble. prices. Good shoes cost a little more, but the wear is out of all proportion to the cost Kemciubcr this when buying aud take nothing but the genuine Buckingham Hecht They have a world-wide reputation for over a quarter of a century, for solid merit Halstead, Hiueanrt & Co, We are agents for Knapp, Burrcll Co.'s com plete line ot goods, consisting of wagons, car riages, buggies, bucklHiards, harness, gang, mil key aud common plows, harrows, seeders, drills, headers, selt-bimlors. mowers, renncrs. rakes and all kinds of farming machinery. Descriptive catalogues lull of inmrmation and prices upon application. Halstead, Kinehart ik Co. Palma Sola Prerudentes Repu-, teoian Elegantes Cuban Blos soms. Try thera. U W. Dar ling & Co., Condon, Oregon, i JOH H CO CO -y-v if GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, DRY-:-GOODS, TOBACCOS, HARD W ARB And Everything Else Usually Kept In a First-class Mercantile Establishment. CONDON, ANOTHER WAR! "LIVE AND IS OUR A Few Green-eyed, Lazy Beer-guzzlers who are jealous of our success, will tell you that our prices are high WAR PRICES ! But if you want proof that our prices are not high, come and see us; and we will furnish the proof. We admit that our prices are war prices, but it is OUR war prices on the old un-American, mossback system of selling you sugar "below cost" and cutting your throat when you buy anything else. That is not our way of doing business. WE MEAN BUSINESS I , and when you have anything to buy, and have the money with which to buy, we will challenge your satisfaction. L. W. DARLING & CO., Condon, - - - Oregon. CLOSING OUT SALE, CQMEMC 1ARCH 14, 1882. Trask Bros. & Rippey, MAYVILLE, - - OREGON, -Offer their entire stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT COST FOR CASH I We respectfully request that all accounts be settled soon. ' T ' 1 " 1 ' 1 . ! ' " Condon Hotel, Condon, Oregon. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, " PROPRIETRESS. , , This Large New Hotel Is the Most Comfortable and Best-Fur-nished Hotel in Gilliam County. First-class Accommodation and Low Rates, The table is supplied with the best that the market afford. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. G. S. CLARK, Proprietor. All kinds of blacksmith work done with neatness and at loweist rate. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. I kindly desire my frienda. when in need of any work lo my line, tft call at my new shop on Main street, Condon, : ; ; : - : Ore - ft OREGON, LET LIVE" MOTTO.