Image provided by: Beaverton Library Foundation; Beaverton, OR
About Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
LOCAL HEWS $1000 to loan one good, farm real estate security at 8 per cent. Apply at the Times office. . .' The Times is informed Jhat the Portland-Beaverton road, by way of Sylvan, Will be open for public travel tomorrow, Friday- The shipping warehouse at the S. P. station can be used again for storing and shipping. For particulars, apply to Ferguson & Sons. .: The Times has a number of small places near TBeaverton for rent. Parties wanting 2 1-2 to 8 acres can secure same by apply ing at this office. If the Times is not right side tip with care this week, the dis crepancy is chargeable to H. G. Vincent, who presented the edi tor-devil-scribe with a half-gallon jug of sweet cider, just from the press. Gee, but it wa3 good. The first or concrete story of Beaverton's high school building will be completed this week, and by the latter part of this or the first of next week, the brick work will be commenced. Thjis will go up much faster than the concrete and more rapid progress will be made from now on: It is possible that the building will be completed by the first of the year. . . ' . The congregation of the Metho dist church gave a reception to the new pastor, Rev. Gray, in the church building, last Wed nesday evening. There , were about a hundred present, and a very pleasant social evening is reported. A short program . of music and light luncheon wer pleasing features. ' " $100 Reward, $fi)0 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thero Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c TO TRADE- Registered Poland China Die's for a pood horse Beaverton. o-28 FOR SALE $3. R. J. 89-A. Pigs, 8 weeks old, Lewis, Route 3, Box o 28 WANTED -Good large farm to operate on shares. Party hav- . ing such, please call on or ad dress the Times offioe. SAFETY RAZOR HONING also all other makes of razors Automatic Keen-Edge Co. 189 1-2 Fourth St. Portland, Ore Cash Grocery Co. . Beaverton, Oregon. EXTRA SPECIAL Imperial Flour, the best of the best, made from Central Oregon old Hard Wheat $1.35 per sack, $5.25 per barrel. Corn Flakes, 4 for - 25c New Codfish, brick 10c 10 Bars Laundry Soap 25c 6 Bars White Soap ,; 25c 6 Bars Naptha Soap 25c Lemons, the dozen 13c Caeam relied oats, sk 42c Snyder's Catsup, lg. bt 20c Graham, extra fine 10s sk 33c Sardines, the can - 4c Best Pure Spices, none better, the can - 8c Reg 25c Coffee, our price 18e Farina, extra fine, 10s sk 33c Try us for Groceries, Mill Feed, etc. TILE! : TILE! TILE! We can now furnish you with all sizes, in any quantity, from one to. 20 Carloads and our Price is Right. See us before you buy. , Heating Stoves from 95c each to $12.00. (We Sell for Less. Beaverton Hardware Co. Why Not Make Your Old Houw Look New? ' ' - Just a few ingestions to Show How easily ar4 economically it may oe remedied and modernized A NEW FRONT PORCH built along modern lines, costs not a great deal, adds to the appearance of the house, also to its liveable and likeable qualities. Let us explain to you at what reesor able prices, . with how little trouble you caa make improvements BEEDLE & WAITE COMBINATION Syringe and Hot Water Bottle Price $2.00 Guaranteed for Two Years The City Pharmacy No Man Can Place a Limit , ON YOUR POSSIBILITIES But a Growing Account in this Bank can Increase Them . . . Give Fate a chan ce to do its very besff or you : GET BUSY. EARN MONEY. , DEPOSIT "YOUR SAVINGS. This is the bank that Helps -the Man who -helps Himself. " ' ' . , , ' " BANK OF BEAVERTON This Trip to the Panama Exposition A Life Time Event Oregon Electric Ry-"North Bank Rord" & the Palatial OaMJM tucica I MIIW I Steamships "Northern Pacific" and '"Great Northern" " Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Best ef the Trip in Daylight, Glorious Hours on the Ocean, Fares Include Meals and Berth and Tree "Extras Numerous Brilliant Attractions During October Forest Industries Convention Daily Stock Shows Till Dec. 3 Peace Congress The Farmers4 Month Lodges' Congress Oct. 30, Oregon Day. "Zone of Plenty Wk" Drainage Conferences ; Something Doing Every Minute and at a Hundred Different Places in the Jeweled City. Round trip from Beaverton $30.20 G. L. Thompson, Agent, BEAVERTON, OIEGON.