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About Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
A POSITION FOR YOU tSSSS, , POWER. .m 1 War BKnCTn TTiTTfriTtiiTrmiti immm 1 I UcMthomnd two hundred (wmy-mw mUiMuSLi J MO to f 100 . awrth. Writ, for oat,. 8urt1SoM Holmes Business Colics "Th Scltoof lhat gtts you tgooi potUkm." WisUajra at Toft, rwtaai. Or. r 1 1 LJ - "USE TH5 RIVER" j Dulles-Columbia Line Stat of WMhlniton, for Tin DalVn delrre. Sunday 11 p. m. Unit Dallas daily ex. Monday II M. Steamer J. N. Teal, Inland Krapire and Twin Citiee for Upper Columbia and Snake rWer polnta, Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 6M. WahMHi id Cahatii Km Trwji Ci., rerthal TYPHOID it a nan taaa Smallpox. lm wUiw hat, aananH4 tBa almoat nlrantlMa aL. Cacy, aad bamlomea, of Antityphoid V ace lattice. Be TCcctaatad NOW by your phjilclaa, roe and few firstly. It la man vital than house loniranca, alk your phyildaa, droUt, or lend for H.v. roa had Typhoid)" ttlllai of Typhoid Vaeciat, refute Irora naa, and danger frora Typhoid Carriers. nt arras usotATotr, sunnrv, cm. aaoHMM raotau a emuta mhi e. . eee. ueaaia " ' Explanation. "Willie, did you tie that tin can to the dogs tan?" "Yea, air," replied--the amall boy. "1 m trying to do a kind act even day. That log chases every rabbit he Bees. I tied the can to him ao that it win make a noise and warn the rab bit. " Washington Star. Elevating. "I asked the bosa for a raise day," said the elevator boy. "What, did he say?" asked friend. -."Going up!" Constipation causes and seriously ag gravates many diseases. It is thor oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. Patent Office Documents. If all the documents stored in the patent office at Washington could be placed end to end they would form a atrip that would reach around the earth three times. . Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Moulding, Doors, Windowa and other Building Ma terial from - Sam Conaell Limber Co. Portland, Oregon. Send us a list of what you require for your buildings and we will name you prices delivered at your station and Guarantee to save yon Money. f -TH C Gee Wo 8t)cwf ! Home RcMtdta. Hia aucoeitsful herb al renwdiet cure all kinds of ailments of men and women with out operation, used from the wonderful Chinese herbs, roots, bud and vegetables, which are. unknown to cne medical nctencv of this country. Write for blame and circulars. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. Address , The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co mVk f irst St. Portland, Ore, Mention Paper. CONSUMPTION TAKES 350 PEOPLE DAILY Over JSO people succumb to con sumption everyday In the United Stiles. Science proves that the germs only thrive when the ivittm la weaken! fmm colds or sickness, overwork, confining duties or when general weakness exists. ' The best physicians point out that uuiiBgoaiigingaeaaons tne Dlood should oe suae ncn and pure and active by tak ins Scott'l Bmulaion after meala. Th.rorl liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the body by enriching the blood; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it. twiuiue iur rcNsuvv rorces ox int aoay to avoid colds and prevent consumption. H you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or nervous, Scott's Bmulsion ii the most strengtheninglood-medidne known. It is totally free from alcohol or an '"a whu. nruiu euuauiTuea, M-tt acott k Bowse. Iloaaaleld. N. I.. Resented. "What I want to see," said Diogenes, "is an honest man " "And -when you see him, what will you ao: "I'll Slmnlv ffO mv wav A rhrtprHirrli lv honest man eenArallv hna opinions of his own, and, therefore, is name noi w oe very good company. Washington Star. How td Heal Skin-Diseases A Baltimore doctor suggests this simple, but reliable and inexpensive, nome treatment for people suffering witn eczema, ring worm, rashes and similar itching, burn ing skin troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a jar of resinol ointment and a cake of res inol soap. These are not at all ex pensive. With the resinol soap and warm water bathe the affected parts thoroughly, until they are free from crusts and the skin is softened. Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer of the resinol ointment, and cover with a light bandage if necessary to pro tect the clothing. This should be done twice a day. Usually the distressing itching and burning stop with the first treatment, and the skin soon becomes clear and healthy again. Sample free. Sometimes. "My face is my fortune." "Yes, but an investment of that kind sometimes has very bad features about it." Baltimore American. I' M. U. ."Y No. 43, 1 1WAEN wrltla (o eeVartiaere. plaaM ea tloa thia paper. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OUT-Of-TOWN PEOPLE People from all parts of Oregon and Washing ton constantly visit our office for dental treat ment Our skill U ac knowledged, and our promptness In finish ing' work in one day when required is appre ciated by out-of-town patrons. Dr. Wise Is a false tooth expert There is "ALWAYS ONE BEST in every calling, and Dr. Wise lays claim to this distinction in Ore gon. 28 Yun' vfrnmat What we can't guar antee we don't do. LOW PRICES FOB HIGH-GRADE WORK. Good Red Robber Plates, each The Beat Red Robber Plates, each J.f 22-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown M WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. Phoner-Mala M2t. A SW. laVi Third Street. Failles Bids , Portrait Oreyes 8. E. Cor. Third ud WarAiastea. 4 ?A TIE RINQ IS A CONVENIENCE Useful Contrivance Can Be Mad Out k Of Old IrMIe Bit Allow Frsa. Hinged Mevtment of Ring. . A tie ring at the barns on can em ploy to make a secure hitch without knotting the tie strap. Is Indeed userui contrivance, such a one can be easily made of an old bridle bit Take a cold chisel and cut the bit at the hinge, or It it is stiff bit, cut It near the middle. This will give us two rings, with a short-hinged lever on each enough material for two tie rings. Now fasten the rings to th hitch posts, or to the barn walls at convenient places. In such a manner as to allow a free-hinged movement of the ring. Dae large nails to fasten the rings to the barn or post, and fas ten in such a manner that the lever will be at the lowermost part of ths ring. In using this tie ring double the tie strap and place the loop end through the ring from the underneath side. Lift the lever and place tt through the loop in Uu strap. Jerk the strap sharply, to bind It on the lever, and the tie la effective. To make a secure tie place the end of the strap through the ring, from the underneath slds, and give It two turns about the lever, returning the free end down through the ring, on the opposite aids of the lever. This makes a very secure tie, and one that Is easy to unfasten. To unfasten either tie, lift the lever, and slip the loop or loops from It - USEFUL HANDLES ON BARREL Good Use for Old Shovel-Handles, Cut to Proper Length Covers Prevent Breeding of Mosquitoes. Use two old shovel-handles, cutting them to proper length. Fasten these on opposite sides, fastening each very Handy Barrel Handles. securely with screws. This Is a handy way to move a barrel. It a top to the barrel Is desired, fasten a large thread spool In the center with a screw. Any barrel containing water or other liquid should be kept cov ered, as mosquitoes breed In wster. GETS BOARS INTO CONDITION Where Animals Hsve lee,i Permitted to Get Toe Fat Some Breeders Walk Them Before Feeding. A boar that is put Into show con dition or permitted to get too fat often falls as a breeder and after being re duced in flesh is still unreliable and uncertain. American Swineherd tells how some breeders handle their bogs to get them In gooo shape after they are too fat or have come back from the fairs. Several walk them a mile or two miles, sometimes In the morn ing before fending them, and have very little corn the ration. One herdsman purchased two well- known boars that either on account of shipment or too frequent usage be fore refused to breed. The first one be put in -an ( by If foot stall, then permitted no one to annoy or strike him. He cut down his feed and let a sow run around near the pen. In six or eight weeks be baa spirited up until the herdsman was the only one who could handlr him and he always used a hurdle, on the ground that a boar should never be 111 treated. Re sults were so good that ths same plan was followed wbea the second boar came. In each case both animals turned out Urst-class breeders afterward. ABcdStomcch Is a Foe to Be Feared Nearly all illness has its origin in a weak Stomach and clogged bowels. Your food remains undigested and you are deprived of its health sustaining properties. Weakness and a general runOown condi tion soon overtake you. Be wise in time and pro vide proper aid, which suggests a fair trial of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters ; It Needed Explanation. A Kansaa Cltian relatea that recent ly while on a trip about the environs of San Diego and Coronado beach In a sight seeing motor car, the driver pointed out various land holdings, buildings, hotels, etc., as the property of J. D. Spreckels Jr., the sugar mag nate. Even the road over which they bowled was privately owned by Spreckels. As the car. following: the winding road, drew near the bay, a little girl asked: "Mama, who owns the bay?" Mama smiled and said. Why, dearie, God owns the bay." "Well," said the puiiled child, "how did he get it away from Mr. Snreck- els?" W07.11N REFUSES OFERATIOII Tells How She Was Saved by Taking LydiaE. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville, Ky " I think If more suf fering women would take Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound they would enjoy better health. I suffered from female trou ble, and the doctors decided I had tumorous growth and would have to be operated upon, but I refused as I do hot believe In onera-. tions. I had fainting spells, bloated, and could hardly stand the pain in my left side. My husband insisted that I try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable uompound, and I am so thankful I did, for I am now a well woman. I sleep better, do all my housework and take long walks. I never fall to praise Lydiiv E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound for tny good health." Mrs. J. If. Resch, 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky.. Since we guarantee that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is It not fair to suppose that if Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has th virtue to help these women It will help any other woman who is suffering In s like manner T If you are III do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 'Write to Lydia, E. Plnkham Medicine Co., (oonflden tUl) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict confidence. 1 WlJ