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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1919)
. Advertising The Athena Press circulates in the homes of readers who reside in the heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat Belt, and they have money to spend he mm Notice! If this notice is marked RED, it sig nines that your Subscription expires with this issue. We will greatly ap predate your renewal $2,00 per year Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon, aa Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME XL. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 1. 1919. NUMBER 11 T DUE DATE ON TAX "A person who waits for an Income Tax man to pull his door bell or his coat tails, may find himself a delin quent subject to severe penalties," is the warning sounded today by the In ternal RevenuejjBureau officials. "The duty of getting the payments and the returns in by March 15th lies solely with each individual and corporation liable under the law." The bureau has sent every man it can spare direct ly to the people to aid in an advisory capacity, said Commissioner Roper. "But our men have no time to canvass people at work or in their homes." Every person liable to a tax or a re turn must take the initiative in per forming the duties required by the Revenue Law. If he needs inform ation, blank forms, or advice, he should seek an Income Tax officer. The big thing now in Income Tax is to getjthe first payment in between now and, March 15th. That is the due date under the new law. Frankly speaking, the Government needs the money to meet its obliga tions falling due on that date. The returns of 1918 income are due at the same time. Either a complete return showing the true tax. or a tentative return of the estimated tax, must ac company each and every payment made between now and tomorrow. The ten tative return of estimated tax is a re lief measure adopted by the bureau for taxpayers who cannot complete their full returns on time. A taxpay er who needs additional time for mak ing a return cannot be relieved of the payment of the tax due or the estimat ed tax due. But, on making the re quired payment, before tomorrow, the taxpayer can secure further time up to forty-five days in which to file the conrplete return. The bureau in this way meets the convenience of tax payers who are pressed for time, but it cannot relieve them of the require ment that taxes their due on March 1 5th must be paid between now and the due date. It is urged that every taxpayer who can, do so, make payments in full when filing his return. This method will greatly aid the Revenue offices and re lieve the taxpayer of the necessity of guarding against oversight on future installments dates. In each case where payment in full is not made, the first payment must lie at least one-fourth of the estimated tax due. No matter which of1 these methods is used in pay ing tax due Manh 15th, the payment must actually be in the Collector's office by the due date, accompanied by a return. Red Cross Work. The Athena Red Gioss this week turned in the following garments to headquarters at Pendleton, finishing up all work at present in hand There will be no work for next Wednesday, and it is announced from headquarters that all wo'rfc hereafter will be ref ugee garmipts: From the Knitting Club, 1 sweaters and ) pair of sox; a Red Cross sweaters, 20 chemises, 2 bedshirts. The roll of honor in the work room included the following ladies: Mrs. J. A. Kirk, Mrs. W. B. Taylor, Mrs. E. A. Dudley, Mrs. Sam uel Hawoith, Mrs. D. H. Sanders, Mrs. W. K. Wall, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow. The French Orphans. Miss Bienda Francklyn, official speaker in the interests of the Father less Children of France, appeared in the High school auditorium Sunday afternoon, andaddresed an interested audience on the conditions which she is so materially alleviating Miss Franck lyn is a very pleasing and convincing speaker, and good results were ap parent, in the interest of her listeners. The lecturer was accompanied up from Pendleton by Miss Nason, and enter tained while in the city at, tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. LeGrow. She is an ar tist of note, and the daughter of a British General, now stationed in In dia. The Sutton Concert. Weston people who attended the Sutton concert given there Tuesday evening, speak very highly of the per formers, giving especial praise to the sweetunaffected 6inging of Mrs. Sut ton, tbe strength and timbre of Mr. Sutton's splendii baritone, and the brilliant performance on the piano of Miss Burton. These local artists are to appear in the Christian church audi torium tonight, and Athena will no doubt show a like appreciation by giving them a full house. Tonkin Gets 'Em. George Tonkin, Umatilla county game warden, recently cut the rural telephone wires near Bend, to prevent game violators receiving notice of his coming, and i nested three with hides and venison in their possession. Two paid fines aggregating flOO, and a third will have hi hearing later. One beaver pelt was found. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENEMIINTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Negotiations have been closed for the establishment of a shingle mill In Reedsport. "South Umatilla county plana to erect a $35,000 school building for high school purposes only. It has definitely been decided by the Graves Canning company to erect a $16,000 cannery at Woodburn. An epidemic of smallpox has hit the state school for the deaf, and 70 chil dren are now under quarantine. The state securities commission has approved a bond Issue of (17,000 for the Hood River irrigation district. Plans for the formation of a Linn county chamber of commerce were launched at a meeting of the Albany chamber. The Coqullle corn show had a larger line of exhibits this year than had been shown before,, a total of 3000 ears having been offered for exhibi tion. Recent rains so saturated the ground that a portion of the paved highway about a mile south of Rose burg has been undermined and made unsafe for travel. Charles D. Latourette, a prominent Oregon City attorney, recently present ed to Oregon City ten drinking foun tains, seven of which already have been installed in Main street. Representative Hawley hopes to complete his work with the house committee on committees in time to leave for Oregon this week. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Hawley. A special school election to author ize the floating of $28,000 In bonds for the construction of a new school build ing in Bend baa been announced. The election has been set for March 29. First Lieutenant Ralph M. Wilcox, of Portland, and Second Lieutenant Lewis C. Beebe of Cottage Grove, have been awarded distinguished service crosses for extraordinary heroism in action. Of 410 accidents reported last week to the state industrial accident com mission, one was fatal. The victim of the fatal accident was James McColm, who was killed In connection with shipbuilding in Portland. Mm. J. R. Norton of Hood River was drowned in the Sandy river, about 20 miles east of Portland, when an auto mobile in which she was riding with her husband left the grade, crashed down the embankment and into the stream. Nine million dollars Is now available for road and trail construction, main tenance and survey work within the national forests of Oregon and Wash ington, according to an announcement made In Portland at the district forest headquarters. Braniold Zanatta, unnaturalized Italian, was arrested near Prinevllle by Deputy United States Marshal F. B. Tichenor. He Is accused of threaten ing to kill President Wilson if prevent ed from bringing his wife to this coun try from Italy. It is costing $2.12 a thousand feet more to produce lumber in western Oregon and western Washington than the mills are able to get for it, ac cording to figures presented at a meet ing of the West Coast Lumbermen's association In Portland. The legislature just closed exceeded all. records for bills passed, although lagging .behind the three preceding sessions for the number of bills intro duced. The number of bills finally passed was 43G out of 821 introduced, or over 50 per cent passed. . i Ifinety per cet of the votes cat? at the special election in Umatilla county favored the issuance by the count? of $1,050,000 in road bonds. Less than 6000 votes were cost against the proposal and only four of the 64 precincts, all small ones, returned un favorable 'najorities. The chambers of commerce of North Bend and Marshfield have jointly ap pealed to the commissioners of the port of Coos bay to take steps toward securing for the harbor a powerful harbor tug. The plan Is to have the tug for aiding In unloading large ves sels and for towing over the bar. Bids opened by the county court for $277,000 worth of Douglas county road bonds were disappointing to the offi cials, and acceptance of proposals was deferred. Morris Bros, of Portland bid approximately $5 cents on the dol lar, while the aid of Freeman, Smith f Nights Are Getting Shorter dt Kamp oi I'oruaud was a irme less than 94 cents. Deputy Fish Warden Larson, who is patrolling the Columbia river during the closed season, reports that thus far there have been practically no vio lations of the law, but a strict watch is to be kept with a view of punishing everyone who attempts to Fsh during the closed season. That many salmon are re-entering the river is indicated by the fact that immense herds of Beals are seen in tho various section? of the stream. After a trial lasting four days James Fullerton of Eugene was found guilty by a jury in circuit court of the charge of libel against the University of Ore gon, its president, P. L. Campbell, and the students. Mr. Fullerton had been indicted by the grand jury on the charge of libel for utterances in the Oregon Hornet, a small monthly pub lication printed by him. That work will be started in 4he near future on three fishways at falls below Bend in the Deschutes river was the statement of Master Fish Warden R. E. Clanton. The concrete ladders are provided for by a $5000 appropriation made by the last legis lature, and when installed will make available hundreds of miles of spawn ing grounds for Columbia river salmon. That the Smith industries on Coos bay are likely to open again is admit ted generally since it became known A. H. Powers was ordering his fore men to return to Powers by March 15. Rumor says that activities there will be Increased and the seven camps will cut 1,000,000 feet cf logs each day This Is taken to mean that the mills will be operated on a scheme of larger output. Laws enacted by the 1919 legisla ture will become effective on May 29 unless they carry the emergency clause or the referendum is applied. This statement .was Issued by Secre tary of State Olcott. He said that the session laws will be available for distribution by May 20. Laws not car rying the emergency clause are effec tive 90 days from the end of the session. Governor Olcott has let it be known that In event an adjudication may be obtained of the question of whether or not he would still remain governor in event he resigns as secretary of state and It is determined by such adjudi cation that he will remain governor and not automatically forfeit the office by so resigning, he will surrender the office of secretary of Btat.e and name a successor for that office. A herd of 26 registered Guernsey cattle has been given the Oregon agri cultural college by W. B. Ayer of Porf- land, former federal food administra tor for Oregon, and owner of the Foot hill farm at Carlton. The college herd Is now one of tbe largest among those maintained by agricultural colleges of the country 100 head. The value of the gift Is estimated at between $7500 and $10,000, but to the state it is ex pected it will be worth many times that amount. i That two main branches of co-operative work among the farmers ol Klamath county the promotion of suluring of the alfalfa lands and eraOfjtation of the squirrel, under the lit oi i umy u; ricui- ii ; . 1 i i will be im mediately i - cSedj was decided at a meeting at Klamath Falls of the exec utive council of farmers. The fight against the ground squirrel Is to be a Btrenuous one. Poison will be used in all sections of the county. Twelve days were spent in covering a distance of S3 miles by state em ployes who arrlvemin Bend from Elk lake, bringing wifl&Lthem 640,000 freshly gathered brooks trout eggs which were immediately taken to the new hatchery six .Dirties front Bend, as the first to be placed in the troughs at the new plant. Snow ranging in depth from two to 12 feet impeded the progress of the egg carriers, and on the last two days of the trip they sub sisted entirely on a diet of beans. Central road projects, including The Dalles-California highway branch road north through Bend, and the east and west road from Klamath Falls to Lake view, will be undertaken at once by j the state highway commission, accord lng to Commissioner R. A. Booth, who addressed a banquet at The Dalles, i attended by delegates from Wasco, Sherman, Crook and Klamath coun- . ties. Besides state and national ap- Xpriations which aheatly have been ie available for these projects, Mr. Booth announced that the forest serv ice has just promised the state that it would assist In building roads through forest reserves on a 50-60 -cD MONEY FROM BAD EGG The state highway commission has Instructed the engineer to prepare plans and specifications for a number of new paving and grading projects foi which bids will be opened at the next meeting of the commission, March 26 These Include: Paving 12H miles In Coos county between Marshfield and Coqullle; paving in Umatilla county between Milton and the Washington state boundary; paving 6 mlleB In Marlon county between Jefferson and Salem; paving and grading In Linn county between Albany and Tangent; paving 4 miles in Josephine count between Wolf creek and Grave creek; paving in Douglaa county between Oakland and Yoncalla and between Dillard and Myrtle creek; paving In Yamhill county between Bcllnvue anil McMinnvllle; paving 3 mlkn in Wasco county between The Dalles and Seu fert; grading In Columbia county be tween Scappoose and McDride; grad lng and graveling In Umatilla county between Echo and Morrow county line; grading 1 mile In Douglas county be tween Canyonville and Galesvllle; grading in Josephine county on Smith Mil ridge. .irn Buckley Finally Proved Truth e Saying That He Waa Fond,, of Repeating. "Thar nin't notliln' in the world but Is good fer sometliln'" is one of the favorite sayings of Jim Buckley of Bear Lake. Buckley Is a thrifty soul. He farms lu summer and traps In winter and be tween wheat and furs he la growing rich. One morning his wife was cook ing breakfast. She broke a rotteu egg into a skillet and -was starting toward the door to throw it away when Buck ley stopped her. "Woman, don't throw that egg away," said Buckley. "But It's rotten," protested his wife. "Makes no difference," declared the philsopher. "Thar ain't nothln' In the world but" "James Buckley," exclaimed his wife, "I've heard that a thousand times." The wolf never sniffs at the doors of the prosperous farmers of the Peace river country. But foxes are different animals here Is something you don't know rotten eggs are rated as an epl cureuu tidbit In vulpine menus. That night Buckley set a trap in n poplar grove near his home and baited It with the rotten egg. He hoped to catch n red fox or perhaps a coyote. But when he went out to his trap next morning, what do you think he found? The biggest silver fox Buckley ever had clnpped eyes on. He sold the pelt in Peace River the other day for $340. "A right nice lot o' money to hatch from a rotten egg," remarked Buckley as he stuffed the money In his pocket. "I've allers allowed that thar alu't nothln' In the world but Is good fer somethln'." Chicago Post. ONE GOOD THING FROM WAR Roberts Predicted Foch's Victory. When Lord Itoberts was In Canada ten years ago at the dedication of the Plains of Abraham park and play ground he made this prediction: "They refuse to believe me, and we are asleep under a false security, for I do not hesitate to affirm that we will have a frightful war In Europe) and that Great Britain and France will have the hardest experience of their existence. They will. In fact, see de feat very near, but the war will finally be won by the genius of a French gen eral named Ferdinand Foch, professor in the military school in Paris." Cocone Nut, Hitherto Considered Only as Nuisance, Has Been Made Arti cle of Commerce. Before the war the cocone, which grows freely in the Southern Ameri cas, on large trees of the palm fam ily, waR literally such a hard nut to crack that Its vegetable oil had no place In commerce, nnd the tree was known chiefly as a botheration to banana planters when they wished to enlarge their plantation Eighteen hundred pounds' pressure Is required to crack the cocone nut, and there was no machinery for doing It. Then gov ernment experts said that nothing else in the world would provide such good carbon for gas masks ns the cocone nut, nnd the United States financed the creation of machinery for crack ing It, thus starting n new and Im portant Industry. Hereafter It will be well worth while breaking the shells for the vegetable oil Inside them, val uable for cooking, lighting, and the making of nut butter; and the shells, happily no longer needed for masks, can be used as fuel or in the manufac ture of gas. And so. out of an effort to prevent the expansion of autocracy by conquest, the Southern Americas find opportunity to expand by com merceScientific American. Sending fo Europe 141,000,000 bush els of wheat from a surplus of appar ently nothing was the outstanding ex ploit of the American food army In the critical year of the war. Half tbe world Is wondering where tho other half gets ita money. ROME GIVES U. S, FAMOUS PALACE Bankers Purchase Historic Home to House All American Organizations. TO PR0M0TECLOSE RELATIONS Will Be Permanent Headquarters for Repreaentativea Sent to Italy by .American Buslneaa and Finan cial Institution!. Rome. Thanks to the generosity of Itullan financial and commercial Inter ests, the United States will have a nouse of its own In Rome. The Palazzo Snlvlntl, one of the famous group of historic family pal aces that line the Corso Umberto, for merly the Flomlnlnn way, has just been purchased by the big banking in terests of Italy, rechrlstened "La Casa dell'Amerlca" or "The American House," nnd placed at the disposal of all societies, organizations and move ments thnt have for their object the furthering of commercial, financial, so cial and Industrial relations between the United States nnd Italy. Banks Provide Money. The project was planned by Minis ter of Provisions Crespl, who through bis contact with American Food Ad ministrator Hoover, became convinced of the great mutual benefit to be de rived by Italy and America through closer relations. The money for tbe purchase of the palace was put up by the leading banking Institutions of Italy. The Salvlati palace, which Is near the entrance of the Corso Umberto Into Piazza Venezla, or where the Flnmlnlan way formerly led up to the Capltollne hill, Is surrounded by the other equally historic palaces of the Odescalchi and Dorvla families. Its Interior furnishings nnd decorations will be kept Intact as far as possible. A Permanent Headquarters. The first -floor of the palace will be occupied by the central headquarters of the Italian-American league, of which Senator Ituffinl is president nnd which has for Its object promoting every possible relation between the American and Italian peoples. The second floor will be iglven over to the ofllces of financial organiza tions that arc especially Interested In Italian and American stocks and bonds. Still other portions of the pnlnce will be given over to the societies and or ganizations promoting interests along special lines between the United States and Italy, MM. THE TEACHING OF THRIFT IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Tbe school authorities of tho country were urged to j'oin in the government campaign to make thrift a happy na tional habit, in a telegram sent by Secretary Glass of the treasury depart ment to the National Educational As sociation in convention at Chicago. Secretary Glass asked that the teach ing of thrift be made a part of the school curriculum during 1019. The telegram read as follows: "To the members of the National Educational Association assembled at Chicago I wish to extend the sincere appreciation of the Treasury Depart ment for the assistance rendered by Hie members of the teaching profes sion in the Liberty Loan and War Savings campaigns ' during the past year. "Besides being of immediate value in meeting the financial needs of the government these campaigns have betm of permanjnt value to the country in encouraging habits of wise spending, intelligent saving and investment. These habits of saving and patriotism, encouraged and stimulated by the nec essities of the war. will have a great permanent value to the country if ap plied to its development in time of peace. "The teachers of the country I y their daily contact with the children who are to be its future citizens, can do much to influence them in teaching good citizenship and thrift. It is therefore my earnest request that the school authorities throughout the coun try incorporated the teaching of thrift in the school curriculum for 1919. "Carter Glass." Adams Soldier Dead. Word atiniupctng the death of her husband, Clark Maxey. in France, has been received by Mrs. Maxey. of, AdamB. A message to that effect was received Wednesday. Mr. Maxey, pri or to enlisting in the army for service overseas was a resident of Adams for ten years, and was in the employ of Pearl Hales. After entering the ser vice he was married to Miss Effie Car-gill. LETTERS FROM OUR LADS "OVER THERE" That both Dick and George Winship have been in hospitals, though far apart, and unable so far to commun icate with each utber, is told in the two following letters received this week from them. Dick received a broken leg in December, but has failed to tell how the accident happened. "Nantes, France, Feb. 9. "Received your letter some time ago. Getting a letter is one of the best things that happens in the army. Your letter and one other are i the only ones I have received for several months, don't know what is the mat ter. I have been' in the hospital since December 16th I guess I should say hospitals, for I have been in four dif ferent ones; am now at Evacuation No. IB, located at Nantes, which is quite large city thev say. I have never seen it only from the window. Am able to hobble about now on crutches. Was down to the Red Cross hut today. They sure treat us fine. Don't know when I will get back to my company, nor do I know where they are now. It is not very cold here but we sure get plenty of rain, is trying to snow tonight. I am glad the fighting is over, as it would not be very pleasant lying out in the front line trenches this weather. I have never seen any one over here that I ever knew before; a. familiar face would look good now. The div ision I belong to, the 77th, is from New York City, except the replace ments, they are mostly from Montana and Minnesota, and a few from the South. General Pershing was here a few days ago, but I didn't get to see him. He came into the hospital but only stopped a few minutes. Have you i.eard from George lately? Pvt. W. R. Winship, Co. G. 806 Inf.. Evacuation Hoop. No 8", A. P.0 . 7B7. Nurse and Patient Write. Feb. 15, 1919. Dear Mrs. Winship: As represen tative of the Home Communication Service, American Red Cross. I am writing for Sgt Winship. He says he has not written you for three weeks and fears you may be worrying about him. He has been quite ill but is con valescing now from pneumonia. Has I had every attention from these good doctors and nurses. He tells me to assure you not to worry about him and will be writing you himself as soon as he is strong enough. Trusting you are well, very truly yours, Anna P. Hopper, Evac. Hospital No. 14, A. P. O. 937. Army of Occupation. Feb. 19, 1919. Dear Mother and all: Will drop you a line to let you know I am getting all right. Can't get out of bed yet but expect to get up in a few diys; have been on my back for 23 days now but we sure have good care here. I lost a lot of weight, but my eating is good now and I will pick up fast. I sure was sick, had flu first and then pneu monia. Have to stay in bed until I get strength enough to get up. The doctor said he thought I could get up Sunday, but I doubt it for I sure am weak. Geo. Letter Tells of Hero's Death. Omar Stephens hands lis the Enter prise, Wallowa county, Reeord-Chief-taln, in the which following informa tion regarding the death of Ms neph ew, Jos. V. Stephens, killed in action in France, is given. The letter was re ceived by his sister, Mrs. C C. Horn of Pilot Rock, and forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, of Enterprise, with whom the young man had made his home in boyhood. The letter, writ ten by Capt. Walter firinkop, machine gun company, BH4th Inf, In part says: "Corporal Joseph V. Stephens, who was a momber .of this "company," was f killed on September 80, 10J-8, at a point about laOO yards northwest of bclisfontalne, .France, (northwest of Verdun,: during the Meuse-Argonne offensive. He was leading his gun squad when we werejffounting our guns on Hill 21 during a threatened counter attack. We were subjected to a heavy shelling at this time and a number of our men were killed and wounded. A shell struck . Very closo to vour brother, mortally wounding him. He signalled to his men to. go ahead. Private Albert I.. Smith of this com pany came back to administer first aid to him. His wounds in the abdomen were so severe besides the serious wounds on his legs, that not much could be done for him and he passed on in about thirty minutes. "Corporal Stephens was a.i ideal soldier. He was liked by his comrades and officers, and the latter reposed great trust and confidence in him. He was never found wanting, but seived faithfully in the battles and sbellings of that historic offensive until he fell in action. He died fighting in the cause of Liberty and Justice, and in the greatest battle in the history of the world."