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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1916)
Mil. HettlB Powers of Weston, was in Ibe oity Monday. Sam Pambrnn spent a portion of the week io Pendleton. Soott Fisher made business trip to PendletoD toil week. Mia. Bett Bamaay ia visiting friends at Springtleld, Oregon. Mia. Al. Boober baa been onder the dootoi'a eate tbia week. - : J, V. Mitobell ia again operator at tbe looal O.-W. atation. Mr. James Maloney waa in tbe oity Saturday. from Pendleton. Mrs. Henry Wood spent Sunday with friends in Pendleton. , Mr. and Mra. Bern Baniater visited frienda io Weston, Wednesday. Mrs. t. 8. Vinoeut visited frienda in Walla Walla tbe Brat of tbe neok. Mrs. R. MoDongal of Condon, is tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. MoLeod. Mr?. 'J'. M. West, of Seattle is visit ing ber grandmother, Mrs. A. J. Wag ner. W. U. Miller ia assisting at Steele's harness shop duiing a tnsb of repair work. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LnUrow spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in Walla Walla. Mi. and Mrs. Cbarlea Keen cf Wes ton, are gneita at tbe Henry Keen borne in tbia oity. Attorney Will M. Peterson of Pen dleton, waa in the oity Wednesday on legal business. . ' Mm. Dioksoo, of Presoott, Wash., has been a guest tRis week of ber mo ther, Mrs. Jaokson Nelson. City Marshal Stone baa been Hiring ia the low places on the Main street maoadam with orusbed rook. Mrs. Delia Maloney oame over from Walla Walla Saturday, to attend tbe funeral of her brother, Jerry Stone. F. 0. Miller and familv have re moved to Walla Walla, alter lesiding in Athena for a period of aoveral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Iaylor, Mr. and Mra. D. B. Mansfield and daugh ter Maude, motored to Pendleton yes terday. Mrs. N. A. Miller. Who in mrinn.l. afSiotnd with rheumatism, waa taken to Walla Walla yesterday to leoeive treatment. Walter Lembka oarre up from Port land Saturday and has been a guest this week of bis eister, Mrs. Edgar mouieaay. M. L. Watts and W. P. Littlejobo motored to Waitabnrg yesterday, wbere thev attended tbe funeral of the lata W. G. Preston. Tbe condition of Mrs. Blteman bas been oouaiderably worse the past week and the services of a trained nurse were required. Dr. MoMath's Sunday sobool class at the Baptist obnrob, will enjoy a epeoial program at tbe oburob neit Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eail Bnrd and Miss Flora MoDonald of Pilot Book, are expeoted to spend tbe week sod at tbe MoLeod home in this oity. Mi. and Mrs. J. L. Bunt of Bell iogham Wash., were in the oity last week, oalled here by the death of Jerry Stooe, Mrs. Hunt's fatbet. Miss Hattie B'roome oame np from Pendleton 'he Brat of the week, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frooma, at the St. Niohols Botel. I. W. Ware, tbe druggist, waa able to get down to bis store yesterday, for tbe Brat time ainos November 1. Mr. Ware'a health is gradually improving. Floyd Polman, a young oaipenter of Brownsville, baa ariived in tbe oity to remain permanently. Be is a biotbei of Mrs. Soott Fisher, and is a gnest at her home. Grand High Priest Clyde Evans of tbo Royal Arab Masons, will meet with Kirk Chapter, No. 86, of tbia oity, on the evening of Saturday, Maroh 11. I&at29fca22fe5) a222SS)9SE222SE: 3smQBSZgSm How About Your Spring Sewing? Yoor sewing beoomes a pleasure if von have an improved Wbite Rotary Sewing Maobine. It's so durable and simple that it is virtual ly never ont of older, yet parts may be bad at any time without trou ble if requirod. It is so perfectly fitted, adjusted and balauoed that it ia wonderfully easy rouuiug, qniet and free from that nerve raoking vitratioo. Any one oan sew, took, hem, gather, shirr and darn 'on tbia wonderful maobine. It ruus ona-fourth faster than any vibrating ma obine. We are anxious to bava you oome and aee for yourself make ns ahow you these tbinga are true. Our prioes repiesent the biggeat values to te had anywhere. Yon oan't get aa muob vnlne In any other make though many ask more. If yon pay less you saorifloe at least (2.00 for every dollar of tbe differ ence in price. We would be foolish to make snoh claims if we oould not prove them. Give na tbe obanoe That Costs You Nothing No. 85 Automatio lift Drop Head Style, six drawers (4 large and two email) in rich, qnaitreed Golden Oak. Our prioe 187.60. No. 60, new Sit-Strate model, needle direotly in front of operator, 4 large diawers, automatic lift Drop Bead, quartered Golden Oak. t87.60. No. 40. Portable Wbite Eleotrio, tbe latest, a great boon to those who lew oonstautly or are weak, a 7-speed motor, regulated ty foot trip, attached to head of maobine. Prioe 50.00. THE DAVIS-KASER C0 WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. What New Buildings Do You Need This Year A new bouse, a new'ibioken bouse, a new barn, a new granary, a silo, a maobine abed, or a new bog house! If you want oi need one or more of these improvements you should be getting your plans shaped up for them, now. TUM A.LUM PLANNING SERVICE will help not only in planning each buiidtngbut in looating it to the test advantage in relation to yonr other buildings. A FARM PLAN is a good thing to'bava io mind and on paper we will help yon prepare one if you wish. THESE ARE PLANNING DAYS There's no other time of the year wbcn'you oan do it so well. Yon oan do it to the, beat advantage at this office. No extra cost. Use us soon and often. "See Johnson about it." TUM A LUM LUMBER COMPANY Steele's HARNESS Shop North Side Main Street, cAthena Harness Oiling Carefully Done, i Price S .." Per Set Our Harness and Collar Repairing neatly done by a practical workman. Buy your Sweatpads, Harness Oils, Whips and all Harness Supplies of the man who is in that business. At noon oo February 23, tba 20 children at LaMar Gnlob sohool en joyed a chicken diuner and all tbe good things that go witb it, io honor of Washington's Birthday. , Mis. Henry Koepke was oalled to Belix, the latter part of tbe week, to attend tbe fnneial of relative, Mrs. Koeboke.Jan elderly woman, who died suddenly at bei home in that vioinity. Tbe Dreamland Theatre opened Wednesday evening, after having been olosed for some time, and Man ager Miller is serving bis nations witb soma good entertainmeot at bis pop-1 ular picture theatre. I A epeoial from Bot Lake sava: Among the numerous goeeta now reg stered at tbe Hot Lake Sanitarium, are the following from Athena: W. R. Bardea, Walter Cameion, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MoKay and John Robert son. Bert Cartaoo, who will beieafter engage in buying and selling livestook, purohased 106 head of hogs yesterday. A portion of the atook is ready for market, and the remainder will be fed at Mr. Oaitano'a yards on tbe Bnssell plaoe, below town. W. E. and James Fotta were oalled to Snobomisb, Wash., Wednesday on telegrapbio announoement of tbeir brother. John Potts death. Ibe de ceased oondooted a dairy at Snoho mish. Be leaves a familv consisting of wife and three sons. Chris Tboeuv. the well known trnok farmer of Weston neighborhood bas teen engaged this week io tbe man ufacture of a large water tank down at Foss-Winabip'a tin shop. Mr. Iboeoy rides to and from hii worku a bran splintered new red wagon. Ibe annual convention of Umatilla oouutv Odd Fellows was held at Pilot Rook Tuesday, and was attended by several members of Wild Horse lodge of this oity. M. L. Watts waa one of tbe speakeis of tbo evening. Tbe ooovention next year, will be held at Pendleton, A Portland dispatch to tbe Spokesman-Review save: "John Sbiok, tbe giant left-bander of Athena, who, Mo Uieedie believes, will be another Vean Gregg, will te turned over to the Spokane olnb along with several oth ers of the more promising of tbe Bea ver reornitB." Tbe oase of John Martin vs. 0. E. Burnbam, to recover 175.00 in pay ment for a horse, was tried io Judge Richards' oourt, Wednesday, witb Will M. Peterson appearing tor tbe plaintiff, and Homer I. Watts, oonnsel for tbe defendant. . Tbe deuision was in favor of Martin. Mr. Toftta of Portland addressed an audience at tbe Baptist ahnroh last evening, taking for bis subject, '.'One Day's Rest in Seven." Mayor Watts presided at the meeting. It ia onder stood that Mr. Tuffta will return to Atbena in April, when he will de liver another address. Mrs. B. A. Barrett entertained the Eaatern Star Olnb Tuesday afternoon, in a most delightful manner. Dainty refreshments were seived by the host ess, assisted by Miss Jesisoa MoEweo. The date being the 22nd, the picture of the father of bis oountry beloT an honored plao, and tinv flags and hatchets aa favors were significant of tbe anniversary. Mignooette Lodge of Rebekahs was visited last Tuesday evening, at tbeir regular meeting, by tbe degree team of Biawatha Lodge of Weatnn, num bering atout twenty Bebekabs wbu put on the work for the looal lodge, initiating two new memteis. After tbe tusiness session, the visitors weie entertained in a fitting manner, and a banqnet was served. . Tbe tioket nominated at the mass meeting on the evening of February 4, will bava opposition, in part. Pa titioos of the following candidates have bien filed witb Recorder Rich ards, and their names will appear on the election ballots: For Mayor, Dav id Taylor; for Gounoilnien, Cbas. Mo Failand and H. O. Wortbington; for Treasurer, A. M. Johnson, Oo Friday evening, March 8, at 8 p. m. there will be a basket or box Booial at LaMar sohool house, pro ceeds of tbe sale to go toward build ing a ionoe about the sohool grounds. The girls will bring baodsome tasKata tilled with a sumptuous lunob. A good program will be given by the sobool children, assisted by talent from abroad. All are invited. At a joint meeting of tbe exeoutive oommittee of tba Umatilla County Good roads association and of the spsaial road oommittee of the Pendle ton Commsioial association at Pen dleton, Mooday evening it was decided to snbmit tba proposition of bonding the ooonty for permanent road im provement in the aum of $980,000, to a vote of tho taxpayers at tba piimary election. At tbe Methodist Episcopal Chutob: Preaohiog next Sabbath morning and evening. Subjeot in tbe morning: "Chri.t the Center of Alt Things." In this disooorse tbe pastor will give a description of tba coronation of Ed ward VII of England. At night Ibe topio will be: "Tbe Gieat Dynamic Foroa in tbe Christian Relisioo." Sabbath sohool at 10 a. m. All are invited. Tbe Piesa is in reoeipt of a neatly piloted booklet wbiob sets forth con cisely, tbe purposes of tbe Bankers Mortgage Corporation, oapitalized at $500,000.00. Dr. 0. J. Smith, for merly of Pendletoo, ia president of the corporation ; 8. F. Wilson is vioe president aod manager, and W. 8. Ferguson, of Athena, la a director. Tbe home offices of tbe oorporation are looated in tbe litla and Trust Bnilding, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stone returned to tbeir borne near Thornton, Wash, this morning, after beiog here for a week. Mi. Stone ia makiog a suooess io diversified farming of 220 acres of land, near Thornton. At different fairs be bas won prizes on tba products of bis fatm. The soil is veiy prodoo live. From one eom of ground soffl oient Golden , Tankard atook beeta were raised to feel eeven head of sows all wititer. One of tbeaa beeta weighed 22 pounds. Beforo a large orowd of spectators iu the High sohool gym last night, the Atbena aeoond team defeated tbe Weston seoond team by the decisive aooie of 8fl to 18. Tbe Pendleton High sohool gills defeated the Atbena Biah school girls by a soore of 35 to 10. Atbena beld well in the first half, the soore at the close of that period was nine to seven in Pendleton's fav or. A reoeption io honor of tbe vis itors waa beld io tbe Lodge ball after the game. William G. Preston, senior member of, tba Preston-Shaffer Milling com pany of Atbena and Wairaburg, died at tbe home of bis boo, 0 B. Preston, in Portland Sunday night, at tbe age , of 83 yeais. Tbe body waa taken to Waitsburg for burial. Mr. Preston was a native of New York stats. He was one of tbe Brat men to build a house on the site of tbe present oity of Denver, Colo. Mr. Preston was a pio neer miller of tbe northwest, and bad many other business interests, includ ing land. Tha fnueral aervicea were oondooted at Waitsburg yesterday, being ooudnoted by the Elks' lodge of Walla Walla, School Notes. On Thursday evening, Maroh 2, ia tbe sobool auditorium, Atheoa's first oounty debating team will debate witb the first team of Milton High sohool, Tbe lonal team will takn the negative aide of tbe question) Resolved, That tbe United States should adopt tbe essential featmea of tbe Swiss system of military training and service. On the same evening thelooal High sobool seoond team will go to Milton to de bate tbe aeoond team if that town, also taking tbe negative aide ct tha same questioo. Tbe members of 4th ena'a teams are: Fiist team Heniy Eospke, Zola Keen and Franols Febi ; second learn Edna MoAlexander. Flo ronoeMoLeooao and Bex Payne. Although Athena has taken part in two debates this year, tbia will te the first one beld here, Winning the de bate tbe looal team oan tben try for the oounty ubamplonsbip. If the team is defeated, they will be elim inated from any other debates. At the debate at Ferndale, Thursday evening, February 17, Ferndale won over Athena, the deoision being 2-1. The looal team took the affirmative side of tbe question aa atated above. Tbe debate waa beld at- the Ferndale hall and waa well attended. After tbe debate an infcrmal reoeption waa given tbe taints. Tbe judges were: Prlnoipal Mus selman of tbe Tnm-a-lom sohool, Bos sell Miller and Jay Edwarda fiom Whitman oollege. Atbena was rep tesented by Zola Keen, Francis Febr and Henry Koepke; Ferndale by Merle Heidemiob, Ralph tiaylor and Dean Goodman; obairman, 8upt. 0. A. Guetue of Atbena. The Athsoa High sohool girls' bas ket ball team won over tha Milton higb sohool soxtet iu the looal gym nasium last Friday evening, by tbe soore of 45 to 9. The game waa fast from beginning to end and undei tbe splendid refeieeing of Mr. Biooks they kept on tha go at a good rate. The game was played with the one line. Tbe sooiiug for Milton was made by Alioe MoQoeen who threw 5 free throws out of 9 and one Beld goal, and Margaiet Grotb who tossed one field goi 1. Cora Kiokei, tbe aide oeutei f ot Milton showed ability in her position by her quiobness. Tbe Athena sooring displayed for tha forwaidi great aoonraoy at shoot ing goals. Proline Myriok threw 18 field goals and tossed 8 fouls out of six. Katbien Froome threw eight field goals, most of them being difficult shots. Tbe looal team showed ability io tbeir team woik and passing. Tbe lineup: Athena Paulina Myriok and Kathren Fioome forwards; Hazel San ders, jumping oenter; Dollie Wbite, side oenter; Ruby Banister and Mar garet McLennan guards. Milton Al loa McQueen and Margaret Gioth, for wards; Lillian Williams, jumping oenter; Cora Kioker, side oenter; Ce oila Badley and Marian Talbot, guards. Substitutions: Ceoile Badley for Lil lian Williams aa oenter and Goldie Piorsol for Ceoile Badley as guard. After tbe basket tall game Fiiday evening tbe girls of tbe Atbena team gave tbe Milton gitla an informal re oeption. Light refreshments were served and tha teams beoame better acquainted. Tha school baa reoeived fifty-two steel key-lookers for use in the dressing rooms. There are twelve large look ers and forty small ones which are well provided witb books. Prinolpal 0. A. Gnerne bas oharge ot the keys aud as soon as the lookers are installed members of tbe teams may rent keys. Local Advertisments Livestook Dealer. Bert Cartaoo has engaged in tbe livestock bnslnsss. He is prepared to pay tbe highest market prices at all times for obiokeos, bogs, cattle and abeep. It you bava slook to sell, be sure and see him. Notice Notioe is hereby given that I will not be responsible for aoy debts contracted by any ooa other than my self after tbe date of this notioe. Dat ed at Atheoa, Oregon, Fsbmary 10, 1916. Mra. Joseph Forrest. Wanted. A fresh Jersey milk cow. Phone 24F5. G. B. WoodWBrd. Adv. For 8ale. Two 1400 lb. mares; also a few Barred Ruok roosters. Phone 24 F6. G. B. Woodward Adv. For Bale A nice buffet, io first data coodltiuu. Enquire at tbe Gold en Rule stoia. itUI Mia. Liliia Miller dealrea all who owe bar to eall at onoe and sattla. Tbia ia argent and imperative. Adv. For Sale A team of good wor botses. Inquire at tbia offloe. Adv. To keep yaur radiator from freezing you only bave to purchase Psoo-Aloo-bol, denatured, at Kirk'a Implement House, at small ease. It does tbe tlz. Adv. TliT JIOS HIT V :'!rri ; 'vT: lercantue uo. gime Ji Grocery Department If you are not now trading in our grocery store, you should get acquainted with us for your own benefit. Our stock of staple and lancy, Groceries! Crockery and Kitchen Hardware is the largest in" this i section.' Our store represents all of the leading lines and is always CLEAN AND SANFTAEYr" : : Sugar Corn, three cans Hawaiian Pineapple 25c per can 20c Regular 30c Coffee special Lemon Kling-Peaches 4 lbs tor $ 1 syrup packed, 2 cans 25c Stringless Beans. Pheasant Assorted Soups, Campbell brand, 2 cans 25 or VanCamps, 3 cans 25c California Walnuts, 51bs Wadco Oysters No.l cans for $1 per can 10c Fancy Netted Gem Potatoes, Cook Dry and Mealy, per Sack, $1.75 Fancy Pack Yellow Newtown, Red Cheek Pippins 95c bx MOSGROVE MERCANTILE COMPANY THE QUALITY STORE Professional S. F. Sbftrp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calia both night and day. Call, promptly answered. Offloe on Third Street, Athena Oregor - DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. Phone, 501 DR. J.G. McMATII Osteopath. . Offiice one block North of the Bank, DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon fc Dentist Graduate McKUIlp; v'etinary college Offices: Commercial Ruble end Hawks Drug more, rnoue Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. Harness Come in and see the new Harness Oiler, it's Free THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS li ibe only one that oaD accommodate eommtolal traveler. 1 ran rxtieoninendtid tor It. clean and veil Tentllnted rooms. Cob. Mai aud Third, ATHim.Or. for the asking. You can oil 40 sets of harness in a day We have the very best of Harness Oil that we can buy", that fits the Machine Athena, CHARLES KIRK, Oregon Oo to tbe My ere' harness aod shoe shop it f on want first olasa work. Satisfaction guaranteed. A dr. Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 fcot Fir Wood, 5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, .... 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... S.10 F. 0. B. Athena Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. C O. WILLIAMS, Postoffice, . Edgewater, Washington. I I Spring Suits Spring Coats Just Received. Come in . and look I them over. Suits $9.90 up to $25.00 Coats from $3.98 up The strongest line we have ever shown. See the line gf Dress Skirts, from $2.98 to $5.90. Foley's Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladder rlgh( 9 I See tbe line ot Dresa Skirts In all Ibe new roixtnrta, witb or without tha pockets. Ssa tbe new numbers in Gbeoks, now all tha rage, prioed from $2.98 to $5.90. Ladies' Suits In blues, tans, greens, obeoks, eto. Efnryone a new style, no two alike, 19.90 to I2K.00. Bow about tbe Spring Oostf Coma in and sea tbem. Bava an? stjle 70a want New onea coming io every day, 13.18 up. Sea tbe new silks in plain, stripes, plaids, eto. at 880 to $1.49. - How about the wash materials for waists, drssses, eto. We bare tbera at all prioes. Sea the BHo number In stripe tissue. Others from 190 up. , We have just received a Wash Suits for the boys, shipment of Rompers and Also, Bungalow Aprons. 1 I F"" THE GOLDEN RULE "as J. C. PENNY CO. (Iqc 838 US Y STORES.