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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1915)
Press Paragraphs Bee bow "ulDtly" Watts and Bog era ata in display ad. lira. Cbae. Thompson ia among toe grip victims tbia weak. Mrs. A. A. Fobs baa been ill dating the past week with the gtip. Mrs. B. D. Tharp haa beep bedfast Ibe paat week with tba grip. Lee Johnson played for a dance at Hermistoo Thanksgiving night. W. 8. Ferguson apent Thanksgiving da? with bia dangbter, in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riik have moved into tha Caton cottage tbia week. , . ; .., Mrs. Cail Chiistian oaros np from Adams sod visited in Athena, yesterday. Mr, aod Mrs. Henry Dell have teen nombeied among tba grip victima this week. If yon want to buy oily property or farm lauds enquire of Brnry Keen. Adv. - -, J ' Mis. Artbnr Sblck and Miaa Edna Harden visited in Walla Walla Wed nesday. T The horse market ia 08 aiain. for eign tnyera not aeeking pnrnbaeea at this time. . . - Mr and Mia. Witt Zopb have tolb Aeon sick at tha St. FNiohola hotel with the grip. V " . J. M. Snaggart baa good pasture for atook. ., Plenty of water. Prioea reasonable. Adv. ,; J. A. Lnmarlen baa been over at Hot Lake this week, taking treatment for rheumatism. . Wanted A eaoond band soirev; mast be in good aonditioo. Enquire at this offioe. Adv. Mr. and Mr0 Kltnav .fnhnann inanf I Thanksgiving at the Alired Smith borne near Pilot Rook, Beaotlfnl framed plotaras at faotdry prioea, juit right for Xtnaa presents, at Bennett's palot store. Fur 8b1b 4n Rflmra rnch ait. Dated sooth of Athens. For poitio nlari oall at this offioe. Adv. Mrs. Rosa Catron baa been inoapan itated from bar dotiea at the Post offloe this week with illness. " i- Charles (Jerking found (iieeawood (0 be good hunting grounds, Tuesday. Be bagged a braoa of mallards. Best galvanised 26-iooh hog fence for 38 oenta. Just over the bill at Wattt aod Rogaia. Sso big ad, . i Obailea Andrews, of La Grande, spent Saturday and Snuday at tbe Sam Pambron home, eontb of tba oily. . Mra. Nellie Rlobaids of Portland, has been visiting ber .daughter, Mrs. Edgar MoOieady, tba past week, Mr. acd Mra. Fred Kenwortby of Walla Walla have been the guesta this l 1 f- a . n t nt-: wect ui iur. iiuu oils. w. Lit weir. Oliver Dlokedson and a force of men aie rapidly dismantling tbe old school bnilding, most of the brink being nsed in tbe construction of Zerba Bros.' garage. Dnroo Jersey Hogs. Spring boars and gilts for sale at reasonable prioea. 3. B. Woodward, A darns. Ore. Adv. For Sale A six-room, two story bouse j goad location; very low prioe terms. H. B. Hill, Athena Adv. Wm. Shrlmrj and wife hin mnvait to their town residenoe, and their eon, Enaeue. and hi id. mill lie. tn farm. J. Tj. Rnhlnann ... thl- , www, .V.UIUl.j u, tuin oity, bnt now a real estate dealer in n n 1 - . ., . . ruiuiso, uniu ids oily, Monday 01 this week. ' Qainet and Ullnllat. nf Marion Jack. On tun nn ttnA non t: Thankgsiving witb tbe C. T. Smith iamiiy,- , F. S. La Grew . tranaaatAd hnalna.a in Portland Wednesday. Be was ac companied on tbe trip by Mrs. La Grow. ... D. H. Mausfleld and W. R. Taylnr returned Fiiday from Caldwell, Idabo, where they disposed of anotbei oarload of horses. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barger motor ed over from Waila Waila Sunday and spent tbe day witb Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Bosb. Gamentar. tha tnWAlar haa a Ana line of Community Silverware, out giasa ana olooes suitable for Christmas presents. , Misa Cassia Thompson, of. Albany, daughter of Senator W. Lair Thomp son, is the guest this week of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamoudon. Pofltmafltnr Hnnr haa fnafajlail .a paroel post delivery window, which ia proving to be a decided uonvenienoe to tbe pations of the of floe. Casey & Sons' Louse Dope. Enonnb for 100 bens at yonr druggist's,. 60 oenls. Guaranteed tn keep them free from Hoe for 6 months. Adv. There is all kinds of grip going tha rnnude of Athena and vioinity this week, witb the result that pbysioiana nave been workiog overtime. . Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Pntta entertain ed at dinner Wednesday, Or. and Mrs. Will R. Soott Mr. and Mrs. Jaokson Nelson and Mrs. Gar Held. . I. W, Ware, who haa teen confined tn bis boon for several weeks Witb rheumatism, left Saturday for a so journ at Bot Lake SaoitBiium, Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, Slate Pres ideul of tbe W. C. U., wbs in tbe oity Wednesday and met with a unm ter of ladies at tbe Christian oburob. The fog lilted last evening, for tbe Hist time in several days, and this morning a obinook waa blowing. The snow on tbe foothills baa disappeared. Mra. Lillian Dobecn haa been con fined to ber borne with llloess this week, and is taking a forced vaoatiou from ber sobool dutlea at Waterman station. v ; Mr; Anderson haa been very serious ly ill tbia week, at bia borne on sontb Third street. The entire family have bean ill sinoa their removal into tbeir new borne. I will oall at the residence of any one i uteres ted" in Ohiropraotio, and give examination and explanation free. Dr. George J. King, licensed Chiro piaotor, pbona Main 12. Adv. totmsg23 asS22S4faS23Sa eaBSSSSSSff rfUsaila " Are Appreciated One ned nnt pay more in order to doable and trehlo the'vaine, tbe appreciation of tbe Gift, if one will ouly select appropriately. It's easv to piovids lor those Baid-to-Bt oases, if you will seleot your gifts at Devia-Kaser',,for here you will find a greater and more varied as sortment of gifts for old Bud young than tbe oombined stooks of ten ordinary stores wonld provide. Every Department of tbia big stole is reple:o witb gifts that delight and endnre. Eveiy taste oan be suited heref every pnraa pleased, for you will find highly desirable items from, a few oenta up np to as higb as yon oara to go. .- t - ' . : ' 4 Even in Toys and Games While we nave atont all kinds, most of them are of the datable, useful sort, like Ereotoi Sets, Tinker Toys, Anohor Blocks, games of an edn oational nature, etc Tben there are Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Dolls at lOo, 150, 2 Bo, and np tn (7.50 for fine big obaraoter'Babies. Until sold, we offer a lot of My Dearie Dolls, (Due big 33 in. Jointed Dolls witb sewed wig, Bleep ing eyes, shoes, etookings, a neat diesa etc,) for only $1.89. Dn not delay for these will not last long. Only three more weeks till Christ mas. Boy your gifts now. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. Winter Time to Repair Time "A board and a nail, And a can of paint, Make many a house Look new that ain't" There'll be a whole lot of daya when building ont of doors will te Impoisibls nr disagreeable. Those are the daya to do tbcaa odd jobs of REPAIRING and REMODELING yon bava been potting olf "'till yon bad time." Remember that abelf yon promised the wife? and that broken step in the cellar stairs? And did ynu entirely forget that you figured out just bow mucb you could make a play room in tbe attio for tha children witb a few dnllara' wottii of "TOM-A-LUM" Wall board? Just sit down all those little items and let us give yon the prioe on tbe whole lot. It'll be ao email an amount that you'll bava 00 more valid reason to give yonr wife for not "fliio" up." Leta talk it over. Won't enat yon a cant And wbat a difference - it will make in yonr home tkia winter! "SEE JOHNSON ABOUT IT." . y : AT ;' v-.: - THE HOME OF "TOM-A-LUMBER" Benrv Keen Ibis week sol tbe Post property on tbeoorner of Jefferson and 8rd streets to W. B. Taylor. Mr. Elam, of tba Fix & Radtke grooery department, baa a splendid window display tbia week. Be ia seme window decorator and bis woik serves to display atook witb effect. Mr. and Mra. Alex. AfoKay name ever from Bot Lake, bnt returned tbere tbe first nf the week tor another two weeks stay, as Mr. McKay feels that tbe treatment ia benefitting bim. The death nf Maggie 8. Peters, daughter nf a prnmlnent farmer who lives near tha German Balk died re oently while on a tour with ber pa rents and brother tbrougb California. Tbe body was brought lo Pendleton fur inteiment. ...... The MoBiida and Weeks Fold taxis cf Westoo, oame head on in the fog on the bill east of town, Wednesday evening. It ia aaid tbe driver of I he MoBride oar tnrned to the left inatead of keeping to Ibe tigbtsideof the road. Both cars weie badly smashed in front. No one was injured in the aooident. Pendleton Tribune: Jndge and Mrs. J. W. Maloney left Monday for Cali fornia where tbey will visit tba Pan ama Pacific expositions at San Fran- oisco and San Diego. They will make a tnnr nf Southern California befnia returning In Pendleton. They will be absent at least month. Mr. and Mra. D. H. Sanders return ed on this morning's train from Cali fornia, where tbey spent a couple of weeka at the Exposition. The Judge is of tbe opioioo tbat (his old world is a pretty large patoh of ground after all for he aays that he did not meet a soul tbat be knew, from tbe time he left Athena, until be returned. : Preaabing at tbe Methodist Episco pal oburob next Sabbath, both morn ing and evening. Morning snbjeot: "Why tbe Saints Will Take tha World;" ant jent at night: "Vigi lanoe Essential to Success in tbe Chris tian Life." Sabbath sobool at 10 a. m. All are invited. , The Ladles' Missinnary Soolety of the Baptist ohnrob, met yesterday af ternoon at tbe home of Mrs. Bomer I. Watts. Twelve ladies were present and refreshmenta were served. Tbe sum nf $31 waa ooileoted for foreign missions, and three large packages of Christmas presents were dispatched to the mission at Sbaogbai, China. The High aobcol girls tasket ball team defeated a girls town team Wed nesday uight at tbe digb sobool gym, by the one-sidod aoore of 88 to 6. Bea sts Parker waa tba bright partionlai alar of the town team, scoring tbe two baskets from tbe Held and tossing a fonl. Tonight at Weston, a doctle buader will be played between the boys teama and the giila teama of tba Wes ton and Athena High eobools. Strayed or Stolen. I will pay $100 reward for the return of, or lnfcrma ticn leading to tba recovery of tbe two folllowiog desoribed horses wbloh have either strayed or been stolen from my pasture: . One iron-grey mare, brand BK oonneoted lg oirole, three yeaiaold; Una mouse colored ture, brand BK oonneoted in ciraia, two years old. Henry Koepke, Athenn, Oregon. Adv. , 1 A speoial feature at tbe Dreamland Theatre for tonight nd tomorrow night will be a Kalem Dim in two parts, presenting Barry Miilarde, Alioe Bol lister and Barry Hallan in "Ibe Soor plon's Sting," 8. "I'bey Looked Alike." Lnbin. For Sunday night, tbe apeoisl featnie, a Vitagrapb film in two pRits, "A Daughter of Israel," by W. A. Tremayca. 8. "The Champion Prooesa Service," Edison. Last Friday evening, Mrs. Marion Bansell gave a shower at her home in honor of. Mr. and Mrs. Engene Sbrimpf, who were recently married. Refreshments were served by tbe boat ess, assisted by Miss Greta Molntyre. The following were present: Minnie Jobofon, Anna Johnson, Lola Key, Cail Johnson, Red Phillips, Etbel Mo lntyre, Greta Mnlntyie, Mend Mans field, Aithur Chapman, and Ralph Cannnn. A law snit, in twbiuh $50 damages and the liberation of a hog, whioh bad been running at large was involv ed, was beard in Judge Richards' court Friday afternoon, 'Ibe parties to the snit, U. H. Fergnaon and W. H. Street, were represented bv At torneys Percy of Pendleton, and Bom err I. Watts of this oity. Street sued tor teoovery of tba bog, which Fergn son penned np wbile running at large, and set np a claim for damages in tbe amount mentioned. The jnstioe re setted bis deoision, taking the matter nnder advisemeut. , Tomorrow tbe annual bazar and dinner of the Christian ladies' Aid ao oiety will be beld in tbe dining room of tbe oburob, and all ia in readinesa for tba event The sale of handwork in quilts, comforts, oroohet, all kioda of needlework and fanoy articles for Christmas, will begin in tba morning, A splendid New England dinner will be nerved from 13 till 2 and again be ginning at 6, will be aeived until 7, at a prioe of 35 oeots. Among tbe ingre dients will appear obiokea ' lo any mnde desired, home-made beminy, and everything to make np a aoniptanns dinner. ' The evening repast will be a "Conundrum" affair, and plenty of entertainment and good obeer will be famished all visitors. Tbe Walla WaIJa Bulletin furnished a very enjoyable moving picture en tertainment at tbe Higb sobool aud itorium last evening to a large and ap preciative andienoe. The Bulletin is engaged in an ednoatlonal campaign, witb tbe end In view tbat eaoh school will aoquire its own motion piotnre equipment, both for class-room work aud entertainment purposes. Tba Pa tbescope macbina, from wbiob tbe piotnrea were tbiowa on tbe eureeo beie last evening, ia to be given to some sobool in Umatilla oou'ity, and will go tn tba aobool aeooring tba most new and renewal subscriptions to tbe Bulletin. Mr. J. ti. Kelly, editnr and owner nf tha Bulletin, waa bere laat night and baa tbe oampaigo in person al charge. He atated that the cam paicn is nnt a money-mating aobeme as be expect it to meet only tbe aotual expenses of tbe campaign. Tbe con test is unique, in tbat all schools 0010 peliog and that do not win tba free maobioe, are allowed ten per cent of tba money ooileoted, to form a fund aa 1 necleus lo purchasing its own ma-1 obine, tbe fond to be added to from prooeeds of entertainments, or. other wise. Tbe LaMar sobool, - teaoher Miss Clare Partridge, entertained about one hundred people Thanksgiving eve witb program consisting of a small one aot play, "Ibe LaMar Lyceum," witb bine prlnoipal aotora and 14 little peo ple. It waa amusing and entertaining. "Tba Bells," by foe. waa freoited in oonoert; a song by the glee dlnb, whiob oonsiets of all children in tbe distriot nndi'r 9 years, , and several choruses, finished tbe program. A well appre ciated baked 'chicken appper, was served by tba following com mil tee:. Mrs. Bansell, Mra. Key, Misa Lizzie' Sbeard, Mrs. Duncan and Miss Anna Johnson. County Supt. I, E. Young and wife, and nieces were guests of the sobool, Mr. Young delivering a short addiess. ; r c rJv School Notes. After two weeks of hard!' piaotioa the bnya and girla High sobool basket ball teama are in readiness tor tbe re turn donble header game 'with tbe teama at Weston tonight, in' apite of the faot that a number of both squads have been On tbe aiuk llBt this week The boys' team won witb a; score of 83 to 32 over tbe Atbena Alp Htara in a practice gBma last Friday evening, while tbe girla' team won 39 to 8 nver tbe girls' tnwn team Wednesday. A olose score ia expected at tba games witb tte teams "over the bill, Tbe basket ball suite wbloh were ordered by tbe High school Atbletio Association for tbe boys, were received tbe first of tbe week. They are first olrai anils and combine tbe aohool oolois, blue and white. A large "A" will'be put on them later. Twelve volumes of the Americanized Ennyalopedia have been purchased by tbe sobool board for tbe use of the Bigb sobool. There bava been no late editions of encyclopedias in tba library for some time, and these vol umes will bs of ronob value to tbe atudents. A new denominate number apparat us has been obtained (or tbe use of the (trades. It consists of dry, liquid, and linenr msBsnres,. and weights and scaler, which will be especially vain atle for tbe pnpils from tbe Bret to tba fourth grades. . Eaoh pupil n( the genlugy class baa pnrobased tbirty-two spool mens of minersls and rooks wbiob will be nsed witb tbeir course and wbloh they will keep in their private collections. Owing to tbe number of oasea of la grippe in the community, there have been a considerable number bt ab sences of attendance in tbe sobool, sev. eral being absent from tbe Bigb sobool as well aa tbe giades. DEATH OF MRS. N. A. MARTIN Mother of Mra. Winshlp and Mra, Ha worth Passed Away la Walla Wall. Mrs. Nanoy A. Martin, mother of Mrs, Wm. Wlnabip and Mrs. Samnel Bawortb of tbia oily, died laat Wed nesday, Nov. 34. at 10:80 p. m., at her borne in Walla Walla, at tbe age of 74 years. Although abe bad been in veiy poor health for tbe paat seven yeaie, ibe immediate causa of Mra. Martin's death waa asoribed tn la grip, wbiob attacked her only a few daya tefoie. Her ofaildien, witb the exception of S. J. Martin, who ia at present in Mich igan, were all present. Tbe fnneral waa preaohed by Rev. Boardman ot the Baptist oburob, aod interment was msde in tbe Walla Walla cem etery. Saturday, beside tbe tody nf bei bnsband, John Martin, woo pre ceded her on Maroh 1, last, only oiue moutbs age ' Mrs. Martin, whose maiden name was Owens was torn in Indiana. She dossed the plains witb ber husband in 1874, aod bad lived near and in Walla Walla practioally ever sinoe. She waa tbe mother of sixteen chil dren, nine of whom anrvive her. They are: Jamea M. of Colfax, S. J. of Kettle Fails, Wash., J. C. of Oars ville, Wash., Margaret Winsbip of Athena, Wm. D. of Spokane, O. D. of Pullman, Ada Hell Carder of Star' tuok, Cleveland of Colfax, and Effia Hawortb ot Athene, ' New Llhrary Books. Tbe following hew books have teen reoelved at tha local litrary: Bnrrongha Time and Change. Bnrrnnghs Wake-robin. . Burroughs Ways ot Nature. Barwood New Creation In Plant Life. Jamison Shakespeare's Heroines Montessori Montessorl Method. -Parker History of Modern Elemen tary Eduoation. Porter Mntba of the Limberlost. Raskin Crowo of Wild Olive. Fiction Balzac Cousin Pons. Comfort Red Fleece. Montgomnry Aon nf tbe Island. Tarkiugtnn The Gentleman From , Indiana. Definition of a Drop. In tbe new British pharmacopoeia a "drop" la defined as coming; from a tube of which the external diameter la exactly three millimeters, twenty such drops of water at 19 degree C. being equivalent tn one milliliter or cable centimeter. 1MB MODELS If PUFCCT10E. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty. New Home Users are Quality Choosers For Sale By N. A.MILLER, Athena. Ore. Tfr New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y San Francisco, California. Priced at fS and up in a $lyl to mil your la$t. Wear Better Shoes . ' BavaaaaanaBBanaaai aBasssaaavaaaaBiaBBaaai aavavavavaaavaavavavava ' You get a ready-to-wear fit no breaking-in comfort from first to last day's wear in these "Natural Shape" Florsheims. : H . Ask any man about The Florsheim Shoe. We don't Run an Orphanage I Our goods carry We Name and are backed by the Maker -Mr Would You Rather Take a Chance or invest your money7 in Mer chandise of known quality MOSGEOVE MERCANTILE r COMPANY HANSEN Huff CIQVES I - MM,- Professional '. S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON i Special attention given to all oalib both night and day. : Oalls promptly answered. Offloe on Third Hret, Athena Oreaor . ; DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Offloe in Post bnilding. Phone. 601 DR. J. G. McMATH Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist Qritduate McKllllp Vetlnary Ci'llone Ofllces: Commercial Btablo and Hawks Drug Htore. fhoue 43a. Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. j WWVWW VVVVfVV? WJj THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL . i. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. It? THE ST. NICHOLS . it only one tbat oan aooommodau wromarelai travftlerii. Can vMieonmanded tor III clean and vent tin td room. caQKyg! THIKP, ATBiM.Of. f Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 dot Fir Wood, $5.33 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood 3.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 3.10 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. CO. WILLIAMS. Poatoffice, Bdgewater, Washington. BcttcrLootiOyt It Is Coming old weather w e uPn v"ou before yu we aware of it, and your best pro tection is one of our Heaters Everybody knows of their superior qualities. Our Prices 0 $2.50 up Voiir Wife thoroughly enjoy one of our splen- JL did new cooking Ranges, made in all , sizes and handsomely nickled. cAU modern convenieniences go with them, and our price is $35.00 up We are giving 5 per cent off for cash Athena, CHARLES KIRK, Oregon Shop Early in the DAY THE GULDEN RULE Shop Early in the MONTH 9 Santa Claus' Headquarters The Store that has the Christmas Spirit. We are preparing for the biggest Xmas we have ever had Our Stocks are complete in detail. Foley's Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladder right TOYS I All Kinds for the Little Tots Stationery put up in beautiful, fancy boxes for Xmas lifts for c, 98c and $1.49 Books of all kinds ... 25c and 49c Beautiful Crepe de Chine Waists. $2.98 Fancy Felt Slippers for little folks, men and women Buth Robes for men, women, children, 98c $1.98, $2.98 9 i F"" THE WM If T J. C. PENNY CO. (Inc) 83BUSY STORES.