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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1914)
Press Paragraphs It'a been a "dry apell" i o now let 'et rain. long time ? Of LiBWrBBt j Silla'td I jfvhq on the ' feat net, U "Ohio." Hastings wai in town from Pendleton Toeaday. Attorney G. H. Bishop waa in Ath ena Sunday from Free water. Dr. A. B. Stone made a professional ' trip to Walla Walla Monday. Mr. aod Mrs. L. 8. Vinoent went down to Pendleton Tcesdaj evening. Yoong Bob Pollej left (hia week to visit hia lister, on aooonntof illness. Hereafter Alhena barber ahopa will close at 7 p. m,, Satnidays eioepted. Mrs. Henry Dell and Mrs. B. E. Koonta were in Pendleton Wedneaday. , Boy Walker and Misa Bnty Baiper were married in Walla Walla Mon day. , . v Mr. and Mrs. Boy Borke were in the oity from Helix Wedneaday eve ning. ' . Mrs. Minnie Miohael was yesterday installed as postmistress of the oltioe at HalU. Mi. and Mra. W. 8. Feig'aaon and daughter tiladya were in Pendleton Saturday. Re. B. E. Uornsll of the Methodist obnroh is tbia week attending annual ooufereuoe. Mra. J. E. Frooma and daughter, Katharine, visited in Pendleton one day recently. Miss Florence Zerba arrived last Saturday, and la visiting her brother 0. E. iSerba.. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Sbeard and family, aie oamping this week at Bing ham apringa. For first class party, tirtbday and wedding oakes, eall at the Athena Bakery, Adv. Sobool begins Monday. Eawks is prepared to fnrnhb 'everything in sobool supplies. Mr. and Mrs. J. Inglls and son, lie Roy, are staying for the winter with Mis. J. Harden. Mies Grace Fioneli of Pendleton, visited at the L. M. Nelson borne the Bret of the week. Grant Eihart was in the oity yes terday, vieitiug at the borne of bis mother, Mra.- Kirk. Wood in Carload Lots Oarl Fis earns over from Walla Walla and spent tbe week aa the goesi of Lewreoae Tbarp. "" !; Kelly and Bnnfoid Stone Walla Walla, geltiug tneir tbia week. Tbe City Meat Market aells pure leaf lard in f lb paila for 6So; 10 lb pail for f 1.25. Adv. - For Sals. Two sound, yooog work maiea and a mala oolt. Louie Keen, Fieewater, Ore. Adv. "Pink" Hertour, proprietor of the Weston brick yard, was a business visitor in tbe oity, Inesday. Frank Martin, tbe well known res ervation farmer, has pnrobased a $5,000 reeidenoe in Pendleton. gam Cox, a pioneer of Morrow ooonty, la in the oity, visiting his old time friend, William Booher. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley returned Saturday from Portland, where thry bad spent tbe past two weeks. Cons for Sale. Henry Koepke of fers a number of good milch cows for ssle at reasonable prices. Ad. Mre. Sim J. Culley and little daugh ter were in Athena shopping Monday, from their borne east of town. I JfLloyd Mitohner has aooepled a posi Jnion in tbe giooery department of the Mosgiove Mercantile company. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Woodward and little daughter left Saturday for Seat tle, wbere tbey will visit friends. Miea Edna Harden left this week for a visit with ber sister, Mra. Ches ter MoUullougb, at Tekoa, Wasb. Mrs. Arnold Wood spent tbe week in town, the gnest of Mrs. John Stan ton and Mic. Charles MoFarland. Miss Mattie Jarman is over from Weston, visiting at tbe borne ot iter grandmother, Mia. Wm. Wioabip. Miaa Bessie Smith arrived from El mifa, Wash., this week and is a guest of ber sister, Mrs. Alex MoFaydeu. A. B. Frost, one of the proprietors of tbe Golden Role store, was in tbe oity from Pendleton, Tuesday evening. Mrs. MoKay, who has besn visiting ber dsngbtei. Mrs. W. J. Gholson, left Monday for her home in Walla Walla. A soolal danae will be given in the opera house Saturday . night, with Gordon's orchestra famishing the mnaio. Mr. and Mre. 41. Johnson and daugh ters, Graoe and Etbel, have retnrned from an extended onting at Lehman Springs. Mrs. Bert Warren were their ran oh near Helix, visiting relatives in this Cascade 4 f-ot Fir Wood, ...... $5.75 Cascade 4 fooj Maple Wood 6.00 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, . . . . 5.50 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS, Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington. J. N. Soott aod family spent Satur day in Pendleton, wbere Mr. Soott at tended tbe Demooiatio Central Com mitten meftiug. Miss Katharine Sharp leaves in a day or two to resume ber dutiea at teacher In tbe Dayton schools, where ha (nnahf lnaf. tur. Plain and fanoy pastry, also wboleNi' some wheat, graham, rya and cream bread, baked fresb every day at the Athena Bakery. Adv. : Mrs. W. 0. Miller left on Wednes day moiuiag'a train for Poitland. where she will seleot ber fall stack of hats and millinery goods. i Misses Evangeline and Elizabeth Fix, ohlldren of Albert Fix of Walla Walla, visited at the J.. B. Mathers home io this oity this week. . Mr. and Mra. Will Potts aod Miss Walker passed tbrongh town Wednes day fiom lbs ranob, en route for Biog ham spiings. wbeie tbey will apend aeveral days. Lost: Between Adama and .Helix, a Ford hood, lied In aaok. Please leave at Athena Garage and notify Ed. LeRoy, 72a W. Poplar at., Walla Walla. Adv. ',., Jack Vinoent, artist, 'deooiated tbe Bouodup chuck wagon cover with the outlines ot a Texas steer, which will greatly enhanoe tbe attraotiveoess of that vehicle. . ; Misa Dora Bennett, after speodio. the summer al tbe home of ber mottle io the ruouotai'js, has retnrned to tbe city, and this week baa been tbe guest of Mrs. Dean Willacy. Take your shoe repairing to to 0. L. Ultn's Model Shoe Shop, wbere there is machinery to tnrn oat tbe work in modern style. Prioes reasonable and satislaotion guaranteed Adv. Dean Dudley relumed last week from Portland, wbeie be waa fitted with an artificial limb. Dean geta around remarkable well, but says he seems to be learning to walk again. Mies Lela Garfield retnrned from Seattle and spent Saturday and Snn day bere with her giaadpaiente, Mr. and Mrs. Jaokaoo Nelson, before going to her mother's home in Walla Walla. F. S. LeGrow has rstnrned from a trip to hia Montana ranch. : Rains have been falling tbiongbont Mon tana, witb the reanlt that the ranges are in good aooditioo and stook is doing well. George and Fred Gross, Luke Beed, Arbor Douglas and George Thompson left Wednesday morning for Wallowa Lake. Two automobiles transported tbe pattv. They will remain at tbe lake for aeveral dBys. , - Joeeph Forrest is able to be sround again after being badly troissd and shaken np in a runaway. A oonple at weeks ego at the William Ball place south of lotto bia learn etarted to luu wbila Mi. Forrest waa shotting agate. Be endeavored to atop tbe team, waa knocked to the ground, and' tbe haok aseed over him. I Worth Mr. and over from j this week, vicinity. John Duffy and family have re- tnrned to tbe ranob south of town ' from an extended oamping period at : Tollgate. . . - XT D V.kB Mian VlnVAnnA lr. . i. -jr.. . , It. Zsrfca. Miss Laura Smith and Miss inoy uurae, a lormer mv Mr. and Mrs. Eber Lnoa will join a party of Milton fiiends on a trip to Wallowa Late, tbia week. Eber will endeavor to biing baok a laigsr trout that the Pro d'Oieill" specimen exhlb- d bere by Byron Hawks. , Meina' DePeatt spent Snuday at Binbaoial department ot this papei, ham spiings. - I Mra. J. W; Smilb visited relatives at Helix the first of tba week, aod is oslling on Athena friends before leav ing for her borne in logomar,. Mon tana. ,' Miss Clare Partridge has ariived . from ber borne In the east, wbeie she spent tbe snmmer vacation and will soon begin her sobool in LaMar dis tiiot. 1i ? n w-r-tr Te6TeateT0TeoTv With aew building, better equip ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad ditions to its faculty, the UnlTarsitr of Oregon will begin Ita thirty -ninrb year Tueaday, September 15. Special tralnina for Business. Jour nalism, Law, Medicine, Teaching, Li brary Work, Music, Architedton, rnyiicai l raining ana nm Art. Largest and strongest departments 01 iioerai eaucauon. 1 f mim than H.StS vol. mmitadH muiMivaM. lTa autldloss fulljr MulpMS. N w $1M,M AdmCoUinUoo I Building In eoun of coMtruciion. Tuition Fret. DornitorlM lor M aM lor women. -BxpenMi lowest. Writ lor caulof aa4 UliiaMtwl booklat, AnoTOMlnt Realitrar, UMIVERSITT Or OREGOal CUOENB. ONEOON 1 ScCuool Supplies We now have on hand a com- plete assortment of school : Supplies ";y Consisting of tablets, pencils, pens, holders, inks, eras ers, pencil boxes, rulers," water colors, painb and' - numerous other articles for school work. has essoined oootiol of tbe Belix Ad vocate, Frank Minor Smith retiring frnm the firm of Julian & Smith,, tormer publishers ol that paper. - B. B. Bichards haa made a tbire car shipment of w neat to tba Quaker Oats Cereal company, ot Cbloego. This is the first Older teoeiyed from this oompany and it may be that a profitable market can be bnilt np in fnture. Tbe Winchester Arms company, al ways origioal advertisers, bave eolipa- ed former eSorta In their latest pro duction. A splendid bnnting scene in lttbogtapb is made tba oenter attrac tion in one ot tbe Foss-Winahip show windows. Oiel McPheriin. who recently lost his light arm aa tba result ot being oaugbt in a belt on tbe Beilin Riob- mond oombioe, returned Monday from the hospital at Walla Walla. Ha is getting aioug nioely aod is able to be on tbe streets. 0. B. Lane, the forest guard, at tested by Waideo Averill en a charge of bunting giuuae ont of season, was Hoed $S6 and costs in a justioe court at Pendleton. He plead guilty, chang ing bia plea, when oidered piaoed. nnder (100 boa da. , Mis. M. L. Watts and dangbter, Veruita, ariived home Snuday morn ing from Seaside, wbere the pant week was spent, alter a summer's sojourn in Portland. Mrs. Watts is very moon improved in health, to the great pleas ure of ber many friends. - ! Byron N. Hawks, Druggist Jj THE ATHE11A MEAT MARKET We carry the best iOsgBSvp L2 That Money Buys Our Market Is 1 1 QtT Clean and Cool Im W' ! Insuring Wholesome Meats. PnfJTZ- BRYAN & MEYER SM.'3---- Main Street, Athena, Oregon Jim Spenoe, who has a position witb an implement firm at Pomeroy, Wasb, is taking a month's vaoation In this county, sooompanied by bis wife. Be was in tbe otty Toeeday, and pioked op a few shekels soliciting subsoiip tioos tor a oonple of newspapers. Loiaio, tba yonng aoo of Mr. and Mis. Arthur Btiiok. nuderwent a sat- gioal operation at Walla Walla, Mon day for removal ot tba tooails and adenoid growths. . Dr. B. A. Stone ot this oity performed tbe opeiatiou, which waa aoooeasfol in evaiy reaped, "Jloks" Taylor and a bnuoh of bneoaroos will rounrt up lbs wild Texas steers owned by the Bonndnp association, aod which bava been ranging in tbe foothills sooth ot Pilot Book, Mr. Taylor baa been get ting tha obook wagon aod aooeaadries in shape, Miss Lillian MoDonald aame down from Spokane Tuesday, and is a gnest at tbe borne of bet sister, ' Mrs, B. N. Hawks. Miaa Mo Don a id has Just olosed ber aommer'e work in Spokane, where she held a posiiioo aa diiector io the oity playgrounds. She will be a atndent for tba Half year in tba Olieney Normal sobool, finishing bar oonrsa in Febrnary. Mia. A. B. MoEweo arrived bom 8nnday afternoon fiom an extended visit at ber old horn in Tennessee. She waa aooompanied by ber sister, Mrs. J. 8. Norvell ot Helix, aod on tbe return trip tba ladles atopped at logomar, Montana, and visited their brother, J. W. Smith. . Wbila en tonta borne, Mrs. MoEweo lost a val oatle Shrinei'a pin, wblob belonged lo ber bnaband. Tbia was removed from bet eoat wbila on tba train, and tba railroad neat premised to do all ia their power aeoover tba stoleo jaw tL Doug Flynn was in town the fore of tbe week from Bitter, Giant "ounty. Dong ia blooming out into one of the leading farmeis of hia neok o' the wooda, and aported a whole tbreabing maobine onttlt on bis re tnrn home, haviog pnichased tbe ma obine hate. He may be able to run tbe nutter when be gets borne, but we'd prefer betting on the old boy sticking a tronob. "Me too, Pete," voices the tunob. Satuiday evening, after two weeas' competition between several . well knowo architects, tba Athena sobool board aooepted tbe plans and specifica tions sob nil tied by the firm of Tour tellotts & Hummel of Porllaud, tor tbe proposed new sobool bouse. It is nnderatood the plana speoifly an eight room building, witb baaemsnt undei the entire edidoe of modem siinotore for school pnrpoass at a oosl aiound 185,000. Bids fnr tbe construction of tbe building will be advertised for at once, and woik will be oommenoed as soon as possible. at-No-Meat, one ot the teat known d meet respeoted lodiaua ou the reservation, died at his home on the reserve south of Athena, -Monday af ternoon. His death had been expeoled for several days and last week a oonple of squsws oams to town and took home with tbem boards with whieb to make a ooffin for him. Paralysis was the cause of death. Eat-No-Meat was oonsldered an honest Indian by all who had dealings witb bim, and be always met bis obligations prompt ly. His wife, who survives bim is tba daughtei of Chief Homily. , Monday noon, a quiet wedding uo odtred in Spokane, when Misa Hope MoPterrin of this oity beoame the bride of Mr. Fred P. Oswald, of Poit land. The marriage was performed at tbe Lntberan parsonage, by Bev. J. F. Pausohers. of that ohurob, and waa witnnssad by tba blids's bintber and wife, and a few other friends. The bride is th youngest dsugbter of Mis. E. MoPborrln of this oity, and is a fa voi It" in the younger set here. Tbe gioom, who has been at Helix for tbe past three years, is well and fav orably knowo. Tbe yonng people will probably make their home in Spokane. Stoner and Meador, who paitiotpai ed io the 0.-W. B. & N. holdup, when their leader Charles Manning waa ahot and killed ty Deputy SberiS Mo Do Bee, were eaoh sentenced Mon day by Judge Phelps to serve 18 years in tbe Oregon penitentiary. Tbey were not represented by oonnael, and Diatriot Attorney Steiwer addressed tbe oonrt, oalling attention to tbe fnot that tbe men had pi iced tbe county' to little expense by pleading guilty, besides returning tbe lent taken in the robbeiy, Tbe judge took oooasion to give tba oong men Bomer whole' some advioe. At a meetirg of the demooraiio oounty oeotial committee, at Pendle ton, Satntdny. Will M. Peterson waa foi tbe fourth time elected onairmao. Wesley N. Matlook waa obosen seo retary of the committee and the three members at large of tbe exeontive committee will be 0. P. Strain of Pe-i dlelon: J. M. Scarborough of Hermia- ton and B. F. Vanoll of Milton. J W. Maloney ot Pendleton was ebosen as state oentral committeeman and J. Boy Baley of Pendleton as congres sional oommitteeman. Tba committee of resolutions seleoted was composed ot J. W. Maloney, 0. P. Strain and Jos. N. Saott. Maiion Hansell and W. 0. Miller flebed and bunted on the Umatilla river tbis week, and numerous reports have reaohed tbe Press office. Ooe is to tbe eBeot that one of tbe borses driven ty them waa found roamiog the streets ot Athena, apparently lost. Another report bad It that the horse waa Bate, but Marioo wee loat. Later the borae was fonod and tetnined lo tbe oanrp, where Miller refused torso- osnize it as the right horse. Further, it la reuorted that Marion baa forgot ten who Miller is, and tbe hone tha remained in oamp when bia mete left isnntlbeie. Only the dng appears to remain fiee fiom the hoodoo, snd even it bad taken to tbe trnsb. After a critical illness of two weeks Mayor W. F. Matlook, of Pendleton died Monday noon, at St. Antfaonv'a hoaoital in that city. Tbe body was taken to Portland Tuesday, and ore mated in accordance witb request made by tbe deceased. Mr. Matlook was one of Pendleton's leading oitl zens, and foremost in enteipiiae and pi on i sue of tfaat oity. Ha died a wealthy man, but during life respond ed generously to the wants and needs of tba oommooity in wbiob bs amass ed hia fortuna and apeut the greatei part of hia life. He wee past 67 yeara of age aod leaves a widow, one son an1 ooe dangbter. Wben a obild, be orossed the plains with bis parents. to Oregon from Misssoori in 1853. - ft h ttt.l AYW ' A r. i 4 Mi I Ml IT III ,,. hiie Savings in Groceries if 7 CVr A few cents, nick- les ana dimes sav- f ed here and there make a material difference in the week's outlay. Let us Figure on Your Grocery Order We will Make it Worth Your While While everybody is figuring on the best way of reducing the cost of living, we are do ing our share to bring about an improved condition, by offering table necessities at less than usual cost. Taking advantage of every trade condition and buying in large quan tities, enables us to give you the benefit of lower prices. FIX (2t RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. See the greatest Wild West Exhibition ever staged! 4 FRONT. FR kAT DAYS" Never before has such a show been held in America 1 Every minute rilled with exciting novel feature. Una thrilling feat alter another, by broncho riders, cow. boys and cowgirls. Hundred of perfonnare. Six bands. Indian race cowboy race buffalo chase, with real buffaloes Indian massacre stage-coach holdup, ate. Plan now to attend Excursion Rates on All Railroads Lucile Mulhall, Lady Champion Roper and Rider of the World WALLA WALLA. WASH. SEPTEMBER 17. 18. 191 Tha Walla Walla Fair comet September 14, IS. 16. Spend tfi week hare. Harnett facet, running raeet. ttock and fruit xhibitt. Better Baby" conteit, etc Over $20,000.00 in cath prUaa Writ bow lor program and Reserved Seats to Secretary - na ry-i J - Afc 0 Rounds of "J 40 Rounds of boxfntf mach nieht fn front of tht stand- if and bit mrsnraNiM of IheAmaLurAthUtle I Club of rh North ut OlIlIERDiliS SIK l j u. CTk ' ( n wabmihgtom ajaearwraaB aar' ' av II. V 9 n. n, jvmuun, rvaua vvaua. nam. iVjm U CURE FOR Wlil! m' I QUG T If CMJolds 1 1 w l croup, mm ill tl,C'r'B" C0""trU0" iaj H illl UHl ihX III PMMolnM.loa.U&A. yJfllMilEVMQ H UNEttUAliElAX. MBP lariiUa JJnt g KPIEM.EI 17, II. 19, 1314 t weshw mm mm the wui mi LOW ROUND'TRIP FARES It. I EVERV BOTTLE GUARANTEED. far faH I - Ulailaaat aft tum-mumsm n tautiKimrmamm f BMW Bjtters . v . Succeed when everything else fcila. 1 BEvarythln Ural In MrToui pioatration and female Class - Modern weakneeaea they at) the eupreme ( and Vp-t.-d.ta remedy, as thouaanda hivo teetified. FOB KIDNEY fLIVEH AND , 8TOMACH TROUBLE t-"" .if ' uim It la tbe beat medicine ver sold SOUTH SIOE MAIH 0VCT druggiaf a counter. g?R..i STREET KM j I . 11 ' Jo) mm M-mmemummr 'S LAHATIU E.!0IYTAD mo roitoNt. ooNroRM to national pum rooo and eaua law. Tha OrKlnal Laaatlv CouSK 8 mi. aantalnrnS Hotiv and Tat. An lfniw.nMfi v. all CawfH. Lun nd Bronchial RmimmU... Ptoaaant ta lh. ta.ta and good allk. lo vount nY oM. AU SMusrt vrup. contilnin. lh. bnwal. B..'. Laxallv. Hon.v anjl Taj nov" L"f anal nM.i mm ft. Pt.p.r Vr t-tS-VLC MCll;iNB COM V AMY. CHICAGO. V. S. A,