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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1914)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER P. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered In Die fnstolllce at Athena, Oregon as econauiass man jkiauer. Subscription Rates, One codv. one vear...... ; ....$1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 3 One copy, three months 50 , Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, pet inch 25c Subsequent insertions ....12 Display regular, per inch Vt Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c olTHENA. ORE., SEPT. 4, .1914 Tbe Press does not believe the mere Dittanoe Eastern Oregou is asking (or tbe maintenaane of their Normal sohool, oo tbe tuillage basis, oao pos sibly find objection or opposition i the minds ol those who for joHt reason are opposed to present high taxes. Th fact that tbe school oao be conducted satisfactorily el a cost to tbe taxpayer of 2 1-2 cents on eaob f 1,000 of bis taxable properly, should in itself die pel any opposition from this stand point. The need of Vraotioal normal training for sohool instructors is shown in the soooess of teaobeis who have had this training met those who have not enquired it. Ueogiopbically Daetern Oregon is entitled to a Nor Dial sohool, and only for the fact that the educational institutions , of tbe state have been too tod from pillar to post at tbe fcehest of politioians, hers would not be dismantled and vacant, monument to little politics, trickery ' and logrolling. On a millage basis this school oan be reanrieoted, resoned from politics and placed npon a plane i f inestimable benefit to the lone an daughters of Eastern Oregon, who are now compelled to forego borne eduoa tional pride and pay tribute to tb upbuilding of tbe Normal schools of Idaho and Washington. If there any jnstioe in this, show us. Apparently England realizes that tbe worst is yet to come, Business men were called npon to enlist io the uimy. The response was immediate. Over a thousand enlisted their servlaes fur the war, and the reoruitiug of regiments of business men continues, Franoe has called on her last levies, ti-iys from 10 to men of 48. ulet- many's inexhaustible supply of human target! oontiunes to stream over tbe I order of Franoe in 'undiminished Hood. At least this is tbe appearanoe of tbe eitnation from a distanoe. "On to Paiis," is the cry, not ouly from Uerman Hps but from those of the French as well, French armies are now mobilising nnder tbe fortlUoa lioaf of tbo French oapltal, where pei haps the last stand will to made afad where tbe fate of the greet Earu pian republic rests in 'the balance of might and gunpowder. Exhibits of .live stoolc, finite and vegetables will not be fooud at tbe county pavilion in Pendleton this year, In their stead, imitation booze joints, gambling games and dance balls will te In evldenoa with all requisite deoadent trimmings. The data of '48 will be nabered in and out with a whoop; whereas the evi dences of frugality and thrift died last fall in whisper, for want of in lei out and pationnge. Who oarea a rap, anyway, whether Farmer Hay seed raises Uoohiu pigs or Poland China ohlokens; Polled Angus sheep or Feroheron oows; blotstem alfalfa or red flte mustaid so long as the pavilion produces nightly thrills for the exonrslonlsts at the big ebowf Can tbli ba "the trend of the times"? r What would tbe Oregonlan bave na believe? That Dr. Smith should have been page or olerk io tbe senate? Of oonrse the people eleoted htin to repteseut tbem, and tbat be did so oonsiitently and capably is shown by the splendid record the Oregonian pub lished in its Sunday edition. Tbe publication of it, however, was made by tbe Portland paper far nlterior par poses, tut la ibis it failed utterly. In tbe hope of discrediting the dem ooratlo candidate for governor in tbe minds of the taxpayers tbe Oiegouian pilots the entire oalender of bills voted on by Dr. Smith. Hateful in spection reveals tbe feot that Dr. Smith Us nothing to be ashamed of, apologize for or explain, EutiUnd jolua Franoe in tbe otjeo Wti to Unola Samuel reorniting bis eutiie merchant marine from Wil liam's interned vessels. The objeo tloo advanoed ie tbat it would not be fair to give tba Germans a obanae to bave a gold balanoe In tble ooontry to draw on in payment for foodstuff, to tbe discrimination against those nations. Objeotione unstained Uncle Sam la neatial la this matter as well as all others affeotiog the belligerent Europeans. Further, tbe Oregon wbeatralser doesn't give a tarnation darn whether his wheat Is oariied to the hungry in vowels formally Dying the German, French ot British flag, or one that has swashed through the Spanish Main in quest ot "pieos of cicU" Qeorge E. Anderson, Amerioan oon sol general at Bong Kone, believes one of the lesults of the Knmpeau war will te tbe movement of population from tbe North of Europe to the Unit ed States, and it seems tc him tbat the Paoiflo ooBst offers tbe best oppor tunities to emigrants. Perhaps it does. But it depends on what olass of emigrants come here to develop these opportunities, whether tbe Pa oiflo slope remains nt peaoe or not. MADRID'S ARID SITE. , '.' We suppose Wood Is satisfied with Weston beefsteak, fie hasn't swnng hit feet under the Press table for several moons. Time was when the old grouob would amble over t bis way every onoe io a while, for a sqoare meal; tut sinoe his Portland expeii once be has donbtless learned tu di tingnish between a Weston obuok oot and an automobile tire. Beats tbe deooe bow little it takes to satisfy some people. Man to man, the German soldier is no better fighter than tbe soldiers ot other nationalities. It's in team woik where be exoels. . The ait "of war has been born and bred into Dim and it will take thorough organization in addition to individual deeds of val or to "break it op," to speak io alb- letio parlance. In tbe death of W. F. Matlock, Pendleton has lost one of its most en terprising oltizens. He set en exam pie tbat leaves an iudelitle impress npon the ally's progress, tbat of in vesting bis money at borne. And fenaietoo is the better for this man s enterprise. Billy Sunday dropped over fiom Hood Biver tbe other day and gave Portlond a sermon, and followed It op with a disoossion an the base ball sit uation. The sporting pages are strong for Sunday base ball and always bave been. Villa mast Intend to do some march ing. A Boston shoe mannfaotuier has Just tilled an order for 40,000 paiis of shoes for bis army. Wonder wbo put up the dongb for them John D, or tbe Eoglisb oil syndicate, Tbe IraBio io beer Dottles continues tbongh tbe toe cream cone tnason is nearly spent, . The piooeeds will now flow from young Ameiioa's Docket aoiois tbe oonnter for lioorice, jaw breakers, eto. - We haven't heard of any aviator looping tbe loop In tbe war maneuvers going on ovor tbe pond. They are luoky if they oan keep a stiaigbt course and tbeii heads. With fonr woodsaws in Athena, no one sbonld be oold Ibis winter. How iu the wpid osn Teddy stand it? Tax on Hats. Not only unre lints tit various times been Bubject to tnxntloii. but have even been inmle the subject ot special lows. Tims In Uciiry Vll.'e relirn none was allowed tu sell lints nt u turgor price tlinii 20 pence or cups for mure tlrnn Us. 8(1. Soma compensation, however, fur tills Interference with free trade eoulil be found On the fact that In 1571 on Sundays and holidays every one Miove seven years of iiko was required to wear u cup of wool ot ICiikIIkIi iiiaUe miller penalty ot 3 farthings' Hue for every day's neglect.- London Chronicle. The Rabbit's Danger Signal. So lung' us It alts still the ordinary rabbit Is a I most liHllstiiigiilsliiible In n Held of bracken, stubblu or dry grass, but ns soon us It begins to run toward its burrow the white patch uu Its tail betrays it. This while patch, which at tint seems like a failure of adapta tion, bus Its special function it nets as a duuger signal to the young rabbits nil shows them the way by which they ran escape from the threatened daiiKcr.-tHidiin Mull. Farthest North Cities. Dawson. tha Yukon cnnltnl. nnd 1'alrbaiiks, Ita near Alaskan neighbor, arc. next to llammcrfcst, In Norway. dm fiii-thiiRf tmt'lh HHea Inutile wnrlil. nnd at the latitudes of sixty-three and sixty-live have such comfortable appur tenances as electric lights, dnlly news papers nutl pipe organs. Not Like Him. ' The Vlcnr-l'm surprised nt yoii, Mhi-im U'hv. Iruik nt me. I ean no Into the town without coming back In toxicated, Mlggs-Ywh, sur. But 01 lie so popular.-I.midnn Telegraph. Too Vigorous. 'Why are you prejudiced against golf? You never saw n game." 'No; but i ouee. benrd part of one." Judge. Prosperity doth best discover vice Nt adversity doth liest discord virtue. Itncon. : Natural Result, j "The magistrate In n ItiiwklySi court was Injured yearerdnv when the cell Ing fell." Yes. I benrd lie was all covered with court plaster." - IturTnlo Express Less ol 8laep. Medical authorities state Hint It takes tJftec-ii days for the average human Mmly to recover fully from the loss of two consecutive nights' sleep. Brutal Delay, "tils love l growing eoUt," she sold, Ith ii Mstl. ' 1 VVIiv iln .vim think aoT her mother naked. "I told blm he might on" this even- lug nt, S. nnd It was half a minute after that when lie tiiTivcd."-Chlcngo Uoeord-lleruld. Parched and Dusty Now, It Was One a Watered Garden 6pot. Traveler Und It bard to believe that Madrid ever abounded with water. The modern town stands on so bleak and arid an eminence, Its surround ings, safe In early aprine. are so parched and dusty and the water ped dler'g cry of "Agua! Agual" Is eo In slstent and ubiquitous one fancies Madrid must bare been thirsty from tbe beginning. Yet Its a nelen t coat of arms was n large flint half immersed In water, with steel hatchets striking It on' ei ther side, the ascending sparks form ing a sort nf canopy around It Ap pended was the motto: 1 was ljullt on water. My wall are of fire. Such la my emblazonment This device wns emblematic only of the city and Its early days before Charles V had started It on Its head long career of gieiitnesa merely be cause be credited Its climate with hav ing cured til in nf a fever At that time Madrid was a small town embowered In .'garden and woods and meadows and with springs' nnd wells lavishly supplied by nature. The MnnsMimires, now a. melancholy, meager stream, was of a mensurable depth. Itu't with the apportioning of her territory into palaces nnd lodging lioifces for the royal liangem-on nnd (he cutting down of the trees to swell the royal treasury the Inevitable fnl lowed. The Bun of well nigh 400 sum mers baa burned nnd rebtirned the site of the old town nnd Its bestrlpped suburbs nnd dried up the natural mois ture At present the climate of Mad rid Is nearly the most trying Io all Europe.-From Calvert's "Madrid." Candid Criticism. . Mr. G. A. Storey, the well known artist, once told an amusing story of a family group be minted one year for the Academy. The picture wns accept ed and was hung "on the line," mid be arranged to escort the family to the Aeademy-to see how It looked. They were ull grouped round tbe picture, each silently, admiring bis or her own portrait, when two otlieTr people drifted up to bare n look. Suddenly Mr. Storey was appalled to bear one of the newcomers say to bis companion., "What an exceedingly ugly looking lot of peoplel" THE BEST FITTING Nicest Look ing Gar merits, all made to order in America. First. Prize and Cold Medal . . . AWARDED . . . I! Sum Hue .. I-, 2h Ladies' One tailored suits from yoor own olutb or onrs. Rain ooats for ladies sod gentlemen, highest quality lowest prices. Men's shirts to older, Praoiiosl np to date oleaning, alter lug Bud repairing. j. A. CONLEY.THETAIIOR Fobs House, 1 Block North of School, A Serious Fault, "It's nice of you to let me see your proofs, Mr. Lavender, Which do I consider the best? Tbnt's rather dim cult There isn't one here that really does you Justice-- photographic Justice, I mean." ' "Thank you, Miss Lydio. I would es teem It a great fnvor If you could inti mate a preference." "ftenlly, I couldn't. Mr. Ijiveuder. Each proof shows the prevailing fault" "And what fault Is that, Miss Ly din?" "They arc all too llfellke."-Cleve- land Plain Healer. ,v- , , Thirteenth Century Fire Prevention. One) wonders what fate would hare overtaken the captured starter of tires In thirteenth century London,"" for after the blnze of 1212, which lasted ten dnys, swallowed up pnrt of Lull don bridge nnd wns the cause of orer I, 000 deaths, crery precaution, was taken against Ares. For Instance, nil builders of bouses were ordered to roor tbom with tiles. Bhlngle boards or lend, nnd to stop uu outbreak any house' could bwpullcd down. Thus, Mr. II. B.' Whentley ou the safeguards: "For the speedy removal of burning bouses each ward Was to provide, a strong Iron hook with a wooden han dle, two chains and two strong cords, which were to be left with the bedel of tile. ward, who was also provided with a good horn 'loudly sounding.'" And, moreover, every householder wus ordered to keep n barrel of water be fore his dour - London Standard As Good at His Word. He I always make It a point to profit by the mistakes nf others She-I go weary of (ienrge Hrlxton oven line he never seemed tu know when t" B'i inline lie I lien H ide nei i.'ooil ulirht Cleve land l.i'ixlel Money to Lean 6 1 per cent, on 2 Wheat Land Call or Write, ' F. R. ATKINS, No. 12, East Court Street, Pendleton. nou Dup BUCK. PCNOLITON. OR EH AM SEPTEMBER 24-25-26, 1914 EXCURSION FARES WltSarrf Wondarhd Posy Eiprm Usees. tineas llltlnf. Indians, Cowboys. Outlaw Hoists ForiNiMSEielNni Nov Csntostsatt ' tor tiers hold ma spilleesnS with sans Ml Sarins FOR All (ill DETAILS, ANT FARES. sWryll AGENT ETC, 'MlJtBjir OF THE OREGON-WASHINGTON RAIL ROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY KILL. couch AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's flew Discovery FOR Li ONSUMPTION Price OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 'OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TEOUB LES, or MONET BACK. lraly,W I NOMMOGKING NOtiUMMOCKING NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING j -wf j- H: MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. Watches on Installments Small Payment Down, balance can be in Monthly installments, ihus you will be en y ab'C(i t0 secure a splendid, Standard Timekeep er without teeiing tne cost. L. S. Vincent JEWELERj Athena, Oreg. j ' Notice to Creditors, la the Courty Court of the State of .Oregon fot Umatilla County. In tbe Mattel ot tbe Estate of S. U. White, Deoeased. " Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern tbat Matilda B. White tas qualified as administratrix of the estate of S. M. White, deoeased, and all persons having olaims against the estate are required to present them vita proper touchers as required by law. to said administratrix at her home in Athens, Ore., or to her attor ney. Homer I. Watts, at his law office In Athene, Ore., within six months from the drat publioatouof tbisnotine. Dated this 28th day of August, 1914. Homer I. Watts, Matilda ft. White, Attorney. Administratrix. Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter ot the Estate of Donald N. MoDonald, Deoeased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that E. A. Dad-' ley has been appointed executor of tbe last will aud teatament of Donald ST. McDonald, deceased, and has qualified as such. . All person having claims against bia estate are hereby required to preaent tbem with proper vouchers as required by law to tbe said E . A. Dudley at his borne in Athena, Ore gon, or st tbe office of Will M. Peter son, attorney at law, Pendleton, Ore gou, witbin six months from tbe date of tbe Hist publication of this notice. Dated :ble the J6tb day of July, A. U. 1911. E. A. Dudley, By Will M. Peterson, . Exeoutor. Atty. for Executor. No tice to Creditors. ! In the County Conit of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla Connty. In the Matter of tbe Estate of j Louis LuBrasohe, Deoeased. Notice is hereby given to all persons wbom it may oonoern, that W. S, I Ferguson has qualified as administra tor of the estate of Louis LaBrnsohe. deoeased, and all persons having claims against the . estate are required to present tbem with proper vouobeis as required by law, to said Administrator at bis office in Athena, or to his attorney, Homer I. Watte, at his law office in Athena, Ore., witbin six months from the first pub lication of this notice. Dated this the lOtb day of Jnly, 1914. Homer I. Watts, W. S. Feignson, Attorney. Administrator. Professional S..F. Sharp ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Oallapromptly answered. Office on Third etmet, Athena Oiegor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. . Phone, 501 DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist ' ? ' Athena, Oregon , Office Houre: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist Graduate McKllIlp Vetinary college Offices: Commer'.cil able and BakiD rug Stor . Phoue Main is,, or 3 TOURTELLOTTE & HUM1VIEL Architects , R. W. HATCH, Manager Despain Building, : Pendleton, Orejon. C. & RIDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed . Reference first National Bank ' of Athena Leave Orders with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 362, Pendleton Ore. Residence, SOI Pine Street. r(ijVaAAAAAaaAAAAAAaAAaaAjl Wa,aFVWFVVVV,j'V,FWa"F W W W W WWW ' - THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, mop. t Only First-class Hotel in the City. ;.: Iff . : THE ST. NICHOLS , U the onj os that wd aommnio)i.t fir ' Can baieeomandat tor lu elesm and wall ventilated Cm. Mah aaoTHiao, Amu, or. i - mi I 1 $ OFFICERS W 8. SHAFFER President, W; S. FERGUSON, Vice-President, F. S.. LeUBOW, Cashier. E. F. CANNON, Ass't Cashier DIBECTOBS W. B. SHAFFER. H. KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WA'118, V. 8. LeGBOW. t fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $100,000.00 f I We extend to our Depositors every c-Accommdation consistent with sound Banking. l ininnt-Anvn tfi Witt 1lU) - i I i...s UiJSlW w i v w v w av im OH THt fJtH ' UK tFi 'Sri - J A Many Farmers would make use of Sileage if they were Not Afraid of the Cost The cost of patented Silos means the wages of special agents, a special mill, and of the whole list of ; a special Silo organization Erect a Low Cost; Tum-a-Lum Silo and investigate this matter of Sileage on your own farm Have you thought anything bout your winter fuel? "See A. M. JOHNSON about it." The Tum-a-Lum Lumber Company ATCH THIS PAPER FOR THE TRUTH ABOUT PROHIBITION Here is the exact issue that confronts you . The prohibitionists ask you to adopt an amend ment to the State Constitution to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, except. for medical, mechanical and sacra mental uses. The adoption of this amendment means the entire wiping out of the present splendid home rule and local option laws. . Thereafter the regulation and control of the liquor traffic in Oregon would pass front cities and towns and be retained exclusively by the state. Note carefully there is no mention of prohibiting "dittribu tion," 'transportation" or "tree" of alcoholic beverages. Only of manufacture and tale. Dintritmtion, trwupor tation and use intentionally were left out by the prohibi- lionisls. Shipment of liquors into the state, or through the stale, or drinking of liquors within the state would not be prohibited by the amendment Washington, Idaho and California naturally would immedi ately begin shipping liquor Into Oregon and throughout Oregon. The saloon,, where it now exists, would merely have given away to the "blind pigger," "bootlegger" and "moonshiner.'1 All cities and towns now either wet or dry would be at the mercy of the ttate police authorities ' and ttate law makers. Present "dry" cities and towns would realize that they had come nearer to voting themselves "wet" than they now are under the splendid home rule and local option laws. . ' If the slate authorities were derelict or failed to enforce the law, as they are in Kansas and Maine, the cities and towns would realize that they had voted away their present direct control and regulation of the liquor traffic. These articles ' . will show later that Kansas and Maine authorities are derelict and do fail to enforce the law. To undo the mistake Oregon would have to repeal a constitutional amendment and not a mere law a very difficult undertaking. Deceit and per-' . jury in securing liquor illegally would have been substituted ' - for what today is a steadily improving, healthier public opinion regarding rrtie temperance, and true temperance would have been done an irreparable injury requiring many years to recover from. v Kansas Is pointed to by prohibitlonisti as the model prohibi tion state. They want Oregon to become a Kansas. Watch - these articles with a fair, open mind and learn what thirty three years of prohibition law has done for Kansas without prohibiting or advancing true temperance. All figures will be taken from latest United States Government Reports N. B. Prohibitionists are spreading the opinion that. If the proposed amendment is defeated, the present dry towns and cities will become wet again. This POSITIVFXY IS NOT SO. The present home rule and local option laws would remain just as they bow are. j VOTE 333 X NO I AGAINST PROHIBITION H fali 'AdveniMSMas Taxparm aad Wa Earaen' Xcaitte, Potttud, Onto fj Neatest Job Work at the Press Office