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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1914)
'ORCHARD irlcultural Colleges and Experiment Stations eciallg Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions tut- ,t any quickest, stomach .me ior heavy hair that glis tens with beauty and. is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and Is fluffy arid lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme diately dissolves every particle . of dandruff. ' You" can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverlBhness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos en and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'B Danderinefrom any drug etore and Just try it. Bad Bachelor Hippos. Sir John Kirk and Livingstone were Attacked by a hippopotamus that was, no doubt, a "bachelor." :- Speaking of the hippopotami of the Chobe, Living atone says that "as certain elderly males are expelled from the herd they become soured In their temper and so misanthropic as to attack every canoe that comes near them. The herd is never dangerous except when a canoe passes Into the midst of it when all r Individuality. uuman qualities come ot in a life of comparative ..on. A big tree, an oak or elm, standing out in an open field has a toughness of fiber, a spread of boughs and roundness of shape that is never seen in a tree that? stands in the woods. So people get Individuality by being much alone. They become self reliant by relying on themselves. They gain clear opinions by thinking things over,' and thinking them out to their necessary conclusions. They acquire inflexibility of purpose by facing ob stacles and conquering them. The pioneers of our country and the fath ers of the republic were such men. The projectors of great undertakings carried through triumphantly have ac quired their power in this way. The country is the natural nursery of such qualities. People are wanted on the farms tnauise corn and grow stock for ther ets; but they are wanted there J-iore for the training of manhooK-and womanhood in moral worth, in religious sensibility, In stll tne waits or a strong, upright person ality. In the future as never hereto fore, our cities- with their multiplying wealth and lavish luxury are likely to need tne country for that steady re newal of their better life which shall keep them from relaxing into sensu' allty and sinking, into decay, Atlan tic. Free to Oar Headers Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for ' - . wmo murine tye uemeuy uo., umonfro, for are asleep, and some of them may B-pKe liiuBtmted Ey8 Book Free, write ail Strike the canoe in terror. As a rule, about, Your Eye Trouble and they will advlee these animals flee the approach of man. The 'solitaires,' however, fre quent certain localities well known to the inhabitants on the banks and, like the rogue elephants, are extremely dangerous." Livingstone learned that when attacked by one you should dive to the bottom and keep there a few seconds, since the hippt, soon moves off If he finds nobody on the surface. London Sphere. Peril In "White" Australia. Colonization offers serious problems for the advocates of a "white Austra lia," North Queensland is within that boundary of 20 degrees north and south of the equator in which white men may live, but ther cannot take their wives there and found families. So the doctor says. And the doctor has noted that whereas the first gen eration of whites does well, the second and the third lead down to the failure of the fourth. London Standard. BE MERRY This . is the season for good" cheer and happi ness, but You know how hard it is to "be merry" when Yo u r liver has de veloped a "lazy spell." To overcome this trouble just try a short course of Hbs tetter's Stomach Bitters It will prove very helpful. It is for Poor Appetite, Nau sea, Indigestion, Constipa tion, Biliousness and Grippe SI a to the Proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies In Your Speclul Case. Your Druggist win tell you that Murine Kellevea Bore Eyes, BlreuKthens Weak Kyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Kyo Fain, and sells for Wo. Try It In Your Eyes and la Uaby's Eyes for Bcttly Eyelids and Granulation. Gas Found In Trees. Professor' J. A. Ferguson of the Pennsylvania sfate college, reports ft curious phenomena connected with the cutting of hardwood trees in the Ozark mountains. Cavities near the base of the trees are often found to contain gas. When these cavities are cut into by the oak tie cutters of the region the gas escapes with a whistling sound, showing it to be under pres sure, and if lighted it will burn with a faint yellow flame. Tho sides of the cavities containing gas are in all cases darkened and look as though seared with a hot iron. The popular belief of the district is that these trees are connocted through their roots with a subterranean supply of natural gas, and the land on which they grow is valued accordingly. An examination of the gas collected from a cotton wood tree was made by Professor Bu song of. the university of Kansas, and it was found to be substantially the same as natural gas with the addition of some free hydrogen. Professor Ferguson believes, however, that thla l gns is the product of decomposition ot me neartwoocl or the trees. Pitts burg DlBpatch. .Ily. .nerally A foreign " value to ' said Miss of domestic schools, in ad . indents Jn the college farmers' . scope Is wider and ambitious, but the tor sions touch more closely ot tUe people. The most im ..nt thing that we can learn from .m is how to manage the family in come. 1 "All are agreed that young women should be trained in producing arti cles of diet, dress and home decora tion; but we have not been quite so quick to see the importance of train ing in spending. Our women do the greater part of the household buying, and they have to do it without any training. - Perhaps this is the most difficult matter that has to be ad- Justed in beginning married life. In schools and homes of Britain, Bel gium, France and Switzerland,- this training for scientific household ex penditure is given to tne young women. It results in greater happi ness and efficiency in the home. "One of our greatest needs is tie formation of a family financial consci ousness. Girls should be trained to make up a Just and well-balanced fam ily budget. This training should rec oncile their views and wisheswith the condition of the home resources. Foreign girls are trained to appor tion the family Income among the va rious necessities, to purchase the most suitable articles in the different classes, and to get a dollars' worth for a dollar. The result of. this train ing is ability to recognize and choose the necessities before the luxuries; and to stay within the allowance. The girls dress more simply and suitably, and the glaring defects in costume too frequently seen in our country are not often seen abroad. The same principle determines the table sup plies and the home decorations. "Another result of thlB training in economical expenditure is its tenden cy to foster a spirit of true democra cy. The daughter of the richest and most aristocratic people takes her place beside the daughter of the poor, wearing the same cap and apron and producing the same articles of dress and diet. She may be called later to preside over a more pretentious home, but the use of similar home equipment and material is still an equalizing fac tor. . "Again this training in values gives the young woman a highly developed ethical, sense. She learns to - obey as a Btep in learning to command, and she yields obedience with the Bame show of respect that she will acquire In others. In these things she learns to distinguish between the essentials and incidentals, and to discern the degree of respect with which her com mands are obeyed. "The difference in training between the foreign girls and ours may be in dicated by the difference in the terms we use to designate the kind of train ing: We teach our girls domestic science and art; foreigners teach theirs house-craft." Work and the Weather. The restless days are here. All out doors invites us and our work be comes a conscious effort and a bore. It Is the time when we are most in sympathy with Jerome K. Jerome in nis couression, as follows: "I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it oy me me idea or cettlnir r d nf U I nearly breaks my heart." Boston Transcript, s Explained. The more some people have the more tney want, which may explain me secret or borrowing trouble. Buf falo Express. Mr. Gomoere Sticks. Whatever may be Bald or thought or me non. saniuol Gompers, he knows how to hold his Job as well at any man on record. New York World. Mo Demand ForeiMe Don't Be Trifled With Ask fcr S. S. S. and Dcn't Stand fcr ita "Just as Gosd" Talk. ' "When ft -man lint the abort chance fearae worked on him, he makes a noise that brings the rolloe, and yet that Mm man may walk into a store and have the "Just a good" imme worked on him and Wlen Yon Ask for S. S. S. Do So With Emphasis. They WW Understand. tamely submit ' Why stand for It? The Duly reason why any store will try to sub Ututa something also for S. & & la the lust for greater profit 8. S. 8. Is Ue areatast Uood purifier known. There la not ft mefllome tor any put pose mora carefully mad than 8 8. 8. It represents the highest typo of medicine. IU medical properties are Just as, essen tial to wall balanced health, U the blood ba licit, aa are the nourishing- elements pt meats, grains, fats and sugars of our daily food. & & & la prepared direct from native botanical material. Not a drop ot drugs la added. Ni a drop of minerals ta used. Thla Is one of the moat Import ant thing to know and to remambeg when your blood needs attention. It Is the moat effective, the purest, the quickest and most reliable medicine known for poisoned blood, rheumatism catarrhal Infection, malaria, akin disease, old sores and all afflictions that show la the blood, akin, Joints and muscles. An Interesting book on the blood Ll mailed to those who write. Get a bottle of a 8. a today. It ta the world's great est medicine. Insist upon tho dealer banding you S. a S. and don't let htm orate about something that he can't ad vertise as free from todlda of potash and other destructive mineral drugs, - - If you have trouble getting S. - & 8. write to The Swift PixsoWla Cot, o Swift Hid. Atlanta, Ua., tut Ut of square deal stores Big Feeding Test Made. ;." : Oregon Agricultural College. Corval- Hs. Professor Sampson, of the depart ment of animal husbandry of the Ore gon agricultural college, has complet ed a feeding test with pigs which has been running since September 1. The results of the test are significant in that they open up a broad field for developing pigs with the definite pur pose of making them capable of con suming a greater amount of food for correspondingly greater gains. On September 1, 30 pigs of different litters were divided into three lots of 10 each. All were put on a ration of barley 90 per cent, and tankage 30 per cent, and tho teat was continued for 61 days. Lot one was given dry rations, by hand. Lot two. was fed by means of the "self-feeder." Lot three was fod by hand, the rations being soaKed for 12 hours before feeding. The three lots, were divided evenly as to weight, sex and parentage.- Lot one required 463.5 pounds of reeel for 100 pounds gain; lot two re quired 418.2 pounds feed for 100 pounds gain, and lot three 449.8 pounds feed for 100 pounds gain. The difference in daily gain between the litters of pigs was from 1.42 to 1.86 pounds. The difference betweon the lots varied only from 1.48 to 1.84 pounds. The poorest lot was better than the poorest litter and the best lot was better than the best litter. The best individual ptg gained 2.44 pounds daily for 61 days, while the poorest individual animal gained but one pound a day, during the test In feeding 100 pigs similar to the best used in the recent Wst, at the present prices of feed and of pork, the owner would realize $297.60 profit, not count ing labor or investment In feeding 100 pigs slmllnr to the poorest he would realize but $115.65 profit The tests show the self-feeder is an eco nomical means of producing pork. The labor of feeding is reduced one- half by this method and less feed is required. ; ; Cows and Irrigated Farms. ' Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis. The little dairy cow of the north west has been called upon to bridge the gap .between the irrigated small larm and success, according to Profes sor R. R. Graves, head of the dairy department of thd Oregon agricultural college, and is making a very satis factory response. Dairy cows are val uable on these small farms no only for the dairy products they supply but even more largely for their contrir button to the soil. Dairy products are highly desirable to furnish a money income at the time ft is most needed. Many of the farms in the irrigation projects are to be planted to fruit trees, but it requires several years to bring them into regu lar and profitable bearing. During this interval dairying is the most prof itable means of providing running ex penses. And as a means of adding humus, the only soil element serious ly, lacking, the dairying industry is unexcelled. So the fanners of these small tracts are fast coming to appreciate the dairy cow. , "I, have never before seen so great , an interest in dairying as was shown by the farmers of the Her miston section at the first annual dairy show held there a short time ago," said Professor Graves. "For the size of the community and the length f time in which dairying has been followed, the number of people in attendance and the number of ani mals exhibited were remarkable. And they all wanted to know the desirable points in a dairy cow and how to feed and care for her. Mr. O. M. Plummer of the Portland Stock Yard company, who attended the show, stated that there were more peoplewho watched the placing of the cattle than were present during the judging at either the Oregon or Washington state fair. "Of course the Quality of the dairy herd is not equal to that of the herds in the well established dairy sections. But the dairymen were present with their stock to learn their value as dairy cattle and to find out how to improve them. Just wait until next year and I believe you will see a great Improvement in the condition and quality of the cattle that will be shown. There were sixteen cows that this year were entered in the one-day milking contest, and great interest was taken in the result In all there were 75 head of dairy stock shown, and some two dozen hogs. "The farmers in the vicinity of Her mlston are planning to make their community a center for Jerseys,1 and those around Stanfield are hoping to make their district known as a Hoi stein center. "The dairy cow will be a great help to the land while the young orchards are coming into bearing. The soli needs organic matter, and the pres ence of , considerable quantities of humus will , greatly reduce the cost of irrigation, as less water will be re quired. - "Large amounts of high grade al falfa can be produced on the farms there, and corn can be grown for sil age. The combination, alfalfa and corn Bilage, makes about the best foundation for a dairy ration that can be- had. It will be a great deal more profitable to feed alfalfa to cows on the farm than to send it to market. Farmers will be more independent of glutted hay markets and low prices, and can always dispose of their al falfa and corn silage at a good profit by making them into milk and butter. "When dairying on the small irri gated farm is thoroughly established In the Hermiston district, I look to see one of the most prosperous dairy districts of the state at that place." SWINGING A PENDULUM Articles Needed for Trick Are Easily Picked Up. With Little Practice Anyone Can Be come Skilled Medium It Is Only Necessary to 'Move the Table That la In Use Slightly. , , To swing a pendulum, picked out from a number of them at random, without touching it is a very puzzling trick., ; The articles necessary are a medium-sized table and a number of pendulums, some of which are sus pended from a rod with their lower weighted ends inside of water and wine glasses placed on the table, and others attached to corks so that they will hang inside of bottles. ; : " , The spectators gather around the table, which can be in , full, light writes James A. Hart of Philadelphia : -' i-1 I I ',)s;:y-; A Consistent Layer. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- lis. A hen that produces 664 eggs in three consecutive years Is a triumph of the breeders art Hen No. A 27 of the Oregon agricultural college sta tion, has made this marvelous record. During the first year she laid 240 eggs, the second 222, and the third 202. Like most of the other remark able layers in the champion flock, she Is a cross bred hen of the Barred Rock and White Leghorn breeds, and belongs to the new strain or breed that is being developed by Professor James Dryden for increasing egg pro duction. The value of her three years' work, 55 1-3 dozen eggs at 25c per dozen, Is about $14. The cost of her feed for three, years is about $4.50. This leaves a margin of $9.50 to pay for Investment and labor. Any One Pendulum Can Be Made to Swing at Will by Moving the Table Slightly. ' ' In the Popular Mechanics. The per former sits at one side of the table' with his hands fiat on tho - top. A person may pick . out any pendulum and ask him to swing it, which he will proceed to do without touching it, also making it strike the glase while' it swings. Another pendulum may be pointed out and he will start that one apparently. by looking at it, while the other one stops, ; - This may seem to be impossible yet it is very easy. It will be seeB that no two pendulums have the same length. A pendulum makes a certain number of swings In a given timede pending on its length. A long pen dulum requires more time to complete Its swing and will, therefore, make a less number of swings than a short one in the same time. It is only nec essary to move the table slightly and watch the pendulum picked out until It begins to swing independently of the others, which soon happens. To make : the longer pendulums .swing, longer movements of the table top must be made. - With a little practice anyone can become a skilled medium In pendulum swinging ' A Valuable Suggestion. ' "We must do something," said the president of the great railroad system, "to Increase our revenues. Can you suggest anything?" . "I don't know of any way," replied the . treasurer, "unless you and the chairman of the board are willing to go into- vaudeville or report the world's championship games and turn your salaries In as gross earnings." umcago Kecora-Herald. i. Mothers win find Mrs. Wlnsiows Soothing Syrup the best remedr to use for their children uiuif we teeuung period. . Can't Escape Him. On a recent examination paper in civics was this question: "If the pres ident, vice-president and all the mem bers of the cabinet should die, who would officiate?" 'Robert, a boy of 12, thought for some time, trying in Vain to recall who came next in succession. At last a happy inspiration cam9 to him and he answered: "The undertaker." Chicago Daily News. -''' In New Zealand every man out of work has ,the right' to demand Em ployment on work of public imDrove- ment at the prevailing rate of wages. : If 1 Sc. m II RAISES the DOUGH Better than other powde producing light, dainty, whole soma cakes and pastries CRESCENT BAKING POWDER is high gnd and moderate in price I 25c lb. Un at grocers. I Crweeat Mfg. Cet.SeattU ! ram Was a "Ringer" at Last Election. It is not clear whether Mr. Sulzer Is a full member of the Bull Moose party or only on the waiting list Washing ton Post " Hotel Washington wasbing-ton Street, Corner of Twelfth. CHAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager. . 1 fl.00, $1.50 $2.00 Per Day With Bath Privilege. , Bame Bates for One or Two Persons In a Boost Portland, Oregon. $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day With PriTsia Bsih. Soeclal Rate htl tneele nr mnnth Tt,a n I 1 r. . Washing-ton St. and transfer, get off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 160 outside rooms. Fireproof Building, modern and clean in every respect. Hot and cold running water and both telephones in every room. Single or double bedrooms. Large Parlor off Main Lobby. The Imperator on a recent trln brought safely across the Atlantic 4981 persons the greatest human cargo ever carried by any seagoing vessel. Of these 3649 were passeng ers and 1332 were crew. A famous optical works in Austria is using ultra-violet rays produced by arc lights, the carbons of which are impregnated with the salts of iron, for examining the purity of materials with which it deals. . IatGirlhood Womanhood BIRD'S NEST CHANGED ROAD Thousands of Men, Horses and Wag- one .Turned Aside to Avoid Doing Harm to Songster's Home. Impressionist School. , A painter of the "Impressionist" school Is now confined in a lunatio asylum. To all persons who visit his studio he says, "Look here, this is the mtest masterpiece of my composition." They look, and see nothing but an ex panse of bare canvas. , They ask, " hat does that represent? ' "That? Why, that represents the passage of the Jews through -the Red Sea." "T?pg pardon, but where is the sea?" It has been driven back." "And where are the Jews?" "They have crossed over." "And the Egyptians?" "Will be here directly. That's the sort of painting I like simple, sug gestive and unpretentious" London Tit-Bits. Chocolate Caramels Boll together 2 cups of brown sugar, cup of mo lasses, 6 cups ot cream, M to cup of butter, and cup of chocolate to tne "Hard Ball" stage until the -portion tested forms a firm ball. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and a cup ot chopped nuts, if desired. Tour into buttered pans. When cool, cut in squares and shape Into cubes with two knives. (With the larger amount of butter the candy must be stirred to keep it from burning,- and with the smaller amount there is more danger of graining.) Oregon Agricultural College. Scandalized. A young girl who was paying a visit to an aunt came to tea very late one afternoon. "Where in the world have you been?" asked her aunt "In the hammock all the afternoon." replied the girl, "with my beloved Robert Browning." . The aunt, eyed her sternly. "If I hear of any more such scandalous pro ceedings." she said, "I shall certainly write to your mother." Toronto Globe. There are nearly 2000 stitches ft pair of hand-sewed boots. in Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow. She appeared to be somewhat excit ed when he came home that night, and he naturally asked the cause. "The man in the top flat has fallen In love with our cook," she said. "What of it?" he asked. "lie's been trying to get her to run away and marry him." "Do yon mean the man who prac tices on the cornet every day?" She said he did, and he made a dive for hts pocket "Tell the cook." he exclaimed, "that I'm a poor man, but Til give $50 If she'll go." Cleveland Leader. , Useless Information. The Panama canal has produced 13. 000.000 tons of earth and 26,000,000 tons of literature. There are no chimneys in Ttmbuc too. , The average girl gets 57 bunches of violets per year before marriage. The average girl gets two bunches of violets per year after marriage. It costs about JHS0 to make a dol lar graduating gown. Prince Edward Island has 93.728 in habitants and 478,366 acres in field crops. Some years ago, Gen. David S. Stan ley of the. United States army was leading a force across the plains. . He was laying out the route for a great railroad. There were 2,000 men, 2,600 horses and mules and a train of 250 wagons heavily laden. One day the general was riding at the head of the broad column, when suddenly his voice rang out "Halt!" . A bird's nest lay on the ground di rectly in front of him. In another mo ment the horses would hive trampled on the nestlings. The mother bird was flying about and chirping in the greatest anxiety. But the brave gen eral had not brought out his army to destroy a bird's nest. : He halted for a moment, looked at the little birds in the nest below, and then gave the order. "Left oblique! " Men, horses, mules and wagons turned aside, and spared the home of helpless bird. Months, and even years after, those who crossed the plains saw a great bend in the trail. It was the bend made to avoid crushing the bird's nest Young People's Paper. ' ' ': OR l: BIOTHEREOOD Assist Nature now and then, -with a gentle . cathartic Dr. t. Pierce's Pleas andPeUett tone.) mj) and invigor ate liver and 2owels. Be sure you. get what you ask for. The women who have used , Dr. Pierce s Favorite I Prescription will tell you that it freed them from mm helped them over painful periods in their life and saved them many a day ; of anguish and misery. This tonic, in liquid form, was devised over 40 years ago for the womanly system, by R.V. Pierce, M. D., and has been sold ever since by dealers in medicine to the benefit of many thousand women. Nowif you prefer you can obtain Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets at your druggist at $1 pet box, also in SOe size or send 50 one cent stamps to Dr. R.V. Pierces Buffalo, N. Y. for trial box. Comforts In Guest-Rooms. Dickens, who traveled much - and Buffered many bedrooms, gave special regard to the equipment of the guests' sleeping apartments in his famous home, Gad's Hill. In "Charles Dickens as I Knew- Him," Charles Dolby re cords: "Each of these rooms con tained the most comfortable of beds, a sofa, an easy chair, cane-bottomed chairs In which Mr. Dickens had great belief, always preferring to use one himself a large-sized -writing- table profusely supplied with paper and envelopes ot every description, and an almost daily change of new quill pens. There was a miniature li brary of books in each room, a com fortable fire in winter, with shining copper kettle in each fireplace, and, on a side table, cups, saucers, tea caddy, teapot sugar and milk," Lon don Tit-Bits. .... WORLD PUZZLE IS AMUSING Trlok Is to Start , From Any Angle or Town on Diagram and Visit , ; Every Other Village Once. Can you, starting from any angie or town on this diagram, find a route which will take you to every other town once, and once only? The route must bring you back to the town from which you set out. Starting from any angle or town on ttiis diagram, tot visit every other town once, and once only, and to re- .Newfoundland is now regarded as one ot the most promising future sources of supply of petroleum within the British empire. There are oil in dications for 200 miles along the west coast Constipation causes and seriously ag gravates many diseases. It is thor oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. Keep It Dark. In the deserted kindergarten room at the settlement a little girl was thumping the piano to her heart's con tent A resident looked in at the door and smiled. "Go right on, Catherine,' she said, "if you're sure your hands are quite clean." "Oh, that's all right, Miss Emily." was the answer, "I'm being very care ful; I'm Just playing on the black keys." New York Globe. T Around the World Puzzle. turn to our starting point we. mar take either of these two courses: PBAUTPONCDEJKLMQ K S H G F, or FBAUTSRKLMQPONCD E J H O F. ' The arrangement Is cyclical, and the route can be begun at any point by transferring the proper number ot letters from one end to the other. His Reason. c Once when Phillips Brooks was re covering from a rather severe illness he ordered that no one whatsoever be admitted to see him. One fine day Robert G. IngersoU called and the bishop requested that he be admitted and brought to the sickroom at once. "I certainly appreciate this," said the mystified IngersoU, when he had shaken hands with the reverend gen tleman, "but why see me when yon deny yourself to your friends?" "It Is this way," responded the bish op. I reel confident of teeing my friends la the next world, but this may be ny last chance ot seelnf yoal 10 CENT "CASCARETS" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels They work while you sleep. - Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel That's the first step to untold misery indi gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and. nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough ' cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you 6leep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months. GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm j tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and ' bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't Ish, stomach sour, breath bad: has sore, throat diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful , of "California syrup or .rigs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undieest- eu iooa ana sour Due gently moves out of its little bowels without grip in?. And Vrm Iiqva o wall nlnwfnl .1.11J a, - jv.. J u n c, iajliu VUilU again.. Ask your druggist for a 60 cent bottle of "California Syrup of FieB ." whlrih rnnrnlna full illi-ontlnno wwW ..... UUDUWVUB for babies, children ot all ages and for grown-ups. v Oar-Earliest Memories. How far back In one's life can one remember? Herbert Spencer used to . recall faint pictures of playing in the . garden with a sister, a year his junior, who died at 2 years old. His most, vivid recollection, however, "worth mentioning Decause of its psychologi cal interest is that of certain results caused in me by being left alone for the first time;" The nurse went out -and locked him up alone in the house. It was the evening of the week when the bells of All Saints' Derby were rung, and they were going all the time the child suffered in loneliness. "All through the early part'of my life, and even in adult years, I never heard 1.1 1 11 i.a .... uiese oejia wiinour. a reeling or sad ness coming over me." London Pall Mall Gazette. Young Women Join Sodality. . A class of young women were re ceived into the young ladies sodality of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic church last night and the feast f the immaculate conception will be ob served in the church today. Masses will be celebrated at 6, 7 and 8 a. m., with solemn high, mass at 9 a. m. The Very Rev. A. Verhagen will be cele brant, the Rev. Robert Armstrong, deacon, and the Rev. J. Croniu, sub deacon. ' , - T An Unreliable Doctor. Mr. Seabury came home from th office one night and told his wife he had been to see the doctor. He said I was all tired out" aM Seabury, "and he thinks I ought to ro away on a fishing trip." ' "But of course, you don't bAllnva him," responded the wife. 'Why not?" queried Seabunr. in an. prise. 'Well " said Mrs. Seabnrv. vnn didn't have any confidence in him when he told me I ought to go to Europe." New York Times. The 12.000.000 worth of Hn which Is the average yearly output of the United Kingdom would wrap the earth at the equator 6even times. When a man. is sick he sends for a doctor, when he is ill he summons a physician. Chicago News. This year there are S213 young wo men enrolled at the German univer sities; 2900 of them are German young women. The California oil product In 1912 was 87,000,000 barrels, which was 6, 000,000 barrels more than the previous year. I St Ocrk trmp. Twua Goo. Vm f la tt , SaM Vr Dwurnrti. ' I'll IIU!; Mlj !') I w Everybody loves MUSIC Do yon want to learn to play Plane, Organ, Violin or Guitar. For a small sura wa will teach yon AT HOME to play fourth grade music rag-aidlaM of number of lessons required. Any one who can read can learn by ear method. EASIEST aa4 most vp-to-data system ta exist enea. We loan joa a perfect "Tiflie beater' free. Write for particulars. American School of Musk 51(417 Commonwealth Eldg. Portland, Oregon. a. K. U. No. 52, U