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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1909)
Did yon get that sleigh ride? Cider barrels for sale at T. M. Tag gart Co b. store. V y- iom xaggari iook a ouainess trip to BDoieioQ weanesaay. 3orn to Mr. and Mis. G. B. Kidder fit thin nif.v .Tannatv O 1 OAQ ann C.A. Barrett & Company offer a dis- vtowmw V IV UC1 UDUt UU UU BU UCdbUIH. jC Xia raobev8 orchestra rendered ex- .-2 a. a T" j mi i . umiHUL in iin in he inn nma i naarra Ubis week. I Mrs. Delia Burden and Mr. T. A. , Greenwood were united in marriage at ; Walla Walla, last week. All I - i viua&a uuu jaoseia mac cost toe . Alnflfmvo Maraanflla nnmnonv oa hirvh ;as $13:50 are being sold for 1:50. A diannnnt rtf 10 nai nanf nn nil -aiders for goods amounting to $5.00 or over at Miller's furniture store. ; Mis. Lillian Dobson was compelled 'to discontinue her sobool in La Mar district this week on aooonnt of siok Hess. If yon like to have a good onp of coffee or a light lunch at any time , muuju tun uujr uiup u iuuier B 'Nkery. James Stanfleld, of Weston, litor the first of tbe week at e of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. j. ' a-will be held at the Athena 1 tonight Lee Johnson's d been engaged to furnish '' ' Is who has teen visiting rc, Mrs. Brotherton, has t her home in Franklin : sb. ans of Pendleton will hold a ; eg Monday, at whioh time Voided whether that oity is . e woolen mill. idy, trustee for the credit claims against the May ville dtook is selling the same y reduoed prices. er the fnrnitnre man annoanoea mtil Jan. 31, he will give 10 I " r (floount on all orders for I I ating to $5.00 or over. ...ixnight opened his skating link i Peebler and Chamberlain im t building Tuesday night, and e rollers have a"skate on." altb and happiness DeWitts tiraly Risers small, gentle, lasant little liver pills, the i. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co., Columbia river the looks at fes are frozen and steamboat discontinued. In Portland . illamette Valley oousider uus fallen. , a) Mr. and Mrs. James Wood mix, S Two Rivera, Wash., n girl. f-hwmnh tW. l. trail t e little one was born Jan. 6 1909. the home of the grandparents, Mr. fid Mrs. Wo. Tompkins in this oity. The Baptist missionary society met OHterduy afternoou at tbe parsonage. .ho borne of Rev. and Mrs. h. E. - most instructive lesson was and a profitable afternoon Dime Theatre is attracting uple nigntly by its offerings at moving pictures obtains jeeobanges of program are ; week, Monday, Wednesday ay. " Taylor and Grover Bowles . bunoh of oattle from tbe i near Meaobam Tuesday, a few head left yet on y creek, and they will be t in a day or two. Lodge No. 29, E. of P. held ng meeting last evening, work in all three ranks of was on the program. A . visiting members were pre . refresh ments were served. jey Wilson returned from d Friday evening. Mr. Wilson Ao the northern country on legal but found a liking to the omain and took option on a Q)avis-SrCsrs anuary fi ft: The Davis-Kaser Company I Complete Home & House Furnishers iTalla Walla, Wash Pasco, Wash. half seotion of farm land near the eitr limits of Nan ton. He met several former Umatilla county people In his rounds, and altogether bad a plea sant trip. KKepresentative C. A. Barrett left a Rtbena yesterday for Salem hm hn will become one of tbe legislature's most aotive members. Mr. Barrett bad almost wholly reoovered from his illness, due to a severe attaok of neur algia. At a meeting of tbe farmers near Milton and the professional men Mon- aay aiternoon it was deoided to en deavor to have tbe Columbia Traotion company give Milton a claoe on ton proposed loop to Wallula and Dayton. ine loop is to extend from Tonobet. Some of the best bargains ever offer ed by any store in tbe county can be found in cloaks and jaokets at the Moegrove Mercantile Company's store. ininfc ox It : garments the cost nrioe of whioh reach as high as $13.60 are being sold fot$ 1.60. The editor of the Piesa Is in rnooint of current issue of the "Satnrdav Er. ning Telephone," the official organ of toe weston Mountain .Literary aooiety. The Telephone is ably edited and easily outclasses its Weston contemporary, "Col" Wood's infamous rag, tbe Leader. J A mass meeting of farmers will be held in Athena next Thursday. The meeting whioh is held for the purpose of devising ways and means for buying sacks at the least possible figure and for disposing of next years orop, will be addressed by H. D. G. C ox, a man of experience in co-operative work. ; Stevens Lodge K.of P. Weston' an nounces its annual ball for Friday eve ning January 16. Walla Walla's best orobestra has been engaged to furnish uptodate ruusio for tbe occasion. Tbe annual Pythian ball at Weston needs no publio introduction fot it is known far and wide to be the sooial event of Weston. There is an abundanoe of the beau tiful at this writing, Friday noon. At this time a mantle of white, ten inches in depth lies on the ground and it is accompanied fcy zero wea ther. The ground is frozen and the ohanoes are that bnt little moisture will go into the soil when the gentle ohinook removes the snow. VVA. A. Stamper and Miss Ada Hop 48r were united in marriage at Walla Walla Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stamper will reside on the Barrett Pine Creek ranoh where "Doc" is employed in the capaoity of foreman. The bride and groom are well known in this vioinity and their friends wish them joy through life. The members of tbe C. W. B. M. enjoyed a pleasant session Wednesday afternoon at the home' of Mrs W. K. Wall. Two new members were added to tee roll and refreshments of cake and ooffee were served in tae cozy din ing room. The meeting for Febrnary will be at the borne of Mrs. Fred Boyd on 6th street. Earl Dudley aud Miss Estella Lee were married Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Blafee ly in Pendleton. Tbe groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dud ley of this city and tbe bride is a well known young lady, who has made her borne in Pendleton for several years. Tbe happy couple will make their heme on the Jesse Kilgore place northeast of this oity. A host of friends extend congratulations and well wishes. Xpid "Joe," noted as one of the best nunting dogs in tbe state and tbe friend of every kid in town, is no more. Tbe old fellow, in some manner got aooess to a salmon remnant, an edible that is deadly poison to the canine family, and when all remedies failed, was mercifully chloroformed to put an end to bis suffering. Not only will he be missed by bis owner as a pet and a faithful bunting companion, but tbe obief charm of the boys' swimming hole above town will be lost next summer through his absenoe. Tbe good housewife will now find the con tents of the garbage pail intaot and tbe bacK porches of town residences will know their early morning visitor no more. Mrs. B. F. Swaggart of Heppner, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Stamper, tbe first of the week. MOTHER CARRIED HIS PI Bradshaw, Murderer, Freed On Prom ise to Work for Parents. Osoar Bradshaw, who, after being sentenced . to be hanged for murder, was lost and forgotten in tbe county jail at Walla Walla for years, has again played in luok, for Governor Mead has granted him a conditional pardon. In 1903 Bradshaw was con victed of murder at Pasco. Appeal was taken to the supreme couit, and while this was pending Bradshaw was plaoed in the Walla Walla oounty jail for safekeeping, there being no fit jail at Pasco. The appeal was never pushed and month arier month passed. County administration changed and Bradshaw was forgotten. In 1906 in quiry disolosed the faots. Bradshaw was taken to Pasoo andsentenoed to be hanged, Cut before the exeoution date Governor Mead commuted tbe sen tence to life imprisonment. In an nouncing the pardon the governor gives out a statement whioh says in part: "Tbe doubt that the killing was a premeditated act was so strong that the trial judge, Frank H. Rudkin, tbe special proseoutor employed to conduot the case, Henry J. Snively, 11 of tbe trial jurors and a large number of tbe leading citizens of the city ofJPasoo reoommendel the sentenoe be com muted from banging toUife imprison ment. "Bradshaw was but 18 when he committed the crime and he was un doubtedly led intothe aot by an older companion, who escaped with a light sentence and is now at liberty. Tbe fact that the father of the young man was reoeutly injured for life and tbe boy's assistance is needed for the sup port of his family and the further fact that he has been a model prisoner since bis confinement in the peniten tiary, weighed in bis favor. "The terms of the conditional par don granted expressly provide that Bradshaw shall apply himself to earn ing a livelihood for his parents and that be shall at all times conduot himself in a proper manner, and in accepting the conditions he agrees to be bound by tbe same. The pardon can be levoked at any time by any gov ernor of the state if the provisions are not oomplied with. "The pardon was given to the mother of Bradshaw, who left for Walla Walla to secure the release of her son and aooompany him baok to their home at Pasoo." RAISE MONEY FOB CAR LINE Much Demand for Capital In Milton- Free water District. Tbe rapid sale and development of the small acre tracts for fruit purpos es in and about Freewttter and Milton bas made a great demand for lnouav in that looality, and the real estate man and businessman are endeavoring to looate capitalists there to ease the market up a trifle, says tbe Pendle ton Tribune. Tbe fruit lands are on tbe boom and tbe trolley bas aided materially in the work of getting new settlers into that territory. The di versified farming and gardening wbiob the small acre traots have oreated is also beneficial in effects. The business men in tbeso two towns are actively endeavoring to interest the Walla Walla Valley Traotion company in building another branch line into that seotion, and a large sum has already been suDsoiiked for tbe purpose of en- oonraging the veuture. The Walla Walla company has assured residents of the northern part of Umatilla oounty that this new loop will be built if tbe sum of $520,000 is subsor ited. Tbe business men, real estate men and tbe farmers are all liberal in loaning en couragement to tbe venture. Wreck on W. & C. RV Monday the Northern Paoiflo train was derailed near tbe Taesy Stewart pluoe, northwest of Athena, the engine aud four oars going into the ditch. The accident was caused by the rails spreading. Tbe seotion crew in Athena was called on for assistance 'Monday evening. ; Licensed to Wed. '. Lioense to wed was issued to Wil liam John Lloyd and Edna Elm a Thompson Monday by County Clerk Frank Sailing. Both of these young people are fiom Umatilla oounty. ' v Joint Installation. SSaturday evening Wild Horse lodge No. 71, 1. O. O. F. and Mignonette Re bekah lodge No. 86 held a joint instal lation in K. of P. -1. O. O. F. ball. Mrs. M. L. Watts aoted as district de puty grandmaster for the Bebekabs and E. A. Conniok, was the aoting distriot deputy for tbe Odd Fellows. For Sale. Mrs. May Jorgenson offers 80 aores of fine reservation land for sale at $90 psr acre. The land description is N i of N W M sec 17. tp. 3, 85 E W M. Address Mrs. May Jorgenson, Seattle, Wash., cure Linooln Hotel. President Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been help ed by the President of the Industrial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Ga. Who wiites: We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for stomach Liver and Kidney troubles. We regard it as one of tbe best family medicine on earth." It invigorates tbe vital organs, purifies the blood, aids digeeton creates appetite. To strength en and build up tbe tbin pale, weak children or rundown people it bas no equal. Best fcr female complaints. Only 50o at Palace Drug Co. We Are Headquarters for Everything to Leggins, Overshoes and Rubbers for Everybody Don't go by. but come in, buy something warm. "The Best Qulity, Price and Service" This is Our Motto for losgiwe Our Inventory Sale Commences Saturday Jan. 2, '09 We are invoicing and find that we have many broken lines of seasonable goods that must be got rid II of; to make room odd Lots of Wool Dress goods less than Cost. odd Lots of Fancy Silks less than Cost. odd Lots of Men's Suits less than Cost. odd Lots of Men's Overcoats less than Cost. odd Lots of Boys' Suits less than Cost. odd Lots of Boys' Overcoats less than Cost. odd Lots of Men's Shoes less than Cost. odd Lots of Boys' Shoes less than Cost. odd Lots of Women's Shoes less than Cost. odd Lots of Girls' Shoes less than Cost. odd Lots of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks less than Cost. Come and inspect these special offerings. Your mon ey will buy more losgrote Mercantile Our Inventory Sale Commences Saturday, Jan. 2 '09 WW You Warm ; Mercantile Company OUR GREAT INVENTORY SALE for the New goods. here than any place Company Store Our Inventory Sale Commences Saturday, Jan. 2 '09 A on Earth. Our Inventory Sale Commences Saturday, Jan. 2 '09