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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1909)
Til's Edition con ms . Six Pages Mmm- Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer Athena Merchants ! Carry Bio Stocks VOLUME XXI. . ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 15, 1909. NUMBER 3 THE TUFM-LUM LUMBER CO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of . ' UILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athenu, Oregon, ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Company : CITY ELECTION DOPE Opening of Current Street Agitation Mar Inject Ginger Into Coming Campaign- OEB1GAN infirm 11 : Floor is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and beat equipped mill in the west, of the best selected ' . Blaestem wheat "grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grooer sells American Beauty for. $11.4 f r Ssick. Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers 3 Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. W$$t PutS.W.P. on your house T j Q XiiiSf A ;aDd save money every time, ft -" Paints, Oils, Glass House Sign and Carriage Painting - E. T. Kidder, McArthur Building Ante-city election gossip is begin ning to filter through tbe riffles ot public interest and from several sourc es oomes tbe information that there is to be no "corner" on slate makiog this year,, and that issues for a good, lively scrap will not be found wanting in the campaign and have been framed up by knowing ones. For instance. "I favor the opening of Current Street, through Dave Taylor's calf pasture, to intersect the road leading south from town," says one who is some pumpkins in local politics, and who is apparently desirous of pre senting his issue as a live one, and in troducing it into tbe contest. "It's only a matter of time nntil the city will have the rook quarried back to the road, when the thorough fare will be lowered to a level with ' the O. R. & N. track. So why not I begin to make preparations for it now I by opening Current, the natural and J logical inlet and ontlet tbat will con- neot the city with the road. I favor tbe council taking action that will lead to the opening of this street. "Tbe railroad people would weloome tbe opening of the street for it would greatly reduoe the travel over lower Main street aorosa wbiob there are a number of tracks on which a consid erable amount of switching is carried on at certain seasons of tbe year. Be sides, farmers living south of town would find the change one of conven ience." And there is a starter. Here is an other. . '"' ,"' "I wonld like to see every tree on main street out down, those sbin oraoking hydrants replaced by modern ones and all signs removed from aorosa sidewalks. Turn 'em t) the wall, where they belong. The Mayor and counoilmen wno favor these improve ments get my vote, and it counts jonel said another who still believes there Is room in Athena for improvement. "Suppose but onetioket is in tbe field, as has been tbe oase at past elec tions w'ats the use," yawned an other. "Two candidates for Mayor, a double row of names on tbe ticket for counoilmen, and live issues tbats ginger, and the fuller theobn, tbe bet ter, says I. Fill it plumb full, then frisk the lid off." " IN GRIP OF THE STOP.M KING 18 Inches of Snow and Zero Weather Stockmen After Feed. drawn out by the snow and that the full quota of moisture will find its way into the soil. : Stockmen in tbe southern part of the county are confronted . with the serious problem of securing feed for stock. It is reported tbat those best supplied with feed bave only suffioient quantity to last three weeks. Other rarts of tbe oounty are being drawn on for feed supplies. Hay is rapidly advancing in price and alfalfa stacks are melting rapidly. A bunch of 1200 sbeep from Pilot Book, passed through Atheua Tuesday on tbe way to Free water feeding pens. Later A ohinook wind blew in f rom the southeast this morning and knocked tbe above weather artiole galley-west So warm was the wind tbat in 20 minutes tbe meroory went up 13 degrees. Fifteen inches of snow on tbe watershed covered by the Chin ook will be tbe .cause of big floods snould the wiud last. TO PLOW UPM TOWN SITE Sumpter Will Become Mostly Neat Green Fields. J. 17. BODDY'S MEAT MARKET SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET The Best Meat to be found in Town. Gome and see me. I will treat you right. My prices: Boiling Beef 6 & 7cts. per lb. Roast Beef 8 & 10 " " " Stakes 9, 10 & 12 V " Fork Steak l " " " Laid 5 lb. 70ote. . Lard 10 " $1.40. Bacon 18otg per lb. Bams 17 " " " J. W. BODDY, ATHENA, OREGON The Inland Empire has been held in tbe grasp of the Storm King for tbe past week. A blanket of snow from 10 inches to three feet in depth covers tbe inter-mountain country, tbe Col umbia river is frozen over at Tbe Dalles so tbat people are safe in walk ing aoross on tbe ioe. Portland pob lio schools were closed several days on account of the cold. From six above zero at Portland, to 42 below at Newport. Wash., is the crazy frosty tale of the thermometers. Saturday night, tbe coldest period of tbe !snap" in Atbena, meroury fell to 18 degrees below zero, while spirit indicators of the advertising kind, registered as low as 23 degrees below. As a result of tbe storm, 12 inches of snow fell here, and since it has tiacked down, would now measure 10 inuhes. The snow here is light, and fnrtnnatelv there was absolutely no wind, consequently no drifts are en oountered and wheat fields are well covered. Trains are more or less late during tbe week. ' It is estimated that the giound is frozen about three inches and hopes are exnreseed that tbe frost will be Transformed from oue of the liveliest mining - towns of record to a ranob where tbe green alfalfa and timothy will be grown, is the meaning of a business deal that was closed at Sump ter, aSeotiug almost the entire town site of that place. The old Sumptnr Townsite Company, composed of ex-Governor Mcintosh, of British Columbia, Gen. 0 . S. War ren, of Butte, Moot, ana W. U. Calder of Baker, city, today deeded all their holdings in Sumpter comprising 550 acres of platted ground, to a corpora tion known as the Sumpter Lund Company. The new oonoern is com posed of Frank S. Bailie, manager of the Columbia , Gold Mine; John L. Rand, an attorney of Baker City, and H. M. Allen, a capitalist of Sumpter. Instead of attempting to boom tbe mountain town and sell the land just acquired., thejgew oompanv has made arrangements fOr sufficient water, and wUriwaVftinto a tract of irri gated land forthe production of farm products. This practically closes Sumpter's career as a mining town, aooording to tbe opinion of many. Very few miues are running in the district, and tbe spirit of mineral- seeking that developed the town seems to bave given away to a desire for til'iug the soil. No Feed for Cayuses According to Ed. Kidder, who oame in yesterday from well up on tbe res ervation, says the East Oregonian, tbe conditions are even worse than it was thought. He say a he counted three dead calves along tbe road and tbat one Indian woman ha 100 bead of horses without a partiole of hay or grain for any of them. . Nate Raines is authority for tbe statement tbat many oattle belonging to Indiansare starving to death on the reservation. Indians seldom or never lay in a sup ply of bay for tbe winter, allowing tbe animals to piok tip what feed tbey can around strawstacks and rustle for thjBir keep tbe best way they can. In ordinary winter conditions tbey can do this and tbe most of tbein pull tbrongb, but tbe present weather is unusual and unless tbe snow goes off and goes off soon, tbe Indians will be heavy losers. v m.- vi1 mm- u " w 1 ww- r w m i v f 1 r s m m mm, pan! wxm -sroufc & Hut 'J P?.0"!?T DELIVERY WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT 83 The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in mm ASMS DELL BROTHERS, ft & $ i ! k i i - m ".. .:., i . . ! vi' Vt' W i ' i' W V.'.'.'JL Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING3 TO EAT Athena, Oregon Athena Ball Player Married. ' Willie Fortier is the first Saattle ballplayer to report.' He and bis yorng bride fled tbe snow and ioe of Idaho to tbe alleged salubrious cli mate of Poget Sound. Willie said that he would not bave believed Mr. Puget capable of such conduot if be bad not seen tbe white cobwebs ou the trees and bad bis ears pinobed by Jaok Frost It did not take tbe frisky voung oatober long to bunt up a steam-heated flat wbere be and his bride wl 1 take life easy until tbe um pire calls "play." Exobange. Horse Thief in Jail. , Harry Brannen, wanted in this county on tbe obarga of horse stealing was arrested in Union oounty ana brought back to Pendleton by Sheriff Taylor. Brannen is charged with having stolen a horse, saddle and pair of obaps from tbe Goodman ranob, and as be was found with tbe goods in bis possession, tbe oase against bim is considered a strong one, says tbe East Oregonian. . ARER CHAMBERLAIN Wily Politicians Would Have Mem bers Break Oath and Be trav Constituents. New developments in tbe Oregon senatorial situation reveal a deep-laid plan to defeat tbe people's oboioe and deadlook the legislature and thus pre vent tbe eleotlon of a sensor, throwing the matter of cboioe back upon the next legislature. Two lines are pursued by those wbo wiut to defeat Governor Chamberlain,' as fully revealed. A systematic plan of inducements is held out to members who pledged themselves to vote for tbe popular ohcioe to got them to go back on those pledges by remaining away from the joint convention next Tues day on account of sickness or for other reasons. Tbe argument is brought to bear that what they really were pledged to by Statement No. 1 was to support an amendment to the constitution of toe United States and not to direot. elec tion by tbe people of the state. Tbe other line of approaob is to per suade members that it is their duty not to vote for Cbamberlaiu unless be will aRree in advauoe to appoint a Republican suooessor to Seoretary of State Benson, wbo is published as being in a dying condition from oan oer. The Republican organization at Portland, headed by tbe Oregonian and Senator Fulton, seems to have worked out this plan of withholding support from tbe people's choice. Governor Chamberlain refuses to make any pledges and tbe tension is becom ing high. The house .members have deoided to take up tbe governor's veto messages, held over from last session, next Mon day, two days in advance of the veto on senator, and will try to weaken the statement men by carrying some of the bills held up two years ago over the governor's veto. One member, Applegate, of Douglas oounty, who subscribed to the state ment to insure his eleotion, now says he meant by it only to indorse tbe principle of amending the federal con stitution. He was not counted as one of the 62 who signed tbe sworn state ment to; support tho peoples oboioe, bnt bis alleged accession is claimed as a great victory for tbe anti-statement members. ' ' - .."' ' Deputy Kills HisQuarry A special from Lewistown Mont, says that a desperate duel has been fought in tbe snow of tbe mountains south of that city between a deputy sheriff and a suspected horse thief, in wbioh tbe latter was killed. Tbe names of tbe participants are Deputy Sheriff Al Morgan and. John Pflager, respectively. Tbe deputy bad been en gaged in tbe aearoh several days, com' ing upon bis man in a secluded dis triot. Tbe battle then began, termi nating in the death of tbe bunted man. Tbe depnty notified tbe coroner of the affair and tbe latter is now en route to hold an inquest. Circuit Court The January term of tbe oiiouit court convened at Pendleton Monday. In acoordanoe with tbe law enacted by tbe people of tbe state ct Oregon last June, wbiob provides for the calling of a grand jury at eaob term of tbe circuit court, tbe name of seven men were drawn from tbe jury box wbo are engaged in tbe task of investigat ing alleged violations of the law in this oounty. Every one of tbe. seven men is a farmer. Tbey are Frank Snyder, foreman; William McKeozie, Arthur Soott, George Cookburo, li. J. Bell, 0. A. Perkins, J. W. Muir. Hermiston Again. bat tbe little town of Hermiston is still on the map and that its citizens are sorapping with their usual vim is attested by an attempt to foroe Will iam H. Skinner and Fred A. Yates from the directorate of the Umatilla River Water Users' association at Hermiston Saturday. r Two rival tick ets are claiming eleotion to the direct orate of that corporation and the question will probably be threshed out in the courts. THE FRUIT MEN ARE UNEASY Orchard Men Differ as to General Con ditions In disoussing tbe recent severe oold weather tbe Walla Walla Union save: It is now the turn of the fruit grow ers to pull a long faoe and make var ious remarks concerning tbe great amouut of damage being wrought upon tbe various f rnit orops of the oonntry by the excessive oold snap. "While tbe farmers were on tbe anx ious seat for only a few days, their fears being set at rest as soon as the snow fell, tbe fruit grower has no such souroe of comfort. Their predictions are various and sundry, but all seem agree upon one point, namely, tbat tbe peaoh crop is damaged, and tbe oherry crop to a certain extent. Some say these respective orops will stand only 6 below zero weather, while others insist no damage . will result should tbe meroury drop as low as 10 below. Nothing definite can be dis covered, however until a general thaw Bets in but with tbe snow proteotiug tbe reea to a certain extent it is not thought that a great amount of dam age will result from this spell of un usually oold weather." .j r ire in rnnung umce MoManus' Pilot Rook Record office sbstained slight loss from Ore Monday. The fire was oansed by a defective stove pipe and for a time threatened to destroy the office but prompt work on tbe part of tbe office foroe subdued tbe flames. Range Blows Up An accident wbiob might bave proved fatal, ooourred at the rest dence of Dwelly Herrick yesterday morning and it was only by tbe ratest stroks of good fortune tbat Mis. Her rick was not seriously injured. Tbe range, owing to (be freezing of tbe PIPES EXPLODE, 1 BADLY BHD Mrs. Frank Jackson was severely burned about the eyes, neck and arms Wednesday morning by the explosion of tbe kitoben range, caused by tbe freezing of tbe water pipes. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson reside on their farm west of town, and Wednesday morning after starting tbe fire Mr. Jackson loft tbe bouse to go to the barn. Hearing tbe explosion be hastened back and found tbe kitcben a wreck and bis wife lying oo tbe floor. When tbe explosion ooourred aba bad a lighted lamp in ber band and this was blown into fragments. Dr. Shatp w butiiy esismcned rrom town and ionnd tbe lady s arras badly burned, burns on tbe nock and tbe eye ball Ltiatcrcd ty tbohot asbes, Tbe greatest injuries were to tbe eyes, altboogh tbe sight was ap parently not mjnred. Tbe kitchen range was blown into atoms, windows blown ont and doors torn from their binges. Tbe family was immediately moved into another boose near by. This U tbe first serious aooident to result from frozen pipes during tbe oold spell, people ss a rule being care f ol to drain tbe pipe coils in tbe stoves before retiring at eight pipes, exploded, shattering window panes, shaking tbe contents of the pantry to pieoes and causing a prema ture Chinese New Years' oelebratioo. Mrs. Herriok was standing over the stove at the time of the explosion and altbough knooked down and bruised she reoeived no serious mishap. W. W . Union. A WAY UP BIG y "Si Plunkard" Billed for the Athena Opera House Wednesday Night. Tb" Big Bund Show, headed by the veteran, J. C. Lewis and bis merry oompauy of 20 people, will be the offering at tbe Atbena Opera bouse Wednesday, January 20. This oom- pany oomes guarateed as tbe best the tne town nas ever seen, , and shows Walla Walla previous to Atbena. In tbe play "Si Plankard" are many situations to gladden tbe spectator, cause a laugh, and briug to tbe eyes tears of sympathetic pity, and none wbo attend will regret tbd time thus spent. It is a play for tbe young and tbe old, and affords entertainment for all classes of people. Its human story deals with emotions common to all and never falls to move tbe spectator. Tbe oast includes tbe author Mr. J. C. Lewis in tbe title iole, John L. Mack, Herbert N. Capps, Will Hart well, Garland Toomer, Loa W. Hub bard, C. Ed. Lasgdon, Arthur Fitz- patriok, Hart Bltrir, Blanobe Bowers, PMith Trim or lltflo Allot to T.aulla Marion Lewis. Prioe, Adolls, fl Children 25c. Moscow Fights Near Beer Moscow, Idaho, went dry in August, I A 1 I i , M J A. WUUU I LIB lUNt BUiUOlIB WBTO lOrOUU UUd of business by tbe a city ordinanoe. It went dry in November and Deoem ber, when tbe temperance league em ployed detectives ou whose evideuoe several were con vioted for violation of tbe ordinauoe. It is now to be made driest by the passage of an ordinance prohibiting the sale of "Near beer" arid "beerine" and all mild beverages known by similar terms. Taft Elected. William Howard Taft was elected Preeideut of the United States by tba eleotors wbo gathered Monday in tbe oapitsl cities of th various states to oast tbeir votes for President and Vioo President. Altboogh tbe returns will not- be cauvasfied by Congress until next mouth, is confidently anticipated that Tnft and Sherman bave been sno oessfnl in tbe election. North Yakima a Division. . North Yakima will be a division point of tbe North Coast railroad. Definite announcement to tbat effect has been made. Tbe yards will be at least a mile in length and will oontain fifteen tracks, round booses, repair shop, etc At tbat point ' tbe road will brake its grade and tbe boavy en gines for tbe mountain division will be quartered here. Raise Salary of Judge. Tbe Umatilla County Bar Associa tion bas adopted a resolution in favor of increasing tbe salary of the Circnit Jndge of Umatilla-Moriow oounty district from $3,000 to 11.000 ptr year. The resolution will be present ed to tbe legislature and it is beliovtit) that it will reoeive favorable consideration.