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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1908)
For that Dandruff There Is one thing that will cure it Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy.. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a greatdeal to you healthy hair, no dan druff,no eruptions. The best kind, of a testimonial 14 Sold for over sixty years." Made br J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Km. 1o manufacturers of 7 SARSAPAMLU. yers PIUS. CBERKY PECTORAL. V" 1. i - i - . f St. Helen's Hall. Portland, Or. Resident and Dav School for Girl. Catalogue on Request. Slandering; the Eternal City. "When you were in Rome, of course, fou did as the Romans do." "Er yes ; I had to. I ran out of money, and had to find some way to ex tract it from the rich Americans that wert visiting the city." Chicago Tribune. Chipper, "Will you saw some wood for your M I Qft "No'm, I don't eat wood." Houston Post habitual Constipation May be permanency overcome tjy proper personal efforts with the assistance uve erma. t form ir-pOuli habits daily so that assistance to na ture may be gradually dispensed with when no longer needed as the best o remedies, when required, areto assist nature and not to supplant the natur al unctionsvwhieK must depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts, and right living generally. To get its beneieial effects, always buy the genuine S 1 manufactured by the California Pig Syrup Co. only SOLO BY ALL LEADINC DRUGGISTS Wte size only, t egular price 50$ pn Bottle. Food Producb Libby's Vienna Sausage You've never tasted the best sausage until you've eaten Libby's Vienna Sausage. It's asausage product of high food value! Made different Cook ed different. Tastes different and is different than other sausage! Libby's Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products; is carefully prepared and cooked in Libby's Great While Kitchen. It can be quickly served for any meal at any time! It is pleas ing, not over-flavored and has that satisfying taste. ' Try it LiliSsy. McNeill LttSy, Chicags. A 11 -7. .l: -.- ! of ire vne truiy oeneftcipi laxo. remedy, Oyrup'of ligs and Duiror S which pnnhlpft nriphi :3 The Family Melon Patch. Many who pride themselves on a good garden and are fond of melons never attempt to grow them. "Cncnpor to buy at 25 cents each?" Mayo for the first two or three, but If you would like or dozen or two, enough that If company comes unexpectedly and there is no dessert' for dinner, the melons can richly replace the pastry that Is a different matter. . Despite theories to the contrary,' mel ons are as easily grown as cucumbers and there are a number of varieties which will mature unless the summer Is unusually short A rich, light soil, sloping toward the east , or south and well fertilized In the hill, will bring the luscious fruit. If there Is danger from dry weather fill an old pall or oyster can (first per forating the bottom with nail holes) with stable manure or poultry drip pings, sink it partly in the ground and keep It moistened. This will not only furnish moisture but food. The reser voir being below the surface will tempt the roots to grow down instead of seek ing the surface, as when water comes from ;re hose in only small quantities, and ttey will be less susceptible to drouth. If the plants go to vines nip off the ends, but do not try to heck vigorous growth by starvation. The Rocky Ford is one of the best early muskmelons and one of the easiest to grow, bearing In profusion. The Indiana Sweetheart Is a favor ite watermelon, ripening early and of excellent quality. Cnta Oat the Undesirable Seed. The real up-to-date farmer, following the most scientific methods In the op eration of his ground, Is taught to make use of the se lected material only In order that the species may be con stantly Improved, following the law of the survival of the fittest For In stance, in' the selec- i-OR seed cobn. tion of the seed to be placed lu the ground, he Is not con tent merely to secure the best species, but wherever possible he will go care fully over the i3eed and pick out only the largest specimens to be placed in the ground. In this manner the pro duct Is generally of a much higher standard. It Is difficult to carry out this selective scheme in the case of corn and similar seeds which are made use of In great quantities. In the case of corn, however, the small kernels are generally at the tip of the ears, and In order to get rid of these undesirable pieces a corn-tipper has been invented. The devlep aeems to have been sug gested by the familiar pencll-shappener. It Is operated by a small crank, and has a cone with a tooth Interior. The tip of the corn ear being placed In this revolving cup, all the small seed are cut off, leaving only the full-sized ker nels on the ear. Leg Weakne. Leg weakness is due to chicks be coming heavy rapidly, so that the weight of their body' is too much for their legs. This Is not always an alarm ing condition, for It denotes that the chicks are growing fast, and If careful ly guarded and fed properly they will pull through all right The cause arises from heavy feeding and forcing, which carries the chicks forward so rapidly as to cause the legs to fail. Change the food to a light diet of veg etables and feed bone meal in the food. They should also be well protected against the dampness, and the difficul ty will soon pass awray. Leg weakness is nearly always due to rapid growth of the body or from lack of "uniformity of heat in brooders, If the chicks are small enough to be kept In a brooder. Crowd ing and pressing together to keep warm at night is a main cause of little chicks having leg weakness. No great alarm need be entertained unless the trouble continues for too long a time, but change the food and keep the birds 4ry. Utilizing Waate Timber. The wood chemistry section of the Forestry Bureau has been giving some attention to the subject of production of turpentine from yellow pine waste. It Is stated that for the recovery of turpentine from waste wood the steam distillation . process Is far superior to destructive distillation, making a more uniform crude turpentine, and usually a higher grade refined product The wastage from the yellow pine cut each year would yield as much turpentine as the entire oresent annual output In this country, with a value of $14,000,- 000. At the present rate of cutting the supply of long-leaf yellow pine In the South will be practically exhausted In twenty years, but that the methods of exploitation now In use convert only about half the tree Into market pro duct DM I Feeding Com oi Gnu. Professors Stewart" and At wood, of the West Virginia Experiment Station, last year conducted some careful tests to determine whether it. is profitable to feed milk cows grain on grass. With out going into the details of these ex periments we quote the conclusions as follows: "This experiment clearly shows that there was no direct financial gain In feeding the grain to the cows while at pasture. It is true that the cows which received grain were uniformly in somewhat better flesh than those that did not receive grain, but as far as the milk yield was concerned the Increased flow was produced at an ac tual loss." Data obtained In similar experiments at other stations are sum marized, and from these in -comparison with their own investigations the au thors conclude "that unless dairy prod ucts are especially high in price It is not a profitable practice to feed grain to cows at pasture. It Is true that more milk. Is obtained and the cows hold up their yield better and remain In better flesh when receiving the grain rations, but under ordinary circumstances ther Is no direct profit from the grain feed ing, as the increased production usual ly costs more than it can be sold for." Hog that Make Bleat. The hog raisers of Kansas station made a test to show what kind of a hog grows the best me?t. The weights of bams In the test were as follows : Berkshire bams, : 23 pounds ; Du-roc-Jersey, 24 pounds; Poland Chinas, 25 pounds. These hogs in size were as near the same weight as possible to get them. The shoulders of the Berkshires weighed 21 pounds; Duroc-Jerseys, 19 pounds and Poland-Chinas, 19 pounds. The Berkshires have larger shoulders than the other breeds. The butcher who saw the hog slaughtered thought the Duroc-Jersey had the most fat on the back ; the Poland-China next, then the Berkshire. The Berkshire ham showed more lean and less fat than the Poland-China. The butchers considered the breed of hogs that had the most fat the most profitable hog, both for the farmer and the butcher. Orchard Work. A good test of a man's Christianity is to examine his apple barrel frorr top to bottom. A man may be a good woodchopper, but that Is no sign that he knows how to prune trees. An ax and a saw In the bands of au Ignorant man cause more damage to the fruit crops of this land than all the birds that are hatched. Fruit sells best when properly grad ed. The best will bring a better price and the lower grades will generally bring as good, a price as the entire lot would If mixed. For summer pruning of trees the besx time is from the 15th of June to the 10th of July, Just When the sap Is run ning freely. When the tree is In leaf you can tell better what to cut out . Some people imagine that all that U necessary to have a good orchard ts to plant a variety of good trees and "let 'em rip." It generally takes years to discover their mistake, bui. they finally discover it Milk Cooler. This milk cooler is arranged so that the milk flows In a thin sheet over the outside. Cold water enters at the bot tom. Bacteria la Cold Milk. M. E. Pennington of the Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, reports that experiments on milk kept at about the freezing point showed a continuous Increase of organisms for five or six weeks. At their maximum they numbered hundreds of millions per cubic centimeter, and occasionally they passed the billion mark. Although the milk experimented with was never solidly frozen, yet after ten days to two weeks It was a mass of small Ice crystals. No odor or taste Indicated the higher bacterial content, and evec on heating no curd was produced until the very end of the experiment Bora the Praalage. Never allow old wood of raspberries or blackberries to He around. Burn every bit of It When the oew wood Is 18 Inches high, pinch off to allow lateral growth In the raspberries, but let the blackberries grow to 8 feet be fore doing this. Troea la Feae Ctrim. The few scattering trees in the fence corners are frequently veritable breed ing places for Insect pests. They should be given Just as much attention as tht trees In the orchard. 11 .. v3fcgfe-t SO HE THING FOE EVERYBODY Canton. has fewer than 500 foreign residents. Trained falcons to carry dispatches In time of war have been tested in the Russian army. Their speed is four times as great as that of carrier pig eons. . If the real estate of Manhattan Island were divided equally between its inhabitants each Individual would own $2,020 worth, according to the as sessed value. Prof. Carl von Noorden, addressing a number of prominent scientists at Vienna on the subject of "Food and Nourishment," declared that the reason so many men begin to get fat immedi ately after they have married Is be cause their wives give them their favor ite dishes on every possible occasion. Tjondon Standard. "Vegetable milk" is used In Japan. It Is made from the soja bean. The liquid is exactly like cow's milk in ap pearance, and In taste can hardly be distinguished from it To make It the beans are first soaked and then boiled in water. Some sugar and phosphate of potassium are added, and it is boiled down till it has the consistency of con densed milk. , Alfalfa was first brought to Kansas by the late Harrison Parkman, of Em poria. Mr. Parkman first saw alfalfa growing In Chile. He brought the seed to America, and in the late seventies he went to Emporia to live. lie sowed alfalfa in a farm which he bought and the plant prospered. It was slow in gaining popularity In Kansas, but is now one of the State's most Important forage crops. In New Zealand everybody is bound by law to take a weekly half-holiday, and there must be no shirking the obli gation. The Grand Hotel, Auckland, was recently crowded with guests, and several waiters, Instead of obeying the law and taking their prescribed weekly half-holiday, remained at work on the promise of extra pay. But the authori ties came to hear of It and the proprie tor of the hotel had to appear In court, where he was convicted and punished. The death of Gen. Stephen D. - Lee leaves only two surviving lieutenant generals of the Confederate army. They are Gen. A. P. Stewart, ranking lieutenant-general of the Confederacy, of BIloxl, Miss., and Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, of Kentucky. General Stew art celebrated his elghty-Bixth birthday anniversary on October 7 last. Gen eral Buckner was a candidate for Vice President on the National Democratic ticket with Palmer In 1890. He was ?ighty-flve on April 1 last. The German Emperor has a well equipped pottery which brings him In $50,000 a year. The King of Wurtem berg owns two large hotels which yield him a yearly Income of some $40,000. The King of Saxony owns the famous porcelain factory at Meissen, and the Regent of Llppe Detmold runs a large model farm from which he sells butter and milk and eggs. The King of Servla is said to own a barber shop and an apothecary shop, in addition to which beholds an agency for mtotor cars. I once had a cat that did a rather remarkable ratting feat. He stalked two young rats on the eaves of a low flat stable roof, and caught one in the usual way. The other Jumped on to an elderberry tree just below. Bob, how ever, not satisfied with the one, grasped it firmly in his mouth, and then Jumped headlong for the other. Either he was very lucky or extraordinary agile, for he fell to the ground with one- rat still In his mouth and the other in his paws, and promptly killed them both. The Scotsman. A strange story comes from one oi the Balkan states, where commercial morality is still In its Infancy. At a recent banquet given at the house of the prime minister a distinguished dip lomat 'complained to his host that the Minister of Justice, next to whom he was sitting, had taken bis. watch. The prime minister said : "Ah, he shouldn't have done that I will get it back for you." Sure enough, toward the end of the evening the watch was returned to its owner. "And what did he say?" asked the guest "Sh-hl He does not know I have got it back," said the prime minister. Philadelphia Record "Instances of desertion from the arm) in Mexico are very rare and for the best of reasons," said Senor Jose de Mlrialdez, of Nueva Leon. 'The reason lies In the almost sure capture of the fugitive and the certainty that he will get not one but numerous floggings on bis bare back. These lashings are done In the presence of the comrades of the deserter, and when the men see how great Is the suffering of the miserable wretch who tried in vain to quit his military obligations, they are forced to conclude that It Is better to stick to the army than undergo such a terrible ordeal I" Baltimore American. The passenger traffic through tb Slmplon tunnel has fluctuated greatly and was largest in August 1906, the third month of its operation. In that month 42,622 passengers were carried through the tunnel. The number fell to 14,645 la November of that year, and to 10,108 in the following January. The largest number in any month since has been 34,500. The freight traffic baa grown rapidly, but Is still small. The largest. In 1906, was 6,659 tons In Oc tober. For the first five months of 1907 it was about 44,000. swelled by a block ade of the Mont Cenls route. In the vm lbs oM taxalugg were 190,. 0w No old sore can heal until the cause which produces it has been removed External applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc., may reduce the inflam mation and assist in keeping the place clean, but cannot cure the trouble because they do not reach its source. Old sores exist because the blood 13 Ljnfected with Impurities and poisons into the place. The nerves, tissues and fibres of the flesh are kept in a state of irritation and disease by being daily fed with the germ-laden matter through the circulation, making it impossible for the sore to heal. S. S. S. cures chronic sores by its purifying action on the blood. It goes down into the circulation, and removes the poison-producing germs, impurities and morbid matters which are responsible for the failure of the place to heal. S. S. S. makes the blood pure, fresh and healthy; then as new, rich blood is carried to the spot .the healing process begins, all discharge ceases, ths inflammation leaves, new tissue begins to form, the place fills in with firm, healthy flesh, and soon the sore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, the safest and best blood For Baby's Bathi for Baby's Mouth Wash, Sterilizing tha Sample Borax. Booklet and Lace Centerpiece design, ' Local Auenta wanted. WHEN YOU GGME TO PORTLAND ARRANGE TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS PARK AND ALDER STS. A Now and Modern European Hotel, catering particularly to State people. A refined place for ladies visiting the city, close to the shopping center. Kates reasonable. Free Bus. N. CLARKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr. Soap has been known to the world for 3.000 yen rs. ' Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslows Boothln Byrup the begt remedy to use lot their ck'ldr u luring the teothiug period. The smallest hone in the human body Is contained in tlv drum of the ear. CITQ pt- Vitus' Dance and all Nervons Sbwes II I O permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Unut erve Restorer, riend for HIKE I erve Restorer, rienu tor taKK fZtrlal bottle and treatise, nr. u, u.iviinc,ixi..u atou tu,ruua.,i'a. Glass bathtubs are coming into general use in Germany. Shake into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Mnkea new shoes easy. Sold, by all Druggist and Shoe Stores. Don t accept Bny substitute, sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Anybody's Darling. Male Voice nllello 1 . - Female Voice Hello ! 1 "Is this you, darling?" ' "Yes; who are you?" Yonkers States man. 1 , ' ... Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as thev cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by nil In flamed condition of the mucous lining of t lie I eustachian l une. When this tube is ltillanien you have a rumbling sound or imperDct hear ing, a id when it is entirely closed. Deafnefs is the resu!t, and unless the inflammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its normal ; taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed, forever; nine canes uuiui ten are causcu vy vaiui m, which Is nothiliff but an Inflamed Condition oi the mucous surfaces. We will give One 'Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bycatnrrh) that c m - not be curea by Han s catarrn ;ure. oena ioi circulars, free l1. J. CH i'.Kl iSi CO., loieuo, u. Pold bv Druggists. 7fc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Purely a Matter f Choice. "Do I have to pay this bill for gas that I never used?" "Not unless you choose. There is no compulsion about it. We merely shut off your gas if you don't pay it." Chicago Tribune. rsswtrtf'i Wllill ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegeloblePrepantllonluT slrailaliiKj iheFoodantlllcgula tingite Stomachs aaiBowclsof imnmm Promotes DislionJChe erful ncss and Restrontalns neittwr Opium .Morphine norMiuEraLi OT NARCOTIC. AcfairoMikSMurmwt JUSama Ack-tlt&ttt- ' lUCmhaakUk UtrrfK Suq Amrt Apa-fect Remedy forConsupa tlon , Sour Storrh.Dlarrtaa 3 2 -3PK Worms fonvulstons jevcrisn ncss andLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signatore of NEW YORK. a-...- Exact Copy of Wrapper. ilULE TEMM BO CURES o OLD SORES which are constantly being discharged purifier for young or old. Book on THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. RAX Clothesi for an Eye Wash. Bottle, Washing Napkins. 10c, of Pacilic Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal. riie tor n onejr making pliiu. HOWAUT) K. BtTRTON-.-Assayef ' Ijeuilvllle. Colorado, f-pociiiicn prli rices; (J old. Silver, Is-ad, f 1 ; tiold, Sliver, 7m-; okl, 60c; Zlneot .Copper, il. Cyanide tests. M.iillng envelope, n4 full price list sent ou application. Control and Unv nlre work solicited. luicreucel Carbonate Map Uuiial liauk. dofltroya all the flies and afford comfort toevary homo in diniaf room, sleeping room and every pince whore flies are troubluoma. Clcnn, neat ane will not soli oi Try thorn once and yon will never be without Uwii injure anytnine. U not Kep by aon-ors, sent prepaid for 2Uo. HAROLD SOMERB, U SaKolB Ave., Brooklyn, I. T. "TITE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Better each rear, and lamer. W nm have two floors 65 x 100 feet. Thorough work tells the storv. It counts in Hie bj j;tfAjw , .1,;. spect. Get our catalogue, peuwork, etc., 1mW vnrcpir . . 0ih i j--t j A. P. ARMSTRONG, IX. B., Principal Tenth and Morrlsoa Portland, Oreaoi. C. Gee Wo The well known reliable CHINESE Root and Herb narTnD 1 V V I f 11 t , xi hi, mane jjj f root, and ! study diHot Vlvfct '? l the Has mode a life study o iKuovered and la glut v i ... I n tnas n'IS 'iytrf Inn 10 the world his wondei V.UaU'Wu l'ul roa'udltiH.- i No Mercury, Poisons or Druts Used He Cures ! Without Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knits - lie Kunrantees to uurn I'uiiiiTn, Ascnnio. i.una, rhroat. Ithoumntlsm, Nervnimnowi. Nervous Debility. De lu. j t'' I 'ou"'le Mi"H!,Jnl'r''" j A SURE CANCLR CURE ( just Received from Peking, China Safe, Sura and Reliable. IF Y0TI ARE AFMOTKR DON'T DELAY. DELAYS AUK DANOISltOUS. CONSULTATION FWUB (f you cannot oall, wrltoforsympton h 1 link and oine, lar. IucIoho 4 cents in ntnmp. THE (1. UKB WO CHINHHEIIKDICINEOO. .. 62 1-2 First St. , Cor. M orriwii, Portland, Oragoa, , Ploase Mention This 1'nner. P N U No. 30-08 w HKN writing to al vortlaerf pleiti mention tutu pnpr. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . amre Af of ii! Use For Over Thirty Years KTtf! ESSS Sign a i w ft iF