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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1908)
'T"rf 51 Si This Edition con tains Six Pages Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XX. ATIIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21, 1908. NUMBER 34 TP" THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and .Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Floor is made in Atheua, by Atbeua labor, iu tbe latest and best equipped miU in the west, of tbe best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry.. Your grooer sells American Beauty for i$1.30 Per Sack, j : Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. ..." 1 :i rtirtfW- , MAKE YOUR OWW STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt. Proper dose in tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Horns, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the condensed essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just as good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Louse Powder, Spavin, Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated; Capital Stock $300,000.00; WatertOWn, South Dakota, U. S. A. - Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons. , : ' n i i ' isr. PR0DL1YERY WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT The Freshest and most Choice the Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here &J nrn'r tt-i AiriTTrm n caterers to the PtiRLTn tn m r fj UtlhU UttUl tlfillO, GOOD THINGS TO EAT Milling Company BEAUTY Waitsburg, Wash. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET STONE & BODDY, Prop's The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry. . B. J. BODDY WHOLESALE BOTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price rAB FOR Convention of Road Makers at Port- land Decide to Make Active Campaign at Once. Antioipation fell short of tbe aotaal attendance and suooess of tbe Oregon Good Roads Conference held at Portland last week. From every oor uer of tbe State went men bavins tbe vital interests of Oregou at heart. It was decided to immediately undertake tbe raising of 1 10,000 for an intensely active campaign. Judge Lionel R Webster, of Multnomah county, and Judge John H. Scott, of Marion coun ty, will lead in this work, devoting tbeir entire time to it. Eastern Oregon counties were well represented at the oonfereuoe. C. A. Barrett of this oity, County Judge Gilliland and Commissioner Walker attended from Umatilla county. Committees were appointed to carry on tee work of further organization thioughout tbe state and for tbe pur poso of conferring with members of tbe legislature with tbe view of having a bill drafted and passed at the coming session. ONLY TWMMRS PASS Legal Question Involved, Which Caus ed Three Failures. As a reward for two days faithful application to tbe problems propounded to them by tbe board of examiners, 20, or exactly two-thirds of the entire 30 taking the examination for couuty certificates, held at tbe county court house last week, passed and were re warded with diplomas, says tbe Pen dleton Tribune. Iu discussing the results of the exam inations yesterday afteruoon, Super intendent Frank K. Welles said: "There was a legal question involved which, being misunderstood, resulted in three of the leachers failing who might otherwise have passed success fully There is a law wbioh provides that teachers passing two or more ex aminations with a grade of 85 per cent, or above, shall be exempt from further examinations in that subject or sub jects. Now this law applies only to applicants for first grade certificates. But eevetal of the teachers who were, trying for second and third grade pa pers misunderstood this law and took the exemptions until it was too late to reotify it. "We wired to Salem last night con cerning the law and tbe answer con firmed the interpretation wbioh we placed upon it. It may be that those teachers, failing beoause of tbe misin terpretation of the law, which seems to be quite generally misundersood, may be granted temporary permits, provided they have not previouly held two permits in this county. "Another new law whiob caused tbe failure of some of the applicants for first grade papers was the requirement that they be examined in two addi tional subjeots, English literature and pbysioal geography. I have conduct ed two examinations since that law went into effect and it has caused a number of failures eaoh time." Mrs. Hugh Young Dies. Walla Walla Bulletin: Word was received today that Mrs. Hugh S. Young, a former resident of Walla Walla, died in Portland this morning. Mrs. Young lived fifteen years in Walla Walla, removing to Portland about three years ago. She is eurvived by her husband, two sons and one daughter. Harmony Club. The club met with MisS Elliot Tues day evening. Katbrine Froorue opened tbe program with tbe charming little solo "Dance of the Rose Buds" next was Gladys Smith a "Rondo." Hazel Parker gave "Under the Willows." POHNE MAIN 83 Market affords in 4111611 UrGgOIl $ "Song of tbe Sea Shell" was well ren dered by Ferol MoBride, several seleo ioos were given by Miss Elliott. The rest of the evening was spent in chorus singing. Misses Jarman, (Gross and Mr. Kidder have returned fiom tbeir summer outing and were welcomed back to tbe club. The club will meet next Tuesday evening with Miss Dan-ner. War on Sick Cows. Plans for ridding tbe state of Min nesota of tuberoular cattle are under discussion- at a oonfereuoe of oattle treeders, dairymen and health officials. Dr. a. a. Ward, seoretary of the live stock board, estimates that it will cost $1,000,000 a year to rid the Btate of tuberoular nattle. Proposals have been made to prevent the evil effects of tuberculosis in milk by having all creameries pasteurize milk and cream which goes into the butter they make. Ihe skimmed milk fed to hogs is past eurized if'it passed through a creamery and it is proposed to take as good care of tbe babies as of the pigs. Walla Walla is Sued. Asking that $25,000 damages be rendered, and that tbe oity be onjoined from using the waters of Mill creek, tbe Blalock Fruit company yesterday afternoon began suit in tbe superior court against tbe city of Walla Walla, says tbe Statesman. The plaintiffs al lege that tbey have been damaged $10,000 this year from lack of water for irrigation purposes, alike amount last year, and $5000 in other ways. Further, they ask that the oity be enjoined from using tbe waters of the creek through tbe new pipe line or in any other manner. The Best of All. Arthur Davis, chief engineer of tbe reclamation service, says iu a state ment authorized for publication : "The Umatilla projeot is. in my es timation, the best irrigatiou scheme iu America. .There is no question of tbe ultimate result. This little valley has the conditions of climate, water supply, sunshine and soil which will mefte it without peer among tbe irri gated distriots of Amenoa. We hesi tate to conTjpare other projects with it." A6000 FLOUR ADVERTISEMENT Record Flour Making Test Receives Press Recognition : Perhaps the greatest Milling adver tisement of the year is now coming to tho Preston-Parton Milling company of this oity and Waits burg. Mention of a record-breaking flour making test at the Waitsburg mill was made in tbe Press at the time. Since then nowspapers aud magazines the country over bave written columns of infor mation regarding the' extraordinary milling teat. Under the beading "Tbe Tragedy of Wheat," one news paper says: From waving grain nodding iu tbe morniug sun, through header aud thresher, over two miles ot rough roadway in an automobile, through a modern flouring mill, made into flour transformed into biscuit, fully cooked, and eaten ty no less than a dozen men in tbe short space of 22 minute, is tbe worlds' record for the manufactur ing of flour from wbeat, and it re mained for tbe little town of Waits- kburg to perform tbe feat. Tbe story seems impossible of fulfilment, but halt a hundred mon witnessed tbe per formance and tbe camera has told the story iu no unoertain terms. Here is tbe record: Time. Ripe grain stuL-diug iu tbe field 0:03 Header starts cutting - 9:04 Grain reaches thresher - 9:08 Four saoks grain threshed aud sewed - - - - 9:11 Automobile reaches mill, 2 miles 9:14 First flour appears-at pflfk"' - iH'1 fJteenJaafiujRplaoed in oven - 9:2 JJ Two saoks of out packPd aucraii livered " -.- JM 9:2U Biscuits oobked aud eaten Total time consumed in minutes. , , , , , r rn process, 22. liuiuteeperg R. H. Ormsbee, at torney; E. L. Wheeler, editor; Piatt P, Morrow, merchant. Test witnessed by Mayor R. M. Breeze and 50 citizens of Waitsburg, Wash. New Company Started. Tbe Wenaba Water and Power com pany filed articles of incorporation with tbe county clerk Monday to oper ate and do business in this couuty, with headquarters in Pendleton. Tbe iucorporators were: J. A. Borie, T. J. Morris and Frank Rogers. Short on School Teachers. There is a dearth of teachers in Gil liam couuty and some of the best school districts have not as yet been provided with instructors fot tbe coming school year. In Condon all tbe teaobers have been chosen and so far but one resig nation has been filed. Now In La Grande. ' Mr. sod Mrs. Hardy Mansfield bave moved from Joseph, Wallowa county, to La Grande, where they will make tbeir home. Mr. Mansfield is one of Wallowa Couuty 'a leading ttOtkmeu. SEPERATOR E! II RUED Smut Causes Explosion and Hodgens Machine Goes Up In Flames No Grain Loss. The Lando Hodgen's separator . was destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon in Donald McDonald's wheat field, as the result of smut explosion. Iherewere two distinct explosions, and the sepa rator tender, a man named Sutton, who was on top of the maobine had a nar row escape. After tbe first explosion, be ran along the top of tbe maobine, and bad just crossed one of tbe lids when tbe macbiue burst iuto a sheet of flame and tbe second explosion sent the lid skywaid. Sutton was severely burned about the faoe. The separator was totally destroyed together with the derrick table. Mr Hodgens bad $1000 insurance on the maobine. By heroio endeavor the crew prevented fire spreading to tbe grain field. Only about SO sacks of wheat bad been (bresbed and these were saved. Smut has caused considerable dam age to machinery in this aud Walla Walla counties this season, but this is the fii-st machine to be destroyed iu this vioinity during this harvest. GETS RESTRAINING ORDER Old Fight Between Oregon and Wash ington Sheepmen Renewed. A temporary restraining order has been issued by Judge Gillilaud of Pen dleton, holding up tbe order to Wash ington sheep men to dip their shoen. Attorney H. C. Brysou secured the order Saturday iu Pendleton, and a bond of $10,000 was deposited by Mr. Brysou, says the Walla Walla Bulletin. bis is another ctep in the fight be tween tbe sheep meu of Oregou and Washington. Oregon has been work ing for years to keep Washington sboep men from usirg the Wenana reserve for grazing purposes, aud at lust the session of the legislature succeeded in getting through a bill providing con ditions under which Washington sheep would be allowed to graze iu Oregon. 'Among these provisions was a olause regarding tbe dipping of sheep, wbioh, if complied with, would make it prao tically impossible for Washington men to graze tbeir herds in the Weuaba reserve. The matter has been fought in several courts, and in praotioally every instance resulted fu a victory for the Washington sheep men. The Into controversy was instigated when Washington, D. O., oflloiars re fused to honor au order of Forester J. M. Sobmitz, prohibiting the dipping of sheep on tbe reserve. Mr. Sobmitz claimed that water was low on tbe re serve, and as tbe dipping of sheep would neoeesarily pollute a large quantity of water, be ordered the sbeep taken off tbe roserve to be dipped. As it was impossible to do this without entailing a great expense, tbe Wash ington ebeop men allowed tbeir Hooka to roraain without dipping. But Inspector Lytlo of Pendietougot wind of the proceeding, and immedi ately stirred up trouble. As a result Attorney Brysou has secured the re straining order, and Washington men will not bave to din their sbemi nulil the oase has teen beard upon the re turn of Judge Aiean to Pendleton. VOLLMER FOR REPRESENTATIVE Would Assist In Making Laws Eor Washington State. Waitsburg limes: Gustav Vollmer of Ibis city Monday filed bis declara tion of candidacy for tbe position of representative from tbe Thirteenth Legislative Distriot. Mr. Vollmer consented to allow bis name to he filed only after tbe earnest solicitation by a large circle of his friends, iu both parties. Mr. Vollmer is eminently qualified to represent this district in tbe state legislature. He has beeri a resident of Umatilla County, Orogon .-b is just across the stuto line aud if Walla Walla couuty, for the past 88 years. Ho is auioug our most prominent and successful farmers level-headed and full ot hard commonsense. He was a representative to tbe re cent Republioan State conveution and be stands squarely upon tbe Republi can State Platform. X Will Be Hardware Dealer. X. M. Sbick and family are down from Colville, Wash., on a visit to Atbena friends and relatives. Vick has prospered in tbe Colville country and recently sold his farm at an ad vance of $2,000. He will engage in the hardware business at Eddy, Wash. , Great Canvas Hotel. The strangest and perhaps tbe large eat hotel in tbe world is built of canvas and is part of tho equipment of the Barnum aud Bailey greatest bow on earth. The 1,500 employes of tbe cir cus cat three meals a day Intra. At one breakfast it is not unusual to bake 6,000 pancakes, while 150 gallons of coffee, 600 pounds of pork obops, 125 pounds of butter, 25 gallons of milk aud 15 bushels of potatoes are con sumed at the same meal. The kitchen is fitted with all tbe appliances of a modern hotel. Sheriff Gets Man. Sheriff Taylor returned to Pendleton from Nampa, Idaho, Saturday night, having in custody Asa Van Winkle, the young man who forged checks amouuting to $93 in Pilot Rock, that he might indulge in a game of poker. Young Van Winkle turned his horse loose near Auburn, Baker County, and this gave tbe officers a clue to tbe di rection he took in making his escape from tbe country. SAFE BLOWERS AT WALLULA Robbers Got But Six Dollars From the Postoffice. Shattering the safe to tiny bits by au overcharge of nitro-glyoerine at the Wallula postoffioe Monday" morning, robbers seonred $6 in cash and over looked $90 in a saok, whioh was covet ed up by the debris. Stamps whioh were in tbe safe were not taken by the robbers, who were evidently novices, fioin the way tbey tore things up.arouud tbe postoffioe. The safe-blowing is believed to have occurred between 4 and 7 o'clock Mon day morniug. Deputy Sheriff Cum mins was down town till 4 o'clock and came down again at 7 when the crime was discovered by tbe postmaster. The safe was one of the old kind wbioh has considerable plaster of paris oeiweeu tue walls. Tbe explosion piled the debris in little henna nnrl nn- der one of these was fouud tbe sack with the $90, undisturbed ty tbe rob bers. People living several blocks away beard tbe noise of tbe explosion, but thought it was a gun or revolver shot. The bartender iu Sam Ash's saloon stated that he beard nothing that souuded like au explosion and the sa loon building is Dot over 150 feet from the postoffioe. The postal inspectors bave been no tified. Oriental Fruit Market. There appears fo be a good chance f3r Oregou exporters of apples and prunes in tbe orient this vear. induinur. from a letter which has been reoelved by the seoretary of tbe Portland cham ber of commerce from a firm in Shang hai. This firm savs that it is inter ested iu tbe handling of fresh apples, cured prunes, onions in orates, etc., during tbo months from Seutembnr to February, aud wishes to got in touoh with Oregou growers and exporters of these? produots. The orient is still virtually an untouched field in thia line, but it may turn out to be a pro fitable ODe for Oregon fruit meu. A Boone to the Science of Osteopathy. Mr. L. R. Roed of Briccson suffered a paralytic stroke lust Friday morning, bis right side including bis vooal or gans was affeoted. Friday nicht thnv oalled Dr. Heisiey who worked with mm and uy morning he was able to walk. In order to reuoive trnntmnnt qoito often as bis oase demanded, be was tnueu to (be not el at Westen, where Dr. Heisiey has a branch nfltan. Tuesday be returned home happy to ininu tie ooold walk and talk almost as well as before tbe stroke. A $50,000 Fire. Fire wbioh started in tho (jnldmi Rule Hotel barn at Pendleton, earlv Thursday morniug, caused ruin to a nan nioca uuil nroncvty loss exceeding $50,000. Tbe flno Christian church was in tbe path of tbo flames aud was totally destroyed. R. II. WilnnT & Co., implemeut dealers sustained a Iohh of $25,000. The Golden Rule hotel aud surrouuding buildings were dam aged to some extent. Joe McCabe Coming Back. The latest lHSim nf Turn Ricnra Tribuno publishes an extended artiole whiob is so ruinate iu detail that it seems founded on facts, regarding iiu pioveraeuts oonteinpKted by tbe North ern ruouio lu tiiat rwgiou. In view of LIih fact Hint .It, Mff'ulifl id ulofo.l tn retuiu uuri take ctrnVo of ihe Northern l'ucino s branch line as general man acer. nndnndr thatx will Im nnninthiiiiT doing before snow llios. I v. A utviiaacu l ine A at 111. w f Wm. MoBride, tbe retired druggist, this week puro based the IGO-acro farm owned ty Frank Uagnon, on tbe reser vation, southwest of Atbeua. This is cue of tho best farms on tbe reserva tion. Tbe land is iu a high state of cultivation and much of it is adapted to growing alfalfa. Mr. MoBride paid $14,500 a little more tban $90 per acre. Fair Program. Tbe following program has been formulated for tbe Morrow-Umatilla county air, wiiob will be held at feu dal ton September 23 to October 3: Mouduy will e District day; Tuesday, Pioneer da,, ; Wednesday, Political day; Thursday, Oregon day; Friday, ducatiouul day; Saturday, Children's day. 1 ... 1 i j IS J JL