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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1908)
the Press Paragraphs Millard Kelly was in Pendleton Wed nesday. Miss Eva fiider Visited in Pen diet oo Wednesday. , - ; r Wm. Pinker ton bad business in Pen dleton Monday. K. J. Boddy is reported ill at his borne near town ' J. H. Ridenoor spent Sunday in tbis oity from Weston. Mrs. Harry McBride visited friends' in Adams-yesterday. - . Ben Ogle- transacted business It ooauty seat,' Tuesday.'" Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Moluryrewere in PeudWtofr Monday.-1 - J- - . Harvey Oatoo-bad business t 'the county seat yesterday- - , Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bell 'spent wennesday in Pendleton. - - - Born, to Mtfand Mrd! M. I AkersV August 23. 1908, a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Tolon, August 23, 1908, a daughter. . ' Clifford Stone returned Wednesday from a short Tislt to Portland."' Mrs. E. M.-Smitb is recovering from a severe attack of quinsy. ., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sbmitt will spend the winter in California. Charley Nelson was up Wednesday1 from the farm sear Pendleton. 1 Mrs.' J. W.' Stamper accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Bush, is visiting relatives in Athena. Mise Hope MoPbereh "was visitor this week at the home of Mr.- and Mrs. Otis Whiteman west of town. Attorney Psterson was in town yes terday on business connected with tbe law firm .of Peterson & Wilson. Mrs. Almo Chamberlain, of Trout dale, is visiting her sister Mrs.' Keller, at the letter's home west of town. . A marriage license has been issued to Setb Sommerville and Miss Mae Hart, residents of Weston Mountain:' Mrs. Tbeo.' Danner and Mrs. ' Wall are in Freewater tbis week, guests at the home f their brother, Mr. Mnir. George Kinnear a well known yonng man of Weston, fell from his horse Wednesday, "and sustained - broken arm. , " D. C Sanderson" of the" f reewater Times', passed througb-Monday for the county seat, where be transacted busi ness:'"' - .: :.t- ;.: "S&dr. and Mrs! Edward Koontz went uvur iu jua varauuo iasc evening, wnere they will spend a Week visiting rela tives. 1 The families of W. R. Taylor and E. A. Dudley are enjoying the -pleas ures of Wenaba springs bathing tbis week. ' Miss -Jackson returned last week from Spokane with the first install ment of tbe Jones & Jackson fall mill- Jnery; dt. Joseph Baddoley, tbe veterinary Lee Kirk left for tbe east the first otf g00 W"i ito Permann.tly at the week, where he will visit friends. MrsV? Jesse Safing visited ber'parente, Mr. and Mrs.' A L. Jones, i here Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Brad leyi at Pendleton, August 26, 1908, i daughter. , ii - .'. Mrs. O. W. 'Bf Zerba and daughter,' Miss iilzzle, were Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Mrs. N. Diokensou left Wednesday for Camas Prairie, where she will visit friends. , , Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barnett returned Wednesday from a visit with Walla ,' Walla friends. i . . f(, ; . - .. Mr. and Mrs.L Hislop, who live ' on the Shmitt farm are visiting in Walla Walla tbis week. Clyde Willaby and family left this week for Auburn, Wash., where Mr. Willaby will engage in tbe barber business. - VEmerv Aohilles baa taken an an. ik pteriticestiip ib Johnson's blacksmith sbdp; ' He oommenced work yesterday morning. S. Le Grow return - short visit with Mr. and Mrs. V. ed Tuesday from friends in Seattle. ' Born, at their home in Weston August 2a, 1908 to Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kemp, a daughter. .' orri.'vin.fjos Angeles, Cailf..1 -August 23, 1908, to Mr. and Mis. V. E. Hoven,' a1 daughter."' b&lrover Bowles, one of Fay LeGrow's range riders, came down from tbe hills for a few days' rest."' Mr. and tMrs; VH". I O. Worthihgtori have returned from their summer out iDg at Saling's camp. Mr and'Mrs' HenVy-Dell "audi Mr1 and Mrs. Edward Koontz took a trip to tbe mountains Sunday. Mrs. Bowles, of Weston, was a visi tor in Athena Wednesday night, going on to Pendleton yesterday. Boise City, Idaho, to praotioe his fession. . pro- i jXMr Warren Raymond of Walla r Walla is tbe guest of her father, Rott. Coppook, and other relatives in Athena this week. . G. A. MoQrew, a well known resi dent of Weston neighborhood has been taken to a Walla Walla hospital for treatment , . '; Charles Barrow, salesman and bnyer for the Mosgrove Mercantile Company, reoently returned from a business trip to Portland. " ARem ember the harvest ball at tbe 'Athena Opera honse, this evening. Johnson's orohestra has been engaged to furnish the music r, Mrs.' Hurt and children came ' down from the MoDougal mountain oamp Sunday, ; after spending a couple of weeks in outdoor life. - Mr. Walter Preston, Mr. Thomas Taggart," and Miss Alta Sharp, and Miss " Nellie Fosfl visited friends at Saling's oamp Sunday. Mrs. Sharp and daughters Carrie and - Katherine and Miss Velm a Wilk inson returned Tuesday from a week's outing at Saling's oamp. De Witt's Little Early Risers, safe, easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills. Sold by Palaoe Drug Co. Ends Saturday, August5 22 We cannot impress upon you oo strongly the necessity of yon making yonr borne furnishing purchases right now, during this great price reduc tion sale. This is one chance in a life time - - . to-SavcMoney In arranging this4 Bale our object was to raise money and with tbis in mind we out prioes unmercifully, y There are no proBts for us during tnis sal e but We Gain Our Point in raining ready cash for Fall purchases.- To buy now it means you save many dollars more than yoo ever had tbe opportunity of doing before, v All goods are marked in plain figures so that tbe oot-of-towo custo mers has tbe same chance as if he bonght in person. ' Write us today for sale prices on any goods yoo need. ' ' Remember we pay tbe freight on all purchases amounting to tlO.00 or over. ' . ' I Freight will . be prepaid on all purchases amounting to $10.00 or naver. You area loserlfjbu don't buy. The Davis-Kaser Company r , r9?mp.l';te.,Iome & House Furnishers Walla Walla, Washi - . . . , pasco Wash. as Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Killcorecame r . ... w-- aown from their mountain oamp Wed nesday evening. They spent the entire summer in tbe mountains. Mr. :T. J. Miller and family of Princeton, Ma are in Athena visiting relatives, ftir. Miller is a nephew of Wm. Killgor of tbis city. De Witt's Kidney and Baldder Pills will promptly relieve all Kidney and Bladder disorders. Sold and recom mended by Palaoe Drug Co. Attorneys. F. Wilson, "who went east reoently on lecal business, has been at his home in North Carolina, and will Teturn west in a few days. Charles Peterson, brother of Attor ney Will M. Peterson, will leave for his home in North Carolina, after spending several mouths in Umatilla county. . 1 , k VCharlij Dunnj an old ttmithen toy writes friends here "-that be is witnessing tbe sights at Coney IslandVi the place where "you get a run for-J youi,nioney.v .Mrs.'Irvine and son, of Portland, passed inrougn town : yesterday on their way home from a visit with her brother, Billy Williams, who resides on tbe mountain. .2 : ,.. : 1 am closing out my jewelry business and will leave Athena in a short time. Therefore' all knowing themselves to be indebted to me, will please call and settle at onoe. F. H. Ooolidge." Manrioa Hill , will leave soon for Lewiston, Idaho, where be will enter the high school. He will make his home with his nnole and annt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkyn, of that city. The pastorate of ' the ' Christian oburob in this oity remains vacant. However, the officers of the oburob have a pastor in view, and a oall for his services will be made in tbe near future. Mr. Lyio Howard and son, Frank, of Malheur, Ore., were in town tbis week, guests at the Mansfield home. The father is an old friend of the family, and with his son is seeking a business looation. , A. B. MoEwen and family returned from Toll Gate last evening. A great many people are leaving the moun tains, bnt many camps vet remain and eaoh morning finds the , tents covered with frost. .; . . Mr.'M. M. Johfts left Athena Wed-, hesday noon f via Walla Walla fojliii home, in Los Angeles.1 Mr. Johns' oad been in Athena for several weeks, at tending to the harvesting and sale of his wheat orop. . Willis Bush and daughter Gladys, name tip from'Pendleton Tuesday on a visit to Athena relatives. Miss Gladys, who is in poor health, will .spend he winter ""with her aunt Mrs. Hardy Mansfield, at La Grande. ' ' ! . The' Mosgrove1 Mercantile company have just received their new fall and winter , lines of ladles' dress goods; Tbe stock is complete in every detail and includes all tbe latest novelties in foreign and domestio weaves. f - The Ferris Carlisle Stock' Company I appeared in a repertoire of plays at the opera bouse Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this week. Tbe troupe played to good sized audiences each night and was. well received.;:- A partial failure of the apple crop Wild Horse orchards is reported. On the Mrs. Page plaoe south, where last year a large crop of choice fruit was gathered, only a small amount of apples are to be found tbis season. , Chicken dinner will be served next Sunday at the Sr.- Nichols hotel in Froome's own si yle. Everybody knows that means a feast of good things such as no other bonif ace can supply. Take your family and givejtbem a treat. Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Campbell, Mr. d Mrs. Rufus Campbell and Hank Caplinger returned from the : Toll Gate Wednesday. . In a day and a half the party picked 28 quarts of huckleberries north of the meadows. 1 ' Clint Thomas former proprietor of the "Corner" saloon, is making pre parations to start a bowling alley . in tbe "Horseshoe Club" saloon building. He wentjio Walla Walla yesterday to purchase the equipment for the alley. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas will leave next week lor Alberta, where they will reside in future. , They will be accom panied to Alberta by G. W. Gross, who will return borne in a few weeks. "Mrs. Lillie Miller has reoeived consignment of fall: millinery, goods and is now busily engaged in prepar ing for her first g rand? opening,' which will oocur on next week Friday and Saturday." A nice line of tbe latest styles to street hats will be on display. Say Mothers!' Don't yon want that little boy or'girl of yours to learn to sing or play a new piece of music? 1, we nave a large assortment, tne very thing for the little tots, at 10 cents. We also have music at tbe same price for your older children regardless of whether they have b. sen taking two years" lessons or whether -they have graduated from the ' conservatory. Come in and get a t'tiirty-two page catalogue free of oharga. Palace Drug Co. "Dr. J. D. Plamondon, Pres. Take Kodol whenever you feel that you need it. That is tbe -only time you need take KodoL ' Just w hen yon seed it; then yon will not be troubled with sour etomaob, belching, ga on tbe stomaob, etc Sold ty Palace Drug Company. ' She Liki Good Tilings. " ! Mrs. Chas. I E. ; Smith, of West Franklin, says; ""I like (rood things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because tby , ar good and do their work without making a fuss about it" 7'heee paielesg pcriSers cold at Palace Drug Co's. stc re. 25c That ue have all of os BFEN IN A TIGHT SQUEEZE AT SoflE "ONE eft MOTHER- BUT LITTLE. EEo0rtVAN& CARE ULL SAVE US UJIS of WORRy. BUVlfVG HU MS AT A PLACER VE W TOST5 txanorn CsrtmeMTH.fc tTn6uTcRnwc.o chicac", 4" Si ?6. WE CARRY THE WARNER COR.SET.S BECAUSE OUR PATRON J HAVE ToLD VS THAT -THEY NoT ONLY GIVE THEM A 600D YoRM' BUT THAT THEY ARE CoMToRTABL" AND LAST A LON6 TIME. A CORBET " YOU KNOW IS THE ONE. THING WHICH MO-5T OF ALL DETERMINED ONE.5 APPEARANCE BECAUSE THE CORJET ID THE PLAN FOR THE BUILDING Of 'YOUR ' ATTIRE. BE CAREFUL THEN ABOUT THE KIND OF COR DETD, YOU GET. WE CAN' RECOMMEND THE WARNER CORDETD TO YOU. WE DELL YOU THE WARNER CORDETD FOR 50C,$1. '25, $1.50 Jarman's Big fair Stoic. uj"ijr""lmiM ' imm'm iiLu"""iaiii''r" '''11. im' J,"1'nniii'J'"'iiiiiir"rj'-l rove Mercantile Go lose To Ladies Who Appreciate High Grade in Merchandise Just received a large shipment of the latest im ported and domestic Fall dress goods and suitings, in all1 the new weaves and coloring. It will pay you to give them your careful inspection before making your fall selections. ;Mosgrove Mercantile' Co. Athena, Or . B. & H. . Trading Stamps Given with Cash Purchases