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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1908)
This Edition con tains Six Pages Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks At 'Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XX. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1908. NUMBER 20 f. . l - r L n THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Rinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton VsJ Flour is made in Athena, by J.JW' nnd best eanitirjed mill in the m m f s W f 1 II Bt li Brtl H BT M II 111 11 Bli nsr w iini mja M IS iiiii vm bl i n B If kStCvaestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home 3 w Merchant Millers Athena, Oregon. MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose In tablets Makes Ygur Stock Look Like the Top Price For Hom. Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowl. They are made (rem the active principle or the Condensed essence of the drag. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran, Are just a good when 10 year old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drag laws. Ask for and try ones SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tablets or Lonse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Incorporated; Capital Stock $300,000.00; WatertOWIt, South Dakota, U, S. A. Sold in Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons. PROMPT Every where prices are right The Freshest and most Choice the 3 3e Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here DELL BROTHERS, i ti. ' VO S. ' WW V ' W Milling Company Athentr labor, in the latest west, of the best seleoted and Grain Buyers i Waitsburg, Wash. 2 THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET J. II. STONE, PROPRIETOR The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry. R. J. BODDY WHOLESALE BUTCHER Makes a Specialty of furnishing Meat in Large Quantities. First-class stock, Reasonable price wmk CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING3 TO EAT" Ji Ji . It it it i W WW W WW v. CHARGES 81 WATTS Principal of Athena School Declares Directors Barrett and Taylor Were Not Regularly Elected. H. I. Watts principal of the Athena school has filed information with Gonnty Sohool Superintendent Welles, alleging that the election of W. It. Taylor and C A. Barrett as members of the school board of District No. 29 was irregular. Watt's complaint was filed Apiil 30, and it is understood that Welles has taken the matter up with Distriot Attorney Phelps, lbe complaint is as follows: "To the Gonnty School Superintendent of Umatilla Gonnty,. Oregon. Yonr informant, the undersigned, in this, bis information, most iespectf ally shows: That the above named school district in Umatilla connty, state of Oregon, a duly organized and continuing dis triot, did on or abont the last of De cember, 1907, have three duly elected and aoting directors in the persona of ' A. M. Gillis, M. L. Watts and Jerry I Stone. I That on or abont the last of Deoem i ber, 1907, A. M. Gillla moved from tbe district out of the state of Oregon, oaueing a vanoancy in the director's office, and on or abont tbe same time M. L. Watts sent in his resignation, wbiob was duly 'accepted, thereby leaving only one director, namely, Jerry Stone. That the said Jerry Stone as direct tor, cansed tbe district clerk, F. Ker shaw, to issue notices on December 26, 1907, for a school meeting to be held on January 4, 1908, and tbe said Jerry Stone signed these notices well know ing tbe same to be invalid and that an election held in accordance therewith wonld be illegal. That on January 4, 1908, at said in valid meeting, O. A. Barrett and W. R. Taylor were chosen to fill the va cancies caused by said A. M. Gillis and M. L. Watts. And the said O. A. On Savings We Pay 41 On the Quarterly Balance or 3) On the cTWanthly b!nce THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS Is lbe only one that can accommodate commercial traveler. Iff fan bfiecomended for Its clean and and .Or. 2 well ventilated rooms. Cob Maim and Thikd, Atbkha Market affords in Athena, Oregon Si I V ' Vi I s. CD Tbe Caledonians are preparing for the greatest event in the history of the annual pionics given by tbe Sootoh sooiety. The program for tbe two days is nearly completed, and it em braces some clever bits of entertain ment for tbe Sootoh people and their friends. Some of tbe ablest and most prominent speakers in the state have been secured to make addresses, among them being Hon. H. M. Cake, repnb- Barrett and W. B. Taylor have ac cepted to act and are still attempting to aot as directors contrary to tbe laws of the state of Oregon, well knowiug all of these faots and conditions. That Jerry Stone has neglected and refused to'oall a legal meeting of tbe voters of distriot No. 29, but has at tempted to run the affair himself. That he did on r about tbe 12th of April, 1908, himself, hire a teacher to fill a vaoanoy in distriot No. 29, wbioh teaoher has since the 11th of April been teaobing in tbe public sohool of distriot No. 29. That at tbe time of biting said teaoher there was no meet ing of direotors called, and said con tract between Jerry Stone and said teacher is in tbe aforesaid condition. That tbe said Jerry Stone has at no time helped or tried to help tbe teaohers prevent truanoy in the. school, nor has he visited tbe said school for the purpose of seeing after tbe condi tion of the property. That tbe said Jerry Stone, C. A. Barrett and W. B. Taylor on or about the 24tb day of April, 1908, met and attempted to transact business as duly elected, qualified and aoting direotors by offering to hire teachers at tbe same time knowing tbeir acts to be void and illegal. Wherefore, your informant, a duly employed and aoting teaoher in the public sohool of distriot No. 29, iu Umatilla county, state of Oregon, and a resident of the above named distriot, prays that yon take step) iu acoordanoe with the laws of Oregon and deolaie the two former plaoes vaoant and oust Jerry Stone from his office of trust up on tbe grounds of bis nonfeasance and misfeasance. aa prescribed 'by section 8391 of B. & C.s Annoted Codes and Statutes of Oregon. (Signed) Homer 1. Watts, TnlMmDnf " A U VA UJ UUVI . Superintendent Here. County Sohool Superintendent Wells arrived in the oity this afternoon and is in conference with tbe membors of the board. - Director Stone Interviewed. Director Stone was seen and inter viewed by a Press reporter, relative to tbe foregoing complaint. Mr. Stone said: "I regret very mnoh that Mr, Watts has seen fit to air bis griovano es just at this time, when we are en deavoring to secure teaohers for au other year. It gives out tbe impression that there is trouble in our district, which is not the case. Everything is harmonious between tbe board aud patrons of tbe school, so far as know. As to bis personal obarges against me, I have nothing to say simply ieter yon to the other membeia of tbe board. His complaint is with tbe oonnty superintendent and we conrt an early and thorough investiga tion." Janitor for Stone. "I have been janitor of tbe Athena school building for seven years. There has teen during that time perhaps as many different men aoting as sobool board chairmen. I tbiuk Mr. Stone has shown an interest in tbe sohool property eqnal to auy cf tbem. "J. F. Gross, Sr., Janitor." Scott Campaigning. Joseph N. Soott, independent candi date for joint representative for U ma- BUKELEY A REPRE W. M Blakely in a letter to Hon. Peterson, Chairman Demo County Central Committee. Will M. cratio declares to tbe voters of tbe county bis independent candidacy for repre sentative on a Statement No. 1 plat form. Mr. Blakeley's letter of accep tance follows: "Pendleton Oregon, May 14 Will M. Peterson, Esq., Chairman Demo cratic Connty Central Committee: Having been nominated by petition for tbe office of representative against my earnest protest and wishes, and hoping that some other man would be seleoted wbo is more competent tban myself for this very important posi tion, I very reluctantly accept the nomination tendered me, and bad it not been for tbe earnest solicitation of many frienos, regardless of politics, I could not have consistently allowed my name to have been considered un der any ciroumstanoes. "Being a firm believer in tbe rights of tbe people to elect United Btates Senators, and knowing tbat Statement No. 1 embodies nearest tbe privileges undtr our system of soleotion tbat tbe S FOR BIG Til lioan candidate for United States Sen ator, and Jndge Cameron of Portland. Vocal solos by Mis. Anna Selkirk Norton, Miss Stanton and Prof. Epping are prominent features of tbe program and together with Sootoh musio on the pipes by professional pipers and tbe olever dancing, the big crowds are snre to be entertained. Tbe program of sports has been set aside for Satur day afternoon and a long list of events is scheduled. tilla and Morrow oonnties, returned Tuesday from a campaigning tour of Morrow county. Mr. Soott considers bis prospeotsfor election are bright He says the Chamberlain meetiug at Heppner, wbioh the Oregoniau char acterized as a "frost," was a rousing one, with a large attendance of repre sentative Morrow connty people. IN MEMORY OF SOLDIER DEAD Sermon at Christian Church Graves To Be Decorated May 30. At tbe Christian oburob, Sunday, May 24, V. E. Hoveu will preaoh the annual memorial sermon, at tbe re quest of the members of Gettysburg Post, G. A. R. of this city. Last year tbe memorial seri vices were held the M. E. churob, and tbe year previous, at tbe Baptist oburob. A oordial in vitation is extended the public to at tend the service. Owing to tbe Pioneer pionio, wbioh oloses iti piogiam on Saturday May SO, there will be no extensive Deooia tion day exercises attempted in this city. Tbe members of the Poat will assem ble, at Masouio Hall at 10 o'olook,. a. m., aud go to tbe cemetery, where soldier graves will be strewn with flowers. J. H. Hitomau, commander of the Post, reqnests that all who can, bring flowers to be used at the ceme tery. HURT GETS HIT FOR ASSAULT Waited In Matt'a Home to Give Him a Thrashing. Dan Hart was given the fine limit in Keoorder Riohard's conrt Tuesday, for assault and battery ou tbe person of Charles Matt. Hart paid into the city treasury $50 and costs of the oase uud was giveu bis liberty. Tbe evi deuco went to show that Hart went to Matt's home, sat down aud told Mrs. Matl that be bad come to take Matt into tbe yard and give bim a "lick ing." When Matt oame borne, so the story goes, tbe two men shook bands and Hart said be was there for tbe purpose or Riving him (Matt) a liokiug. Matt said something to tbe effect that Hart needn't wait auy longer, and Hart struck him. Hart's side of the story, told to Re corder Richards, is that while passing, Mrs. Matt told him that she and Matt had separated: that he wont and bought a oouple of bottles of beer, took them to tbe honse and when Matt oame in later, antioipated trouble and strnok bim before Matt should have time to get in tbe first liok. Hart figured in another oase Tues day evening. He became involved iu trouble at tbe Corner Saloon, and Clint Thomas, the proprietor quelled tbe disturbance bv striking bim on tbe bead. Iu a complaint Hart alleged that he bad been strnok with a Milliard ball. He withdrew his complaint against Thomas. E people can exetoise in choosing tbem, I therefore take pleasure in subscrib ing to tbe following: " 'Statement No. 11 further state to tbe people of Oregon as well as to tbe people of my legislative district tbat during my term of office, I will always vote for that-candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has received tbe highest number of tbe people's votes for tbat position at the general election next preoeding tbe election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to my individual pref erence.' "I believe in tbe right of tbe people, regardless of party politics, to choose tbeir United States Senator, and when a majority of voters declare tbeir choice, it is a duty of tbe members of tbe legislature to carry it ont. "If tbe voters of Umatilla county care to elect me, I shall oertainly carry out tbeir will to tbe bet of my ability. I will vote to enaot laws wbiob shall Bppeal to the befit interests of all tbe people. "Yours very truly "W. M. Blakeley." Mill 10 MOT Farmers Attend Lectures Fron O. K. & N. Demonstration Train By Experts, Here Yesterday. The O. R. & N. demonstration train arrived iu Athena ou time yesterday and tbe experts from tbe Oregon . Ag ricultural college and tbe railroad ofSoials took lnnoh at tbe St. Nichols, after wbioh a large crowd of farmers went to tbe O. R. & N. depot and lis tened to tbe lecture. It must be an uphill effort to preaoh diversified farming to men who have in a few years grown riob raising a crop of wheat every other year on land that yields from 40 to 60 bushels per aore, and selling the product for 75 ceuts per bushel. But tbe lecturers yesteiady told tbem how they could raise a crop every year and into the bargain practically double tbeir in come and tetter subserve the fertility of the soil. And -there was doubtless no farmer there who did not learn something from the leotnres that will be of bene fit to him. 1 Dr. Witbycomb, head of the Oregon Agrioultural College experiment sta tion was tbe first speaker and paid a glowing tribnte to tbe Athena wheat belt. He gave an interestiug dis course on intensified farmiug methods. He was followed by Prof. H.. D. Soudder who made an instruotive talk along the lines of dry farming and soil properties. He demonstrated how tbe present system of summer fallowing assisted iu tbe evaporation of crop moisture, and its attendant in jury to the productive qualities of the soil. Byron Hunter explained the future of tbe bog-raising indnstiy. With the millions of dollars being invested in Portland paoking plants he said the bogs wonld come from tbo farms of Oregon and Washington aud told of tbe best forage and feed with which to fatten tbe porkers. Dr. MoKinzie of Portland followed Mr. Hunter with few remarks. HE FOB CHECKS Jake Shacklett, Farm Laborer and Ball Player Is Wanted By -Athena Officers. Juke Sbaoklett, wbo has beon in the employ of Cass Canuon is wanted by Atbena offioers for passing a forged check lor $9.75 at Jarmau's Depart-. ment Store, aud one at Tbomus' saloon, for $13.40. Young Sbooklett.oame to town Tues day and purobasd a $6.00 ooat at Mr. Jarmau's stote. Ilo tondorod payment to salesman Ora Rhodes with ttio check, (ixplaiuiug that Mr. Canuon Whs absent fioni home and tbat Ins unupu ter had diuwu up and wigued t!i oheok. Sbnoltlett was given $11.75 obange, and departed from tbe store with. tbo ooat. Investigation was made latei and the store peoplo received informa tion from Mr. Cannon tbat tbe check was a forgery. At Taggart's he attempted to pass a check for $14.85. Taggait bud to makeobangeatthe bank and tbe cash ier told him it was not Cannon's sig natnre on tho cbeok. Sbaoklett gave Toggart tho same story about Cnn uon's daughter drawiug up and siiiinK tbe oheok, that bo told at Jai in.-in's store. Taeaait did not ouah tbo. cbeok. At tbo Thomas' saloon tl fnroerv was attain successful. In thnW instance, be used the name of Dave Bonifer aud tbe worthless paper helett cost Thomas $13.40. Sbaoklett, it is presumed left Atbeua on the 6:30 train, Tuesday evening. He had boon iu aud about Atbena for several months, and is said to be a man or oouHKioraoio eauoauou aim clever with a pen. He is a baso ball player, and played first baso for tbe Atbena team iu tbo game, with Adams, Sunday. Shamrocks 10, Adams 0. Tbe Irish Shamrocks went down to Adams Sunday aud shamefully tanned tbe orange jackets of tho baseball ag gregation of that towu. Mr. O'Stoue, be of the strong arm and perfect con trol, smeered a brilliant ooat of white wash over the Adams bunch. They got nit while tbe Shamrocks annexed 10 juicy scores. Bert Cartano um pired the game. Tbe Sbamrooks play tbe oraok second team of Pendleton on tho Atbena grounds Sunduv afternoon. Tbe game will be called at 1 :30 sharp. S. L, Morse, Pioneer. S. L. Morse, pioneer resident of Umatilla county, died at tbo hospital at Pendleton, Sunday after a linger ing illness. He had to u Ukeu l the hospital from bis hone at 1'iiot Rofk several weeks ago. At tbe ha was suffering from pneumonia uiul a-i never fully recovered from tho tlu'"ts of that trouble. The im mod into nuuw of his duath wns hart fuiiuie. J"