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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1908)
. JMs-Edition coir tains Six Pages Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks Buy Your Groceries from .Your Home Grocer 1 VOLUME XX. r THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER GO. - - t Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 S Preston-Parton AMERICAN Flour is made iu Atbeoa, by Athena labor, iu the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Blnestem wheat growu anywhere. Patronize home" industry. Your grooer sells American Beauty for $1.25 5 Merchant Millers Atnena, Oregon. rWf - R. J. BODDY I - j WHOLESALE BUTCHER , ,1' Makes a Specialty of furnishing I " V&t9f Meat in Large Quantities. I f First-class stock, Reasonable price MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price rJr"0""' Clt, Sheep, Swine and Fowl They are made from the active principle or the' toS TtST ?n f 1? 2JT dn,t Sawdu ChP or Bran. Are just atfEJ c? sVrnno r"" i0vold- TheT comply with all pure d law.. Askfor BlWeCH H?irC0,,d,S0!ble,,,r 8KID Worm, Kidney. Chicken Cholera. Slt' cSu'VZj'' ?0 Cbolen' DietPer. Pink Eye. Colic tabletaor Lonae Powder Sparm Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Diatributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. incorporated, Capital stock $300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A? ' Sold xn Athena by A. B. McEwen & Sons. - . 3 mWLr WHCDC DDinCO ADC DIOUT PQHNF W. utimni $3 The Freshest and .gj We Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here " 1 DELL BROTHERS, I. i. i. i. ft. i Ji Milling Company BEAUTY sckif and Grain Buyers : Waitsburg, Wash. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET : J. H. STONE, PROPRIETOR The place to get the best cTWeat that money can buy, and at the lowest price Fish and Oysters in season The high est cash price paid for poultry. I lllULO HIIL Rllll! I MAIN 83 most Choice the Market affords VEGETABLES c ATEREKS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD TH1NG3 TO EAT J J it Jt a J II l; i: ITTl ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. HE SPUDSHIPHEHTIATHEHA'S SALE DAYfEfJDOfiSED BARRETT About Ten More Carloads of Potatoes Haye Been Purchased By Mr. v Jarman's Seattle Buyer. Athena's 80-oarload shipment of mountain potatoes has been raised to 40 carloads, Mr. Jarraan's Seattle buyer having seoured 10 more carloads from mountain ranchers, during the past weeky . .. The potatoes are beinsr delivered in Athena at the rate of three oar loads per day. Up to date seven carloads have been shipped out over the North ern Paoiflo to Seattle. The spuds are hauled from the mnnn'. tain ranch ea east of Weston hv tannin. The orop comes in sacks, is handled through the warehouse of the Paget Sound Warehouse Company here, where they are weighed and franked iuto the cars, which stand alongside the platform. . ; The loading facilities at thia warn. house are all that oould be wished for, and once in Athena, the big loads are soon removed from the Mountain po tato king's Wagon. When the nara are loaded, .each one is decorated by Mr. Jarman with a big, attractive streamer on wbioh are painted the words: "Weston Mountain Potatoes." . Horseman Case Transferred. The case of the state of Oregon agaiust George Horseman, in whioh the defendant appeals from a 10 year sentence, was transferred to the su preme oouxt at Salem. The attorneys had failed to prepare their arguments, owing to laok of time, and were grant ed a several weeks extension of time. Man Zau Pile Remedy comes ready to use, in a collapsible tube, with noz ale. One application' soothes and heals, reduces infiammatiou and relieves soreness and itching. Prioe 60o, Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. ' - On Savings 4 0 0 On the Quarterly Balance or 3V On the cTWonthly B-Jance TH)i ST. NICHOLS HOTEL j t J. E. FROOME, prop. I - m Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS In J he only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Iff Can b.'iecomended for lis clean and well ventilated rooms. : Cob. HAIV A2TD TBIAD, ATBKA,Or. in Athena, Oregon OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 8. Two Auctioneers Employed and Nearly $2000 Worth of Property Changed Ownership at Fair Prices. "Athena's first Market day goes on record as being a success! The day's sales aggregated about 2000, and the property disposed of went at fair prices. Two auctioneers. u. w. uradiey and r. o. Lucas were fimnlnrofl A lrnn n ... .3 L vwi'iujuu taiga uiunu vr aa pi caou i I and at times the bidding was spirited! xue saie started at 2:30 p. hi. Household goods, farm implements, vehioles, etc, were first auotioned off, the stook sales being made later. A peculiar feature of the sale was that the best stook was left nnanlrl. thn bidders apparently desiring the cheap er grades or animals put up for dispos al. For this reason horses worth from $150 to $175 only brought forth bids from $125 to $110 and they were bid in by their owners. The thoroughbred short horn cattle put up by Deau Ger king, were hardly notioed, thns show ing that this class of stook is not what is wanted by sales day bargain hnnters. It is estimated that $1500 worth of stock wa bid iu by owners during the day. 1 A large number of farmers and poo plef roni near by towns were in the'eity and before and during the sale, the merchants did a god business. The men who had the sale in charge worked bard for its success and the experience they derived from this, the first one, will materially assist them in making arrangements for and con ducting Athena's next Market day. The expense of the sale was about $80. Cut Down Trees. i The beBinnios of the end of trees on lain street was inananrated thin nnnk. wbeu several soale-infeoted loonst and elders were removed from in front of business buildings on the south side of the streot. From these trees the scale and aphis pest originated in this oity. It is 'to be hoped that other property owners on the street will continue the work thus begun. Then the oity oqoncil would do well to reoocnizA th fact that the oity owns the streets and should see to it that all signs are ia- movea rrom over toe the side walks. GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN HERE Delivers Seven Political Speeches In This CountV Today and Tnmnrrnw Governor Chamberlain demooratio candidate tor United States Senator, spoke to a fair sized fiudieooe at the opera Louse this atternoon at 1 :80.y Ihis forenoon the governor opened bis campaign in this county with a stieech at Adanis. From here Gov. Chamber lain went to Weston. Ho will take the eveuing train for Freewater, whore he speaits toniRbt and also delivers an address at Milton. Tomorrow at 2:80 p. m. he will speak at the county court house in Pendleton, and will bring his itinerary in tbis oonnty to a close with a speeon at .bono, tomorrow evening. Their Silver Wedding. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Butler, old time residents of Athena, observed thn twenty-fiifth anniversary of their mar riage, Wednesday evening, at their Waitsburg home, by fllliue their hand some residence with intimate fiiends About seventy euests were present to extend congratulations and best wishes. Dr. K. E. Butler and Miss Ida Gerkinir were martied at Milton. Ore.. Anril 1 29th, 1883. They have resided in Waitsburg for the nast 18 years. Thev have two crown sons. Edward nrt Earl, who still reside with their par ents. Shamrocks ys. 'Sluggers." A small crowd inhaled dust and sat in wind through six innings of t ail playing by the Sbamrooks and "Slug gers" Sunday afternoon. Six innings was enough for the Sluggers at the end of wbioh tbey counted but 3 against 15 for the Shamrocks. Ed Koontz, G. B. Kidder, Austin Fobs and Byron Hawks were 'some pumpkins' for the Sloggers and their strenuous efforts to win made them sore The Shamrocks will play the Adams team Sunday on the Adams grounds. Sold 83 Barrels. For Athena Market day last Satur day, Manager Watts of the Preston Parton Milling Company authorized the grocery stores to reduce tbe ptioe of American Beauty flour 40 cents per barrel for that day only. The result was that a total of 83 barrels, or 332 sacks of flour was sold at tbe reduced prioe. Of this amount the Mosgrove Mercantile company sold 46 barrels; Dell Bros. 81 aud H. O. Wortbington 6 barrels. Goes to Baltimore. George H. Carrey, lay delegate to tbe general conference of the Metho dist Episcopal cburcb, at La Giaude, accompanied by Mrs. Currev and Mrs. G. C. Osburn, leave Saturday morning for Baltimore, where tbe conference I convenes on May 6. 1908. Joseph N. Scott Will Run for Joint Representative As An Indepen dent Candidate. At a meeting of the deuiocratio county oentral committee, presided over Dy unairman Will ' M. Peterson. C A. Barrett, republican oandidate for representative, a stanoh supporter ui oiHiement mo. l, was unanimously endorsed. The delegates who will be seut to the Portland convention to be held June 9 are Wm. M. Peterson, James Johns. David Taylor, Joseph Soott. D. A. Peebler, Wm. Moore, J. H. Rsley and R. F. Johnson. Addresses were made by Chairman Peterson and tbe nartv Rousing obeers were given H. I. Watts, wno affirmed that while he was a re publican he would cladlv aorwnt th demooratio nomination for tbe office of county school superintendent, whioh tbe demoorats had tendered him at thn primary election. Ihe committee was unanimous in ito deoisioa to support independent canrli. dates for representative and joint re presentative. W. T. Shaw of Milton will enter tho raoe acaiust Mnnn fnr- represeotative and it is understood that josopn jn. boon will become an inde pendent oandidate. supporting SAt. meut No 1. againet T. J. Mahonev of Morrow oonnty. the republican candi date who would not take the Statement JVo. 1 pledce. Mr. Scott, is a brisbt. clean vnnnir gentleman of ability and has a la rim acquaintance throughout Umatilla county. A Horrible Experience. Dislodged from her saddle liv a vi. oious lunge made by her mount, Miss Maude Clark, a young lady temporarily living in Pendleton, was dragged with one foot in tbe stirrnn bv a inndrinnprt kicking horse Sunday aftornoou for more than a block, before she was able to wrench her foot free. Hnva thn Tri. bune. At present she lies lu her rnnms suffering from a fracture of the hip. ihe exteut of her iujuries cannot be determined, as her limbs and Imdv Am terribly swollen from the bruises made Dy tne vicious kicks of tbo horse. She is not fatally injured. THE DEMONSTRATION TRAIN The O. R. & N. Company is Adver- tising it Extensively. xne u. ti. 6c N. oomnanv. in r.nm. junotion with the Oregon Agricultural uouege is extensively advertising the coming or tne larmiug demonstration train through Sherman, Gilliam, Mor row and Umatilla counties. Tbe train will arrive iu Athena. May 14, at 12:15 p. m. Leotures will be given from 1:15 to 2:15: after which the train will 1bva for iHoma aud Pendleton. Every farmer in this vioinitv will receive a Personal invitation to Aftil tne leotures. Leotures are given by the faculty of tbe college on subjoots of special inter est to tbe farmers. Among the sub jects to be discussed, accordiug to tbe conaiuons in eaon locality. arethAfnl. lowing: Livestock, fruit growing. chemistry of tbe soil, rotation of orops, consideration of moisture, and general culture methods. Tbe train whiob has been run thrush the Palouse lately was the first of its kind ever operated in tbe northwest and from all reports met with much soooess. Tbe talks made by tbe college faculty were of ranch benefit to the farmers, aud consequently tbe whole community. Missionary Meeting. The joint mooting held by the Ban tist missionary society and tbe Chris tian Woman's Board of Missions. at the home of Mrs. Henry Eeene Wednesday afternoon was one of tbe most enthusiastic and entertaining meetings ever held by tbeso societies. Tbe subject for tbe afternoon was: "Industrial Schools Amoncr the Nn. groes," and some very interesting facts were brought out relative to tbe work that bas already been aocomrlinhnd and that badly needed, ty papers read by Mrs. Geo. T. Ellis. Mrs. Henry Keene, and Mrs. J. T. King. Mrs. Geo. Bannister gave a poetio reading and tbe ladies were favored by a duet sung by Miss Mary MoKinnon aud Mrs. M. L. Watts. Cake and toa were served by Mrs. Keene. assisted bvMrs. Lola Payne and Mrs. C. A. Barrett. Woodman Social. Tbe members of the local woodman Camp, their families and invited guests, participated in an evening of social enjoyment at tbe meeting Wed nesday night A program, iocludiog music games and danoin? was prnatlv enjoyed by those present. Refreshments were served and all cad a good time. Pilot Rock Pharmacy. Dr. Fred Lieuallen of Adams, ban purchased tbe Pilot Rock Pharmacy of Dr. E. O. Parker of that city. Dr. Fred also succeeds to tbe Parker practice. NUMBER 19 SPOfiTS FOR PICK Caledonians Preparing to Entertain Crowds at Annual Gathering of the Gans May 22 and 23. . Extensive preparations are under way by tbe committee ou program of tbo Umatilla County Caledonia.) So ciety to entertain tbe big crowds whiob are expected in Athena on' the two days of the annual pionio, Friday and Saturday, May 22 and 23. Tbe Seoretary is in reoeipt of letters frcm members of Caledonian societies at Portand, Condon, La Grande, Walla Walla aud other places, stating that members of these sooieties ex pected to be present when the Soottish olans gather here for their annual pio nio. The program in full will probably be aunounoed next week when posters and other advertising matter will be available for use. The program for sports, complete, together with the amount of purses in each event, fol lows: Foot race. 100 yards, first nrio $3.00; seoond, $3.00. Foot raoe, 50 yards, first prize, $3.00; seoond, $2.00. Hurdle raoe. 120 yards, first nri $3.00; seoond, $2.00. Putting tbe shot, first prize. R.(MV seoond, $2.00. Pole vaulting, first prize. 3.00? ann. ond, $2.00. Tossing the oaber. fist prizo. seoond, $2.00. High jump, first prize. .l.nn- ono. end, $2.00. Broad jump, first prize. S3.00: son. ond, $2.00. Hop. step and inmn. first mi $3.00; second, $3.00. Three standing jumps, first prize, $3.00; sooond, $2.00. Bioyole raoe. first prize. 3.00: sn. ond, $2.00. Best dressed lady iu Hichla nrl fna. tame, first prize, $3,00;' seoond, $2.00. nest dressed gentleman in Highland Costume, first prize. $3.00: finnnnd. $3.00. . , . Best dancer in Highland fling, first prize, $3.00; seoond, $2.00. Horse raoe, runniug, purse $25.00. Tbe sports will be held on Satoidhv afternoon, oommenoing at 3 o'clock. An entrance fee of 25 omits will hn charged in eaoh prize event. Heretofore, the majority of prizes at tbe Caledonian piouios has boen won by Weston Normal School ath letes, but for tbis oooasion, it is said a number of Sootoh lads are in training, and will participate in the feats of skill with the intention of winning a goodly share of the purses. INDIAN ARRESTED FOR ROBBERY Albert Murray Robbed the Corner Sa loon Tuesday Night. Albert Murray, a young quarter breed, who was raised on thn Umatilla Indian reservation, is facing a term in tbe penitentiary. Tuesday night- be broke into the Corner Saloon and tan. Ped the omh rnoiHter. Thn nrnnanria tbo robbery netted young Murray $10.' no was placed under arrest and did considerable lying about tbe case. He implicated a traveling musician named Hadkey, and said be merely stood guard while Hadkey entered tbe saloon and robbed it. However, tbe officers found that Hadkey was i:nt rnrnecten' with tha rotbery. and be was civHii hia lihnrtv. Andrew Pioard is believed by the offi ucis iu kuuw muru uuouc lue roguery than be Will toll, but it WBiimnnMihln to oonneot him with tbe oase directly. so oe was released from arrest. District Attorney Phelns came nn from Pendleton yesterday, and after questioning Murray, held him to ap pear before Judce Bean. Ha Wan tnknn to jail last night by Offloer O'Harrn. Bank Cashier Resigns. B. B. Hall who for thn nnat thraa years bas boen oasbier of the Farmers' Bank at Weston, bas tendered hia rn. signation aud will make bis futnre home iu Spokane, where he will en gage iu business later. His resignation was handed in last Saturday, but will not take effect until his successor has been found. Mr. Hall was in Athnna Tuesday and stated to a Press reporter that be was leaving Weston more on aooount of bis wife's health than any thing else. He bas purchased rosi denoe property in Spokano. Famous Irish Humorist. Dr. Fitzmaurlce, M. A., of the Uni versity of Dublin, Ireland, and Cam bridge, England, the famous humorist and leoturer, wbo is about to iooate in Pendleton tooraotloelaw has consented to lecture at the opera lionee iu tbis city next Tuesday evening, under tho auspicies of tbe Athena publio school, wbiob receives part of tbe proceeds. There will be oomio and sentimental Irish songs and all should give tbe dis tinguished scholar a welcome. Go aud have a good laugb. Admission, 35 oeuts, cbildreu 15 cents. if-.- X