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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1908)
roeig V . Impure or effete matters accumulated in the blood during the winter cause in the spring such disfiguring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling. The best medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly" cleanses the blood, and effects permanent cures by giving healthy functional activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. - Sarsatab? art Hood's Sarsaimrffla in M t oi-vftwrf. OomtUIa W. E teu uij. . i ipmiu i likntii th same curative DroDertiea as the liauid form, besides accuracy of dose, convenience, eeonomy, no lota by evaporation, breakage, or leaking. II, of ArnsgisM or promptly of tia by mail. C. 1. Hood Co.. Lowell, Mass. H., says: inocoiawa tablet lorm. l ney nave lucnucauy ' " " i o -,r,ioVni .na.a, run down, trora dyspepsia and tnat nrea ieei lnsf. . But I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla he! !ps me from the first done, completely restores good health and strength." HOWARD & BTJRTOH Assayer arl Chemist. Leadvtlle. Colorado Boectiiiea Drii-et! GuliL BIlTer, Is ad, (1 ; Oold, SUvar, 1m J Gold, &0n; Zlno ot Capper,!. Cyanide tears. Mailing envelopes and 'it'" lieluronce: full pries list sent on application. aire wore souoiwa. -bonalBank. Control and Um. Carbonul Urn SAVE THE CARTON TOPS nd Soap Wrapper from "20 Mule Team Borax" Product and exchange them for VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE 40 pafnj Ulaitrated catalogue of 1000 article! gives SVay P&EI. Addrell fAOlFIO OOAST BOSAZ CO., Oakland, Gal. IT'S FREE " SEND FOR IT NOW" The Best Fruit Tree and Berry Plant Catalog in the Northwest J. J. BUTZER 192 Front St., Portland. Oregon HI! llli OTiLiOOHi OPEN ALL THE YEAR Cutsop Beach Seaside, OREao "TUC Directly on ts 9 bach overlooklnfr . the ocean. Hot salt baths and Utirr nUUit tloB pier for flsninir. sf Son parlors. Electrlo" Uebts. Fire " plafe and steam heat. Fine iralks nOTPflFJ" and drives. Sea foods spec UKtbUH laity.. Hates, $i.50 and J3.00 per day. Kf Special rates by the week. DAN. J. MOORE, Proprietor i y ' Bnnkoed. Lazy Lewis I win told dat de farm. er wot lives on dat bill paid bis bands Jlst de same wbedder dey worked er not, so I went an' hired t' him, Tired Thomas- Den youse played off sick, I reckon? Lazt Lewis-Ten, an' de month I found dat nobody nothlu' nohow. be never paid TO EE-ENTEB PUUTt. v ' ' w ' 1 "U1JIL '! to ksPo BAQ L0 QD ktT" zv -AMTOIflrrTJS .L.BROWN Nothing Ssiy, The man who had sculptured th Kgy tian sphinx was standing off and lookinf at his handiwork. . "But what docs it mean?" inquired tu bystanders. The sculptor hesitated. I I don't know," ha answered. "Con sult your Baedeker." . V As for the sphinx, it grinned slightly, but said nothing. THE MAN TO SWEARS BY THE FISH BRAND SUCKER is the man who has tried to get the same service out of some . other make Clean -Light -Durable Cuamnteed Waterproof and Sold Everywhere , Rl5TTtff C6TAL0S ' ft rOS THl klWIt rwr N A Park Secret. The shades of night were falling fast The pride of the household was en tertaining a young man In the front parlor. . . "Nettle," called the fair one's fathei from the library, "aren't you going to light the gas in there?" . "In a minute, papa," replied the tfeai sH'l. "George and I were Just speaking of or striking a match." ; Always Talking. 'My wife tells me everything she does," said the benedict, proudly. "She is like an open -bqolc." '1 wish mine wag lke an open book," sighed the meek Iltfle man with the chin whiskers. ,.v "You do?" " . " y. "Yes; If she was like an open book perhaps I would be able to shut her up." C. Gee Wo ' The well known reliable CHINESE Soot r Mil DOCTOR Hufl mnde ft life ilndy of roots and herbs, and in .hut etudy discovered and is urlv. ins to the world hit wonder ful reu?ediea. . Poisons or DruBS Used If e Cur?9 Without Operation, or Without the Aid of a Knife Jtte Runrantees to t;uro uwarra. awuim, Juung, fhroat. KheumutiHm. t NervOnan. nervous Debility, Btomach, Liver, Kidney Trouble: also Lot Manhood. Female Weaknewi and All Private liiseaBea A SURE CANCER CURE lust Received from Peking, China Safe, Sure and Reliable. ' IT TOTT ABE AFtlCTEn, DON'T DELAY. 1 DKLAYa AKE PANGLKOUS. : CONSULTATION PHEE too oannot oall, write for sympton blank and clrco . . lnr. Inclose 4 cents In ofnmiiB. THl! 0. GEE VI O CHINESE MErarTtiTE CO. B Jurat DC, Vat. Morrmon, J: or t land, uregen. Please Mention This Paper. The first woman to be ordained a clergyman In the United States, Rev. Antoinette L. Brown Blaekwell, uow 83 years old, Is about to resume active work in the Unitarian church. She gave the site, and with the aid of 80 adherents Is having built the first Uni tarian church in Union county, New Jersey, near her home, in Elizabeth. Every fourth Sunday she will eccupy the pulpit. About 60 years ago Rev. Mrs. -Black-well preached her first sermon at Hen rietta N. Y. " She was one of the first women in the United States to receive a college degree. In 1853 she was or dained a Congregational minister at South Butler, N. Y., accepting the pas torate of a church there. She Is a noted woman suffragist. THE ART' OF BEGGING. There are tricks in every trade, but the professional beggar Is about the trickiest individual ftt larger His suc cess depends entirely upon his ability Mercury, D Ve Trust - ' '"V ; : , octors If you are suffering from Impure blood, thin bloodde JhiAfr, iervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it,too. Askhimaboutit. ' Ton rmist look well'sfter he condition of your liver and bowels. Unlets there la daily action of the bowels, poisonous produots are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nau sea, dyspepsia, and thus preventing the Sar SiipariUa from doing its best work. Ayer s Pills are llrer pills. Act gently, all vegetable. The does is only one pill at bedtime. Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Also manufacturers or J HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURB. CHERRY PECTORAL A K fliers 7i r ii iwisssaawssaaaasgSBBai v5l J7 The Power - I rj Behind the Dough! vV 'W jF M aP'.M!K '. y US P! stppK. - r-,l 25 Ounces for 25 Cents , itiffSsW ' :-J 64 A real power that raises and sustains II ScSI the dough with absolute certainty. J 6&Jk No failures. A cake made with If iMM K Ccaniiotall ' " . 1) ' ' ftfffj We insist upon refunding your , -jftf&J PXi money a toial does not con- fr kV vinceyou. ' 7 f us ii issi ii jjs&UKW'ujxji , . iuw mjit m.-i. i J.J . SHOES AT ALL VIj-Sfi 4:ir prices, ron every iiS"" fl MTMpra nCTHf riun v MEN, BCVS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. -ff t L. DouGm mko mrnt wall man men's f2.SQ,$3.Cli and S3.SOmhoam , tnatt mny otiiof nzasmtaciurttr tn turn thspcj Hi hvrtr, wamr lnttpoP, surf ' . sir-a or &rsatttr vfium than uay oituir mrr W.L Dou2i S4 and 5 Gi! Ede Shoes Csnnsl Bi Ean2!!ad At An! Price Bold by the best ihn iluitn ..inL r.i.i fmn. forr to airr hart of the wond. iuna Csiak Uce to any address. W. iwCwilJa. Brocks , Mass. AHMED ONE-ABMED BEGGABS. to awaken sympathy. Years of mis fortune alone are not always suffl nent so h resorts to deception In make-up, usually running iowas-Tie- formlty of some sort 'flying cripple Is a favorite rugg U 4.1 iceWarger cities, where begging still nourishes under the guise of ped dling, this deception Is resorted to dally. It Is an old dodge to pose as a one-armed man. - A false stump Is attached to the shoulder and "the real arm is tied, to the side of, the body. A loose-fitting coat or a full blouse does the rest. Messina- of eood health. Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of mankind ; when from any cause it becomes infected with impurities, humors or poifona, disease in some lorm is sure to loiiow. juuauy, eauuw complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which nave cnangea it iroru a pure, ireMi ouniu w a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which brealc out on the Hesh, oiten from a very insignificant bruise or even scatch or abrasion. If the blood was pare and healthy the place would heal at once, but being loaded with imrjurities. which are discharged into the wound, irritation aud inflamma tion are set up and the sore continues. Bad blood is also responsible lor Anaemia. Boils. Malaria, etc.; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fnr nish the nourishment and strength required to sustain the body, and a general run-down condition of health results. S. S. S. is nature's blood purifier and tonic; made entirely of It goes down into the circulation aud removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison that may be there, restores lost vitality, and steadily tones up the entire system. It adds to the Diooa we neanuiui piujc"co lk 13 " need of, and in every way assists in the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral izes any excess of acid in the blood, mamng it iresn ma puic, uu Fciiu nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and eruptions. R S S cures Rheumatism. Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Malaria, and all other diseases or disorders arising from bad blood. Eook on the blood and any medical advice desired free to all who write .... - . y THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Tour S. S. S., in mj opinion, is as food s medicine as caa bs had; it simp'.y cannot Ts i mproved upon as s remedy to purify and snifci the blood and to invizorat and tea up Uts system. This spring my blood was bad and f was run down tn health, and having soon yost medicine highly advertised I commenced Its ass. Today my blood is In flue condition and my general health Is ol the best. Am Ailing posi tion ssifireman for a large concern hers, aad if I was not in srood physical condition it would be impossible for me to flU the place. Tour S. S. S. has been of greet service to me and I de not hesitate to give It the credit it aeserres. WM. F. VANDTKE. 81S Fifth Street, Besver Falls, Penn. The Modern War. ."Fifth grade nest year, Johnny?" "Yes, sir." "Ah, you'll be In fractions or deci mals then, no doubt?" "No, sir; I'll be In beadwork and perforated squares." Pittsburg Tost attend ft Sampled Taxings. Patience Did you ever cooking school? Patrice Oh, yes ; I've had that kind of dyspepsia, too 1 Yonkers " Btate man. E! IfO Ft. V'tntf Janr- A Little Retouching, The wonders of photography are ever on the Increase. Nevertheless, there are still some limitations to the power and skill of even the most, ex pert photographer. Mr. Hall is an amateur of no mean attainments, and when his old Aunt Hannah from Bushby came down to the city he secured a picture of her In her most characteristic : pose arms akimbo and mouth si Ightly open. When Aunt - Hannah saw the first print, she looked at It, held . Jt off, drew It close again, and then sat down to write her nephew. . ' "Dear James," wrote the old lady, "yours with photograph taken during my late visit just received. In reply I would say, I'm well enough pleased with It for myself and your folks. But In the one you send out to California to Emma, I'd rather you'd straighten out my elbows and let my arms hang. Affectionately, . ;. Aunt Hannah. "P. St Peril nrta venx'A hpttpr flnna ' mv mouth a mite more, as Emmn'a f M checka in ach Plat- husband Is a stranger to me." , THE LIME. SULPHUR SPRAY. Good Preventive for Apple Scab and Lets Harmful Than Some. I A. B. Cordley, Entomologist. Oregon Experiment Station, Corvallis. j I he serious resnlts in the form ot The most important part of the human system is the blood. Every mus "Bordeaox Injury" which often follow ' cle, nerve, tissue, bone and sinew is dependent on this vital fluid for nour- m.lirtinna of Bordi-anr mixture ren- ishment and strength necessary to maintain them in health and enable each applications of Bordeaux mixture ten- form the different duties nature requires. Even the heart, the very der it almost imperative that some egine .0 iife recdves its vigor and motive power from the blood. Since means be found of reducing this Injury, Brt Tmu,t1 !q dependent on this vital fluiil it can verv readily be seen how or that some spray be discovered which ! necessary it is to have it pure and uncontaminated if we would enjoy the may be used as' a substitute foi Bor deaux. p Tor the past two or three years I have observed, after winter spraying apple and pear trees with lime-sulphur solu tions, for San Jo3e scale, that the fruit upon the sprayed trees was less "scab by" than that upon unsprayed trees. Upon two different occasions this winter application was delayed until the blos soms were about to open and while the spray, which was applied at the full strength, did considerable injury at the time, Us decidedly beneficial effects were noticeable when the fruit was gathered. - However the generally good results which follow winter applica tions ol lime-sulphur are now well known and this part of the work re quires no further comment. Nevertheless, these observations sug gested to me the probability that lime snlhur solution might be used as a substitute for Bordeaux mixture for summer applications and during the past year I have bo used it upon vari ous plants for various purposes. It is not proposed at this time to go at all into detail regarding these ex- 1 ceriments I wish only to call atten tion to some of the results obtained which show - conclusively that lime sulnhur solutions may be used as t summer spray without injury to foliage and also point strongly to the prooaDii itv that by its use apple scab may be effectually controlled without danger of spray Injury to the fruit. - Sufficient work has not been done tustifv the statement that Hine-sulphur is equal to Bordeaux as a preventive oi this disease but the results or tnesmgie season's .work point so strongly to thi conclusion that I feel justified in call ing attention to them, that growers who Vn..o t,,iffacr lrif from Bordeaux in m BP ee, to cc fo to in W( tr ir a hi dt sc hi m It at w; BU Ni "P. wuld undoubtedly do as well, is of a cl&ar, dark amber color, is without sed iment, and as stated above had a spe cific gravity of 1.27. Analysis snowed that eaoh gallon contained in solution 2.38 pounds of sulphur, ' Daring the season of 1907 these "stock solutions" of lime-sulphur ware used variously dilated upon the apple, pear, peach, plum, prune, quince, cherry, grape, potatoes and celery. The results obtained indicated that lime-sulphar sprays produced by di luting 1 gallon of the stock solution with 15 gallons of 1 water may be safely used upon all of the above-named plants, with the exception of the peach, unlets it may be early in the spring, when very Blijiht injury was produced. For use upon the peach each gallon of solution should be diluted with at least 20 gallons of water. For the experiments with apple scab a block of 400 Yellow Newtown trees were selected, because this variety is particularly susceptible to this disease and because this block was known to be badly infested. The entire orchard was sprayed with lime-sulphur for San Jose scale late in February. -The orchard was then divided into two plats. One plat was spiayed with Bordeaux mixture on Apirl 20, May 8 and May 17. The other plat was sprayed on the same dates with lime-sulphur solution di luted 1-15. Unsprayed trees were left le; D shows No Inside.' It distressed . Miss Willing to "find how much the little girls in her Sun-' day school class thought about dress and outward adorning. She lost no op- j portunlty to tell them how slight was ' the Importance of such things, says the Youth's Companion. - j "The reason I didn't come last Sun day was because my coat wasn't fin ished," said small Mary Porter one day, ' when questioned as to her non-appear-1 ance the week before. "My old one had epota on It that wouldn't come off and a place where the buttons had torn through." I "But, Mary, dear," said the teacher, gently, "you know It's not the outside that really matters." I "les'm, I know," said little Mary; "but. Miss Willing, mother had ripped peach, sprinkling with cinnamon and the lining out, so there wasn't any In-- sugar and dotting with bits of battel, side to look at" place over this a layer of bread or eak crumbs. Then alternate pachM ana ' crumbs until the dish Is tires-quarters fall, havlne crumbs on top. Add no boy a triaL I am, sure you win like tat and itean, At picking time the fruit was care fully gathered, examined and separated into three grades to show per cent of fruit absolutely free from scab, slightly scabby and badly scabbed. It was then regraded to show per cent of fruit injured by spray. The summing of results ia shown graphically in the following table. Column marked A shows per cent of fruit free from scab; B, that showing only small scab spots ; O. that ' badly scabbed and unmarketabl spray injury. A B Unsprayed ....19.9 28.7 Bordeaux 49.1 35.4 LIme-sulpv T..79.3 15.3 It must K remembered in interpret ing these results that they iepreeent only one season's work on one variety. Biles two cupfuls peaches. Batter baking dish and lay in it a layer of the 0 51.3. 15.5 5.3 D C 31.9 0 i uii-ease and prworibed .a, una oy coiiBtunuy faillinr to mpai treatment, pronounced It in curable. Science has proven oatarrh to bu a constitutional disease and therefore requires vuiJoiinuniiiBiuwimeni. nnu b i;aiarrn i-ure. manufactured bv F. J. Chenev t)n . Tnlmtn Ohio, in the only constitutional euro on ti e market. It is Iiikcn internallv in doses fmin in urops 10 a icaspoonrui. it acta aireotly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollarR for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by DrufHjlsts, 75e. Take llall's Family Pills for constipation. On he Tea Party Line. Suddenly the alarm clock went ol. The sleeper, half awake, listened. "It's only one ring," he said. "Oura la four rings." Whereupon he went to sleep again and missed his train. c . .. -. 8.. won.. One ot of known remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and whole" some family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Klixlr of Senna. To get its beneficial -effocts always buy the genuine, manufactured by ths California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. P N U No. 14-08 WJflKN writing tn advertisers plaas mention this paper. ., Tllfl giglj IllKlilllll TSanWiStui AttUm, JMaaLJl 1 1 ' T aWsfaSaV The Dreaded Nuisance. 'I ' wish yon would give this office a triaL 1 am, sure you win like him. He Is such a cheery little chap always whistling at his Job.", "Humph! I guess that Is the very reason be is now whistling for a job." Baltimore Americas, i three-quarters of an hour In a moder ate oven. Then remove the cover and brown. "Serve with cream or a sweet smuos. ; ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVege(al!cPrcparalton(orAi sinilalLiheroodanilReijiiii ling Ik S lemaciis a&dBowds of Promotes DiScslionJCkeifti! ncss and p3t.Contauis nciite Opium.Morphine nortaal. Not Narcotic. Porta StcJ jUxJeina BharkuubiM tteiftV Anerfect Remedv for Cfltsifci tion , Sour Storaach.Dlavrta Worms.CoiwuUimsjevCTisa- ncss emlLOSS OF SLEEP. racSimik Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and ChildiW. The Kind You Havo Always Booghl Bears tho Signature AM mmmi Guaranteed unfer mm thefbudM Exact Copy of Wrapper. 111 Use For Over Thirty Years Will thc oinToua aovmar, nxw to arrr. I i.aAlnlrifliilMWfihlal i