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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
Pr csT Paragraphs : i Bert Carta do baa been on th aiok - list tbia week. ' B. P. Gray of Walla Walla - was in tbe city Monday. Mrs. Nina Allen waa ' Pendleton visitor Wednesday. Mia, Otis Whiteman was a visitor to Pendleton4 TaBeday. , i A. M. Qillia is afflioted with a ser-"- ions attack of neuralgia. Attorney Wilson was in Pendleton : n on legal business Wednesday. ' ' : - Miss Pearl Pinkertoo, who tas been 111 with pneumonia, is recovering. Mis. N. A. Miller was among the -vifitors to Pendleton Wednesday. ' R. L. Boyle of j Keller, Wash., was ' reported at tfae St Kiohole Tnesday. . Regular morning-and evening ser : vioes at the Baptist oburoh next Sun '; day. - . ',. Mrs. O. W. B. Zerba is visiting at ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley "Downing. Mr; and Mrs. George Bannister at- - tended the Bayne-Lienallen wedding in i Adams Wednesday. , : r-1 Miss" Rose La Hue arrived home " yesterday from an extended visit with , ' relatives near Pendleton. ,. '-: : ' Get "De Witt's Carbolized Witoh Hazel Salve it is good for piles. " Sold by Palaoe Company. The family of Mr. Henley, who lived north of town ha ve" recently 'removed j to a mining town in Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamondon will " "gd"td Portland tomorrow for a visit " ' with relatives and friends. .. ... M. Watts went down to Portland' '' yesterday evening on a abort business Mrip. He will return Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Lookwood Jr. arrived in the city from Portland Sun day, - and'aTO visiting relatives. ; Mrs.' Chas.' Bolfluoh and1 danghterj ' i Miss Agnes, of Weston were shopping i in the city Wednesday afternoon. sBorn, .to Mr." and Mrs.' Charles ' "Brotherton, February 29, 1903. a son. j Mo her and ohild are doing well. . XElla T. Kidder has purchased from . a H. Allen for $750, lots 11 and 12 in Kirk's second addition to Athena. Hereafter a genera) admission of 10 $ oenta wlil be obarged at the Athena skating link. Skates will be 15 cents. r Jerry St- Dennis has sold to Moses Taylor a quarter seotion of wheat land located southeast of Adams, for $12, ;t 800. ; ? Mrs. S. A. Barnes of Weston and two --daogbtersi Misses Doris and Mamie, were guests of Athena friends Wednesday. The Athena Bakery, will be. closed each Saturday and on ' that day Mr. Jones will have bread on sale at the .grocery stores. ., Charley Wilkes, who farms near town, has been bedfast the past week "With La-grip, and under the care of a physician. .:; Mt. aud Mrs. P. A; ' Oolbern. wil ; leave California so as to entreat home iu Athena between, the first and fif teenth of April. ; - ev. Payne of Weston, 'preached the sermon at Clarence La Brasohe's funeral, instead of Rev. Ellis, as stated in Friday's Press. Miss Bessie Miller has arrived from Union, and will make her home with the family of her uncle, W. C. Miller, daring the summer. ' v Zolocki' the famous- standard bred light harness raoer, will make the sea son at Walla Walla, where be will re main until July 1. "f-Hiram B. Griffin a pioneer of: Wee ton and Umatilla county, died Tnesday morning at Sumpter, where he was en gaged ia the hotel business. J. A. Boris, the well known Pen dleton citizen has closed the purchase for Bingham Springs sanitarium sum mer resort and 800 acres of ' timber ' lands. Mias Mary-Booher-and Miss Elva Gross are attending the oounty Sunday School convention at Milton, as del egates from Athena Baptist Sunday school. bIrs. Lola Payne and Miss Lula Gross were in reoaueton Wednesday, attend ing the convention of the order of Re bekahs, as delegates from Mignonette Lodge, of Athena. Here comes the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use Pinesalve Carboilsed, (Aota like a poultice) for outs Bores, burns,' chapped skin. Sold by Pioneer Drug Store. Mrs. Koontz, who has been visiting her sons in ncrtbern Washington, for the past four months, arrived home today; 'aooompanied by her eon, Len neua Koontz, of Pasoo. Yesterday a party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Coolidge, Miss Bessie Miller -and John Walter, made a trip to Walla Walla in the motor oar of the latter gentleman. A Bible study olass is to be organiz ed from the members of the Methodist Oburoh in this city The class will fneet at ' the' home of Pastor Putnam next Tuesday evening. Man Zan Pile Remedy, Prioe 50o is guaranteed. Put- up ready to use. Oue application - prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold by Pioneer Drag Store. Prof. A. H. Perryman, principal of the Hermiston publio schools, is ill at that place and so far it has ' been im- 1 possible to find an extra teaoher to take his plaoe for a few days. Thomas G. Hailey a highly honored citizen late of this oounty, ia critical ly ill at his home in Portalnd. He is afflioted with stomaoh trouble and has failed rapidly in the last few days. The law firm of Peterson, Peterson r P$ TT7: 1 .i t i j a r t X1BUU" UBB UBOU UISBUIVUU, B. U. Peterson of Milton," retiring. Will M. Peterson and S. F. Wilson continue In the practioe of law in partnership. Shipments of wheat continue to be made from Athena nd stations along the Northern Paoifio north of town. Five carloads will be billed out from Taylor's Independent warehouse today. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoEride came fa from California Saturday evening. They had a pleasant time in the sunny Southland, and left the members of the -Athena colony happy and content ed. - Frank Engleman and family, from lone, ' Oreg. are visiting relatives in this city. Mr. Engleman brought two of his children for treatment by Dis. Heialey, the looal osteopath physi cians. - - lhe stock of paints, oils glass, wall paper etc., for E. T. Kidder's paint store will arrive-about April 1. The stock will fce opened and plaoed on dis play in the MoArthnr building on Main street. The president of the Ladies Aid of the M. K churob, Mrs. H. O. Worth -ington, served dainty refreshments In the parlor of the ohurob Wednesday afternoon as it was the anniversary of her birth. f( D. B Jarman, who has been seri ously ; afflioted with rheumatism for several days paal, left Wednesday eve ning if or 'Hot Lake. ( Mr. Jarman te eam so. seriously afflioted - that - be eould scarcely walk. V Another "old time' ' dance will take place at the opera house Friday even ing. George Gross and "Andy" Doug las will serve as floor' managers and Keeu's orchestra from Walla Walla will fnrnisb the music 1 The county will put in steel bridges 1 at the Watts plaoe on Pine creek and also one, at a road crossing in Dry Hollow Cement for the rock work on tfae abutments '.. loathe 4 Fine Creek bridge. was taken out yesterday. "'Rev." Sykes, presiding welder of the" Methodist Episcopal churob aonduoted the quarterly meeting at the oburoh in tbis-oity Sunday morning.- In the evening Rev. Sykes went to Adams where he held quarterly Bervioes. X'R. L. Boyle and Fred Raymond are in the city. - They are selling stock in a smelter which is to be erected near Wilbur, Wash. " They have succeeded in selling several thousand dollars worth of the stook in Athena and vicinity. 2 Gnfour NextTrip to wala if- alia We want yon to make your headquarters at the Da vis-Kaser Store. It's the store that has made the most rapid growth of any Btore in this slotien of the country. , - et's the store that baa a special department for handling mail orders. 1 It's the store where you can always find without any question of a doubt, positively everything that yon may need to furnish the borne. . It's the store where quality is the first consideration where you can not buy a trashy article even if yon wanted to and where prices are the. provenf aireet Then, it's also the store where your patronage is appreciated, and where satisfaction is guaranteed. - ' " Accept onr invitation to-call when next in Walla Walla, or write us your wants aod let us send you pictures and prices. We now have fine catalogs describing and Illustrating the best stoves and heaters made. Send for one. Doesn't cost a oent, and we would like a chance to add yout Mint to our big list of out-of-town customers. The Davis-Kaser Company Complete Home h Ilouse Furnishers Walla1 Walla, Wash. - - - - . Pasco, Wash. Forty -eight thousand ' bushels of wheat have just been tought of J. A. Baddeley, by the Weston agent of the Paoifio Elevator oompany, S. A. Barnes. 0. A. Winn also sold 600 bn sbels, both loads going at 70 cents a bushel. A very interesting session . of the looal auxiliary of the Christian Wo man's Board of Missions was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Boyd, on Fifth street Mrs. S. A. Barnes of Weston, was a guest at the meeting. The men of thd Pendleton Baptist ohurch have organized a men's olass. It met the other evening, and partook of a Dntoh luncheon of weiner wurst, sandwiobes, dill piokles, lettuce and sauerkraut" Of course, it is to be sup posed they drauk water. v "Airs. E. R. Cox and Mrs. J. D. Pla mondon attended a reception given at the home of Col. J. H. Baley, Tues day evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Boy Baley, who were reoently married in Portland. The bride was formerly Miss Eva Froome. : The little daughter of Mr. and Mrsv Frank Tharp is improving. Sunday; Dr. Blalook of Walla Walla, was call ed. He made an incision in the neck with the result that a quantity of pus was taken out, sinoe which time tbe little one has been much better. SO Days' Trial f 1.00 is the offer on Pinnies. Relieves Baok-aohe, Weak. Baok, Lame, Back, Bbeumatio pains.' Best on sale for Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. Good for young and old, Sat isfaction guaranteed or money refund ed. Sold bv Pioneer Drn? KtnrA. Jack Weir shipped a carload of srock and farm implements to Wash- tnona Wednesday. Tbe shipment was aooompanied by Tom Weir and Tom Gilkie. The latter, who has been working at Wright's livery stable, wil be employed on Mr. Weir's farm." Mr. and Mrs. Elihn Brook and child-. ren late of Maitland, Wash., have been visiting the past week at the home of Mrs.- Jane Watts in this city. Mr. Brook is an old time resident of this county, and is moving his family to Twin Falls, Idaho, where they will reside. X James Henderson, of tbe Mosgrove Mercantile oompany, is expected to ar rive home Sunday from New York, where he has been for several months. Mr. Armstrong who has been in charge of the grocery department will be transferred to the Mosgrove store at Waitsbnrg. Mrs. L. A. Githens, who has been in ill health all through the winter, oontinnes to fail. She is now confined to her bed and but little hope is enter tained for her recovery. Mrs. Githens had the gripp in the early winter sinoe whioh time lung tronblebas been in evidenoe. - ( John Duffy and family came over from Walla Walla yesterday and went, out to the farm south of town. The family resided in Walla Walla this winter, where Mr. Duffy was under a Burgeon's care. : He is greatly im proved and can walk without assist ance of a oane. president with a beautiful out glass vase as a token of tbeir love and friendship, presentation being "made by Mrs. Tompkins. After a sumptuous repast all retired to tbeir homes bar ing bad a most enjoyable time and wishing their hostess many happy returns of tbe day. ; ' . .'.-. Mrs. Lillie Miller announces that on aocount of tbe inclemency of the wea ther, she will postpone her grand open ing of spring bats till Wednesday and Thursday of next week, wben she will have on display all the-latest styles in street hats. A little later tbe dress hats will appear. K The little friends of Lawrence I harp celebrated his 10th birthday yesterday1' afternoon in' grand - style. Ten boys were invited, and passed the afternoon most happily with games and boyish sport. -A lunch prepared by Mrs. Tharp, was one of the main features of tbe afternoon's pleasure. - lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ov Worthington was the scene of a pleas ant time Wednesday evening, when the Ladies Aid of the M. E. ohnrob,' about forty in all surprised Mrs. Wor thington by coming in for a social time, tbe occasion being ber birth day. The evening was spent in musio and games. Tbe Aid presented their Mrs. R. L. Thompson of this city, assisted by ber sister. Miss Harriet Ed wards, of Heppner, last Friday evert ing entertained tbe young ladies of the Bowknot olub, of Weston, with their escorts. About 20 young ladies and gentlemen drove over and enjoyed de lightful entertainment nntil a late hour. Refreshments were served be fore tbe party's departure for home. ,' Drs. Heisley gave another of their delightful social evenings at their hospitable home on Fifth street last night, at which abont 25 people were present The doctor made large quantities of his - luscious candies, which were generously distributed among tbe guests. Musio and con versation enlivened tbe hours until near midnight 1 Dwight Gore, a young man of Wes ton, died Wednesday at a hospital in Walla Walla. An operation was per formed upon bis brain some time ago in tbe bope of curing him of a lament able infirmity but tbe result did not verify the ho pa and he was under fur tbei treatment at the time of his sud den death. Tbt young man was terri bly handioappeA through life by dis ease resulting from injuries received in early childhood.' The remains were brought to Weston for interment BANNER 8ALVE RET50L.VED THAT IT 15 A -DREAM.- I50ARETHE BEAUTIFUL' Wa sts and oth e r THIISC5 WE SHOW. Your dreams will come" true atour T S A DREAM 4 WHY SHOULD YOU MAKE YOUR. oWN'WAI-ST WHEN WE HAVE THEM ALREADY MADE T0K' YOU? GOOD LOOK DIFFERENT WHEN THEY ARE MADE UP FROM WHAT THEY Do WHEN YoU-SEE THEM IN THE PIECE. YOU CAN BE .SURE OF A TIT TOO WHEN -YOU BUY YOUR WAISTS READY-MADE. CAN YoU bE .SURE OF A FIT WHEN YOU DO NOT. . Jarmaii'sBigfTair Store. the moat healli ia salve In the world. losgroye Mercantile Co 'We aremow showing the finest and most up to date line of wool Dress Goods in all the new fab rics and coloring. Also $Mi mm WM mmm&. in stripes and many other new effects. Our stock has never been so extensive and varied as it has proved to be this "Season. Ladies' Muslin Underwear Lace and Embroidery trimmed. " A new line just received. All the newest de signs. We shall be pleased to have you give us a call and look through this new and up to date Merchandise, whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to 'show goods. The celebrated B. C& H. trading stamps with every cash purchase. losgrove Mercantile Co Athena,' Oregon r