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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1907)
ATHENA PRESS . . Tuesday and Fridays F. B.BOYD i Publisher Some people pay as they go and oth ers go without paying. If a man can't make good at any thing else he is apt to make good ex cuses. Still, it will be some time before everyone can spell Just as he Is "dls poged." The Russian revolutionists may need cash, but why raise it with dyn amite? ' Instead of killing its spirt, calamity acts merely as a sttmulus to most American cities. Dr. Parkhurst says "decency and politics have been divorced." Desertion or incompatibility? Japan Intimates that she has passed the point where she Is willing to sit still and allow any nation to make faces at hen The protests against his spelling re form scheme have probably convinced Mr. Roosevelt that It is difficult to be both right and President "Money is dangerously plentiful in summer," says Secretary Shaw. A be lated warning. Scarcely any of us even remotely suspected our peril. There appears to have been some thing sympathetic and large hearted about the late Russell Sage after all. We refer, of course, to Mrs. Sage. " T' CITY HALL'S HIDDEN OVEN. I week, he seemed to love me. But, af- I terward, as his fortune increased, his It Wm vtd Lon Ao to Cook Hot affection for me diminished. And b iie for w York Aldermen. got so rich after a while that he said ' Back of one oak panel in the west he wished I were dead." It is the em wall of the committee room adjoin story told in a New York divorce court lng the Aldermen's chamber was found by the wife of E. II. Tucker, a wealthy 1 yesterday a baker's oven of long ago. ki if ia t onhntnnoe. Aldprman Frank Dowllng was chatting the pitiful story 'told in a thousand dl- with some friends in the rooin when he vorce courts all over the country. happened to notice that the upper part is the pathetic tragedy which, In these of the panel was fitted with binges, days of wonderful prosperity and, "There must be something behind rapid fortune-making, has blighted ; there ; none of the other panels has a homes unnumbered. Money, honestlj binge," Mr. Dow ling remarked after he got and wisely used, is good to have , had gone on an exploring tour : around But there Is not enough of it in all the room. It was suggeste d by one ol " ... i ha imnn Mint it m teht be another se- tne worm to recompeuse iw - . the sweet Joys of the humblest home , cret stairway, one similar to that found St 1st Ind warded by love. Pro.' when the f?" perity Is a precious blessing to those years ago, leading from he old Council worthy of It and able to stand It chamber down a winding way to Bu all the wealth of the mines and small outlet on the north side o th farms and factories cannot give such hall. adlt" f " , .!.. tn onea wns used by Aldermen wno aiiei S u, ?dT , w oi l voting against the Interests of their nd ,al h Ld sacSce that makes the constituents escaped K" ' Lome the cornerstone of civilization.! Curious to learn 9 The real life Is not ourselves, but within. The real possessions are ineuua urBaU no! what the bands nfay grasp, but coats of paint had been put upon t tL what the heart may hold. A lot of tools were necessary to force It, and mefwlH not beiS these vital truths; when It was finally raised there was, wS anhl hire they can know cs were mystJ Sand'hC -aTr virtues and the honest loves-there YXLt fof flnd e dellvered the real prosperity. I this lecture, which explained every-, S. Y: Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calif promptly nnnwered. Odio on Tblrd street, Atbena. Oregor X THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL i X i. E. FROOME, pkop. 1?? t Only First-class Hotel in ' Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" ' ' ill TV,o-'e mil Vinvinorobor oaint t s. the City. 1!? THE ST. NICHOLS That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and -wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use Is the only one that can accommodate commercial traveler. a. Can beiecomendbd for Its clean and J well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main and Thibd, ATHKiA,Or. The Sherw!N-Wiluams Paint tKf MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS JjrJ WITH. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. i fma cnronrlcs easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. . CALL FOR -1 COLOK. CARDS mVHtiaUM Umatilla Lumber Yard General Plcquart, who defended Dreyfus, is the new war minister of France. Colonel du Paty de Jiam win now lose all confidence In the French army. v An Enellshman says the American face Is joyless. Terhaps he has been making a study of the faces of Ameri can girls who have married titled Englishmen. Boys who were named after Grover Cleveland are getting old enough to marry. This will remind the middle aged citizen that he is not as young as he used to be. Five davs before the great storm struck Pensacola and Mobile In Septem ber its existence and progress were an nounced by the weather bureau in these words : "A tropical disturbance wa renorted Saturday afternoon as devel oping south of the Grand Cayman, probable direction northwest by way thing : ! "The city hall dates back to 1803. This room in which you are now stand ing was In the early days of the history of this building popularly known as the Aldermen's tea room, although Its offi cial designation was the members room. In those times tne Aiuermen gui Viewing a sleeping car as a hotel, there should be a clerk Instead of a porter to receive and take care of whatever money the lodger may hap pen to have about him. Sometimes one thinks that perhaps Anna Gould deserves her Bonl de Cas tellane fate, and then again, upon sec ond thought, one feels that he would like to have a chance to kick Bonl. A train robber was captured out West a few days ago while he was asleep. It probably surprised the de tectives to find that a train robber ever found it necessary to go to sleep. of Yucatan channel.- The next day no salary, out me cnyan u u, w .u.i, h latino ntn snentt Its money ror reiresuuieuiB. .lulj the Gulf was noted, and Its presence were served with tea and cakes and in the Gulf was reported the day after, pies, and In order that the cakes and c.t ok fnth anv th fori nles miEht be served hot a cook was cast said that it seemed probable that employed and the cooking was done in the storm would be felt somewhere be- this oven, which must have been closed tween the mouth of the Mississippi and up for about seventy years, because the west coast of Florida within twen- the paneling on mese wana ty-four or thirty-six hours. It reached A ew xors ouu Pensacola the next day, and on tne sixth day news of the great damage done In Fensacola and Mobile was tel pern nhed all over the country. Resl dents In the Gulf ports gave little heed to the warnings, and many lives ana much property were consequently lost. Similar conditions prevailed abthe time of the inundation of Galveston. The people were warned of the storm, but wpnt about their business as usual. ft Is not nosslble to beat back the sea when it is lashed Into fury, but smp nins can be anchored in a safe harbor, and persons and property In exposed positions can be removed to places of greater safety CtMNIERGUL LIVERY STAELE HARRY M'BSIOE, MAHACER Best Stock and Rigs in the City,,, Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE SSBS f i THE TUi-A-LUi LUMBER CO- J&CK WEIR, MANAGER Athena, Oregon Building Material and - Fuel 'h'! Yards at Walla Walla, Touchet and Lowdon, Wash , and Athena, Adams and Freewater, Oregon. GDFfiON Shot Line a . . . ESTABLISHED 1865 DUNimK4ciFic I Preston-Partoh Milling Co. Through Pullman standard and sleeping a I I VUWll i M I '"""W v I cars daily to Omaha, UhicnKo; tourist sleephig I trinviut fitointntr .ra. tlprsnnAllV Conducted. weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha'.r cars, seats free, to the east daily irom i reuuieiou- Nebraska farmers asked the Gov ernor to parole convicts In the prisons, that they might help In the corn husk ing. But what's the use of going to Jail If a man has to go out and work Just the same? A Pottsvllle (Pa.) man fell 400 feet down the shaft of an abandoned mine and was rescued without a broken bone. If he carries an accident Insur ance policy he must feel now that he Is wasting his money. Fifteen boys whose ages ranged from 12 to 15 years formed a Jesse James Club at Strcuidsburg, Pa., recently and created some excitement by starting out for the purpose of robbing and shooting people. It was fortunate that each of the boys had a vigorous father who, didn't believe in the Jesse James business, but had a good old-fashioneJ faith In the efficacy of a hickory switch. Stroudsburg's Jesse James Club has disbanded and the sale of yellow-backed novels is reported to have almost ceased In that town. Throuch unwarrantable fear of catch rrv, afw h,,rao me cold from every breath of air, many was not established to give employ- people house themselves, both day and ment to various persons who liked to nigm, m ruuwa ayamu. . amuse themselves by making guesses are little better than air-tight cham nimnt th annroach of storms. It Is bers. They force themselves to breathe v, anil ovnorionnod an atmosDhere that Is deficient in oxy uunuuicvi i'j -. . - , , men trained In the science or meteor- gen aim cuiiuuiiuaicu . . rri..,i .MTiotinna oi-a hatuwi nn add and other oolsonous gases. And, Uingj-. iron - . il I n ii .hllnluil nr nn nloa vtnfl PfltBrt AS a TUie. lUe.V BUVO lueir luuuin v, oovioa nf ovnprimpnts. An er- cessivelv warm. A good fire in an open uj n --r - fironnsir a thn propntlnn. nd nreDiace may curry pari vi tuo tuuiom- lunwun i"1 v-v,.. w j I - - . I . - . lit. it. Vli1 is due to the appearance of unexpected matea air away wnu tne biuu, forces to deflect air currents and steam radiators and other heating de- change barometric pressure. Nearly, if vices which require neither air ducts not quite, all great storms are foretold nor flues In no way diminish the im- linnr.9 nnn snmptimes manv aavs. 1 niirltv. ii i n " ' - " - 1 1 i t- la mnnh snfpT to hppd The effects of breathlne vitiated air 1 11 1111 ' .HIV V . - v . " I the warnings of the weather bureau are especlaly pernicious to the health than to laugn at inem. xne tarmer or cnnaren. j.uey ore smciaiy "i"" who cuts his nay wnen pleasant aays rested nrst in tne nervous oyoicm u, .,..iiwi ta mnro likelv to ffpt it I fiio rnrinntinn nf drowsiness and men- nlC JflCUillVU to " ' " -- -rf C5-- I W1V 1 V. ... V - cured and safely under cover than his tal dullness. Poisonous matters that neighbor who Ignores tne aaiiy Dune- ure normally exnaiea Dy me iuub , ARRIVE TIME SCHEDULES IHPAKT Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Daily- " Walla Walla, Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew Iston, Colfax, Pull- ,,-, m .. m man, Moscow, the trict, Spokane and all points north. Walla Wal.a - Pen- r 12:30 p m dieton Mixed ' ii Fast Mail for Pen dieton, LaOrande. Baker City, and all potntseist via Hun tington, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp 4:53 p m ner, The Dalles, 4:53 p. m Portland, Astoria. Willamette Vallej Points, lalifornla. Tanoma, Seatt le, all Bound Points. Pendleton - Walla 6:30 p m Walla Mixed la 19 n a 9 9 s 9 Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected . Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for Athena Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. - - Athena, Oregon 5 ilOiiBaBaiaaBnBii Bwawsww www ------ tins from Washington. The quiet, honest citizen who lives well within his Income, having what he needs in the way of comfortable living, adequate feeding, tasteful dressing, with some relaxations and pleasures, all In such proportion as his means jus tify, stands agape at his neighbor who earns no more but who makes a deal of show with what he has and what ue does and doubts his own ability to niau- age. But the difference Is not so much apparently in ability to make a given sum of money go Its fullest length as of willingness to incur debt and forget it. AS! A successful buslnes man who died In Buffalo, N. Y., leaving a wife and twelve children a fortune of several mllllonse of dollars, also left a provis ion In his will reducing the share of his estate to be given to his widow iu the event of her remarriage. The fear . that the mother of his twelve children might become the wife of some other man was manifested m more than one paragraph of this man's will. In con trast with the Buffalo millionaire's so licitude lest the wife of his bosom should take another husband Is the conduct of Joseph AVldrewitz, a He brew citizen of New York, who dial not long ago, leaving an estate of $20,000. He willed a good share of his wealth to his widow, with a stipulation that If she shall remarry she shall get an addi tional $2,000 as a wedding present "When my husband was 21 and I was 17, and ho was getting $11 a skin are retained In Increasing quanti ties In the blood. They render It ma nure, and a form of anemia Is, soon IT 1 M I produced. This becomes apparent m nallnr of countenance; languor, wenn- ness. degression and loss of appetite. The power of resisting disease Is di minished and a condition of chronic in validism Is ultimately developed. The dread of drafts now becomes jus tifiable, for, In the debilitated state of the svstem. even the currents of cold air that descend from the windows and iin K-eo th uime walls increase the susceptibility to In attention to his advertising as he does Jection to such an extent that the form i . I,.., ,iMn unA wmlnplue of disease acquired depends only upon stock will never argue tnat advertising the kind of infectious agents that gain doesn't pay. access to tne oouy. , i iii I oiHioriuniiy inu uc uuuiucu ivi o.Haii,0 Avnen. I cnviwth of the eerins of tuberculosis, ln- ditures of the New York department fluenza, pneumonia or cerebrospinal stores were less than one-half of that meningitis. And even when germs do of to-day. Twenty years ago It was not enter the body, there may be a less thau one-tenth. Thirty years It pnysicai aecimo ium. t was a minute fraction. Note how these stores have prospered and broadened, Does advertising pay? folll'S LOKaimBOQEV-TAE 1C NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO N ATlONAb PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over " Cough. Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for yountf and old. All cough syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar move the bowels and contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. V. S. A. SOLD IN ATHENA AT HAWK'S PIONEER DRUG STORE pi tn..m p.-. . -.:- i- "'lift.- f'. 4 ; - g"Wiii,i'-iiii-i n riiTai.nli.ilf I'fll i ' f Th T' " w-.j, lj3jXl'itfii-rrTr-iThir T '"' Some aggressive country merchants fatal disease of some of the vital or gans. The exclusion of fresh air is a radical mistake that should be corrected before , nermanent damage has been done. The advertise to have on hand all of the practice of ventilation can be learned catalogues of the different mail order best during the summer season, when houses and offer to duplicate any price1 drafts are least noticeable After one fouml lu them and to save their cus- has become accustomed to the breathing tomers the freight charges in addition.; or pu"j 'r' i w'e Thev find this method very effective in of an unventilated room Is Intolerable. holding their old customers and gain-; While this habit is being acquired how- init new ones. The mall order house ever, uj . 8 ....I. . i irainst sensitiveness to drafts by sys- IlUS COllie lO oiay, n no uuoiucm jo - built up through advertising. Talking tematic bathing in cold water. The uuiif i c . - m -.,lf.-v than YTV1K-wia an nrrtuux. aealnst the mall order house win not com u .ui able stimulation of the nervous sys- h. do more and better advertising and tern, and a moderate draft need not be must meet competition as tie finds it, "- not as he might wish it were. There prodnct ot Texas. is an evolution under way in the bust- Less than one-tenth of the area of Hess of Belling merchandise, and the Texas is onder cultivation, and yet in i 1 , A 1 . . n ..... 1. V. . w ... . M.l. . .. .1 . . .. .3 . nt.i..Tfi.Hn 1 matt Wno fUlJS iu iu game uiubl ue jyuo IU CUlio inuuuu-u osuiuhuici ncsresslve and face the music Boll- nroducts valued at $300,000,000. ; var (N. Y.) Breeze i Km OF THBOfiT I If !1 1 WW) LZZ2 J J UM U - .... IDBE8 THROAT . DID DISEASES SAVED UHl SON'S UFE My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung; trouble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. 50c AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C