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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
VOLUME XIX. ATITENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 29. 1907. NUMBER 8. 0 1 ATHENA'S UP TO ED. MANASSE. This cold weather calls HiTen, Women Children t .' ... We have just the Garments you arc looking for. GOOD and WARM and PRICES RIGHT Athena's Up To Date Store Agent for Butterick Patterns. irst National of Athena CAPITAL STOCK. . SURPLUS 4M mm MODERN BANKING FACILITIES OFFICERS H. 0. ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier. t . M. KEMP, Ass't. Cashier. Cut Glass - Silverware 0. A. BARRETT & Good Groceries, Coffee In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The difficulty is not great, but it is exceedingly difficult to build well without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line Each Article the Acme of Perfection Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion. REMEMBER Our prices are always consistent with qualitv. DELL BROTHERS DATE STORE Proprietor. for UNDERWEAR for "1 ...$50,000 ... 20,000 DIRECTORS H. 0. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. 0mmfl) Bank M II DEPOSITS A fine line on display, One piece of Cut Glass each year and you will soon have a nice collection, CO. CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING3 TO EAT GANG RUN TO EARTH Charged With Robbing Post offioe and Bank CAPTAIN IN FIRE DEPARTMENT Wholesale Arrests Made by Federal Officers Gresham Bank Robbers. With tho arrest Saturday night of Frank Wane, A. Tumbull, oaptaiu of Chemical company No. 1, A. F. Bry ant, bartender at Tom Fallon's notor ious north end saloon, and Louis L. Smith, the mystery of the Selhvood and St. Johns postofiice robberies, the Greshaui bank robbery and the bind ing and robbing of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Beardsley and their servant giil in Center addition January 10, has been cleared up and with the evidenoe the government authorities have at hand the conviction of tho men is expected, says the Portland Journal. The arrests were made on warrants sworn out in United States Distiiot Attorney Bristol's office and placed in the hands of Deputy United States Marshal Nichols, Bnshee and Grifflith. These men received instruc tions to make no arrests until Wane, who is the ringleader, was placed in custody. Wane is said to be one of the most desperate criminals in the country and is known to have served several terms in the penitentiaries in various parts of the country. A reward is out for his arrest. Turnbull aoted as a f ence for the stolen property and is the man who offered the stamps which were stolon at St. Johns postoffico to Ashley & Rumelin, the Stark street bankers, who declined to buy them. The stamps were worth about $200 and were offered for $160. They were afterward sold to other persons and the government officers know where they are, but decline to disclose the names of tho persons who purchased them. Bryant, the bartender, was the man who located the various places to be robbed. He has a ranch near tho place where old man Beardsley and bis wife were bound and gagged and told the gang of the conditions which governed the house on the night of the robbery. Bryant also located the Sell- Athena, Oregon, j and Tea Athena, Oregon. wood postoffice for the burglars, but this was contrary to work planned for the robbers by Turnbull, who wanted me men to rob tne postoffice on East Buruside street. ' Friction resulted from the conflict between the two men but had no effect upon the orgauiza tionof the eau&r. The story of the Sellwood robbery is interesting in tnat the robbers believed that they had killed Officer Soreusoa and were prepared to get out of the city on the niortiug of the robbery. Alter the shootiug, the men thore were four in the crowd ran down to the river, where Wane counseled throwing thoir revolvers away. The other men demurred aud Wane was the only man who threw his wenpon into the river. When they reached the Madison streot bridge the meu parted and Wano went to the east side, where he took a Vanoouver car and went to the Washington city. From Vancouver Wnn talanhnnnil to Bryant aud asked concerning Soren son's condition. When advised that the officer was not dangerously wound ed Wane returned to Portland aud joined bis comrades in their rooms at the plaoe where they were arrosted by tho police. The story of the Gresham bank rob bery is also interesting, because of the bungle which the men made of their work. Wheu they commenced opera tions on the safe they beiieved that it was fireproof, and discovered that it was burglar proof, and injected so mnoh nitroglycerine into the borings they had made that they feared to ex plode it lest they blown to pieces with the safe. Wano, Rankins and Anderson are the men known tri hnva dnnn Hin wnrlr at Sellwood, aud tho other man who aided tbem is either Kelly or another man who has not yet been captured. SUPPORT OF NORMAL SCHOOL Text of Two Eills Introduced by C A. Barrett- Following is a full text of two hills concerning Weston Normal school, introduced in the house by representa tive Barrett. One bill provides for the maintenance of the Normal and appro priates $35,000 therefor, and ouo ap propriates $35,000 for a new dormi tory, iney are as follows: House bill No. 13, read first time January 15, 1907. A bill for an aot to provide for the maintenance of the Eastern OreROu State Normal Rohonl. and to appropriate money therefor. Jae it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. That there be and is hereby appropriated out oi tne general fund the sum of tbirty-five thousand Y835.0001 dollars for the payment of salaries of the omoers, teaoners and employes, and maintenance and general and conting ent expenses from the first of January, l'ju, to tne 31st day of Deoember, 1908, of the Eastern Oreeon State Normal sohool at Weston, and to keep the buildings, grounds and other property tnereol in ropair. Sec 2. The seoretarv of state is hereby authorized aud directed to audit all duly approved claims which have been incurred in accordance with law and the foregoing appropriation, ana to araw nis warrant on the state treasurer in payment thereof, out of The Farmer's "Wife Is very caroful about her churn. She scalds It thoroughly after using, and gives It a sun bath to sweeten It. fche knows that if her churn is sour it will taint the butter that, is made In it. The stomach Is. a churn. In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro cesses which aro almost exactly like the churning of butter. Is it not apparent then that if this stomach-churn is foul it makes foul all which is put Into It? The evil of a foul stomach Is not alone the bad taste In the mouth and the foul breath caused by it, but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissem ination of disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sonr and foul stomach sweet. It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting ele ment. In this way it cures blotches, pimple, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or open eating ulcers anil all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you havo bitter, nasty, foul taste In your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, aro weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent head aches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom ach, constipated or irregular towels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider able number of them, indicate that you aro suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy liver with tho usual accompanying Indi gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant derangements. hp hrt flgenrq Vv.nv.-n tn mivliral rt. u$ ilio nsa ji t tetnut thji w r 1 1 i r.tiS au the seyi-rliTsThiw lsof medical prarjlp J-aOarmwii'iiisTy have, been siTllluliajicL harmoriloiisTy rtmTbiMedirTpr. I'uTr's (.nLWi.TMpflif-ft Discovery. That this is absolutely trim will be readily proven to your satisfaction 11 you will but mall a postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. V., for a free copy of hin booklet of extracts from the stnnilnrd medical authorities, giving the names of (til the Ingredients entering Into hm wor'l-fani'.d im-dlHues ami show bill w hat the most eminent medical men of the atfo say of tbem. the general fund not otherwise ap propriated. House bill No. 14, read first time January 15, 1907. A bill for an act to provide for the erection, heating equipment aud furnishing of a dormi tory, and the purchase of grounds upon wbiob to ereot the same, for the Eastern Oregon State Normal school, aud to appropriate money therefor. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. That there be and is hereby appropriated, cTt of the goueral fund, the sum of t iiirty-flve thousand ($35,000) dollars, for the erection, equipment aud furn ishing of a dormitory for the Eastern Oregon State Normal school, aud for the purohase and installation, of a heating plant thorefor, and the pur chase ot proper and necessary grquud upon whioh to ereot said dormitory. Seotion 2. The seorotary of state is hereby authorized aud direoted to audit all duly approved claims whioh have been incurred in acoordanoe with law and the foregoiug appropria tion, aud to draw his warraut on the state treasurer in payment thereof out of any funds, not otherwise appropri ated. NO LICENSE MONEY TO STATE City Council Opposes Bill Before tho Legislature. In common with the muuioipal offioials of other towns and cities iu Oregon, the city council of Athena is opposed to a bill now before the legis lature whioh if passed would give a portion of all lioense monies oolleoted for tho priviloge of soiling liquors, into the state treasury, and at a recent meeting passed the following resolu tion, a copy of whioh has beeu for warded to the oommittee having the bill in charge: Whereas, legislation is now pend ing in, the Oregon legislature, having the objeot in view of converting into the state treasury a portion of the money collected by the cities aud towns of the state ot Oregon, from liquor licenses, and Whereas, most cities aud towns of the state are heavily in debt ou ac count of maintaining the city govern ments, puulio improvements, etc, and Whoreas the State of Oregon can by corporation taxes, eto., and other methods of indirect taxation raise sufficient revenue for all state pur poses, Therefore, be it resolved by the people of Athena aud by tho City Counoil thereof that suoh legislation Having for its object the conversion of a part of money, raisod by tho soveral cities and towns from liquor liconeos, into the State Treasury should be de feated. And further, be it resolved that we inform our representatives in the legis lature of this opiuiou and iustrnot thorn to use their votes and other influeuoo to defeat such legislation. J. D. Plamondon, Mayor. W. M. Tompkins, G, W. Gross, A. B. MoEweu, M. h. Watts, Couuoilmeu. Dolly Thompson Indicted. Before closing its labors thfe crand jury found a true bill against Mrs. Dolly lhompson, a former resident of tms city. Mrs. Thompson received u letter intended for Mrs. Dolly Thomp son, wife of Georee Thompson, which contained a draft and cashed it at the lirst National bank of Pendleton. The matter was taken up with DiHtriot Attorney Phelps, with tho above re sult. Sues For Divorce. Suit for divoroe was filed Fridav bv Martha Dell Hendren ncainsfc Jefferson Davis Hendren. The parties of this suit were married in Idaho county Idaho, 1901 aud have one little boy, wno lias been adopted bv a brother of Mrs. Hondren. Cruel and inhuman treatment are the grounds upon which legal separation are sought. PER CENT Is your idle mouoy earninir vou four percent? You have iust un iood n right to a share of the profits earned by your money as the bauker who keeps it for yon. We divide the nrofits with our depositors and still make a satisfactory profit for the bank. Our business has more than doubled during the past year. This bank has a can- ital of $100,000 folly paid in and is conservatively managed by progres sive aud successful business men. Your business will receive prouint and careful attention. We will be clad to meet you any time and get acquain ted with you. Wo pay FOUR per cent on savins accounts. Call or write for further particulars. FOUR RAILRDADSCDNTRDL Commerce Commission Finds Trickery in Coal Dealings. OFFICIALS WERE GIVEN STOCK Recommends That Common Carriers Be Forbidden to Have Interests ' In Coal Property- . . Tho following renort ou the nonl situation iu the east as found bv the interstate commerce commission, ap plies to like conditions existing in the Pacifio coast and Northwest states: The interstate commerce coiuniiroinn has transmitted to concrete its first m- port on its investigation on discrimi nations and monotiolies n nil or tho -inint resolution of congress of Maroh 7, l'JOO, known as the Tillman-Gillestiie resolution. The report deals with bitumiuous ooal companies east of the Ohio and in territory bounded on tho south by Norfolk & aud Western Rail way, ou the north by Canada and on tho eati by the Atlantio seaboard. ibe roads involved are the Norfolk & Western, Chesapeak & Ohio, Balti more & Ohio, Pennsylvania, Buffalo, Roohester & Pittsburg, Booch Creek division of tho Now York Central & Hudson River; Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern, Buffalo & Susquehanna aud West Virginia Central and Pittsburg, now the Western Maryland. The report says all the above comp anies own, direotly or by stook owner ship iu other companies, large inter ests in coal mines. The report is prao tioally a summary of the information gleaned from the investigation thus far made, togotber with the presenta tion of facts pertinent to the general inquiry, aud makos recommendations for legislative action as follows: That OVerv common currier niirrnrl i in interstate transportation of coal be roquired to make publio tho system of oar distribution iu effect upon its rail way aud tho several divisions thereof. showing how the equipment tf or ooai service is divided betwoon the several divisious ot its road, and that the nnr- rier be required to publish ot stated poriods the system of oar distribution in effoot aud the actual distribution made to each mining operator. That where tho capacity of the mines is tho basis for the distribution of equip-' meut, a fair, just and eauabla rutins of the mines be required. Ihat after reasonable time carriers engaged in interstate commoroe be prohibited from using "Individual" or "Private" oars for handling of ooal traffic. That carriers engaged iu interstate commerce bo forbidden after reason able time to own or have interest, di rectly or indirectly, in any operated coal property, except such as are ex clusively for their own fuel supply, and that ownership by offioors or em ployes of common carriers of any ooal properties or stock be forbidden. A summary is given showing the interest of railroad officials in corporations or companies operating commercial miues or engaged iu coal traffic Ownership of stock in coal com panies by offioors and employes of the Pennsylvania RailronVI, the report says has created a serious and dangerous condition on the liue of this company. The policy of permitting officials aud employes of railroad companies to hold investments in ooal companies furnishing trafflo to tho railroad is, in tho opinion of the commission, a mis taken policy and responsible for favor itism. In any event it subjoots such s officials and employes to criticism and suspicion. Stook in coal companies was given outright, says the roport, to certain officers nnd employes of tho Ponnsyl vauia Railroad. Cured of Long Trouble.. "It is now eleven yoars since I had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S. C. "I hud run down iu weight to 135 pounds, and coughiug was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr. King's Now Discovery und coj tinued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal woigbt, 170 pounds." Thous ands of persons ure healed every yonr. Guaranteed at McBride's drag store. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. How to Cure Chilblains. "Tff eujoy freedom from chilblains writes John Kemp, East Otisfleld, jvie., "i apply Burkina' Arnica Salve. Have also used it for unit rheum with excellent-' result.)," lnstrrml fl t. ,ur it vi-r H.,r'i. . vli )o 1 1 i---r , j-iU , tfi'iiu, voi'ihIh, frvm, i titf-i iW'. hAiij" i;wi-.t if.,Vm tic'a dn.v torn ) "A'