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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Twioe-a-Week Tcesdat and Friday F.B. Boyd, Publishfb. Entered M cecond-claRi matter, March 1, im, at th poatofflce at Athena, Oregon Uuderau Actot ftongreaa of March 3, 1879 Subsorlptlon Hat: -r war, In advanot 12.00 Hlngle copies In wrappers, 5c, Advertising Kates t ',oeai reading notlcei, flrgttntertion.lOeper n Utolnunsequent insertion. 5e. VII aommanloatlom ibould be addressed to t PBK88 Atbenauregon ATHENA, ORE., AUGUST . ... 31, 1906 How easily, and with what com paratively small outlay, the waste of our forests by flie may be led need to a minimum is shown by a reoeut bul letin of the Forest Service. Prior to Febrnary 1, 1005 the national forest reserves wore left practically to "take care of themselves," and the records of destruction were really almost dis heartening euopgb to justify the argument of the enemies of forestry "If you don't let the lumbermen have the forests, the fire will get them ; so why not lot them be used for lumber?" But at that date they passed under the administration of the forest service. Guided by the lessons of experience, abroad and at home, a system of observation and patrol was established, aided by roads, trails and tire lines. The results were seen in the reduction of the reserve area bnrned from 0.66 per ceut in 1001 to 0.16 per cent in 1005. The area of the re serves, in 1901, was only about : half as great as in 1005; but, with nearly twice as many' aores to care for the per oentage burned was reduced in the latter year , by more than tbree fourtbs. Thirty six of the 03 reserves escaped fire ?1 together. If the nation al government can thus succeed, at the very beginning of its effort, why can not state government do the same? If self interest id not strong enough to impel the private owners into whose hands the forests have passed to take the ueoessary measures for preventing fires, and for their prompt extinguish ment when they ooour, surely state intervention is justifiable. The street begger with pockets liued witb money is a fairly familiar figure of city life, but one of the free dis pensaries reports an instanoe of au at tempt to get free medioiue, on the plea of poverty, that deserves a place in the OHtalogne of good stories of "graft." We read of a middle-aged wo inn i) who appeared the other day nud got a prescription, utter which she took her pluoe in the line of por sous waiting to have their niedieiie made up by the apotheottry. Tbia particular woman, it should be suid, bad giveu satisfactory answers to all Iho questions put to her, designed to show whether she was a proper sub jeot for charity. Suddenly there was a cry "I'm robbed! I'm robbed I" The victim was this woman, who so far forgot ber previous professions as to assort that her pooket had been pioked and that the thief bad got uwiiy with $00. Then she lost the opportunity to got free medicine, furn ture Our stock ofjfuuiiture is now without doubt tbe best showiug in the lnlaud Euipiie. It is also tbe largest, and onr claim is proven by tbe county records which show our stock to be twice as largo as any house furnishing stock in Walla Walla. When ourvMr. Kasei was east to Chicago and otber manufacturing centers in-Jiily be selected our fall stock from the real goods, and not from drummers' "picture samples" as most uireobnuts do. Iu this way he was a bio to choose only tbe very best and also get the foatories' lowest prices. Tbeu, too. all goods pur chased were assembled iu Chicago aud shipped from there by tbe car load thereby obtaining tbe lowest freight rates. The next time you are in Walla Walla we want you to come in and let m show you through our store, whether you intend to buy or not, and should you need anything be fore yon can come, mail us your order and it will have tbe same careful atteutiou as though you came in person. Use Our Rest Room TIIE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-141618 20 22 Alder Strict, WALLA WALLA, WASH thus adding, in her view, insult to injury. One of our eastern exchanges gets after Senator Fulton witb a sharp stick. It says "Senator Charles W. Fulton of Oregon, in an interview given out after his return to Portland, accused Secretary Hitchcock of 'hos tility to Oregon' because all that was asked for by Oregon interests, in the way of appropriations from the irriga tion fund, bad not been granted. Of course this is nonsense. It is unfortu nately true, however, that so many of Oregon's prominent citizens have been caught working schemes of gtaft against the government, that the secretary has been impressed with the necessity of caution in making invest ments urged by them. As for Sen ator Fulton's further assertion that Secretary Hitchcock is 'in his dotage,' the country would be very glad if the seuator, in the prime of bis manhood, could givo evidence of the same ability and the same conrage for the right that characterizes the brave old man whom he traduces." From Maxwell's Talisman, the first principle in the creed of the Home orafters is given thus: That children shall be tangbt gardening and home craft in the publio schools, from the Kindergarten to the college, and that summer garden schools in the suburbs shall be a part of the publio school system of every city, and that home craft and garden training Schools shall be established by county, muni cipal, state, and national govern ment,, where every boy and every man out of work who wants employ ment where he can gain that knowl edge, can learn bow to make a home and till the soil and get his living strait from the ground, and where every boy would be taught that his first aim in life Bhonld be to get a home of bis own on land. American merchants could do 60 per cent more business in Mexico were they to study the character and con dition of trade in Mexioo. ' The main trouble with the slow sale of Ameri can merchandise iu Mexico is the fact that the merchants and manufacturers demand that payment for their goods be sent upon the receipt of the bill for the same, and this bill arrives a month in advance of the goods. Of course, onr merchants do not favor the idea of paying for goods before re ceiving them. On trie other hand European merchants are liberal in giv ing time limits as high as six months, and as a cousequenoe enjoy a good portion of trade. FOLLY PERSONIFIED. SpokesmanReview. The Okauogau socialist who cut down 20 acres of froit trees in order to avoid being assessed on the im proved value tbey gave to bis farm displayed a degreo of idiocy that will make him the laughing stock of the community. His action is the most striking example of that homely old adage of "cutting off bis nose to spite bis face" that has come under oljseiv atiou for a long time. Tbe question ought to'be Beriouslyjconsidered by tbe authorities whether he is not a fit subjeot for an asylum. While be was about it this man who does not believe in paying bis fair share of taxes, based on the pre sent system of assessment, ought to have burned bis house mid made a Lou lira of bis other possessions. If be should choose to carry bis dissatis faction with tbe established order of things still further he might end Make Your appointment Here - i .- : up by removing himself from the country and seeking some spot where be could be bis own assessor, tax col lector, municipal and state adminis trator and enjoy to the f nil his views on the taxation problem. Tlete are, of course, many who agreo with him that the present system of assessment is not right, that land should not be taxed for the improve ments placed upon it The theories on taxation are various and unique. Much sound argument can be ad vanced in support of some of them. Very few, probably, will contend that existing methods could not be bettered. But while they exist and are confirm ed by law they are endured with the best grace possible. The idea of making a valuable fruit ranch a desert waste would never suggest itself to a wise man, but "what a difference there is between a wise man and a fooL" "SKIDOO" A SYRIAN INSULT. New York Sun. The origin of the word "Skidoo" has at last teen established. The dis covery was made in the Essex Market Police Court. It is of Syrian origin, and if yon don't want to get into trouble don't say "skidoo" to a Syrian, because he is apt to take it seriously. At least, Samuel Solomon, who was the cause of the discovery, took it that way. Solomon is a shawl merchant. Loaded with a choice collection of prayer shawls and rugs, he invaded the ghetto. - He reached Stanton and Bidge streets late in the forenoon. He was hungry and the luscious bananas on the cart of Jacob Smith made his mouth water. "How much?" said Solomon. "Cent apieoe," replied Smith. "Too mnoh," replied Solomon. '- "Skidoo," replied Smith. , Solomon glared angrily. "Twenty -three," replied Smith. Then things began to happen. Solomon made a rush for Smith, and Smith oouutered witb a handful of overripe fruit Just as things were waxing strenuous Polioeman Wagoner butted in and baled both to the Essex Market Court. "What is the trouble?" aeked Magistrate Wahle. "He inBulted me, chudge," replied Solomon. . "How so?" asked the Court. "He said 'skidoo to me." "That's no insult." "Yes it is. That's Syrian and it means something very disreiotf ul to my parents." . ' "Well, it's English, too," said the court, "and it means 'beat it.'. Now get out." ; " " Some Ranch Talk ; ( With Apologies to Wood. ) The latest mode of transplanting sage brush sprouts is to wrap the roots in a woolen cloth, saturated witb sweet milk or a ple brew of An-bauser-Bush. Take the bundle and bury iu the depths of a manure heap. Leave them heat for 24 hours. Then remove the sprouts one at a time and I carry them separately across a 40 acre field to trenches prepared in the usual way to receive them. Irrigate fre quently until the plants begin to show evidences of growth. Ihe tollowiog year may be spent in grubbing them up, raking into windrows and burn ing. Never plant Komau caudles on irri gated 'soil. Select some out-ottbe- wav feuce comer, well icmoved from other crowing crops; else when the Romans reach maturity and go on, it is possible for great loss to result. The caudles should never be picked until ripe. The better way is to allow tbem to go off where they are planted. To get f nil results plant in hills three inches apart. To break a cow from milking her self, kill the cow and sell the hide to the butcher and buy another cow, By following this plan you will help tbe shoe manufacturer and give tbe hired man something to do in the way of "choring." ; Cnnnmbers and oantalotiea should be planted in rows, with the little eud of the plant down. If this method is adhnrnrl to the urinoiriie Dor tiou of tbe crop will be harvested on top of tbe soil otherwise you will have to dig your crop. The nronasration of beans requires scientific knowledge, and only exports have any business monkeying witn this crop. Careful selection of seed is the principle factor in the assurance of a laree vield. and a Yankee should be employed to plant and harvest tbe crop. To make tho crop profitable aud marketable, a pork paokery should be located ou tbe rancb, which should be situated withiu easy reach of a tin miue. Potato raising is a snap. It is an necessary to mention this farm pro duct further than to say that anybody, be be Injun, idiot or Italian, can raise a crop of potatoes. If you are in tbe market for pro vsiona and harvest supplies, you can save money by having Dupcia & Co., Weston grooers, figure on your order. tf Lost or Stolen A bay eayuse mare, roached mane, brauded witb circle C. on right thigh, has soar ou nose, about 5 or 6 years old. flO reward. Billy Robinson, Weston, A Trite Saying. It la a trite saying that no man It itroniipr than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it In shape to make pure, rich Wood helps the liver and kidney to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you tako this natural blood puriiif-r and tonic, you will assist your system in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is invigo rating to the brain and nerves. The weak nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, is usually the effect of poisons in tho blood; it is often indicated by pimples or boils appearing on the skin, the face becomes thin and the feelings "blue. Dr. I'ierce's "Discovery" cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is the onfy medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and the only one, every ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Some of these endorsements are published in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to anr address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. R. V. fierce, minaio, m. y. n tens just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praise " for the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are comwsed, by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery " Is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called "testi monials" so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the ingredients of which their medicines are comjiosed be known. ISear in mind that tho "Golden Medical Discovery " has the badge of HOXKBTY on every bottle wrapper, in a full list of its ingredients. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 31 ono cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Washing Done Right AtThe Pendleton Steam Laundry. CHARLES GAY - AGENT THE PALACE DRUGSTORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling if prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely a tbe doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and '.. : always exactly right. Foley's Honey and Tar for - No opiates. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AKD FEED STAELE fi-jfi GOOD HORSES AND RICS. 8CA30NABLE PRICES (DRIVER FURNISHED WHEH DESIRED- Horses boarded by tbe day, week or month Stbleon2ud street. South of Main street J. F. Wright, - - Proprietor Try The TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, ATHENA, OREGON I ill II HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop . i Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .hot baths; Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. BLACKSMITH AND . REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor, Shop West ot King's Barn, "Athena. YOUR MONEY BACK Tf vnn nrn not FURNITURE WE Largest stocklin'eastern'Oregou. I Yours M. A. RADEP, - - - H " Undertaking Parlors in Connection Mil If r m l,MM Feebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Jmplemept (3o. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA, Saving at the Spigot Wasting jpS WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. . ' CALL rOR Umatilla Lumber Yard X THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTELj X J. E. FROOME, prop. I iff i Only First-class Hotel in THE ST. NICHOLS X lu llie only oue thai can accomnioiini t 4 eommeclal travelers. J Can be leoomended for IU clean aud i well vontllated room. A COB. MAI5 AND THIRD, ATBBNA.Or. $ PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorn eys-at-Law A1IIENA, - - - OREGON satisfied WXtn AND CARPETS SELL. Make'onr store your headquarters to please PENDLETON, OREGON. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat nione can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. Everything Flix CIiih - Ate l e r n hikI Iu - l ii 1 1) SOUTH SICE I AIHEN OREGON at the Bung5 PARKER & LANE'S BIBB MP That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The Shervm-Villjaxs Pmrr MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS