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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
J' An Event With d fl a fi a ri n A Great Selling of Factory Remnants and Oddments. The Bottom Fallen Out of all Previous Price Standards. Sale Commences Tuesday, Sept. 4th; Closes Tuesday NiQht, Sept. Hth. 3,000 Yards of Mill Ends at 3c per yard. 3,000 yards Standard Calico, one to 10 yd lengths, regular seller at 6c Mill End Price, 3 12 Cents. 400 yards of Dress Ginghams sells at 10c. Mill End Price, 6c. 650 yards of Dress Ginghams, sells at 12Jc, Mill End Price, 74c 00 yards Percale, sells at 124 cents, Mill End Price, 64c v 550 yards English Long Cloth, sells at 18c, Mill End Price. 9c WHAT IS MEANT BY MILL ENDS? WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Mill Ends are goods that fall short in length of requirements, for export purposes, but identical in quality, style and design with the pieces, but still, not to be classed with the regular goods. Be cause they are wanting in length, or a slight imperfection of the weave, careless stitching of underwear, or a thread dropped in hose, these are Mill Ends. None of these slight flaws hurt the wear or looks of the goods to the customer, but they prevent the mills or fac tory from selling them at a profit. The enormous stock of mill ends we have purchased for this sale are all he w goods, fresh from the looms and are offered today at the loom cost. You will .never know XXTlflf" Innm Pncf 1C if -xmil foil r r4-tan fVic nnla fn iVia 1 vou are but an inkling of the tnnnp.V-SflVi'nff nnnnrtiirniVc rvffinrH Vnn t-i'nr trim r 4-Vi " ; ' WM , mjjj vpwt vuiuuug vsaxwu- AUU fcJ .VJ Ul UUVW LllllVO Ulw IJX lCVi AVAL lllls Same SfOOds at anvl Other Stores in. the rnnntrv "Relnw nrp fnnnH inct a omoll Tm-tirri nf fK iPtno QfiH nnVpc w j . ww w w v J uw V t. OlllCAXX UX UU1JL Uiw ; ItwiilU UllU ilVWl Eight Cases of Mill Ends 700 yards best Apron Ging ham, sells for 8c Mill End Price 4 1-2 Cents. 850 yards of Bleached Muslin, 36 in width, sells for 10c, Mill End Price, 5Jc. 700 yards light and dark col ored Outing Flannel, sells for 124c, Mill End Price, 7c. , 400 yards heavy blue striped Twill, suitable for making into Jumpers and Overalls, Mill End Price, 9c. Remnants in Men's Furnishings. Men's Cotton Bibbed Knit Underwear, regular 50o quality, for 89o. Extra Cottou Bibbed Underwear, regnlar 65c quality, for 48o. . Men's 25o Sutpenders, fully 11 dozen in tbo lot, only Ho. Men's Bed and Bine Huudkerobifs, largo size, for 4o, Men's Gray or Bine Cotton Knit Hose, for 4o. Men's Black Cotton Hose, regular 15c goods.for 10c. Men's Clothing. Our euth'8 stock of 270 suits placed on sale for 7 days at Mill Eud Prices. Every man iu Atbena would dig up tbe small price we ask for tbtse suits if he could fully appreciate the value of this Mill End Salo offer on dependable Suits. Our rogular prices on these Suits ore ex ceodiugly low, Dut they will bo reduoed from 20 to 33 1-3 per cent. lJwill be your opportunity to buy a fall Suit at Mill Eud Prices Odds and Ends for Men. Fifteen dozen Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, neat patterns and all sizes, regular 75o and fl kind, your choice of this lot, only 42c. Bouinants in Men's and Boys Sweaters a tremendous snap regular 3 Sweaters for $1.08; regular $2.50 Sweaters for $1.88; regnlar 76c Sweaters, for 89o. Broken ends in Linen and Kubber Colars for only 6c. r Boys Suits. Boys, Before receiving our new Fall line we must dispose of all remnant Suits from our spring and summer lines. Suits for boys of ages from 4 to 17 years, rogular $9 suit for $7.20; regular $7.50 suits for $6.00; regular $5.50 suits for $4.40; regular $40.0 suits for $3.20; regular $3.25 suits for $3.60; regular $2.50 suits for $2.00. Iu Hats. Meu's Straw Huts, also Boy's and Children's Hats for one half reg ular price. $2.25 hats for $1 .12; $1.25 hats for 62c; 35o hats for 17c. An odd lot of Men's and Boy's Straw Hats for only lOo. All onr La dies' Milliuery for just one half price. Regular 65 aud 75 o children's new Fall Caps, your choice for 28c. Many Remnants in Shoes. 350 pairs of Men's and Boy's, Ladies' and Cbildrens' Shoos at Mill End Prices. Odd lots and broken ends at prioes that will soli every pair. Iu this lot are Men's Work Shoes, regular $2.50 shoe for $1.05. Men's Dress Shoes, regular $3 shoe, for $2.25;Ladies'Oxfords us low as 98o; Children's $2.25 shoos for $1.58. Specials. 125 pairs of largo Cottou Blankets, regular 85o size, Mill End Price, 58c. Large size Comforts, both sides alike, regular price, $1.75, Mill Eud Price, $1.19. Lace Curtains, regular price, 76c, Mill Eud Price per pair, 39o, Ladies' and Children's Muslin Underwear, remnants of our spring and summer stocks., tbo prioes for this Mill End Sulo have been groatly reduood. END PRICES EXTENDS TO NOTION sSC DEPARTMENT. sS'" fiSpf ... . . JssiiI&IIr Ladies' Fancy Turnover l Se&& r'7'Nij Coll?rs, regular 20 and 25o :MJr 7M goods. Mill End Price, 8o. 700 yards , Embroidery : nd Insertion at MiU Eud JT , V't" 1SJjS' 600 yards' Valenoionno ff:. "r'X- z"""--. Laces in diHerent lengths, f'--1 ' .rS fHL-si reatly reduced to Mill V1 -.. , End Prices. iTS ' A. ' ' 8owinK Machine Oil, vTnTf?L regular 100 bottle, for 6o. Js'"'"'- - , C0r - Writing tablets, a 6 ''fiW':PwM ceutcr' for only 80 f -cU ',--- . "AY'S Fifty gross Superior Pearl ' I'vZLy k-r- ... Buttons, worth 10o doz, :' tfep Men's Bed and Blue rS fx : x' i&N. v'v: -2!lul.l Handkerchiefs, large size, )VS yVJS" Bemnauts in Iiibbons, nil JJvlibfsQP JTV'ZL-?$SSSS. rTr colors and many leugths.all Mg S at MiU End Prices. .NV, Z''T - " " , -sjl TTtl. TV, handsome patterns. Mill SSS&mm ntFiwmrnrw-i-m--",- - - "-fTgaMwrf,Cbiatf wTfifflw muHH End Price, Oc. iLL ENDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR A FEW PENNIES. freugh Cballios that sell for 10c, MiU End Price. Via. Beautiful Lawns selling for 10 and 15o, Mill End Price, 42 ' India Linon, the ,10c grade, Mill End Price, 6o. White Duck a heavy grade that sells for 15c, Mill End Price, 7c. Fancy Voiles, all colors aud pretty patterns that sell as high as 25o, Mill Eud Prioe, 8Jc. . Fanoy Dress Cloths in checks and stripes, lS'jC valne, Mill End Price, 6c, Checked Organdicp, the 15o grade, Mill End Prioe 70, : ' Paisy Cloth in plain col ots, regular 120 seller, Mill Eud Price, 9o. Genuine Madras Cheviot in good lengths and hand some patterns, that sell for 18c, Mill End Price, 9o. Soft Mercerized Cham bray, all plain colors, reg ular 15c seller, Mill End Fiioe. 8 l-3c WE WILL REFUND RAILROAD FARE TO ALL ATHENA PURCHASERS toe mim uu8 ll 111! o X