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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Twios-a-Week Tuesday ahdFbidat F.B.Boyd, Pubwsufb. Entered as second-clas matter, March 1, 1901, at the poatofflee at Athena, Oregon Under an Actol Congress of March 8, 1879 Subscription Hatas l rr uar, In advanci $2.00 Hlngle copies In wrappers, 5c, Advertising Katcst ,mii reading notlcei, fintlniertlon.lOcper in HUobsabiequsntlniertlon.fio li .ximmanloatloniinould be addressed to t PRK88 AthsnaOregon ATHENA, ORE., AUGUST. ...24, 1906 Land oflloe officials toll tis that the young farmers of Iowa, Kansas, Ne braska, Missouri and Illinois are doiug most of tbe homeseekiog these days. Many of them have gone through tbe apprenticeship as "hired men" and they are tired ot working for wages. They want to get laud of their own, and, what is mote, they can tell good land when they see it. They know tbe value of land that will raise three crops of alfalfa and that will tarn out enormous crops of almost any thing tinder tbe magio touch of tbe water. In many cases the man who has lived for years in the far west doesn't realize sharply enough tbe remarkable capability of the land. He is looking for a "suap" some thing that oau be watered with little expeuse. Bat tbe eastern farmer is quick to see that almost any of snob productive laud is a "snap," even if the question of water is going to be trou blesome for a year or two. Bo it is tbe man from the middle west who is settling up the Rooky Moun tain states. In a few years, the care less oowpunobers and sheep herders, who missed their opportunities, will be working for the man from the middle west and wondering why op portunity passed them by for some one else. (Jroat comfort is to be derived from tbe census figures relative to tbe mor tality rate for tbe last few years. It appears from these statistics that tu boroulosis is oausiug a markedly smaller porooutago of deaths at preB eut than formally, indicating a cor taiu degree of success in the fight against the "great white plugue" which is being waged in all parts of this oountry. The latest calculable rate of mortality from cousumptiou was 172.0 per 100,000 of population In 1800 tbe rate was 2454. This di minution is likely to ptogre. more rapidly in ibo future, for moil of the work of public eduoutiou iu com bat ting ibe riiaeHHo una beeu do up duiiug the lust decade, and is largely funda mental. The good result of the local piopugmida iu bohalf of clean living, fresh air, thorough sanitation, aud, to u oortuiu extout, sogrogutiou of oon suaiptivos, is just begiuuiug to be folt. The warfare aguiust consump tion is proooodiug along two broad Huoh, prevoutiou uud euro. The for mer is being waged by both physi cians nud luymeu, and is tin educa tional work. The lattur is strictly Hoieutitlo aud the results are less dis tinct, booause they are obsorvablo cbieily by members of the medioal profession. The real pioblem of today lies in teaohiug the people two prime facts that consumption is ooiumuuioablo and that its com munication oau bo prevented by the otworvauco ot oertuiu simple rules of bygiune and clenuliuess. Tbe State fish and game laws ate largoly fatciual, iu that they do uot preveut to auy considerable degree uulawful acts, says the Union Repub lican. The sportsmau who is lacking iu respect for the laws of his oountry will be found often doiug things which tbe law says shall uot be doue, while the man who is honest with himself aud seeks to bo a law-abiding eitiaeu, doos not think of doiug an uulawful act while bunting. Tbe iish mid game laws place our spoils men largely upon their own bouor while iu the field, and iu cases whore honor is laokiug, the flsh aud game , law will be correspondingly violated. About 40,000 young meu aud women just graduated from the uni versities and colleges of the couutry are uow tonf touted with the question, "Wlmt are wo to do in life?" Quite ajait from Ibx the old time "learned professions" are new fields constantly being opened by science and indus trial developments. It will one day be fouid that scientifio farming baa attractions for tbe educated man and country boys who bave received a col lege eduoation will not all rush to the cities as they do now. Homely advice to the beginner, but advice approved by the test of time, says the New York Herald, is: Choose the occu pation for which you bave a natural bent, or if yon cannot discover this, an occupation that at any rate is not distasteful, and be prepared to win yout way by probity and hard work. There is no other road to genuine success. The republicans of the west are quietly resolved to renominate Presi dent Roosevelt, according to Repre sentative Campbell, of Kansas, who has been speaking in various western states, including Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska. Mr. Campbell is the author of the Standard Oil investiga tion resolution aud is a seuatorial candidate. An English periodical, tbe By stander, says New York's "Four Hundred" is made up of people who lack refinement and adds that there is no such thing as culture iu America. How our English cousins do love us when they can use us for their own profit. Oue "Curley," said to be more or less of a desperado, has been warned by a Durkee vigilance committee to leave the place, but he declines the trip aud has asked the v. c. what they a ro going to do about it. Tbe com mittee has the floor. At a oonferenoe of government offi cials at Chicago it was decided that John D. Rockefeller would not be asked to testify before the grand jury granting immunity to the head of tbe Standard Oil company. New Brunswick will make all fire accident insurance oompanies deposit with provincial government a sum guaranteeing the protection of policy holders' money. Iu Western Canada there are 800 flour mills, with a total daily capaci ty of 20,000 barrels, and 1,000 eleva tors, with a storage oapaoity of 60, 000,000 bushels of grain. GIVES TILLMAN UETTKlt NAME. Spokesman Review. So common is the opinion of Sen ator Benjamin Tillman as a man of ferocious mind, a hater of tbe negro, savage in bis vindiotive utterances and one whoe name is still used by some of the people in his own state to frighten children into obedience, Unit auy othor view of him must possess more than ordinary interest. That there is another and more agreeable side to bis nature is claimed by Mr. Thompson, the Washington cot res poudentof the New York Times, who asserts that Mr.' TiUuiun "is roally a good follow, as sensible uud decent a citizen and as wise a man as one could wish to meet with; absolutely sober, temperate, iu every way dooout aud respectable." It is probably , Senator Tillman's misfortune that bo shows bis worst side to the public From Mr. Thomp sons showing be is worthy of a much greater amouut of respect than is gen erally given him. It is said tbat be is better loved by tbe negroes in Washiugtou than any other man. This must appear strauge to people all over tbe country who are familiar with his "shotgun" speeches. "There is uot a negro who bas ever met him," says ouo writer, "whose faoe will not light up wbeu you meutiou Tillman's name." As additional evideuoe of the bettor side of bis uatnre quotutiou is made from a speech of othor wise fierce in vective in which be said that Lincoln was tho greatest figure of the civil war, aud added: "I, from South Curoliua, tell you so and feel honored in doiug it." That Tillman possesses ability has beeu demonstrated by bis record iu tbe senate. If injustice has beeu doue bim in the popular estimate of hispor sonal character the Amerioau people will be williug to rectify the error. But it will take a good deal of argu ment by his friends to modify any material extent the impressions cre ated by his own publio words aud actions. t'OKDS WON'T MAKKV. New York Suu. Statistics just issued by Secretary Arthur E. Hester of tbe Alumni aaso citttiou of tho Uuiversity of Chicago show that ot the 1,000 women gtad uates of the universtiy siuoe its te establishmeut iu 1893 only 171, or about 16 per cent nave married. It is conceded that tbe 214 girls graduated iu the classes of the last two years should bave more time, but the same consideration cannot be giv eu to those who were graduated be fore, aud the ofticiala have no satisfac tory explanation to give for their lack of iuterest iu matrimony. This failure of tbe coeds to wed is not confined to any oue class. In fact, of the nine women graduates in 1904, the year following the -world's fair, not one has married. Tbe officers of tbe university deny that there is anything in tbe sugges tion that tbe restrictions at tbe uni versity against college courting and engagements between students bas any thing to do with this showing, nor do tbey believe that tbe average age of tbe women graduates bas any effect, although the statistics show that tbe average age of tbe women who bave graduated has been very close to 28, while the men bave been younger. Tbe students figure out tbat the fao ulty regulations bave done more than anything else to turn the girls' heads to other matters than matrimony. Tbey are almost unanimous in declar ing tbat tbe university authorities bave plaoed such restrictions on col lege courting tbat younger girl stu dents go elsewhere to college. Tney cite the large number of 'en gagements at Northwestern university as proof of this claim. PRAISE HITCHCOCK'S FLAN. New York Sun. Another "wealthy and influential" citizen of Oregon has been sentenced to jail for conspiracy to defraud tbe Government in timber and land deals. He is a victim of the Hon. Ethan Allen Hitohoock'a babit of enforcing the law, a babit that bas caused tbe utmost uneasiness among tbe high placed rascals who for years have been robbing tbe Government without giving a thought to tbe possibility that they might be punisLed for their crimes. In prosecuting the the timber, and land thieves tbe Secretary of tbe In terior bas not boen willing to catch the little fellows and let tbe principals escape. He has struck at tbe men best equipped to defend themselves, tho meu whose money and plaoe made them powerful in the oommnnity. When he began his investigation the Secretary was smiled at indulgently. It was predicted ' that be would ac complish nothing, except perhaps to jail a few employes and clerks. Mr. Hitchoock did not talk about bis plane. He went ahead in the most oommonplaoe manner, promising noth ing, threatening nothing. The greater part of tbe United States knew very little of what be was about Many of the men under suspicion were equally ignorant of what was going foiward. When tbe time came for criminal prosecution the completeness and strength of the evidence that bad been gathered surprised - tbe aooused as much as it did the public. Secretary Hitchcook's method of en foroing tbe law lacks noise aud seusa tion, but it produces results. It puts lawbreakers iu jail. It teaches men who have considered the statutes a joke tbat tbey are mistaken. Mr. Hitchcock continues to be a valuable publio official. The Summer Season. The O. R. & N. will sell round trip tickets to North Beaoh points, Ilwaoo to Nahcatla. inolusive and to Seaside and Clatsop Beaoh, from Athena for $13.90. Dates of sale June 15, to August 25, inolusive. Final return limit Septempber 80. Church of Christ. Services every Lord's day.' Bible school at 10 a. m. j preaobiug at 11; Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. in. j preaobiug at 8. p. m. Prayer uioetiug on Wed nesday eveuiug at 8. Tbe publio is invited to u I tend al! of these services. V. E. Hoveu, Minister. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, there has been submitted to the electors of the State ut tbe last geuetal electiou as required by law au initiative petition for a proposod ameud ment to Seotion 1 of article XII of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, to allow tho state printing, binding and printer's compensation to be -reg ulated by law at any time, and Wbereas, on the 25th day of June, 1900, tbo Secretary of State in my presenoe as Governor of tbe State of Oregon did canvass tbe voters given for and against said proposed ameud mont, aud Whereas, it was ascertained and determined upon such canvass tbat there were 63,749 votes oast for said proposed amendment to the Constitu tion, aud 0,571 votes oast against tbe same, aud that said proposed amend ment received an affirmative majotity of the. total number of effective votes oast thereon aud eutitled to be counted under the provision of law, Now, Therefore, I, George E. Cham berlain, as Governor of tbe State of Oregon, in obedience to and by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by law, do hereby make and issne this proclamation to tbe people ot tbe State of Oregon and do announce and declare tbat the whole number of votes oast in the State of Oregon at said election for and against said pro posod amendment was as hereinbefore stated, and that said proposed amend ment received an affirmative majori ty of the total number of votes cast thereon aud entitled to be counted uu der provisions of law, aud that said amendment hereinbefore mnntioued shall and is in full force and effect as a part of tbe Constitution of the State of Oregon from the date of this proa lamation. Doue at tbe Capitol this 25th day of June, A. D. 1906. Geo. E. Chamberlain, . Governor of Oregon By tbe Governor: P. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State. (Seal) 'S A Trite Saying. It is a trite saying that no man U Stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it in t-fiape to make pure, rich Mood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you take this natural blood puritier and tonic, you will assist your svstem in manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is invigo rating to tho brain and nerves. The week, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, Is' usually the effect of poisons in the blood; it is often Indicated by pimples or boils appearing- on the skin, the face become thin and the feelings "blue. Dr. Pierce's "Discovery " cirat all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful. It is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming drugs, and tho only one, every Ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. .Some of these endorsements are published In a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. R. V. ?ierce, Buffalo, N. Y. It tells just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praise " for the several Ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's modi cines are composed, by leaders In all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery " Is advised, should have far more weight with tho sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called "testi monials" so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Hear In mind that the "Golden Medical Discovery " has thk badge of HONESTY on every bottlo wrapper, in a full list of Its Ingredients. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets euro con stipation, Invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one eent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamp. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Washing Done Right AtThe Pendleton Steam Laundry. CHARLES GAY - AGENT THE PALACE DRUG STORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the filling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor ordered notbing more, nothing less and r always exactly right. Foley's Honey end Tar for No opiates. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REA3QMABLE PRICES DRIVES FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- . Horses boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street t. t. Wright, - - Proprietor- Try The TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KF.ENE, Agent, ATHENA, OREGON IIENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. YOUR MONEY BACK If you are not satisfied with . , . . FURNITURE AND CARPETS WE SELL. Largest stockyn'eastern Oregon. Make our store your; headquarters when in Pendleton ". 11 Yours M. A. RADEP, - - - Undertaking Parlors in Connection q 1 1 JI4 1 a! 'Ir'pA1-' ': i Peebler Sg Chamberlain Successors to tha Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA, "Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" 'I'XT 1 h 1 1 priced, by the gallon and be ,Jj jI I Jl Jf extravagant to use owing to 1 'V -v'-Tr to it's poor covering power - a u the 10 It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil. CALL I COLOR. Umatilla Lumber Yard 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. K. FROOME, prop. ,. m x Only First-class Hotel in the City. m I THE ST. NICHOLS ! tbe only one that can acoomnioaiUf 4 t commercial travelers. Can be lecomended for IU tleun and well ventilated room. 4 ' A Cos. MAIM ASS Thibd, Atbina, Or. 4 PETERSON & PETERSON. Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, - - - OREGON to vlease PENDLETON, OREGON. CITY MEAT MARKET C. H. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. PARKER & LAKE'S iRBER S Everything First Clrisfl - M A t r n mid t'"-t - d 1 e imy sirE I main --"'r AiHEN OREGON THE That's what buying poor paint man5. Paint mav fie Inw- wearing quality. After paint is applied it's too late save, ouui.rigaua.iiu ubc The Sherwih-Wiluams Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. s FOR CARDS I