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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
I Press Paragraphs Walter Ely was in Pendleton yesterday.- - Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. Curloy of Helix, a son. Herriok, piano dealer of Walla Walla is in the city today. Mrs. Austin Fobs is visiting rela tives and friends in Walla Walla. W. A. Kulisou yesterday added bis name to the roll of Press readers. Miss Mande Gbolson is the guest of Miss Carrie McQnary of Milton. Mr. Claude Hansoom of Peudletou, visited friends in Athena yesterday. J. H. Turner of Weston," was in towu Saturday and called at the Press office. -. . ' A sou was recently born to Mr. and Mis. Kd Zimmerman, of Guy, Wash ington. Jojin MoEwen and family were in town yesterday from their homo near Milton. . . Mr. Walter S. Brown, of Walla Walla, spent last week at the Nelson rauoh west of town. J. T. Lienalleu; was up from his Adams rauoh yesteiday. He is not yet through harvesting. Rain is reported in the Palouse. Threshers have been hung up at Col fax for the past two days. Milt Swaggart sold a fine bnnoh of hogs to Walla Walla buyers this week. He received 7 cents per pound. S Grandma Swaggart aooompanied by j her granddaughter, Miss Ethel Swag gart, returned to her home in Pendle ton yesterday. JtMr. aud Mis. J. R. King oauie, over from Westou last veuing, and this morning tjok the W. & C. R. train for Centralia, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Viotor McDonald are the in city from Walla Walla. They have spent several weeks at Tollgate aud have recently returned. " Claresbolni Alberta Review : . We received a call at our office on Thurs day from Mr. Fred Lockley, of the East Oregonian, Peudletou, Oregon. Ad Pinkerton has finished harvest ing his crop aud has boused hl com bined harvester. The Pinkerton crew had a very successful run this season. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Baker, of Adams, left Wednesday night for Prairie City, Grant county, where they will visit with relatives for some time. . . Miss Barker, of Portland is the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Edward' Kooutz. Miss Barker is an accomplished mu sician, being violin instructor at the Pacific University. Wheat hauling is now occupying the time and attention of farmers who have completed harvest work. Many, fields are yet nucnt, and there is much grain yet standing." " " Mr. and Mrs.- L. ,T. Robinson and daughter Bessio, are over from Rioh laad, Wash., ou n visit to Athena, friends. Mrs. Robinson' aud daugh ter have been visiting friends iu Port land. , Yesterday Dell Brothers purchased a big wagon loud ot watermelons from a Millon peddler. Before the day was -over, tlt:y had disposed of almost half Unload of melons at an averago price of 85 esn'.s encb. ' - ' A sufliclyt amount of 'rain fell Wednesday uigbt to cause a cessation of all work in the harvest fields yester day. The majority of harvest hands came to town and the streets presented a lively appearance. Johu Peebler was able to coma dowa town yesterday. Aooompanied by J. H. Oaghead, Mr. Peebler will leave for the coast this evening, where it is hoped the climatic change will benefit his health. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Curry, eyesight specialists, of Walla Walla, have been speuding the warm weather on tho Sound and will return next week. They will be in Athena soon. Watch the Press for the date. The Warren Construction company, which will do the street paving work at Peudleton, passed through Athena yesterday with their equipment The compauy recently finished a big street paving contract at Walla Walla. John Tharp, brother of Frank and Robert Tharp of this city, died Wed nesday morning at his Home near Nolin, as the result of a paralytic stroke whioh occurred last Friday. The funeral took place yesterday at Nolin. LeeHiteman was oallod to Oakland, California, yesterday by the sudden death of his stepfather, H. C. Sharp uack, who was a paint and oil dealer in that city. After settling up the affairs of bis stepfather's estate, Mr. Hiteman will taka an optical poet graduate course. The members of the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church, this week presented Mrs. Evans, wife of the pastor, with a handsome silk crazy quilt There are thirty blocks in the quilt each of which was pieced by an iudividual member of the society, and bears the respective name. - Pendleton Tribune: William M. Reeves, a well known resident of Pen dleton aud Baker City for a number of years, was examined by Dr. Cole be fore County Judge Gillilnud yester day, pronounoed insane and ordered committed to the insane asylum. Reeves is a mining prospector and was lately employed by Zoeth Houser iu developing the Gold Issua mine in Grant county. t Frank O'Connor, bar keeper at the Horseshoe Club, in addition to being a olever mixologist, is a sncoessf ul col lector. He demonstrated his ability in this direction last evening at the O. R. & N. depot in a manner that was stunning, to say tne least. A harvester named Payton, was making a get away to the train, - and owed O'Connor 'a employer 90 cents. Pay ton had a roll of money and a ticket for Omaha. Tho fellow was request ed to pay but refused and said it was passed up to Frank to come through and get it if be could. At the same time Payton was getting on the out side of his coat. That is as far. as he got A couple of upper cuts, a swing or two, and he produced a dollar. O'Conner gave him 10 cents obange and oooly walked away. FREEWATER TO HAVE SALOOM. Council Has Granted License To Op en a Booze Emporium. Advices received from Freewater yesterday by Distriot Attorney Phelps, says the East Oregonian, are to the effect that the council of that plaoe granted a saloon license at a reoent meeting. The license was granted to a man from WallaWalla named McEl ratb and it is understood he will open. a saloon at ouoe. That the proprietor of the saloon will be arrested for viola tion of the local bption law as soon as be opens for business, is declared by the district attorney. According to Mr. t Helps parties nave' already consulted bun regarding the matter and a com plaint will be forthcoming as soon as MoElrath is open for business. He will be prosecuted under the looal op tion law and the matter will be tried out at the October' term of the circuit OOUrt. - S .. :' Whether the saloon man will at tempt to operate his business pending the settlement of the case is not known. However, should he do so he may re gret the move for, aooording to the dis trict attorney, a soparate indiotment may be filed against him each day his place of business is open, thereby caus ing oharges to aooumulato ve'ry rapid ly., '. '. Buys Wheat Above Market Price. J. Z. Smith of Walla Walla, repre senting the Kerr-Gifford company, purohased 8,000 bushels of blue stem wheat from Eureka Flat farmers yes terday paying on tho basis of 61 1-2 cents a bushel. This makes nearly 20,000 bushels that this firm has pur ohased in the past few days, the bulk of whioh is blue stem, and the price paid is about oue cent above that quoted by Walla Walla buyers. Mr. Smith bad purchased' about 7,000 bushels previous to the above pur chases. Big Yield in Palouse. Perhaps the largest yield of wheat reported in Whitman county, Wash ington, comes from the Nathanial King farm at the west end of Kamiao butte, six miles west of Palouse City. From B0 acres the average yield is 57 1-2 bushels. Tho grain is of the Forty fold variety. Red Russian in the same uiegbborbood, is yielding t about 40 bushels per acre. . . An Alarming Situation. frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels aud torpid liver, until consumption becomes chronic. , This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; -the best aud gentlest regulator ot Stomach and bowels. Guaranteed by Wm. Mo Bride, druggist. Price 25c. ,. - ., at.': it. , h.,,.-.s,a..2iQlfiy ALE n t'M-2 Ct7i;;r;-3 St. t'--, ..irwB, Oet 17, two. I utas . '..'no ot Onrihii superior to an ti . nsdieine I ever used a i-.l Iti. (. f.-reof I speak. I suf pr I '),- : iit-mtiis with suppressed .n.:t.t u;-'. .--i vi; tsh completely pros ti'Ai. -rt .n. iMins would shoot throo gh civ fc tufc and sides and I would hare bii.i.lia h -ada jhen. My limbs would w.;H u i i-jd 1 would feel so weak I oiuhl not up. I naturally felt tbsvonrie;! for I neemed to be beyond u t.i: help " physician, but Win of g Cardui ca.ue as a Ood-send to me. I leu a Cii3ij?e for tne Better witbin week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic Leagn Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular rnensMi. bearinir down pains or I any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. V IOC3Ec; Items in Brief. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy's. See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co. 'a. Your horses will get fat if you use a Deering mower. The latest novels are to be found at MoBride's Palace drugstore. Green Trading Stamps at the Moa grove Mercantile Company, Ask your neighbor what kind of a mower he baa. Its a Deering. For your laundry, call up Parker & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 31. Can't we show you some of ou Rogers silverware? C. A. Barrett J& Co. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured bams. They are delicious. We still have the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. Orange Sherbut at the , Pioneer Drug Store Sunday. The latest drink, "Yakohama," at the Pioneer Drng Store. . Ely & Scott have received a large consignment of Butter Creek honey. . Farmers that are in need of ranoh hands, should call on Craghead & Hays. Rural telephone . connection in office. it. Death From LocJcjaw. never follows an injury dressed with Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Its antisep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Cbas. Oswald, mer chant, of Rensselaersville, tH. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burch,, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns ' and sores. 2 Bo at Wm. Mo Bride's, druggist A Lively 'A ursie with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious troubleVith stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25o at MoBride's. 4 Following T&e flag. ' When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Ser geant.U S. A. .Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: "I was two years iu Cu ba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which kept me in perfect health And now, in New Hampshire, we find that it is the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases." Guar anteed by Wm. MoBrido, druggist Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. . Keep the - little one healthy and Happy. Their teuder, sensitive bodies require gentle, nealing remedies. Hollisterx's Kooky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. 85o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. ' J. D. PLAMONDON ' H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; - Office in r , , ....... Barrett Building, Athenfl, Oregon .: S; l. Sharp -' - PHYSICIAN AND SUWJKON .. Special attention- given . to all v, - , calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office ou Third Street, Athena. Oregor F H. COOLIDGE Dealer in .. Watches, Clocks, Chains, and 1 Rings. Special agent for ' Hamilton Railroad Watches. Prompt Attention Given to Repairing. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE KiRBYM'BHIDE, MAN ACER Bert Stock and Rtgs In the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEHA, ORE f. . . s. . lfs5 ' JrV C ' " A I i Take the Wa&'d3dIRo In Connection With the PACIFIC 22 IB. -For- Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, and all other Points East THE BEST TOURIST SLEEPERS , PULLMAN SLEEPERS . DINING CARS Time Table; No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arrive 9:40 a. m. No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays, depart 9i55 a. m. For further information apply to , FRED KERSHAW, Agent, Atheua, Oregon. Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. F. & P. Agt, Walla Walla, Wash. LOWEST RATES -Oregon Ssiot line fisalMiOM Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST. DAIY Through Pullman .standard and Bleeping ears dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kaunas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free, reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east daily trom Peudleton. ARBIt TIMS SCHEDULES Daily. ATHENA, i ORE. j Walla Walla, Day . j ton, Pomeroy, Lew- ? iston, Colfax, Pull 912 a. m. man, Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis . ....', trlct, Spokane and . all po4iils uorth. , " Mixed, Woila Wal- 12:30 pm v to Pendleton. Fast Mail for Pen- i dleton, LaGrande, ( t Baker City, and all . pointseist viaHun i ' . . i i tington, Ore.i Also ' ' for Umatilla, Hepp- 4:68 p m ner. The Dalles, ' ' v. Portland, Astoria. ' , Willamette Valley ; V. Points, t'alifornia, L Tacoma. Seattle, all ' Bound Points. ' Mixed, Pendleton to Walla Walla riEPABT : Dally. 9A2 a.m. 4:53 p. in. 7:0i p m J. 8. Douie Agnt, is ;. ' . . .. . Aib" a losgroye Mercantile Co. WE ARE GIVING AWAYthe celebrated GREEN ;cTAaiPi: iimuiiiu discount, we are giving them absolutely free. No express or freight charges on any ol the premiums. If you have not already procured a book, get one at once and com mence saving? your stamps. In going through our Dress Goods department we find that we have accumu lated an enormous lot of Remnants which we shall place on sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, at ridiculously low prices. They will consist of all grades from the cheapest to the highest grades of fabrics, and anyone wishing childrens' school dresses can buy any of the above far below regular prices, in fact, buy the very best grades at little more than trash would cost if cut off the piece. Childrens' and Misses' School Shoes. Navy Calf in sizes 8 1-2 to 11 - $1.10 Navy Calf in sizes 11 1-2 to 13 1-2 1.35 Navy Calf in sizes 1 to 2 - - 1.50 Misses' Low Heel Utz C& Dun Vici Kid, double . soles, new and stylish lasts. 2 12 to 5 - $2.50 per pair ; We have just received a large shipment of LADIES' VICI KID patent leather Tip Plannet shoes. These goods are the regular $2.25 quality, As an ad vertisement for our larger shoe department, we are now selling them at $!J5 per pair. A great opportunity to procure the best pair of winter shoe ever sold at the price. losgrove Mercantile Co. SOUTH SIDE MAIN J. L, Elam's Bank WALLA WALLA WASH, r Capital Stock - $100,000 Statement, June 28th - 1906- RESOURCES Loans aud discounts - $258,768.04 Furniture and fixtures - - 2,676.00 Cash ou hand and due from . other banks - - 122,293.12 $122,735.16 LIABLIITIES Capital stock paid iu - $100,000.00 Undivided pioflts - - 6,004.76 Deposit - - . 277,73940 $383,735.16 J. L. Elam.Pres. W.H.Steen.Vice-Pres. H. H. Marshall, Cashier Comparative Statemeont of Growth Deposits Deo. 28, 1903 $70,099.90 Deposits June 28, 1904 9 9, 96 8.00 Deposits June 28, 1905 176,730.40 Deposits Juue 28, 1906 276,730.40 FLOUR1 FLOUR1 FLOUR1 Siclo-w IDi?i51j Per SaoHs: $1.00 CASH This Celebrated Flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wl. eat grown in the Northwest. "SOLD BY THE PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY David Williams Agent,- - 1 - . Athena, Oregon S ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. h .Flour is made in Atheua, by Athena labor, in the latest . and best equipped mill in the west, ot the best selected Bluestem , wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for . Merchant Millers Waitsburg, Wash. ItltllBIIAlSIIIlllIAIilllili lilBIilAiiifAiiaiAMAa These stamps represent a substantial oods Department ST., 4$ wy If there is no Piano in the house, one should be purohased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexoelled sor sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash and Grain Buyers I Athena, Oregon Sack ; Childrens' and Misses Fine Vici Kid Shoes, Pattent Leather Tips, Single .... or Double Soles .... Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 - - - $1.25 Sizes 11 1-2 to 13 1-2 - - - 1.35 Sizes 1 to 2 - - - - 1.50 New line of Childrens' and Misses Fast Black Hose, regular 15c grades, sizes 6 to 8 1-2 - 10c per pair 9 to 10 - - 12 l-2c per pair ATHENA, OREGON