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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
BIRD SCALPED Walla Walla Cashier Elimin ated From Politics. ENEMY OF THE TACOMA BOSS FIGHT VS. A County Not Liable for Injury on High way, 8upreme Court Kulei- Crocker 111 Said to Be Jealous of Friendship Between Burford and Ankeny. Tbe Walla Walla Bulletin gives tbe following insight into Washington politics: Tbe lntest news from Crocker head quarters is that tbe Taconia Boss bus landed oa another close friend ot Sen ator Ankeny. This time it is a man close up to the' tbroue and whose standing bus uever before been as sailed. It is none other thnn A. K. Burford, cashier of Senator Ankeny's bank, aud for many years his closest bnsinoss and political associate. It bus been known for many years that Crocker has been unfriendly to Burford and be Las repeatedly at tempted to displace him in tho confi dence of Senator Ankeny, but could never suocoed. Crocker has been banding out stabs at Burford for tbe past year to the newspapor writers and politicians on the Sound and when anything bus goue wroag in Walla Wollu county he bus laid it at the door of Burford, or someone whom Buiford Las been friendly with. Tho morning after tbe oleotion in Walla Walla, Crocker said to newspaper men in disenssiug the result that "it was Burford'a maiden effort at politics. " Duriug tUo oumpaign Burford wont to Taooma to confer with the Boss and returned and curried out his in structions as far as it was possiblo, but tbe effort to carry the eleotion was a fizzle and Crocker promptly luid the blame on Burford. It was then he began to realize on his plans to eliminate the Senator's olosest friend who had stood between them in many a deal tbe Boss had attempted. He managod to get an agreement whereby Burfoid in tho future will have no thing whatever to do with politics either here or elsewhere in the statu. It is said that his oonueotiou iu the future with tbe Morning Union will be ooulluod exclusively to the business department and that he will no longer be permitted to censor tho news or editorial columns of the paper. This duty is now in tbe bunds of J. II. Podigo, A. J. Gillis, Ed. L. Bruuton and O. T. Cornwell. Corn woll and Bruuton will be allowed on ly nominal consideration iu the direct ion of tbe puper, while tho active su pervision will be performed by Pedigo aud Uillis. This calls in mind the fact thut for many years any unpleasant duty re quired iu the banking business bus boon sbiftod to Burford and ho has undoubtedly boon charged with many acts wliioli he wus compelled aud diroetod to take. Ho, however, has boeu tbe closest aud most loyal f rimul Souutor Ankeny bus ever had. His political judgmeut hus not always been of the 18 karat kind, but his loyally to tbe Senator politically and in business way bus been of the high ost character. Crookor has unquestionably always beeu joalous of tbe relation between Burford and Seuntor Ankeny and is beginning to roulizo ou bis ambition to come between them. It is also as serted that Crookor has desigus on handling tho business alfuirs of Sena tor Ankeny us well as his political interests aud is planning to oust Bur ford from that position. It is recalled that Crookor secured his footing fin ancially largely through handling tbe businoss of his sister iu law and since she has tukeu his power fiom liim and given it to her husband, ho is without capital to oporato extensively and bo figures thut the management of tbe large financial interests of Senator Aukotiy would oflor au oxoellont sub stitute for the loss h !m sntined through the soooud marriage of his sister iu law. Owing to the advancing ago of Sou ator Ankony he will neoossarily turn over the entire management of his business affairs to some one in the course of a few years and it is intim ated that Crooker would like to huve this duty to porforni. Whitman Farmers Find Profit. Bat Ryau, who has a large farm south of Pulluiau, is making oxoellont headway with harvesting. He has 800 aotes of barley, making an av erage yield of between forty aud fifty bushels per ucie. Tbe graiu is said to be ot floe quality. Frank Hickman, living west of Pullman hag threshed bis batloy, of whiau bo bassevetal hundred acres. While tbe yield was much less thau usual, the average is botweou forty aud fifty bushels au acre. Barley is worth from 75 couts to 85 cents pr 100 pounds. At this price a crop of fifty bushels an acre would bring f 22.40 au acre, which is a good return cu laud worth from f 10 to f 50 au acre. There is a large aoieugeot barley in Whitman county. Faruieis that are iu ueed of ranch hands, should call ou Craghead & Hays. Rural telephone connection in office. It. Tbe county is obliged to keep tbe highways in a reasonably safe condi tion, tbe Supreme Court of tbe state decided, in tbe case of Agnes Dignan by her guordiau, Mary Diguau against Spokane county, but a county is not liable where tbe accident is not pri marily due to tbe condition of tbe roads or bridges The plaintiff was driving along tbe road one day when a dog ran out and attacked tbe dog belonging with tbe wagon Tbe dog fight found its way under the horses' feet. One of (he team kioked aud Broke a siuglecree. This let the horses plunge ahead and the neok yoke allowed, the wagon tongue to drop. The tongue scraped tho ground nntil it came to a bridge. One of the boaids of the bridge was warpod, tbe nail having pulled nearly out. Tho wagou tongue shot under this board and punched into the bank of tbo stream, throwing tbe girl out and in juring her. In tbe court below tbe case was ta ken from tbe jury and dismissed. Tbe Supreme Court affirms the lower court and holds that iu such a caso tbe county is not liable because if tbe team had not boeu diaturoed by tho dog fight tbe accident would not have ocoured. I have a piece of desirable property 25 foot front, center of Main street, Athena, which I will trade for cattle. R.. J. Boddy, Athena. LOST LAKE iLOKGER LOST Wagon Boad Being Constructed Into District and Soon Be Finished. Lost lake in Oregon made famous by Uifford'a photograph of it, in wbioh Mount Hood Li reflected, will soon be uo loneer lost. Workmen have commenced to construct a wagou road to it from the maiu road, aud soon it is to be possible to go to that much admired sheet of water without hnvincr in cn nn foot through many miles of forest. The road will be the most scenio one iu the valley, winding up through the mouutains and reach ing au elevation at its highest point of 4000 feet, states a Portland paper. For a number of years Lost lake has shared equal interest with Mt Hood iu the mind of tbe tourist, but few have goue there owing to its inacces sibility. It could not be reached in any way except through almost track less timber, and for this reason no accommodations for visitors have ever been made ou its shores. With the building of the wagou road it is thought that a hotel will be built there and that it will become X)tie of Oregon's most popular reoreation spots. An Alarming Situation. frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid liver, until consumption becomes chronic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best aud gentlest regulator ot Stomach and bowels. Guaranteed by Wm. , Mo Bride, druggist. Price 25o. Athena to Walla Walla TO ATTEND THE GREAT SALE OF The Davis-Kaser Co's Stock Attend this great sale, and when your purchase amounts to $50 or over we will refund your rail road fare for both ways. SALE STARTS At O A. M., WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, AND CONTINUES IP DAYS rheLaroest Stock of House furnishing Goods Between St. Paul ancT the Coast. Now At Your Mercy The Most Stupendous, Gigantic Sale Ever Seen in the West. A Genuine Bona Fide Sale With Nothing ' Reserved. All Must Go. The sale that will live longest in history. The MONEY-SAVING EVENT of your life. If you haven't received one of our Special Posters, drop us a card and we will mail you one at once. NATIONAL BROKERAGE & SALES CO. IN CHARGE Meaker Cochran, - Managers L...J XJ Cm W(J LmJ mJ "S.mmr Cures All Kidney and dorDisoiss Had Folefs Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Folefs Kidney Cure 2X once and avoid a fatal malady. A Merchant Cured After Having Given Up Hope. Foley & Co., Chicago. - Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney and Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous preparations without getting any relief and had given up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. After using one bottle I could feel the effect of It, and after taking six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W. Va. A Veteran of the Civil War Cured After Ten Years of Suffering., R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes: "Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted the best medical skill available, but got no relief until FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me." Ilef use Sisbsfituies Tiv Olzccja GosrtG and $1.0 NOW IS THE TIME reusre ror rarws' We carry a full and complete line of. the following sup plies No Other travel-book tells as much about the Great Northwest as does "WONDERLAND 1906" Its chapters deal with Puget Sound, the Columbia River, the Queniut Indians, the Bitterroot Range 01 Montana, the Yellowstone National Park. , . . . .-.-.'.. SEND IT TO YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS There's nothing better as a guide to the splendid country between the Mississippi and the tide waters of the Pacific. Send six cents for a copy, or send the six cents with the address of the friend to whom "Wonderland 1906'- is to be mailed, to M. CLEL AND, Gen. Pass gf Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Northern Pacific Railway Three Trains Daily in each direction between St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior, and the GREAT PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Axes Hose, Suction Rope Axel Grease Hammers Ranges Anyils Iron, liar Rules Bolts Iron, Sheet Snaps. Babbitt Lace, Leather Stoves Bits Lanterns Shoes, Horse Brushes, Horse Nuts Saws Curry Combs ' Needles Scathes Chain Halter Nails Snaths Chain, Butt Oil, Castor Steel Chain, O-il Oil, Cylinder Screwplates Cutlery, Table Oil. Black Screws Cutlery, Pocket Oil, Hard Screw drivers . 0ilcuPs Speed Indicators Cold Chisels Oilers " r u, Tank Pumrs Drills k Pails Enameled Ware Packings Tinware Forks Punches Tacks Files Pipe . Vises Forges v Pulleys, Brake Valves Gauge Glasses . pulleys, Hay Fork' Water Bags 'Graphite Pyers Washers Goggles Rivets . Whips And Our Prices Are as Low as Are Named By cinyone - Call and See Us When in VtCiXox Phone, Main 21 - - - 211 E. Court St. t PENDLETON, OREGON