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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1906)
Press Paragraphs Miss Ethel Swaggart, of Peudleton, is a guest of Mrs. M. L. Akers. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Cully drove over from WestoQ last Sunday evening. Attorney 3. D. Peterson and George Cowl, of Milton, spent Sunday in the city. . y Porter Graham, the well known Weston farmer, was in the city yes terday. . Charles Marsh and familv arrived in the city yesterday from their home ar Twin rails, Idaho. O. G. Chamberlain has the agency in Athena for the American Surety Company of New York. The many'friends of Mrs. Jackson Nelson will be glad to known that she is recovering from her illness. N"f-yron Hawks returned yesterday froni Moro, Sherman county," where be resigned his position in a drugstore. , Miss Mabel Tompkins, Mrs. H. O. Wortbiugton and son Emery, drove out to the Tompkins farm this morn ing. Tbe Misses Stevens, the well known teachers, passed through Athena Sun day, on their way to the Willamette valley. Mrs. Henry Dell whc is ill with fever is reported by Dr. Sharp, the at tending physician, to be getting along nicely. Frank Brotherton telephoned from Helix yesterday for extras for his separator. J. A. Barrett & Co. filled the order. East Orogoniau: CO. Sharp and family came down yesterday from Kamela after having camped there for seveial weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MoDonald and daughter Mabel, have arrived home from the Tollgate, where they spent six weeks in camp life. ; Miss Bessie MoBride, of the conuty clerk's office, passed Sunday at her borne in Athena, making the trip horseback. East Oregonian. Ed. Barrett, the contracter, has re turned from Waitsburg, where he built a 200-foot flume for the Pres-ton-Parton Milling company. -Mrs. O. G. Chamberlain and two sons returned Friday evening from Grangeville, Idaho, where they visited relatives and friends for several weeks. S--Mrs. M. L. Watts and little daugh ter Vernita, are expeoted tomorrow : from Lehman Springs where they I . I - - . M 1 . A suit for divorce was filed yester , day iu the circuit court by Theodore .Christie against Ellen Christie on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat . meut. ' " . - vyCharlo8 Betts, of the Mosgrove Mer- cantile company, who is ill at his . home in this city with ferer, is get ting along as well as could be expeot ed. ' : . . .The mother and sister of Mr. Ed. Barrett are ia the city again for a few days. They have been tj Port laud and tbe Sonud, and will return soon to their borne iu Denver. Did you ever read or hear the roles of the Methodist . Episcopal" Church? Next Sunday morning Rev. Evans - will read tbe rules for Methodists at ' ibeeleeen o'clock service, y John Peebler was taken seriously ill Saturday with muscular cramps, and Saturday night was in a critical con dition. He i is much better now, though he is still very weak. A couDle of salvation army soldiers : appeared on the streets last evening and held a short service, after whioh they went to the Christian churoh, where a meeting was held. V A new 20-horse power J. L Case engine, purchased from Peebler & Chamberlain by Joseph Bingle, ar rived on tbe freight -last night and was unloaded from the car this niorn ' log. Tbe negotiations for the purohase of the ;Pioneer ding store by Byron Hawks, have progressed to the point when the inventory of the stock is be tug taken. - Iu event tbe sale of tbe store is made, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will go to Boise City to reside. East Oregonian : Ben Burroughs is quite ill at bis home iu this city, and is threatened with typhoid fever. He had been slightly, ill for several days, but was out driving for a short time last evening, sinoe which time he - h is been confined to bis bed. . yC.Myrick postoffice, which was dis continued by the' department some months ago, has been re-established. Postmastei Love is in charge and with the re-establishment of the office, the people of that vioinity are brought into closer relationship with other communities, , The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, which was oritioally ill for several days past with summer com plaint, ". died Snoday morning. The funeral took place from tne family residence yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, JRev. Evans, of the M. E. chnrch, conducting the services. Weston Leader: The exact figures on J. M. Banister's field of "Dale Glory" wheat one mile west of town are 5643 sacks from 208 acres, at 140 pounds to tbe Sack this makes a frac tion better than 63 bushels to the acre. It ia a "bumper" crop, even for a bumper season in a bumper oonntry. More, it is a. marvelous crop and marks a new record for tbe east end. Pendleton Tribune: Two grain field fires yesterday resulted in the destruc tion of 2000 bushels of wheat and a threshing machine The first one oc curred vesterdav morning on the farm of Polydore Moena, about seven miles irom rendleton, on wildnorse oreek, while the second one was caused by the explosion of the Ed Zeouski ma chine near Myrick. ' . The man found with bis back brok en Saturday on the main line of tbe O. B. & N. near Pendleton, was buried at tbe county's expense yesterday. The coroner's jury verdict states: The appearanoe of the body indi cates that he was killed by an O. R. & N. train." There was absolutely nothing by whioh tbe identity of the man could be found. - .. NEWS FROM OVER WESTON WAY Weston Leader: Mrs. P. A. Worth- intgon and sons Dale and Wayne left Tuesday for their home in Portland, after a sojourn at Saling's oamp. A few days ago burning was finish ed of tbe largest kiln so far construct ed at tbe Weston brick yard. It has 39 "eyes," and contains over a half million brick. Ed. Hale, who lived at Weston when a boy, was here this week from Condon. Mr. Hale contemplates mov ing to Weston with his family if be is able to secure a suitable building in whioh to open a skating rink. Mrs. Caroline Shaw, wife of Matt Shaw, formerly of Weston, died last Thursday at the borne of her brother in Centralia, Wash., whither she had gone in tbe hope that her health might be benefitted. The remains were in terred at Weston Sunday: President French has returned from an extended trip across the mountains. In his - canvass for students he met with every encouragement, and he finds that the Eastern Oregon State Normal Sohool has many friends in this section of the state. Almost with out exception the old students are coming back to Weston, and with their numbers augmented by the new ones daily reoruited there is every prospect that the school will open in September with a record breaking attendance. ' Card of Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen take this method of expressing their sincere and heartfelt thanks for "all tbe kindness shown them in their bereavement. . The Summer Season. ThiB'OrK; lI.-will sell round trip tiokets to North Beaoh points, Ilwaoo to Nahoatla, inclusive and to Seaside and Clatsop Beach, from Athena for $13.90. Dates of sale June 15, to August 25, inclusive. . Final return limit Septempber 80. ,w Church ol Christ Services every Lord's day. Bible sohool at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11; Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. ; preaohing at 8. p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed nesday evening at 8. Tbe publio is invited to attend all of these services. V. E. Hoven, Minister. To the Public. I am now prepared to At cleaning, prrssing and mending and wish a share of the patronage . Geutlemens' clothes a specialty. Prioes that are reasonable. . : Mrs. DePcatt. For Sale. The O. C. Beck plaoe near tbe sohool house is ottered for sale. Good house, two aud one-half lots for sale cheap. A span of good work horses will be taken in trade. O. C. Beck, Athena. FEK3ALE WEAKNESS 1-1 Congress St. Portland, .Uains, OcM7, 1901. I conE..i r Wino of Cardui superior to sij:W medicine 1 ever used snd i tc.) . v Y.!vof I gpeak. I suf ert r i.Kutl with suppressed msn ft. u.i ira cil completely pros d .iu. I'aius wonld shoot through ray bad: ati i cidss and I would have bii.idiu,' It .il...U3. My limb would swell u i id I would feel so weak I ciuid not tand up. I naturally felt dut'.-oarsH lor I seemed to be beyond tnc hs p f jvh 'iic am, but Wine of Cardui ca .ie j Ood-sxnd to me. 1 felt a cha ige for the better within a west After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering; the agonies iiauallr did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and 1 wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economie Leagna Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. m mi juiiuu nn 1 Items in Brief. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy'a. See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co. 'a. Your horses will get fat if you use a Deering mower. The latest novels are to be found at McBride's Palace drugstore. - Green Trading Stamps at tbe Mos grove Mercantile Company. " : Ask your neighbor what kind of a mower he has. Its a Deeriug. For your laundry, call up Parker & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 81. Can't we show you some of ou Rogers silverware? C. A. Barrett J& Co. ' Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured hams. They are dolioions. We still have the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. Orange Sherbut at the Pioneer Drug Store Sunday. - The latest drink, "Yakobama," at the Pioneer Drug Store.- . Ely & Scott have received a large consignment of Butter Creek honey. Farmers that are in need of ranoh hands, should oall on Craghead & Hays. Rural telephone connection in offloe. it Death From Lockjaw. never follows au injury dressed with Buoklen's Arnioa Salve. Its antisep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, mer chant, of Rensselaersville, .N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burob, of this place, of tbe ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns and sores. 25o at Wm. Mo- Bride's, druggist. A Lively 'i nssie with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble'with stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25o at MoBride's. Following Tbe flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and tbe Philippines, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Ser geant.U S. A., Rural Route l.Concord, N. H., says: "I was two years in Cu ba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which kept me in perfect health AndnowtJn, New, Hampshire, we And I tnat it is tne best medicine in tne world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases." Guar anteed by Wm. MoBride, druggist Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. '' Keep the little one healthy and nappy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, Dealing remedies. Hollisterx's Rooky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. 35c Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon ' - S. F. Sharp . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Offloe ou Third dtreet, Athena, Oregor F. H. COOLIDGE Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Chains, and Rings. Special agent for Hamilton Railroad Watches. Prompt Attention Given to Repairing. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARBYM'BRIDE, MAS ACER Bert Stock and Rtgs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. K08TH S1SE STREET, ATHEHf. CRE '' Take the Wo & (Bd Mo In Connection With the PACIFIC U3 IR. For Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, and all other Points East THE BEST TOURIST FLEEPERS PULLMAN SLEEPERS DINING CARS 1 Time Table: .',.( No, 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays? arrive 9:40 a. m. No. 1? Mondays, Wednesduys and Fridays, depart 9:55 a. m. For farther information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent, ! Or to S. B. OALDERHEAD, G. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash LOWEST RATES Oregon Snorp Line a Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through' Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourint sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Oulcago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to tbe east dally troiu Pendleton. ABRIVC ' Dally. TIMS SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE. DEPART Daily. Walla Walla. Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew lBion, uouax. run 9:42 a. m, man. Moscow, the 9:42 a.m. uouer a'Aiene dis trict. SDOkane and an points norm. Mixed, Walla Wal- 12:30 p n 10 reuaieion. Fast Mall for Pen Hlatnn T .W .1 .. iw! .1 Baser City, and all points eist via Hun tington, Ore., Also for UmatllhvHepp- 4:93 p iu ner, -inn., uanes, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, lallfornla. 4:M!p, di Tacoma, Beattle, all oouna roims. Mixed, Pendleton 7:0"i p m to waua waiia J. B. Doblo Agent, Ai hft'a losgrove Mercantile Co. Our Great Wash Dress Goods Sale commences this week, at just the time when you want the hot weather goods. The most sweeping reduction ever made on new seasonabls goods. Come before the assortment is broken. Fine jaokqnads Batistes tan grounds colored embroid- Silk striped Grenadines, regular 65o o J ered effeots, regular 85o qnaltiy, -t Q J quality, sale price - - ODC sale price. - - llyC jrvl. ; Silk Warped Eoliennes. in blacks, browns, tans, j greens, Bosevelt blue pink and cream. All elegant Lace striped and embroidered Mulls, white gronud, ' new shades, regular 50o quality, Sale q C all colored figures, regular 25o 1 O 1 Qp ! prioe - - .... ODC quality, sale price 15 X"5C ytl. ! '. Mercerized Brocades, equal in appearance to silk and , ', .'. . ' , i wear better, all colors, also cream and blacks, Fine printed Dimities Lawns and Batistes, regular) regular 85o quality, sale in, 1 vqity,Mle. 8 3c yd.- - - 19c yd. ; : ; , t English Mercerized Crepe de Chene suiting, all colors Great'variety of Priuted Lawns, small figures, allf and creams, regular 35c quality, i j J , colors, regular 100 quality f. n a j sale price - - - - XO jrVA. sale price - - - O J-tL y U. ; . Big lot of Bem'ts and dress lengths of flue Percales, 86 inches wide and guaranteed fast colors, reg- Printed Lawns, all colors striped or flgur- c j ular 12o quality, sale o -l o. ed, regular 7c quality, sale price jUt price - - . . . O X"OL Hundreds of remnants ot all kinds of summer wash goods at half regular prices. Remember we are giving away the celebrated GREEN TRADING STAMPS These stamps represent a substantial discount, we are giving them absolutely free. No express or freight charges on any ol the premiums. If you have not already procured a book, get one at once and com mence saving your stamps. losOTovelercanl SOUTH SIDE MAIN J, L, Elam's Bank WALLA WALLA WASH. Capital Stock $100,000 Statement, June 28th 1906- RESOURCES Loans and discounts - $258,766.04 Furniture and fixtures 2,676.00 Cash on hand and doe from other banks - - 122,293.12 (123,735.16 LIABLIITIES Capital stock paid in - (100,000,00 Undivided pioflts - 6,004.76 Deposits - - - 277,739. 40 (383,735.16 J. L. Elam.Pres. W.H.Steen.Vioe-Pres. H. H. Marshall, Cashier Comparative Statomeont of Growth Deposits Deo. 28, 1903 (70,099.90 -Deposits June 28, 1904 9 9 , 9 6 8.00 Deposits June 28, 1905 1 7 6,730.40 Deposits June 28, 1906 276,730.40 FLOURI FLOURI FLOUR1 Snow Drift Per Saolki $1.00 CASH This Celebrated Flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wheat grown in the Northwest. SOLD BY THE PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY David Williams Agent,- - - - - Athena, Oregon " . ESTABLISHED 1865- 1 Prestoii-Parton Milling Co. j Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in tbe west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for : Merchant Millers 2 Waitsburg, Wash. - I ST., If there is no Piano In the house one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of tbe BEST PIANOS shown iu our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ioal workmanship and are unexcelled sor sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash m m BEAUTY per Sack and Grain Buyers j ' - - Athena, Oregon J tll0IllIS tile Co. ATIIliNA, OREGON