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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
f r "The Store that Saves Money for You." Tie Mhm raiir Store "The Store Where the Family Can Trade " C- It ""vf i ' t i r-N 5 . V U y V I I V t U i x . J . V Lmjm A Commences Saturday, February 18 Closes on , Saturday, March 4th We know that the success of this Great Removal Sale stimulates us to unceasing effort to further enhance your interests and still further advance our rights to the title of "The Store that Saves You Money." We are going to make a Sweeping Reduction on our entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Underwear for men, women and children; Dishes, Graniteware, Tinware, and in fact everything we have to sell. We save nothing; everything! goes at this Great Removal Sale. We want to go into our new building with a clean stock. We will need all the room we can get for the new line of spring goods that is coming. We have many remnant and broken lines of first-class goods that will be closed out at prices cheaper than ever heard of. In other words, we propose to pass these gbods into your hands without even considering the cost. For the next two weeks The Fair Store will be converted into a slaughter house so far as concerns bargains. You need the goods and we propose to let you have them. Shoes Now is the time for you to buy Shoes for the whole family. Our men's heavy Working Shoes, regu lar price $2.75, going at $2.15 Our 82.50 Shoes going at 2.00 Our $2.25 Shoes going at 1.75 Our $2.00 Shoes going at 1.48 Men's Dress Shoes Our $4.50 Shoes going at $3.50 Our $3.50 Shoes going at 2.90 Our $3.00 Shoes going at 2.50 Our $2.75 Shoes going at. . . .' 2.25 Our $2.25 Shoes going at 1.50 ' We are going to close out a line of shoes and don't expect to handle any more of them. Boys' and Girls' Shoes. Our regular $2.25 Shoes going at. .$1.75 Our regular $2.00 Shoes going at. . 1.50 Our regular $1.75 Shoes going at.. Our regular $1.G0 Shoes going at. . Our regular $1.35 Shoes going at. . Our regular $1.25 Shoes going at. . Our regular $1.00 Shoes going at. . Ladies' Shoes. 1.40 1.25 1.05 .98 .75 We have but a few pairs left and will close them out at a great reduction. Rubbers. We have always been headquarters for this line of goods, at prices below our competitors. Cut is deep in thin line. Women and Children's Underwear We are making a sweeping reduction on these lines. Ladies' heavy fleece lined vests and drawers to match, always sold for 50c, cut to 35o 35 cent garments cut to 25c 25 cent garments cut to ..18 Misses' and children's cut as above. Hosiery When you buy Topsy Hosiery of us you buy more than a pair of stockings. You buy stockings of high quality at a low price. Come early and get what you want before the bargains are all gone. Miscellaneous Envelopes, 2 packages for 6c 2 large Pencil Tablets for 5o Our regular 10c Ink Tablets, 2 for. . ,15c Our 50c Whips for 85c " 35o " " 20c " 25c 15c " 15c ' 10c Hub Axle Grease, 2 boxes for 5c Saw Files, each ,.4c Sewing Machine Oil, large bottles, 2 for ........5c BUY THE 1 All Stylish and Well Dressed Men J Famous Kingsbury Fedora Finest Hat Made All Shapes and Colors Same Shapes In the Celebrated King and Chicago Leader Grades Men's, Boys' and Children's Caps V--'...' .' . : ,f Thp P.iilnprmor But in the World The Latest Shapes and Best Values IN Hats, Caps and Gloves AT The Fair Store PRICES We have a new and up to date line of Hats and will sell them at the following low prices: Our $3.00 Hat for 82.35 Our 82.50 Hat for. , 2.10 Our 82.25 Hat for 1.60 Our 82.00 Hat for 1.40 Our 81.50 Hat for 1.00 Our 81.00 Hat for 75 All our Stiff Hats are Self-Conforming, Easy-Fitting and always the Correct Style .. .. Everything in Gloves C - 1 The Taylor Stiff Hat..., Durable, Stylish and Fits the Head i A CLEAN SWEEP ON DISHES IF EVER BARGAINS WERE OFFERED IN DISHES YOU WILL FIND THEM HERE s5T for Your Kitchen Crockery, Gianiteware, Tinware, Gal vanisedware and Woodenware. We have always been low on these goods, but we are going to still cut them down. 1 wish to call your special attention to this line of goods. It will pay you to get your dishes during this removal salo. We will sell our heavy Porcelain Cups and Saucers, with handles, per set 45c Cups and Saucers, without handles, per set ..40c Dinner Plates, per set 45c Pie Plates, per set 25c Bowls or Vegetable Dishes large size, each 30c Bowls or Vegetable Dishes, large size, euch 25c Bowls or vegetable dishes, medium. .20c Bowls or Vegetable Dishes, medium; each i -,15c Bowls or Vegetable Dishes, medium, each 10c Pitchers ...10, 15,20, 25c Granite Milk Pans, 6 qt., each 20c Galvanized Wash Boilers. ...80e and 75c Galvanized Wash Tula 75c and 50c Wringers cut way down. FOR MEN BOYS AND CHILDREN . . CLOW We can give you some great values in this line. We are making some very low prices. Call and see for yourself. We have a large line of pants for men and boys. Our regular 85.00 Pants cut to 83.75 Our regular 84.00 Pants cut to. 3.25 Our regular 83.50 Pants cut to 3.00 Our regular 82.75 Pants cut to ............ 2.25 Our regular 82.00 Pants cut to..... 1.35 Our regular 81.75 Pants cut to................ , 1.00 oMen's Dress and Work Shirts We have a fine line to select from. The best 50c Work Shirt that was ever bought for the money, cut to.... ,.40c Our 75c shirts cut to. . ... 50c Our 81.00 shirts cut to '. 75c Our 1.25 shirts cut to . 85c Our 81.50 stirts cut to .$1.00 Dress Goods and Trimmings Cut down below cost, and it will pay you to get our prices. All our Black All Wool Dress goods, regular price per yard $1.15, cut to 85c Regular 81.00 grade cut to. ........ . ...,70c Regular 85c grade cut to 65c Regular 60c grade cut to. ........ . 40c Begular 50c grade cut to 36c Regular 35c grade cut to 25c This will give you an idea of what we will do for you. Here we are again! All the Fleece-lined Dress Goods cut from 12Jc to 8.l4'c; 10c cut to 7c per yard. . ,. , Ginghams per yard 12,l2C cut to 8 Ginghams per yard 10c cut to.; 7c Ginghams per yard 7c cut to ....5c Calicoes 25 yards for 81.00. Towels 2 for 25 cents. Prices We give yon prices in this circular that you can't get any where else; such values for such small prices. f