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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1905)
4 R to VOLUME XVII. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 3. 1905. NUMBER 15. ED. MANASSE Athena's Leading Dry Goods y y NEC? ARRIVING DAILY ALL THE LATEST WEAVES ARE NOW ON EXHIBITION LEWIS k CLARK NECKTIES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE GENUINE ARTICLE ED. MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. TO BE HEALTHY, WEALTHY and WISE BUY YOUR r Hardware and Plumbing Supplies OF COX & M'EWEN SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET. ATHENA. OREGON GANG PLOWS Flying Dutchman, Oliver, Cast & Steel Bradley Gangs Hardware South Side Main r . -, ' . , . . . . . Groceries, Crockery, Greats' Furnishings TBI and Clothing Emporium Ill - INCORPORATED. VEHICLES Henney Buggies, Hacks and Carriages, The very Best. Stock is S DELL BEOTMRS Street, TO BUILD HARVESTER ARNOLD & JACK WILL BUILD A CLOVE COMBINE. New machine Shop Starts With Bright Prospect for Prosperous Business Career. The place of location in the manufac ture of the Clove combine harvester has been changed from Pendleton to Athena. :' 1 ' This change was effected Wednesday when Mr. Clove came up from Pendle ton and let the contract for building one of the big combines to Arnold & Jack, proprietors of the new machine shop. The work of construction will com mence at once, and the contract price is understood to be close to the $1,500 mark. The Clove machine, as it will be con structed here, will be on entirely differ ent lines' from the ones made in Pendle ton last year. The new model will have a steel frame and the separator attach ment will be propelled by a gasoline en gine. Other alterations and improve ments are to be made, and the machine, equipped with improved attachments, is expected to give entire satisfaction. . The contract in question gives the new machine Bhop a fine start, the in dications being that the proprietors are out after business. V i j. Nine Per Cent.; : , , At the close of business in the sheriffs office Tuesday night a total of $19,879. 66 had been paid on taxes for the pur pose of securing the 3 per cent rebate, At that time the period during which the rebate may be secured was just half up, the time being from February 15 to March 15. The total of the taxes, to be collected this year is $222,173.27, and thus it is seen that a trifle less than 9 per cent has so fur been paid. East Ongonian. The Latest Modes and Fashions in Street and Dress Hats. LA nUE MILLINERY CO. Third Street, Athena. Complete. Athena, Oregon. MILLINERY STRYCHNINE CAUSED IT Death of Mrs. Stanford By Poison At Her Hotel In Honolulu. Honolulu, March 2. The report of a chemist removes the last doubt as to the cause of the death of Mrs. Stanford. An analysis of the contents of the' bnttle of carbonate of soda discloses the pres ence of a large quantity of strychnine. According to the statement of Miss Berner, the secretary, and May Hunt, the maid, the bottle was brought from the medicine chest at San Francisco and unopened until Tuesday night when the fatal dose was taken. This proves con clusively that the death was the result of a plot formed in California over a month ago. The fact that the poison was in RAILROAD Crane-Dickson Measure Passes Senate and Is Up to the Governor. f Olympia, . Wash., March J. The Crane-Dickson railroad commission bill was passed by the senate this afternoon, with minor amendments, by the over whelming vote of 36 to 4. Later in the day the house concurred in the senate amendments, and all Ahat the bill now lacks is the signature of ' Governor Mead. 1 There is no doubt that the gov ernor will sign it. The bill did not carry an emergency clause, and there Buys Land Charles Marsh returned yesterdtiy from Twin Falls, Idaho, where he pur chased 160 acres of land from the Twin Falls Land & Water Co. Reports given the Pkess by Mr. Marsh certainly place the Twin Falb irrigation project in the category of the greatest on the western hemisphere. Over $2,000,000 has been expended in placing Snake river water in canals that will cover 270,00.1 acres of land the land is purchased at $2C,50 per acre, with perpetual water right in eluded. Of this amount the state of New Epoch St. Petersburg, March. 2. The peo ple's palace here was the scene of : a remarkable convention today, when workiegmen representing 160 factories of this city met for the first time in their lives with freedom of speech and assem bly guaranteed them. The workingmen are 250 primary electors who, on March 5, will select 50 of their number as mem bers of the mixed economic commission Governor Pardons Convicts Salem, March 2. Governor Chamber lain exercised the pardoning power this afternoon. The pardon of a hfetimer, Wong Gee, a Chinaman, was granted last week, but went in effect today. The others were: Evan Carver, serving life sentence for killing Francis Labord of Union county in May 1891, by shooting. W. A. Hen Convention To Come Here Pendleton, March 2. One of the most successful Sunday school conven tions ever held in the county closed last night at Milton after a two day's session during which an elaborate program was carried out in full. About 75 delegates were present during the session and the interest was highly gratifying to the tuo soda which Mrs. Stanford was ac customed to take, indicates that it was put there by someone familiar with her habits. There, is some talk of suicide. It is said that Mrs. Stanford brooded a great deal since Christmas and the poison was ever in her mind, and it is thought by some she wished to hasten the end. She yearned to leave a life of loneliness and join her husband and son. She talked much of spirit visitation. The suicide theory is, however, utterly discredited by her friends. A death mask was taken last night and the body embalmed for shipment to San Francisco. COMMISSION fore will not go into effect until June. The defeat of the railroad lobby, which has been foreshadowed for several days, Was made complete when the senate passed the bill. B.'S. Grosscup, divis ion counsel for the Northern Pacific, who has been the leader of the railroad lobby, is exceedingly bitter over the passage of the bill, and the common impression is that his failure to defeat it will cost him his position with the coiiiphny. at Twin Falls Idaho receives 59 conts per acre and the company $25. No one person is allow ed to purchase more than 160 acres nor less than 40 acres. The title to the land is secured under provisions of the Car ney act. Thousands of people were at the big dam Wednesday when the gates were closed to back up the water for outlet into the i anals. Practical farm ers of irrigated land at North Yakima have invested at Twin Falls, and make the statement that the soil is superior to the Yakima land. for Workmen of which M. Schidlovski is president. The convention unanimously adopted a resolution to refuse to participate in the congress on March 3 unless the govern ment pledges the release of the workmen who have been arrested since January 22; that the workingmen be giveu abso lute freedom of speech and immunity from arrest on account of the expression of opinions. . derson, life sentence for killing Cursu Suter Canby in 1903 by stabbiDg in a quarrel over a card game; Walter Huber serving a two-year sentence from Clat sop county for assault with Intent to rape. The governor assisted in the prosecution of two of the life-timers while serving as attorney general of the state. members of the convention. The next meeting of the association will be held at Athena, in March, 1900. The Pen dleton and Echo delegates returned home last evening and expressed them selves as highly pleased with the meet ing and delighted with the hospitality of the people of Milton. IN NEW QUARTERS ELY & SCOTT HAVE A HAND SOME GROCEBY ST0EE. Constantly Growing; Trade Demanded Better Facilities for Accommodat ing Their Customers. Ely & Scott, grocers, have moved in to their new quarters in 1 the Barrett building, the location that was formerly occupied by the First National Bank. A constantly growing trade made it incumbent on the firm to afford better facilities for the accommodation of their customers, and by the move they have surely overcome the obstacle, for as now situated they are in a position better than ever to cater to the demands of the public. A splendid plate glass front lends attraction to the place of business, and gives ample scope for decorative and display purposes. The interior presents a pleasing ap pearance. The shelves are loaded with everything in the grocery line, and taken as a whole the store is one in which the owners can well take pride. ' "P00B MR. EICH." By Home Talent at the Opera House Tomorrow, Satutdajr, Evening. There seems to be a great deal of' in terest in the coming performance of the funny comedy "Poor Mr. Rich," at the opera house Saturday night, March 4. If you need a rest from the business worries of the day; if your future looks blank and everything seems to go against you, go and see "Poor Mr. Rich," and if you do not forget your troubles and see life in a brighter light, you are in a bad way. It will clearly J. B. McCowell, as "Poor Mr. Rich" prove Athena has plenty of dramatic talent, and no pains have been spared in preparing for the theatre going peo ple of Athena a guaranteed attraction. It is made to cause a laugh. Why not enjoy a hearty laugh? Why are not many chances to laugh healthy? Remember part of the proceeds go to help f umiih the K. of P. and I. O. O. F. ball. This is a worthy cause and one in which all should take an active part. Reserved seats 60c, children 25c. Seats on sale at Dell Bros. At the Christian Church. The special meetings at the Christian church are maintaining a good interest. The subject for tonight is in the form of the question: "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" Mr. Lister promises to make this one of his best. It will be thor oughly biblical in treatment. Saturday night the subject will be "Save Your selves I" Subjects for Lord's Day: Eleven a. m., "Things Settled;" 7:30 p. m "The Strait Gate." Miss Faith Lister will sing a song at each service. A fine chorus cf voices will render the best of music. All are cordially invited. J. W. Jenkins, pastor. Firemen's Ball. The Athona Fire Department's annual ball is announced to take place on Fri day evening, March 17. Johnson's full orchestra will furnish the music. The floor committee consists of Lawrence Lieuallen, Adams: Luke Holmes, Ad ams; Ed Wood, Weston and York Dell, Athena. Supper will be served at the Athena Hotel. For Bale. A good corn cultivator in first class condition, will be sold at a bargain. Call on O. II. Price, Page place south of Athena. v :xk:k'x:::::f;-::'::x::-- 'V -k:- .- ?' . ':- .