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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1905)
1? p t -F1TVTT- W hi h! K T.-y VOLUME XVII. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 13, 1905. NUMBER 3. ED. MANASSE Athena's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Emporium This i3 your opportunity for BARGAINS. We must make room for spring fabrics soon to arrive. ED. MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. I. E. SALING IS DEAD WESTON PIONEER MERCHANT PASSED AWAY YESTERDAY. Expired Suddenly as the Result of Heart Failure-Identified With Weston's Early Progress. Cox & McEwcn hardware Oea SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET, ATHENA, OREGON iers I. . Sal jn tbo well known pioneer merchant of Weston, died yesterday at his home in that city as the resyjt of heart failure. During the morning hours he was up town as usual, and returned home shortly before noon. Sitting in a chair be complained of a severe pain in the region of the heart, and a physician was immediately sent for." Despite medical assistance the old gentleman continued to grow worse, and in a tew minutes after the doctor's arrival the thread of life had snapped. Mr. Saling was Weston's .pioneer merchant. In an early day with I. T. Reese, he engaged in the general mer chandise business. He was identified with the early progress of Weston and was one of the town's principal property owners. He accumulated a considerable fortune and retired from business about 15 years ago, his son, Frank, now . coun ty clerk, and son-in-law P. A. Worthing ton, now deputy U. 3. marshal at Port- ,( land, continuing the business for a time. He was a warm, personal friend of the writer, and the advice given us in youth by this good, old gentleman, if heeded, would have been solid rounds in the ladder of success. ...',.. , , . Mr. Sahng leaves a wife, four sons and four daughters. The funeral will be held in Weston tomorrow forenoon at ip o'clock.r f . ' ' i . . . . ... 4t k Campbell-Ogle. Yesterday at high noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Ogle, Mr. William Campbell and Miss Susie Ogle were united in mar riage by J. W. Jenkins, pastor of the Christian church. The young couple are well known in Athena, where many friends wish them success in life. A charivari made merry time for the young couple in the evening following the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell after visiting relatives in the country, will leave for Sprague, Wash., where they will reside. , ' INCORPORATED. 1 4 ! 'I yinbiny Supplis We do Plumbing at the Proper Prices Standard Material and Workmanship Hardware Stock is Complete. Groceries, Cr (rents ockery , Furnishing TK E BELL BROTHERS South Side Main Street, Athena, Oregon. BANK MEETING HELD PROSPEROUS CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANE. Ten Per Cent Dividend Declared- Surplus Fund Goes to $12,500. Tuesday afternoon the regular annual meeting of the stockholders ot the First National Bank ot Athena took place. The officers and board of directors which have been instrumental in the splendid success of the bank during the past year were reelected. They are: v H. C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-president; F. S. Le Grow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier; F. S. Le Grow, C. A. Barrett and P. E. Colbern, directors. Cashier Le Grow reviewed the bank's prosperous condition and a 20 per cent dividend was declared 10 per cent de clared for stockholders and 10 percent goes to the surplus fund, making the surplus $12,o00. The steady and continuous progress which has been made under the able management of the present officials, and which from time to time has been noted in the Press, has been noted and com mented upon", by different papers and in business circles over the Northwest. . Haines Wants a New Name. ' The people of Haines have signed a petition which will come before the legislature asking that the name of the town of Haines be changed to Hot Springs, owing to the fact that a large sanitarium will be erected there scon by capitalists, near the springs, for the sick, alleging that this name will be of more advantage; to the town and com munity. Haines is situated on the line of the O. R. & N , 80 miles east of La Grande. AN ARTISANS LODGE II. J. NEELY, D. D. G. M-, OR GANIZING IN ATHENA. Lodge Will Start With Membership of Twenty-Five Members on Thursday, Jan. 19. M. J. Neely, Deputy District Grand Master for the United Artisans, has been in the city several .days and is meeting with success in organizing membership for a local lodge of that order. Mr. Neely is assisted in his work here by R. F. Gates. The new lodge is to be instituted Thursday evening, January 19, with an enrollment of twenty-five charier mem bers. After the organization has been perfected, Mr. Neely will remain in the field a couple of weeks to assist in further augmentation to the member ship. The United Artisan order is purely a western organization. It covers Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, with an approximate membership of 12,000. It was organized in Portland eleven years ago, many of the most sub stantial and brainiest men of Oregon's metropolis being identifi. d with its in ception. Iu this county, Pendleton has two lodges of large membership, and Wes ton, Milton and Helix each have pros perous lodges. The order of United Artisans embraces fraternalism and has beneficiary advantages. Wolverton Is Advanced. Judge Charles E. Wolverton has be come chief justice of the supreme court, by virtue of his term of service, he be ing the next retiring judge. Justice F. A. Moore became the junior judge and Justice Beam will become chief justice two years hence. RUSSIANS EXPECT A NAVAL FIGHT Commander of the Baltic Fleet Looks ; For Battle In Indian Ocean. London, Jan. 12. The Port Louis, Madagascar, correspondent of the Daily Mail wires that the commander of the second division of the Baltic fleet has informed the commander of the steam ship Orus that he expected the fleet would be attacked by the Japanese in the Indian ocean. He accordingly applied to the captain for a map of the harbor of Diego Suarez, so as to have a port to which he might steam if a haven became necessary. A telegram received in London today from the island of Mauritius states that the Russian Baltic fleet, according to the last reports received there, is still off the island of St. Marie, which is sep arated from the island of Madagascar by a small, smooth body of water. This water affords an excellent place of an chorage for the vessels, as this is a hav en of protection from the cyclones which are constantly sweeping the In dian ocean at this time of the year. This harbor, it is further stated, is not within the French zone, and hence the presence of the vessels will subject the French colonial authorities to no inconvenience from a possible breach of neutrality laws. The message goes on to state tbat the fleet will hardly attempt to move from tbe present place of an chorage for some time at least. Just now the Indian ocean is a place of dan ger from frequent and terrific cyclones and it would be little short of foolbardi ness for the Russian vessels to attempt to weather such a storm. Shot By Angry Rancher ; Pendleton, January , 13. Refused shelter . on ' a , bitter cold night, driven from the premises at tbe point of a shotgun, then shot in the leg for dis turbing an enraged farmer's peaceful f ul slumbers is .the story told by Everett Owen, who was brought to tbe city last evening from Barnhart, and placed un der the care of the county authorities. According to the wounded man's story DEADLOCK IS BROKEN SENATE PRESIDENT CHOSEN ON THE 65th BALLOT. Carter Quits and Forces Go Into Cau cus and Compromise on Kuy kendall of Lane. The deadlock in the senate has been broken by the election of Senator Wil liam Kuykendall, of Lane county, aa president. ; When in the higher branch balloting was commenced Tuesday the deadlock remained unbroken until the 64th bal lot was taken. At this point signs of dissatisfaction were apparent in both the ranks of Kukendall and his opponent, Senator Carter, of Jackson, and a recess was taken until 5 o'clock. Carter immediately made overtures to Kuykendall which was accepted. After several hours devoted to the effort of induciug the Carter followers to endorse the compromise, it was announced a caucus would be held. When the senate reconvened at 5 o'clock Carter, after thanking his sup porters, announced tbat he withdrew in favor of Kuykendall. The sixty-fifth ballot was then taken, and the 25 re publican senators all voting for Kuyken dall, he was declared elected. TOOK POISON BY MISTAKE. A. M. Fleenor, Prominent Wallowa County rrmr Mrs. H. II. Hill, of this city, was called to Joseph, Wallowa county, Tuesday by the death of her brother, A. m . -ni ........ m.. rieenor. Mrs. mil was accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. Otis Whitemin. The circumstances surrounding Mr. Fleenor's death are unusually sad. For several daya he had been afflicted with toothache, and to alleviate pain, took re course in applications ot kudunum on the side of his face. Near tbe bedside on a table were bottles containing other medicines, and Monday night by acci dent he rook a dose of laudunum in place of some other remedy. He called and notified the hotel people of his awful mistake, and immediately rolapsed into a comatose state and tbe following day died from the effects of the drug. He was unmarried and leaves consider able property, being one of the wealthy farmers ot tbat section. MACARONI WHEAT IS GOOD. he was treated worae than a dog, and ) after he was shot by tbe infuriated farmer, whose name he says is Thomp son, he was ordered off the premises and to move quickly or he would receive an other load of shot in his anatomy. In addition to this treatment Owen was forced to find shelter in a strawstack where he remained all night, suffering intensely from tbe gunshot wound and the severe cold. Favors a Whipping Post Salem, Jan. 12. Both houses got down to business today. The senate passed a bill authorizing tbe levy of 5 mills in Clatsop county to construct a courthouse. In both houses were numerous bills introduced. The main business of tbe day was the reading of the governor's message. For this purpose tbe branch es met in joint session at 1 o'clock. Half of the house was crowded when the message was read and portions were re ceived with great applause, esDecially the clause advocating the institution of a whipping pout for wife-beaters. After tbe reading of the governor's message both houses adjourned until Monday. Percontag; of Flonr Mot Large but Other Food Plenteoua. Isaacs' Walla Walla mill has received letters from San Francisco buyers ask ing for quotations on flour made from the durum or macaroni wheat grown on the dry lands near Touchet. Local bakers have tried it and say that it is too strong to be used alone for baking, but that when mixed in proportion ot about one part of durum flour to nine of the ordinary kind good bread is tbe re sult tbe intention oi the government was to use it for tbe manufacture of maca roni, consequently the trial made in Walla Walla county was a success. In grinding the wheat it was found tbat tbe percentage of flour was small to tbe bushel, but tbe bran and shorts obtained were superior to those of ordi nary wheat for feeding purposes. AN OLD SOLDIER DEAD. Henry Shockey Die of Heart Failure In Pendleton, Wednesday. Pendleton, Jan. 13. The funeral of Henry Shockey will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Hendricks' hall un der the auspices of the Redmnn and Kit Carson Post, Grand Army of the Repub. lie. The remains will be interred in Olney cemetery. Mr. Shockey died at his home in this city Wednesday night between 10 and 11 o'clock. He had returned home from a social held in Hendricks' hall but a short time when he became suddenly ill, and died in a few minutes from heart trouble. Mr. Shockey had resided in Pendleton twenty years and was well known. He was prominently connected with the O. A. R., and served during the civil war in an Iowa regiment. Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be received at this of fice up to 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, January 11 for the residence property of P. II. Tiedeman, in Athena, Oregon. To Care Conatipatton forever. Take Cuxcareta Canity Cathartic Vic orf It C C. C. lail to cure, drugvitiU refund awe