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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
- Graraorteeti Grocers m. WffiT by n. AMNA MERCANTILE CO. wmi Sale of Commences Saturday morning, August 27, 190, and will continue for 10 days. Now is the time to save money on Children's School Clothing. REMNANTS of Colored Dress Goods. REMNANTS of Black Goods. REMNANTS of Ginghams. REMNANTS of Percales. REMNANTS of Prints All short lengths go in this Sweeping Sale. Some of them at cost, some of them at less than cost and some of them at half price. They must be sold to make room for the new goods which are arriving daily. Special The new children's School Shoes are here, in either Calf, Dongola or Kid; all sizes. Prices to suit most economical. GROCERIES If you are not already a visitor to our Grocery Depart ment, come in and look through it and compare our prices with what you have to pay elsewhere. Athena : Mercantile Company South Main Street, ; - Athena, Oregon The Modern School of Commerce TAKE ADVANTAGE OP SPECIAL OFFER OF FREE TUITION AND CAR FARE. A Practical Business and Shorthand School Write fob Free Catalogue. J Jesse Alloway was up Sunday from Pendleton. Dean Gerking left Sunday for a visit to the valley. Mrs. W. L. Davis visited her son in Weston Sunday. . xClive Stafford visited at the Hansell Tibme this week. W. P. Willaby is reported ill at his home east of town. ' Mrs. Florence Alloway went down to Pendleton Saturday. B. A. Marquis, of Adams, visited his son, George, Sunday. Miss Nora Garrett will leave this week for her home in the valley. Mr. Don Snyder, of Walla Walla, is a guest at the Wilkinson home. 4- Miss Edna Rider is visiting Miss Carrie Stone at her country home. Miss Myrtle Booher, of Clarkston, Wash., is visiting Athena relatives. Mrs. Roy Beck has been ill the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Beck. Miss Carrie Sharp has accepted a school in the Nelson district, near Pen dleton. Mrs. H. W. Kemp was over from Milton the last of the week visiting her children. f Miss Bessie Binbander, of Milton, was a guest of Miss Gladys Bush over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Beck have returned from the harvest fields in northern Washington. 413ora, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson, at their home south of town, August . i 31st 1901, a daughter. Mrs. McPhail, who accompanied Mrs. Mclntyre to Canada, returned home with her Sunday morning. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw have moved into the Hiteman cottage, corner Fifth and College streets. Mrs. D. Dickson and Ed Miller, aunt and brother, respectively, of Will Miller are in the city from Union. Wm. Finkerton Jr. went down to Hood River yesterday, where he con- f- templates investing in land. Mr. O. A. Cannon will commence the fall term of school in District No. 45, next Monday, September 12. Mrs. Kirkland, of British Columbia, is visiting Mrs. Duncan Mclntyre and other friends in this vicinity. Notice. PENDLETON, OREGON. Mrs. Smith, of Waitsburg, is in at tendance upon her sister, Mrs. Robt. Root, who is ill with typhoid fever. JJohn Bell has purchased the Victor Shick cottage, corner of Fourth and Jefferson streets; consideration, $1,500. George Gross has purchased a gaso line engine. It will be used to pump water and for other purposes at his farm west of town. 5r. Harry E. Lovell, temporary edi tor of the Weston Leader, was in town Saturday. The Press acknowledges a fraternal call. Don't forget to notice the show win dows in Mrs. Miller's millinery store Friday and Saturday. Something un ique will be shown. Misses Essie and Nellie Fobs left Sun day to visit their brother and Bister at Moro. They were joined at Pendleton by Miss Bertha Baker. kf Mr. and Mrs. A. Shick will leave to morrow for a visit to Seattle, in the hope of benefitting the health of Mr. Shick, who has not been well since having suffered a paralytic stroke in the spring. IltBltllIMIllllll ESTABLISHED 1865 5 i Preston-Parton Milling Co. WE IMF TO ST0H rat cnioi-iii i Merchant Millers Waitsburg, Wash. Office In First M m Jesse Smith is acting as city recorder and justice of the peace in the absence otO. G. Chamberiaio, who has gone to Hood River on business. Members of the Christian Women's Board of Missions will take notice that next Saturday, at regular meeting, offic ers will be elected for the ensuing year. Prof. Carl Guiott will still teach his class in music in Athena, and hold his place as pianist in Johnson's orchestra. Professor Guiott may conclude to reside here permanently. The Echo rabbit cannery may be closed down, but the Athena dog can nery seems to be in active operation. Sam Booher says Kelly makes a good manager, with Jap Harden assistant. CMrs. Willis BubIi, who has been ill for some weeks, is so far improved in health as to be able to visit her sister at Milton last week. Her friends are pleased to note a marked change for the better. J. W. Jenkins, pastor of the Christian church, left yesterday for Hood River, where he goes for the purpose of uniting a younsr counle in marriage. Mr. Jen kins will return in time for next Sun day's service. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mclntyre have 'moved up from Sherman county and will rent or buy property and send their children to school here. Mr. Mclntyre is desirous of purchasing a wheat ranch in this vicinity. Will Miller is quite seriously ill and is pronounced by his physician to be in the first stages of intermittent fever. His harness maker, Frank Nowitski, is also reported in a like condition at Weston, where it is supposed both contracted the disease. - JMrs. Wm. Thompkms left yesterday fnorning for Waitsburg, Wash., where she goes to make preparations for her son, Roy, to enter the Business College, which opens next week. Mrs. Thomp kins will visit with the Vollmer family while there. Mrs. Lillie Miller will have her grand opening of fall and . winter hats next Friday and Saturday. Some stunning effects will be shown in dress hats for ladies and children; also the very: latest thing in street and every day hats. Next Sunday at 10:30 a. m., services will be held in the new Catholic church in this city. Father Neate, from the reservation, will be present. Services will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Mrs. J. R. Owens will take measures for tailor made suits. A perfect fit is guaranteed. These suits are warranted to be just what they are represented. Call and see catalogues of styles and samples of dress goods. Suits already ordered will be on display early next week. A. Phillips, of Weston, has a good assortment of Milburn half trucks with Sarvin wheels. The three-inch will run as easy as an ordinary hack and is near ly dust proof. Also sells fine surreys with either' rubber or steel tire, and harness to match. Mrs. M. W. Smith is now prepared to organize a class in instrumental' and vocal music. For termo etc,, call at residence, O. R. k N. station, Athena. Sherman k McLean until further notice will sell three pounds of steak for 25 cents cash, boiling meats and roasts in proportion. Mrs. Lizzie Jones wishes to annouce to her many natrons that her stock of fall hats are arriving daily. "Pure White" flour is raised in price to $1.30 per sack, owing to the price of wheat. For first class horse-shoeing go to Beck's shop. Satisfaction guaranteed. To quench your thirst and aettle your nerves, try Coco Cola at McBride's. Proctor's teneriffe lace wheels , at Manasse's. i La . n COME IN AND FORM M OUR ACQUAINTANCE and Grain Buyers i Athena, Oregon National Bank Items in Brief. Liquozone at Pioneer drugstore. Buy a Samson at Cox k McEwen's. Ely k Scott handle fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. O. A. Barrett k Co. have the McCor naick extras. Fine strtionery and blank books at Pioneer drugstore. 1905 Washer beats them all. For sale by Cox k McEwen. Palm chocolates and Boo Bona at Pioneer drugstore. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. All the new styles in men's summer hats. Athena Mercantile Co. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington k Thompson's. C. A. Barrett k Co. sell the Double Disc weeder. It is guaranteed. Greaca, oils and compounds for, the harvester at C. A. Barrett k Co.'s New rucbings, the latest novelties in neckwear.. Athena Mercantile Co. . Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton k Thompson's. - New line of ladies' fabric cloves in silk taffeta and lisle; blacks, whites and colors. Athena Mercantile Co. Try a can of our Gold Leaf Baking Powder. It is as good as Schillings' Best and is 25 per cent cheaper. Bag ley k Ely. Combination dip puff combs, com bination pompadour puff combs, and a host of other novelties in hair fixings. Athena Mercantile Co. Just received by express, all the latest novelties in shirt waist sets; sterling silver, gun metal, pearl and enamel. Athena Mercantile Co. PIONEER DRUG STORE BROCK & MITCHELL PROPRIETORS -Prescriptions a Specialty. Palm Chocolates and Bon Bons. v Fine Stationery and Blank Books. neath AMilligan Paints. Orders for Liquozone on Brock k McComas Co. of Fen dleton, can be filled by us. Headquarters for ware, Matting and Linoleum; Glassware and Domestic Sewing Machines. U1 U'L Time is Again in Full Blast Here Get your Supplies at THE FAIR STORE, the cheapest store in town. Our New York buyer has bought the entire output of a large mill manufactory of Underwear. The Fair Store gets its share, and we are selling Underwear at 50c per suit. Best Working Shirt on the market for only 50 cents. Socks per pair 5 cents. 28 cases just arrived. Its here where you get your bargains in Shoes. Honest Values. You can get more for your money at The Fair than any other store in town. Try us. The Place where the The better the Quality of food, the greater the enjoy, ment. If you like a Rood cup of Coffee you will get the greates possible enjoyment by using CHASE & SANBORN'S JAVA and MOCHA COFFEE ; THE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Sole Agents. I OUT Roustabout! He 's the fellow we've oiled up for. Send him to us with your order. Well treat him O. K. ELY & SCOTT Agents for Chicago Tailoring Co. and J. L, Gatzert k Co. Nmrt tn . Athftrm Orfi. M - - . Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Hard WEST .You Hum ONE GREAT ENJOYMENT IN LIFE IS EATING? - - - - Iffi family Can Trade. Harvest i