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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
L FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY 9n. c 00Q J".. J".- J I uuu OO rl B XT rair 9 u FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY y - - '. - -. LV Qi-. Lc-- r We have added the following items to our Great Clearance Sale , , i- ' ' ." . ' "," - " ? :' " . v .. . .. ; ..... , ' . -. . .-, , : ' -: . ' ".' - ' All our best quality new Patterns, this sea- An odd lot heavy weight, all wool Ladies' Special Recant Day, r Saturday only, son's Flannelettes, best ever sold for Jabkets,feasily worth from $3.50 arid, all Remnants to be sold on , ' 12 l-2c per yard, ! J to $5.00 each, j i Now 98c: AtM Wool Eiderdowns, all colors, same goods Tamoshanter's in a great variety of colors, Our entire stock of Furs, Boas and Collar- " sold for 45c ' x- nowgoing at; ettes going at Now 25c per yd. 5 15c each At Half Price Annual Clearance Sale ATHMA 1MCAITEE CQ1MI: 1 i ATHENA PRESS K. B. Boyd, pdblimhkh. E)aterdat Athena poBtofflceaiieoond-olwst oal matter. " Subscription Hat) I'er year, In advanet H.W Single ooplei In wrappers, 60. . Advartlalng 'Rateat l,oci reading notice!, first Insertion, 10c per ine, Kaoh subsequent Insertion, 5o. , ' All communications should be addressed to 1, he PRKS8 Athena, Oregon ' ATHENA,' JANUARY 30, 190a Job ii L. Rand, joint senator from Baker county, spoakin g of the ajpoitit tnent of a state inspector of mines, says: "I am in favor of the appointment by the state of an inspector of mines, or minniuij bureau part of whose duties shall be to see that every working mine Bhall be as safe as it is possible tor a mine to be made, before it is permitted to operate. I shall do all in my power to promote legislation that will tend to the establishment of such a bureau or the appointment of such an inspector." It is possible to secure the appointment of a state inspector of mines if the rep rescntativea of mining districts of the state stand together and work To that end. Granite Gem. " The Press believes a state mino in . spector to be in the same catagory with the has been Oregon railway commis sion, and that the Gem will have to produce better argument before the state will make a "stand" for the appoint ment of one. Especially will it have to do so in view of the fact that mines fall far short of paying their share of taxes. brought in from the, would not be satisfied. And the fellow who comes to you and in a hushed sort of way, asks you to "print nothing about it" naturally expects something in the way of a newspaper, even though he hasn't paid up since back in '90's some whore. Then, too, the fellow who .takes you off to oe side and confidentially advises you to give the whole cheese an "airing" has to be taken care of, even though his last words were, "my name not to be mentioned you know." And yet the public pay for and expect a newspaper! Oh, country journalifm is a snap with the snap left out. . Senator Quay of Pennsylvania brought matters to a test vote in the senate the other day on the omnibus statehood bill and defeated the supporters of Presi dent Koosevelt. The votl was 37 to 27. It may be a correct reminder of the nomination of Mr. Roosevelt tor the view-presidency by Piatt and Quay to get him out of the way. Perhaps the reported hostility of Mr. Quay was real hostility, and the lust scene in the United States senate is proof thereof. to the needs of the country, a bulletin is in preparation and will soon be issued which will contain a concise summary of the advances in economic geology made by the survey during the last year. The crown princess of Saxony and her very dear friend, thd French tutor, talk of coming to America, the home of di vorce. Minister Bowen seems to be one of those who believe that the patient waiter is no loser. IRRIGATION FLAMS UNDER WAY. The Freewater, Milton and Hudson Bay Ditch company, organized by pio neers of Umatilla county last week, is another step toward that ultimate per fection which is in store for the county. Tf in Ana nVi o r-it av in f Vi a afnMt f schemes that has yet been presented in the Inland Empire, The development of these industries will be watched by Umatilla county with keen interest. There is raw material enough in the idle lands of the county to 'make a city of 40,000 people evJPendleton's site. At Echo and in the Hudson Bay country, in the Cold Springs and northern 'Uma tilla county districts are resources now lying dormant that will support a coun ty of 100,000 people. Umatilla county capital should open the gate for the waiting industries and immigration. East Oregonian. j ' DAMNER 8ALVE ' the most healing aalvs In the world. Everything "If its the function and duty of a local newspaper to supress local news, as some people seem to suppose, we wonder what they expect an innocuous "rag" with every column blank except the advertisements?" asks the Weston leader. Well, no, hardly that. For the fellow who sits about the stores and gobbles up the paper-ai soon as it is The utterances at (he banquet of con federate veterans in New York are ad ditional evidence that any remaining bit terness growing out of the civil war is fast disappearing. Political differences may continue forever, but with each succeeding year it becomes more mani fest that time is surely softening the re sentments and animosities that were born of the conflict at arms. According to Mark Twain the to are only 31 jokes in existence, all others being variations. . The difficulty now would be in selecting the original 34, but. perhaps Mark could do it. He's responsible for several of them. The government is undecided as to the statesman whose face should go on the 30-ceat stamp. Who would think that 30-ceot statesmen were so tew? , "Yankee Doodle" had an even show with "Dixie" at the banquet of the con federate veterans in New York. In accordance with the policy of the United States geological survey to make available the results of its researches as early as potsible and ins form suitable This ditch company is working upon the same theory held by the people now planing extensive irrigation t rln near Echo; that is, that . winter j irrigation, thorough flooding, complete saturation of the sandy soil, once during the winter and earlyv spring, is sufficient to grow three excellent crops of alfalfa without the aid of surface irrigation during the summer. The Walla Walla, river will not furnish sufficient water to supply the ditch during the dry season.! The ditch es now in operation own it and use it all during the irrigation season proper, . ' But this company has faith in its theory, and will ask for water privileges only during the winter months while the river banks are full. The lands to be irrigated by this company will be flooded thoroughly while water is plenty, and the sub-irrigation resulting from that soaking process' will be de pended upon to grow the crops for the ensuing season. In this body of land between Freewater and Hudson Bay are something near 7000 acres. In its pres ent condition it is worth $15 to 520 per acre. At a cost of $5 per acre it can be converted into productive, land worth in that locality today from ?100 to $175 per acre for fruit growing. Near Echo are 100,000 acres of this semi-arid land, ihe water that is now going to waste might be profitably employed at this very season of the year, to lay founda tions for 5 tons of alfalfa per acre. .'. . ... '"" These bodies of idle land can be made to add $2,000,000 to the aesessed valua tion of Umatilla county. The freshets can be utilized at a time when their use will not interfere with other rights. It is one tot the most practical irrigation fin iiUI uuu La that is good at all times is what the Customer wants Get it at the G1TY MEAT MIT ROBERT WATT Proprietor Platzoeder & MiDger's old stand For . House Keeping Purposes or,' ' '' See ourstock before you buy. Baker & Folsom The Complete House Furcishers, Main St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton. 1 Rock Springs & Cumberland 1 T Foley's Honey s Tar JhpBOm mieS Otl Car LOlS 5 Nasal CATARRH In all Its staees. M Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseusd membrane. It cares catarrh and drives away a cold In the head nnlrlrtv Cream Balm Is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief It Im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sneealng. Large Size, 80 cento at Drog giats or by mall; Trial Siae, W cents. KLT BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New York A. M GIIvMS, ffnl'a. (TrnMll LUM T .VST a CITY BAKERY Mm It coats no more to raise a mule " than it does to raise a horse, ' 1 and the mule is worth more. "BLACKSNAKE" Mark Patton's famous Kentucky Jack, will make the season in Athena. . He is a sure foal get ter, showing over 80 per cent of of colts last season. Will call at farm tor six or more mares. Terms, $15.00 to lnssrc foal Q) ) )))Q)Q)!)i)Q)!) FRESH BREAD, ROLLS PIES, CAKES, ETC- m& DAILY ALHE1T BROTHERS PROPRIETORS UT KOBTH SIDE MAIN STREET CITY BAKERY Going to Build? Save Money ann Time by Hav- ingCK TROUTMAN, Archi tect, make your Plans and Spci . , fications, . "". , ROOM IS, ASSOCIATION BVILDING. PENDLETON, - . . ORE. Attfena, Oregon. old LW is the place you augut to go for a drink of High-Grade Whiskeys so many kind. The Baris always shinning, neat and cleam, and a Marble-top Bartender there can be seen. - , ' . . ... ,, ' "; - SSaatiSS .:.., OPEN DAY AND NIGHT North Side Main Street, ' P. II. TIEDEMAN, Proprietor ...ATHENA LUMBER COMPANY ... ' ' H. H. CURTIS, Manager.- ' f c rpecnuiiy solicit a liDerai snare or your patronage. . We . v v ; will give you entire Satisfaction. WE KEEP OH HAND A LARCE STOCK OF ROSLYN COAL OFFICE AND YARD, HAIOTREET, WEST OF RAIIRGAD. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY S0L1C1TF UP-TO-DATE DRUG&ISTS - AGAINST- IDeadJ-r IDTa.x'oo'bics Begmnmg in the Dark Ages Mercury and Narcotic poisons (opium, belladoc a or deadly nightshade, hyoscyamus and later cocaine) were and now are used in all (except VERUS) pile medicines, but in the light of the Twentieth Century any in telligent physician or druggist will admit that narcotics or mercury do not cure piles. It simply gives momentary relief ani perpetuates the trouble or piles, f 5,5 000 reward if VFRUS PILE CURE contains mercury or narcotics. $51) raward if VERUS fails to cure any ca,e of piles. UP-TO-DATE DRUGGISTS ONLY SELL VERUS, vis: G. C. OSBURN, The Pioneer Drug Store.