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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
It Pays to Trad i at Annual Clearance Sale is Now On -: THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Agents Butterick's Patterns Items in Brief. Read the great sensational Bale at The Fair. - Try bacon. Boddy's-sugai-cured hama and Everything for the table at the Blue Front Grocery. - Rosenzweig & Shick have received a carload of salt. YouX Choice of ladies' trimmed hats for SI at The Fair. The "General Good" cigar is having the lead at Gay's. Holiday goods in vast varieties at Resenzweig & Snick's. For suits that fit well and look well, see Rosenzweig & Shick. , , "Come early and avoid the rush." Get your choice of, ladies' shirt waists for 50c. The Fair. A neat line of children s ready-made aprons at The Fair. A fresh lot of canned goods just re ceived at Bagley's. - The leading - brands of tobacco and cigars are sold by Gay. " A fresh shipment of Lowne y's candie at McBride & Co. 'a just in. All our summer dress goods going at reduced prices. For prices, read the sensation sale at The Fair.. - ; Rosenzweig & Shick have some very fine chinaware on display. ,-''. You will find satisfaction as well as saving in buying at The Fair. All the latest novelties in boas and fur goods. Athena Mercantile Co. Compare quality and you: will always find Our goods of the better grade. The Fair. . ' , : -.; ,... - Look at the new Tarn O'Shanters; all colors and all prices. Athena Mercan tile Co. . "Hustle and Push" are the modern words with an oldtime meaning, success The Fair. . Just received the verv latent hlorlcn in ! men's soft and stiff hats. Athena Mer-' can tile Co. Get Charley Gates to make you an oyster.cocktail. L None better. ' , ' fust received, a new lot of Preferred tck canned goods at Bagley's. ' - , i ; ' The famous Superior brand of candies is to be found at Bagley's. j "White as snow" is the term applied to Pendleton Steam Laundry work. Don't fail to see the new Fireside and Domestic sewing machines at Bagley's. . We do as we advertise; we advertise as we do. See for yourself. The Fair. . - . . . . . -'' If you want the best candies go tqr McBride & Co. and get Lowney's. They are world famous. ; The "Special" at Gates'. Anespeci ally fine full Havana hand made cigar only 5c. ' ' . -r For down-right good hosiery values there is not the equal of this depart ment at The Fair Store. An old saying "the proof of the pu5 ding is eating," and the only way to prove that our sale is a sensatienal one, is to come and see us. The Fair. , ; Men's neckwear; 50 styles to select from; all new for the holidays. Athena Mercantile Co. Peacock and Bob White flour is the best on the market. Get our prices. Athena Mercantile Co. i The only place in townwhere you can buy coal oil for $3.00 a case is from Athena Mercantile Co. y " " Rosenzweig &.' Shick. are sole agents for " Walkover" and Buckingham & Hecht Bhoes. The best. Don't forget the clearance sale at The Fair. It will pay you to investigate it. The Fair. No fake price. I Manufacturers samples, a special lot of new black boas, worth $2.00 each", now selling at 95c. Athena Mer. Co. j, G. W. Proebstel, the Hardware man and implement dealer of Weston, will close out his stock of John Deere and Triumph Case gang plows. Price jao object. . , - ; ; j" W. C. Miller, the harness dealer, car ries only the best stock, which includes everything in the harness and saddle line. Repairing done on short notice "by skilled workmen. v; r No-To-Bac for Fifty Cent. f Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. make weak nen birmw Nood pure. . SOo. ii. All drugyikU. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS I No Commission. No Charge for Mak ing out Papers. Low Rates and Easy Tbrros. Address, BAKER & BAKER, WALLA WALLA, - WASH. the Peoples Warehouse : If you are troubled with impure blood, indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Eixlir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisions and all blood diseases. 60c and $1.00 at Mc Bride4Co.'s. . i Sick headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa tion and indigestion and makes you eat, Bleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 60c. write to W. H. Hooker fc Co., Buffalo, 5" ,'.or.Jree "ample. For sale by McBride & Co., druggists. Notice is given to all who are indebted to Rosenzweig & Shick that all accounts not settled by February 16, will be placed in the hands of an. attorney for collection. ..... rA iaYi' teaspoon marked "1847 Rogers Bros. XII" was lost, u the night of the Kebekah installation. Please leave at Pbs8 office. V No cheap, shoddy goods, but good goods, cheap at Ed. Manasse's during the annual Clearance Sale. - The best cigars and the best grades of candies are offered by Sheets. Gates' old stand. Remember the biggest Clearance Sale of the .season will soon be on at the Fair. ... :;. ,. ... ,;,v When you .want anything in the to bacco or confectionary line go to Sheets. C. A. Barrett k Co Bell hog fenefos' and barb wire at prices which are right. ; Beef tea and other hot drinks are served at Chas. Gay's popular resort. We have evervthinir in cmnnlinn In and fixtures C.A.Barrett A Co. You should see the sewing machines at C, A. Barrett A Co's. You will get Clearance Sale. bargains at the Fair's "'See H. W. Learn, over the Athena Bank. Dentist. Office Forthe best meat go to Watt. City Meat Market. C. A. Barrett A Co. have lime at the lowest prices. , Sheets, at Gates' old stand, will treat you right. . Try the new market for the best in meats. ' Oh, Myl Front. "99" coffee at the Blue Wait Sale. for the Fair's big Clearance Press Paragraphs Sheriff Taylor was up from Pendleton Monday. X Born Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. Ora Zerba, a son. r r'" Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are Walla Walla this week. - - - - - j . in Mrs. S. F. Sharp visited with relatives in rendleton a couple of days. Born, in this city. Saturday Jan. 24, to ah. ana rars. uay uiarir, a son. Xw. W. Jacobs was in Walla Walla Monday and Tuesday on business. - Chas. Wilson, step-son of Fred Car den, is recovering from pneumonia. Miss Jeanie Roache, niece of Mr. Chas. Borrow, is visiting in Portland. Mr. J. D. Sheets, of Milton, is in town this week accompanied by his son. Miss Alcy Fobs is in Portland where she will visit friends for a couple of weeks. - . ' Mr. and Mrs. Fay S. LeGrow attend ed the opera in Pendleton Tuesday night. C. A. Sias was called to Helix Wed nesday to conduct the funeral of Grand ma Kern. R. J. Boddy has just placed on the! market this season's sugar-cured hams and bacon. .. : )CDi. Botkin reports a case of scarlet fever at the home of Wm. Pinkerton, jr.,' near town. Aunt Sarah sister' of Wm. seriously ill. ; McDougal of Killgore, is Wetoo. reported Harry Kemp, brother of I. M. Kemp,' and well known here, is down from Newport, Wash. Poster are out social dance will be at the opera house. announcing that a given this evening , 0. B." Jarman, of The Fair Rtore, is in Portland buying goods in large quantity for the spring trade. ; XMrs. Chas. Norris has purchased the W. D. Parker residence in the north part of town. Consideration, $1250. Dennis Smith, brother of J. W. Smith and Mrs. A. B. McEwen, was in the city Tuesday from Los Angeles, Calif. XAmond Pagen, who came to Umatilla i i i -o 3 l r i . . cuuoiy iu iota, uieu monuaj at dis home near Bingham Springs of cancer. Mr. Edward Manasse" left for the east ' last night where he goes to purchase a large, stock of goods for his popular store. . . Rev. L. W. Gowan will preach at the Baptist church in this city next. Sunday morning and evening. All are invited. (XNew pianos have been placed in the rhomes of Mrs. Tompkins and Mrs. J. W. Smith, this week. Mrs. B. D. dem ons purchased an organ. . . It is said the old fiddlers who partici pated in the contest Saturday night are interested in securing an old fiddlers' re-union in the near future. Dan Mclntyre this week disposed of ms wneat en a good price, uan is one of our young farmer friends who has the pluck and energy to succeed. Eight or ten pupils are taking the eighth grade examination this week in the Athena public school. Prof. Hawes anticipates very favorable results. The Epworth League will . give a series of socials, the first being on St. Valentine's evening. The date of others following will be made known in the Press. ... ' :.. ' The sons of R. A. Carden desire the Press to express their thanks and gratitude for the kind consideration of friends during tho late illness of their father. . ; ; - , children's party at the opera Louse 1 last evening was well attended by the little folks. They had plenty to eat and plenty of fun, and, no doubt,' wish there was'another party tonight. ; James Crawford, the leading harness maker of Pendleton, Ore., being over stocked in collars, whips, buggy cush ions, fur schaps, bits, spurs, etc., will give special bargains for the next .30 days.- .. -."..'- 1 - ' Weston Leaden W.P. Killgore and Lou Bruss, stockmen of the Joseph Plains in Idaho, were in town this week from Nez Perce, having brought the re mains of the late George English . for in terment at Weston. Land and city property in Umatilla county is being transferred in quantity, sales, small and large, being reported daily. Few easterners are buying, the transactions so far being confined prin cipally to western people. bOack Purdy was. down from Sumpter this week and spent a lew days at bis home south of town. - He came down with the remains of his cousin, Frank Marsh, who was killed in a Sumpter mine last Wednesday night. ; East Oregonian: John Morrison, of Adams, a gentleman about 75 years of age, is reported to be slowly starving himself to death. He is in poor health and suffers from hallucinations, and re fuses to take nourishment. . The Athena Band and orchestra will put on an old fiddler's contest at Milton on the night of February 14. Arrange ments have been . made to this effect with the management of the Milton opera house. Milton is to furnish the old fiddlers and singers. Rev. C. E. Wigmore interested a large audience at the Christian church Tues day evening with his lecture, "Living Books of the Age." This is the second in the series or tne uregon itcture course, the next being by Dr. McClish, some time next month. . JXThe remains ,of Frank Marsh, "who Wednesday were interred in the Wes ton cemetery last Saturday. . Funeral services were conducted tinder the auspices of the Knights of Pythias, of which order the young man was a mem ber. IWeston Leader: Thomas J. Lucy did last week at his home in Woods, Tillamook county, where he had been conducting a small merchandise store for several years. Mr, -Lucy was a leading c tizen of Weston some 20 years aero, and afterward served as county Judge of Umatilla county. - - ' AThirty-five young people congregated in the Fischer building last Friday even ing and had a most pleasant time, miss Keta Saunders, Messrs Abe Jones and Will Lewis were sponsors and Mrs. Chas Booher was chaperon. Refreshments were served and crokinole was the favor ite pastime of the evening. i' Weston Leaden John Edwards, formerly of Weston, and now a promi nent rancher and eheepman of Morrow county, is again here, shaking hands with "auld lang syne." He is accom panied by Mrs. Edwards, and they are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpatrick near town. The protracted meetings closed at the Methodist church Sunday evening. The meetings have been very successful, there beinsr 15 conversions and 10 ac cessions. Rev. Armfield is now in day- ton, Washington, where he is assisting in a series of meetings. .Rev. G. W. Riebv will occupy the pulpit at the M. E. Church during Mr. Armfield's ab sence. i " r J , ;"j ; . The pastor of the Christian church willirive a series of special addresses to the young people the first three Sunday evenings in February. One to young men. one to .vountr ladies and a third to young people .in general. Vital and entertaining themes will be discussed and will be worthy a eood hearing. All are invited to attend. The subject for young men next Sunday night will be "Be a Man." Arrangements are being made for an appropriate solo to be sung at each of these services. "Whan Chamberlain?" ; A diminutive messenger boy with telegram in his hand, rushed up to the clerk's desk in the Benate chamber, the other evening after the senate bad ad journed and peremtorily demanded: ; "Whurz Chamberlain?" v "Do you mean the governor of the great state of Oregon,", asked Calendar Clerk Middleton very bold, very portly and very pompous. " :" r -"Yep." ' "You should say where is the gover nor?" said the elderly clerk severely, nd the few-etragglers ia the chamber fpughed heartily. 4 " : f; i Asked? 1 Elected. .. ' The expected landslide occurred yes terday. The Seattle delegation went all to pieces. I here is a rumor that there was a deal made whereby a King county man is to be elected two years hence. j. Eleven of the delegation refused to vote for Ankeny and voted with the demo crats. . The Twelfth Ballot. Ankeny. Turner.. ..v Preston.... Wikon .. i . ........ .; ....... Jones 99' I INDIGESTION ts the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that you want, and that are good for for . you, . you are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your di gestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its attendant disagreeable sympt oms. You can safely eat anything, at any time, if you take one of thse tab lets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee. 25 cts. Money refunded if you are not satisfied, Write to us for a free 'sample. W. II. Hooker A Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Pioneer Drug Store guarantees every bottle of , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied' after using two thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, coldsf croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to re sult in pneumonia. , ' -v, ' "' THE SURE WAY to prevent pneumonia and consumption is to cure your cold, when it. first ap pears. Ackers English remedy will stop the cough in a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis and -all throat and lung troubles. If it does not satisfy the druggist will refund your money. Write to us tor free sample. W. H. Hooker A Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by McBride A Co.', druggists. -The COMMERCIAL LI VERY, 'FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts'. . . In Eastern1 Oregon 7 ... ' ';'. fr .? ' ' f . ' . - Si ': ft .. ;j ... . i Stock Boarded ' by the Day, Week I f . " if...ii. , : ' - W ur itiuuui. : i KING BROTHERS Pro's Great r Vaunts forth today, and the price quotations we give must arouse every impulse of good judgement, economy and thrift! Vision alone is the criterion by which you can adequately judge the GREAT GULF BETWEEN THE HON EST WORTH OF THE MERCHANDISE WE HANDLE AND THE PRICINGS. Our reputation as reliable mer chants is behind every statement we make, and in our initial movements our broad policy of fair dealings will be prominently evident. .The world's best merchandise, latest patterns, and greatest and most trustworthy bargains ever given in annals of trade, bid you an iuviting welcome to : r ;, ATM ft 1NJ La , The price inducements are magnetic! Every sectiou of our store thrills with bargain enthusiasm, and our sales, people await your coming and your participation in the COLLOSAL BUYING OPPORTUNITY THE YEAR. We urge you to come, but as the sale will last but 30 days we suggest early shopping; it makes it better for you and for us, Goods are cheerfully exchauged and money gladly refunded on any unsatisfactory purchase; this is one of our permanent rules, and from LITTLE THINGS . ; For Half Price and Less. Egg Beaters . . . . ...... . . . . . .... 1 . 2c 100 ft. Galvanized Wire Clothesline 15o Folding Curling jfrons.". . . ... ... . . .3c 10-qt. Galvanized. Pails. 10c Tin Pie Plates, 9 in ... .C .... .' . . 3c Tin Pie Plates, l in .3c Tin Wash Basins; llj in 7c Nutmeg Graters .J, lc . Graduated Measures, 1 juart. .... .5c Japan Dust Pans . 5c Stove Lifters..;,,...'.... .... ...lie Canopeners .... . v. lc Lrmp Burners, Nos. 1 and 2. . , . . .3c " 50c Coffee Mills 35c Iron Handles (Mrs. Potts) .5c Wardrobe Hooks, per dozen. . . . ; ,10c Clothes Pins, per dozen'. lc Safty Pins, per dozen.... . .... ..n 3c Lamp Chimneys, Nos. 1 and 2 ..... 5c . Brass Padlocks .'. 5c Enameline Stove Poliub . . . . .'. 3c Carpet Tacks, alf sizes 100 in bbl lc Baby Ribbons, 1 yaid. . I ..... .Mc Buttermilk, 3 cakes. ............ . . 4c Pencil Tablets, Sd kind. . , 3c Pencil Tablets, 10c kind 5c Ink Tablets, 10c kind..- 5c LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS in Black Satin add Flseca-lined, at a special discount. All Wool Under ' ekirts in patterns, $1.25, at 95c; $1, at 80c. Our fine line of Outing , Flannel Skirts, 50c, 40c, 35c and 25c. Drummer's samples in men's chirts, stiff bqsom worth $1, going Sale Commences January 16, t the ; SSL NICHOLS HOTEL I - 3712. FROOME. prop. . Only First-class Hotel in the City. - 1?f : THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one thai can accommodate . commercial traveler, t ' 'W Can be lecomended for Its clean and well ventilated room i. t Cob. Maim and Third, Atbma, or. Athena fire Insurance Agency ONLY THE BEST COM PANIES TO INSURE IN 0. G. CHAMBERLAIN, Agent, Notary Public and Conveyancer, HOW MANY FEET HAVE YOU ? I mean feet of wall space which need wall paper or paint? If you have any let me figure with you. I can do your work a little cheaper now than if you wait until the spring rush begins. J. W. Chapman, Athena, OroRnn. Shop In Hwuggtirt building, Third street. it there will be no deviation, at 50 nts. Greatest bargains on earth for the money. Our large line of ladies' and gent's Shoes we will give a special discount during this Sale. It will pay you to investigate. MEN'S MITTENS, heavy lined, at 40c, 85c, 25c, 20c, 15c, 10c. A large line to select from. MEN'S HEAVY SOCKS All Wool. 35c ner pair. at. .... . 25c Our 25c per pair at. ... . . . Our 20c per pair at Our 15c per pair at . 19c 15c .........12Kc SHIRTS white stripe, MEN'S WORK Our 50c black and double back and front, at 35c Our $1 heavy worsted work shirts at 70c Men's Leggings at a special dis count. . Laces, embroideries and ribbons at a special discount at this Sale. . ALL WOOL CLOTHING I. G. Miller & Cos Best on the Market. $15.00 all wool suits. 12.50 " " " .'. 10.00 " " .. 8.50 .. 7.00 " ' ' 5.00 " " " .. .....81100 . .... 8.50 ..... 7.00 0.50 .....5.00 ..... 3.50 Boys and Youths cut in half. Now is your time to buy Overcoats and Ulsters. A fine $12.00 Ulster at on RE.D White- blue Annua r" tssi fi i"si use ""n mm i th i $ ED. MAN ASS E CX)RNER JiAIN AND THIRD STS. u - ' Our Great Annual CLEARANCE 3 IS NOW IN FULL BLOOM f -3 . - - - ff. Every article is Reduced in Price to make room J , for our immense sjpring purchase now on the J waj'. Come and be( convinced. It is dollars and cents in your pockets by taking adventae of our liberal offers. " Yours for bargains, - " :;';t. v. . M E D. MANAS S E u JcJ Agent for Butterick's Patterns, y , Lf r-5 A ASTONISHING OFFER!! For rouiy yart w hvn fold mr ana our Drtnai tra prtirra nj nm , u mey &r tup?ior K ti otiiarc. in ardar to ftivethoConiumer ih benefit of the lam Droflto of Dealer eml Middlemen, we hive decided to now rnBBiar vranna or wnuiM ana t ' r wwwi ii a, ii a v With trer onartlmUlan nr fmni and one bo of our jurtljr oelehrated HainaiVimDftlUlltWt Will TUe UWlill I Klil nB.onoor ! nii-i enmeit open face, eitra heavy nickel Oent'a Watchee made.fne tm4j ttemj wind and fat. lenuine Artuirfran mnnmnnt nil m. beet tlmekeaoer nj earth, does not tarnUh and will laat a lifetime, 1 axtrnftne Vienna Meer ehaum Pipe, 1 fesaine Meerschaum Clfar Holder, 1 (rnaine Meerschaum Cigarette Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch, I olcpant extra heary tie holder. 1 nafr ileeve buttona. 1 nicaei matcn bos. I nalr near! eulr jewelry heavily 14k tmld plated. All theie U piece with one box of our famoua Cuban Specials and one quart bottle of our famous 10 year ld Queenl iCity Club Pure Rye cannot be hnueht for Imi than 913 00. We eell thel Whiakey and Clfars In.Atgl V 4 Ql C O. D with prlvlleireof ex cludlnrtheliprUeBforVnaWI tJtfsVl I amlnatton. while WhUkev an noiuieiy rm 10 year tltt Rye and oar sr vraulmo t'abau Hand ade,elar rlataat,marle fn our own f attry, These cifars are far better buu i(rrwioneoiimoremai we anyrning ever aavertiaea nerore, ImhU.. If DT bun, I. l. 8. JWiTILLKB'S U1SXKIBUXINQ CU U"'"!l . : .$9.00, . 7.00, . 6.00 . 4.50': A fine $10.00 all wool. A fine 8.00 all wool,. A fine 6.00 all wool.. RIBBED UNDERWEAR All Wool, For Men. : $1.50 a garment, cut to 81.10 and our $1,25 cut to 85c . - ' Heavy E'leece Line at 50c cut to 40c.-' 45c " 35c Heavy Cotton Line at,. 45c " 25c WOOL UNDERWEAR Our $1 all-wool underwear, sale price ,80o Our 60c union suits at .40c Our 65c ribbed, nonshrinking at 45c , GREAT BARGAINS " It's Here Where We Shine : in ladies'. Misses' arfd children's hose, the Topsy brand. Our fleece lined hose for lidies at 25c, now 15c Our fleece-lined hose for ladies at 20c, now. ...y.. . ........ 12J$ Our 15c ladies hose, now. iOo Children's heavy ribbed hose, in all Bizes, worth 25c, sale price. . 12Jie Our fine 10c seller at ... 7c LADIES' JACKETS We Have a Few Left. Ladies' black and tan Jackets cut from $9 to $6, from $7.50 to $5, from $5 to $3.50, from $1 to $2.75. The same reduction on all children's jackets. Call and look them over. if? themoaryirnot C rrtirfftMfftd. I MS f An CMr Premium otncluitPocMkiiitw1h loo blidM, 1 wki, 1 nr cutlr uii Clearance GlEAEMG s . ....... 11 Ii Si J WW J hi Pi, I? I m.7r 12 ALE fl 7 Pi, Pi 7. VhUkln and Cimrt to WholMaUrsoalr eel) direct to theConmmer our Meet) itnrt iste th,n hniiBni nr rn. VHKTl m.n OMI WILL UKT T! Ift va M Ubmi 1lyCIb PereRytJ T1IKM ! fniiliio Cnban Haei-ad lOe double chain and one twautiful eh era httttAnr l hail tntienllir button, l neck til tor lne entire 101 vur nnnmrj iu wauaaniMee tne ireeat mma rerasni Mri.. Hnn.m ut in plain bmImi. Write If - Uept. U., 431 North Clark St., Chlcnjra, 13. Sale F"5S CRASHES at 8c all pure Linen, our Cotton Crash Towling going at 3c per yd. ' Brown Canton Flannel heavy fleece . at 8c, bleached at 9c. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to our Ladies Wool Waists and Fleece Line Wrappers, we have them in all colors and sizes. Our Ladies Waists at $2.75 are now $2.00, our $1.50 at $1.15, our $1.35 at $1.00, our $1.00 going at 80c. Great bar gains i the line of Wrappers, cut in two. Call Early and get your pick. A fine line of Ladies Dress Skirts Black Venetian at $5.75 now $4.50 and our $5.00 skirts sale price' $3.75 and our $4.00 at $2.75. Ladies and Childrens Underwear, our 60c fleece lined heavy at 85c, our 25c fleecer lined heavy at 18c. DRESS GOODS Black Venitian, all wool regular price $1.25 per yard, cut to. .. 80c All our black Broad Head dress goods, selling at $1 per yard, cut to 80o 50o line cut to 40c AH our 85c cut to . ...... . 25c Our 25c cut to 18c All Prints cut to 4c per yard. Gingham 5c per yard as long as they last. Our regular 10c Outing Flan nel in all colors cut to. 8c, and our 8Ja per yard cut to 7c and our 7c per yard cut to 5c. L. L. Sheeting cut to 4JjC. Bleached Sheeting Stand ard brand, 9-4, going at 20c. Turk ish Towels cut from 15j to 10c, and our 25c cut to 15c and our 10c to 5c. Sale positively closes on Feb 16. WW 7 V 1